Dick’s Sporting Goods Makes A Courageous Political Statement

And you would be taking yet another position you can't back up, because it STILL isn't a political position at all.

You can look at it anyway you like and the rest of us will look at it our way. If it were not a political decision, it wouldn't even be a topic. If Dick's stopped selling pup tents, nobody would give a damn because nobody would have even heard about it.

Yanno in over 200 posts here I don't believe the OP ever did make the case to justify his thread title but just because he makes up a bullshit title and punches "create thread" --- doesn't mean it isn't still bullshit. And bullshit it remains until he makes his case, which he can't do. You're a better thinker than him and you can't do it either.

Once again, and I guess we'll just keep at it until it sinks in, a business making its own choices about what to add or drop from its wares, has nothing to do with "politics". And the measure of that has absolutely zero to do with "nobody would have even heard about it". Any given retail business will sell, or not sell, whatever legal goods it chooses to sell or not sell, under the conditions it chooses to sell or not sell them. They cant be required to sell something just because you, an admitted non-customer of their business, think they "should". That's absurd. It's also fascist.

Wrong. It's just like when Target decided to cater to goof balls wearing dresses. It was political because the right is for two genders only in our society and the left is for thirty. It's a right and left issue. Guns are a right and left issue. Gay marriage was a right and left issue. Speaking of which, it was the left that tried to boycott Chick-Fil-A because of their religious stance on gay marriage.

You seem enslaved to this absurd dichotomy machine to fuel your blanket generalizations.

I have no idea what the Target reference means but I believe Chick-fil-A was the fast food chain I was trying to think of that closes on Sundays ---- once again, a business decides how (and when) it will do what it does. Just as CVS decides it will stop selling tobacco even though it's legal and a source of revenue to do so, just as Dick's drops the AR-15s, etc etc etc.

Once AGAIN there's no law, nor can there be, declaring that CVS "must" sell tobacco, that Chick-Fil-A "must" open on Sundays, or that Dick's or Mal-Wart or K-Mart "must" sell firearms. THAT'S THEIR CHOICE.

When I moved into this town it was a "dry" county (no liquor). In time "dry" was voted out and it became legal to sell booze. Immediately the local megagrocery cleared out a corner of its space to sell beer and wine and a liquor store opened down the road. The "political" part of that was the referendum that made the county "wet". Once that was done, politics ceased to be associated with it. The businesses added alcohol sales (or did not) according to what made sense to their business and their own sensibilities. No law, and no politics, "required" them to sell or not sell alcohol -- it's their own decision.

Alcohol sales are not controversial nor drawn on political lines. We still have a suburb called Bay Village which to my knowledge is still a dry burb. Most areas here were dry on Sunday's when I was growing up. They all serve alcohol now, but again, that was a desire of the public.

If you want to take politics out of business, that's fine with me. But again, if it wasn't political, it wouldn't be a topic or news story. Nobody would care. But because it's political, we do care and it's up for discussion or to be a story. Regardless of how you look at it, most of us do look at it as political.
And you would be taking yet another position you can't back up, because it STILL isn't a political position at all.

You can look at it anyway you like and the rest of us will look at it our way. If it were not a political decision, it wouldn't even be a topic. If Dick's stopped selling pup tents, nobody would give a damn because nobody would have even heard about it.

Yanno in over 200 posts here I don't believe the OP ever did make the case to justify his thread title but just because he makes up a bullshit title and punches "create thread" --- doesn't mean it isn't still bullshit. And bullshit it remains until he makes his case, which he can't do. You're a better thinker than him and you can't do it either.

Once again, and I guess we'll just keep at it until it sinks in, a business making its own choices about what to add or drop from its wares, has nothing to do with "politics". And the measure of that has absolutely zero to do with "nobody would have even heard about it". Any given retail business will sell, or not sell, whatever legal goods it chooses to sell or not sell, under the conditions it chooses to sell or not sell them. They cant be required to sell something just because you, an admitted non-customer of their business, think they "should". That's absurd. It's also fascist.

Wrong. It's just like when Target decided to cater to goof balls wearing dresses. It was political because the right is for two genders only in our society and the left is for thirty. It's a right and left issue. Guns are a right and left issue. Gay marriage was a right and left issue. Speaking of which, it was the left that tried to boycott Chick-Fil-A because of their religious stance on gay marriage.

You seem enslaved to this absurd dichotomy machine to fuel your blanket generalizations.

I have no idea what the Target reference means but I believe Chick-fil-A was the fast food chain I was trying to think of that closes on Sundays ---- once again, a business decides how (and when) it will do what it does. Just as CVS decides it will stop selling tobacco even though it's legal and a source of revenue to do so, just as Dick's drops the AR-15s, etc etc etc.

Once AGAIN there's no law, nor can there be, declaring that CVS "must" sell tobacco, that Chick-Fil-A "must" open on Sundays, or that Dick's or Mal-Wart or K-Mart "must" sell firearms. THAT'S THEIR CHOICE.

When I moved into this town it was a "dry" county (no liquor). In time "dry" was voted out and it became legal to sell booze. Immediately the local megagrocery cleared out a corner of its space to sell beer and wine and a liquor store opened down the road. The "political" part of that was the referendum that made the county "wet". Once that was done, politics ceased to be associated with it. The businesses added alcohol sales (or did not) according to what made sense to their business and their own sensibilities. No law, and no politics, "required" them to sell or not sell alcohol -- it's their own decision.

Alcohol sales are not controversial nor drawn on political lines. We still have a suburb called Bay Village which to my knowledge is still a dry burb. Most areas here were dry on Sunday's when I was growing up. They all serve alcohol now, but again, that was a desire of the public.

Obviously alcohol *IS* both controversial and, when legislated, political. You're actually going to sit on this message board and pretend to pretend that the subject of not one but two Constitutional Amendments, a major industry of organized crime, the direct cause of literally tens of thousands of deaths each year, not to mention addiction, and the subject of state and local regulation including suspension of driving privileges ---- "ISN'T CONTROVERSIAL OR POLITICAL"??

Holy SHIT, dood.

When those two Constitutional Amendments came and went, and when the local governments relaxed prohibition, businesses (legal ones, rather than the mob) then made their choices as to whether alcohol was going to be part of their business. Which way they went on that question DID NOT depend on which side of the Amendment or local ordinance they were on ---- that's purely based on whether that, let's say restaurant, WANTS TO involve alcohol in its business. The "political" part of that was all exercised when the temperancists and the religio-fascists and the Klan pushed for prohibition, and ended when that prohibition did. AFTER that point commerce came (back) in.

In the instant case however, there isn't any such legislation banning firearms altogether, though there are local regulations and there is discussion about more -------- but the business involved here isn't part of that discussion. It simply made an internal change in its own business model, which it has every right to do just as CVS has the equivalent right to decline to sell tobacco, just as Chik-Fil-A has the equivalent right to close their stores on Sundays (or any day it wants), just as the restaurant down the road has the equivalent right to decline to include alcohol on its menu if that's what it wants to do.

You cannot "take the politics out of" somewhere it isn't present. And unless you can show us where this business is lobbying Congress about gun laws --- it isn't. It's simply a business deciding FOR ITSELF that here's a part of the world it no longer wishes to be involved in, and you can't do anything about that any more than the smoker can force CVS to sell him cigarettes. It's their decision, not yours.

I went looking for an electric blanket somewhere around January at my local discount store only to be told they only stock them in the fall. I can't force them to go find me an electric blanket. It's not my place to do that.
Cowardly PC shite. No Gun Owner should give their money to Dick's or Walmart. If they do decide to, they'll be supporting the Gun Grabber Agenda. They need to think very carefully before spending their money at those stores.
Yes, that's the way to go with DIck's. Let them eat the cost of the guns, help the gun makers, and cut off their income.

Dick's will likely suffer and fade at some point. But Walmart's another story. It just implemented the same policies. But so many people are addicted to Walmart. It'll be a real test to see if Gun Owners are willing to make a sacrifice and stop giving Walmart their money.

I mean if you can't make that kind of sacrifice, what chance do you really have against the Gun Grabbers? The Gun Grabber Agenda has $Billions behind it. If you can't sacrifice buying cheap shitty stuff at Walmart, how are you gonna successfully battle those folks?

It pretty much comes down to just down deeply ingrained the paranoia has drilled into the gun nut.

No, the Communist/Globalist Agenda is clear. Disarming the Citizenry is a big part of it. If Gun Owners choose to give their money to Dick's and Walmart, they are supporting the Gun Grabber Agenda. Are they willing make a sacrifice and stop buying cheap shitty stuff from Walmart? I hope so.

If you can't make that kind of sacrifice, how can you successfully battle the Gun Grabbers? They have $Billions, and numerous very powerful politicians behind their Agenda. It's gonna take a whole lotta bravery and sacrifice to stand up to them.
You can look at it anyway you like and the rest of us will look at it our way. If it were not a political decision, it wouldn't even be a topic. If Dick's stopped selling pup tents, nobody would give a damn because nobody would have even heard about it.

Yanno in over 200 posts here I don't believe the OP ever did make the case to justify his thread title but just because he makes up a bullshit title and punches "create thread" --- doesn't mean it isn't still bullshit. And bullshit it remains until he makes his case, which he can't do. You're a better thinker than him and you can't do it either.

Once again, and I guess we'll just keep at it until it sinks in, a business making its own choices about what to add or drop from its wares, has nothing to do with "politics". And the measure of that has absolutely zero to do with "nobody would have even heard about it". Any given retail business will sell, or not sell, whatever legal goods it chooses to sell or not sell, under the conditions it chooses to sell or not sell them. They cant be required to sell something just because you, an admitted non-customer of their business, think they "should". That's absurd. It's also fascist.

Wrong. It's just like when Target decided to cater to goof balls wearing dresses. It was political because the right is for two genders only in our society and the left is for thirty. It's a right and left issue. Guns are a right and left issue. Gay marriage was a right and left issue. Speaking of which, it was the left that tried to boycott Chick-Fil-A because of their religious stance on gay marriage.

You seem enslaved to this absurd dichotomy machine to fuel your blanket generalizations.

I have no idea what the Target reference means but I believe Chick-fil-A was the fast food chain I was trying to think of that closes on Sundays ---- once again, a business decides how (and when) it will do what it does. Just as CVS decides it will stop selling tobacco even though it's legal and a source of revenue to do so, just as Dick's drops the AR-15s, etc etc etc.

Once AGAIN there's no law, nor can there be, declaring that CVS "must" sell tobacco, that Chick-Fil-A "must" open on Sundays, or that Dick's or Mal-Wart or K-Mart "must" sell firearms. THAT'S THEIR CHOICE.

When I moved into this town it was a "dry" county (no liquor). In time "dry" was voted out and it became legal to sell booze. Immediately the local megagrocery cleared out a corner of its space to sell beer and wine and a liquor store opened down the road. The "political" part of that was the referendum that made the county "wet". Once that was done, politics ceased to be associated with it. The businesses added alcohol sales (or did not) according to what made sense to their business and their own sensibilities. No law, and no politics, "required" them to sell or not sell alcohol -- it's their own decision.

Alcohol sales are not controversial nor drawn on political lines. We still have a suburb called Bay Village which to my knowledge is still a dry burb. Most areas here were dry on Sunday's when I was growing up. They all serve alcohol now, but again, that was a desire of the public.

Obviously alcohol *IS* both controversial and, when legislated, political. You're actually going to sit on this message board and pretend to pretend that the subject of not one but two Constitutional Amendments, a major industry of organized crime, the direct cause of literally tens of thousands of deaths each year, not to mention addiction, and the subject of state and local regulation including suspension of driving privileges ---- "ISN'T CONTROVERSIAL OR POLITICAL"??

Holy SHIT, dood.

When those two Constitutional Amendments came and went, and when the local governments relaxed prohibition, businesses (legal ones, rather than the mob) then made their choices as to whether alcohol was going to be part of their business. Which way they went on that question DID NOT depend on which side of the Amendment or local ordinance they were on ---- that's purely based on whether that, let's say restaurant, WANTS TO involve alcohol in its business. The "political" part of that was all exercised when the temperancists and the religio-fascists and the Klan pushed for prohibition, and ended when that prohibition did. AFTER that point commerce came (back) in.

In the instant case however, there isn't any such legislation banning firearms altogether, though there are local regulations and there is discussion about more -------- but the business involved here isn't part of that discussion. It simply made an internal change in its own business model, which it has every right to do just as CVS has the equivalent right to decline to sell tobacco, just as Chik-Fil-A has the equivalent right to close their stores on Sundays (or any day it wants), just as the restaurant down the road has the equivalent right to decline to include alcohol on its menu if that's what it wants to do.

You cannot "take the politics out of" somewhere it isn't present. And unless you can show us where this business is lobbying Congress about gun laws --- it isn't. It's simply a business deciding FOR ITSELF that here's a part of the world it no longer wishes to be involved in, and you can't do anything about that any more than the smoker can force CVS to sell him cigarettes. It's their decision, not yours.

I went looking for an electric blanket somewhere around January at my local discount store only to be told they only stock them in the fall. I can't force them to go find me an electric blanket. It's not my place to do that.

So when did I ever hint that people should force Dick's to carry guns? I never said anything like that.

Alcohol is not controversial because many people drink alcohol: Democrats, Republicans, Catholics, Baptists, blacks, whites, short people, tall people, fat people. It's not political in any way therefore not controversial. Nor are there any protests against alcohol or meetings in town halls about once again making alcohol illegal. Alcohol does fall under local guidelines. That's why you need an alcohol license to sell the stuff. They grant only so many, so if there are none left, you have to wait until a current business that sells alcohol either stops selling it or closes down.

You don't have to be protesting, rioting or addressing congress take a political stance. When there is an issue divided among party lines, simply taking a side is political.
Cowardly PC shite. No Gun Owner should give their money to Dick's or Walmart. If they do decide to, they'll be supporting the Gun Grabber Agenda. They need to think very carefully before spending their money at those stores.
Yes, that's the way to go with DIck's. Let them eat the cost of the guns, help the gun makers, and cut off their income.

Dick's will likely suffer and fade at some point. But Walmart's another story. It just implemented the same policies. But so many people are addicted to Walmart. It'll be a real test to see if Gun Owners are willing to make a sacrifice and stop giving Walmart their money.

I mean if you can't make that kind of sacrifice, what chance do you really have against the Gun Grabbers? The Gun Grabber Agenda has $Billions behind it. If you can't sacrifice buying cheap shitty stuff at Walmart, how are you gonna successfully battle those folks?

It pretty much comes down to just down deeply ingrained the paranoia has drilled into the gun nut.

No, the Communist/Globalist Agenda is clear. Disarming the Citizenry is a big part of it. If Gun Owners choose to give their money to Dick's and Walmart, they are supporting the Gun Grabber Agenda. Are they willing make a sacrifice and stop buying cheap shitty stuff from Walmart? I hope so.

If you can't make that kind of sacrifice, how can you successfully battle the Gun Grabbers? They have $Billions, and numerous very powerful politicians behind their Agenda. It's gonna take a whole lotta bravery and sacrifice to stand up to them.

So, now Walmart is part of the conspiracy to take over the government, take away your guns, and turn us in to a communist country? That must be the reason they have all those tunnels under the Walmarts in El Paso......
Cowardly PC shite. No Gun Owner should give their money to Dick's or Walmart. If they do decide to, they'll be supporting the Gun Grabber Agenda. They need to think very carefully before spending their money at those stores.
Yes, that's the way to go with DIck's. Let them eat the cost of the guns, help the gun makers, and cut off their income.

Dick's will likely suffer and fade at some point. But Walmart's another story. It just implemented the same policies. But so many people are addicted to Walmart. It'll be a real test to see if Gun Owners are willing to make a sacrifice and stop giving Walmart their money.

I mean if you can't make that kind of sacrifice, what chance do you really have against the Gun Grabbers? The Gun Grabber Agenda has $Billions behind it. If you can't sacrifice buying cheap shitty stuff at Walmart, how are you gonna successfully battle those folks?

It pretty much comes down to just down deeply ingrained the paranoia has drilled into the gun nut.

No, the Communist/Globalist Agenda is clear. Disarming the Citizenry is a big part of it. If Gun Owners choose to give their money to Dick's and Walmart, they are supporting the Gun Grabber Agenda. Are they willing make a sacrifice and stop buying cheap shitty stuff from Walmart? I hope so.

If you can't make that kind of sacrifice, how can you successfully battle the Gun Grabbers? They have $Billions, and numerous very powerful politicians behind their Agenda. It's gonna take a whole lotta bravery and sacrifice to stand up to them.

So, now Walmart is part of the conspiracy to take over the government, take away your guns, and turn us in to a communist country? That must be the reason they have all those tunnels under the Walmarts in El Paso......

Walmart just implemented the same policy as Dick's. No Gun Owner should give either company their money. They completely caved to the Gun Grabber assholes.
Yes, that's the way to go with DIck's. Let them eat the cost of the guns, help the gun makers, and cut off their income.

Dick's will likely suffer and fade at some point. But Walmart's another story. It just implemented the same policies. But so many people are addicted to Walmart. It'll be a real test to see if Gun Owners are willing to make a sacrifice and stop giving Walmart their money.

I mean if you can't make that kind of sacrifice, what chance do you really have against the Gun Grabbers? The Gun Grabber Agenda has $Billions behind it. If you can't sacrifice buying cheap shitty stuff at Walmart, how are you gonna successfully battle those folks?

It pretty much comes down to just down deeply ingrained the paranoia has drilled into the gun nut.

No, the Communist/Globalist Agenda is clear. Disarming the Citizenry is a big part of it. If Gun Owners choose to give their money to Dick's and Walmart, they are supporting the Gun Grabber Agenda. Are they willing make a sacrifice and stop buying cheap shitty stuff from Walmart? I hope so.

If you can't make that kind of sacrifice, how can you successfully battle the Gun Grabbers? They have $Billions, and numerous very powerful politicians behind their Agenda. It's gonna take a whole lotta bravery and sacrifice to stand up to them.

So, now Walmart is part of the conspiracy to take over the government, take away your guns, and turn us in to a communist country? That must be the reason they have all those tunnels under the Walmarts in El Paso......

Walmart just implemented the same policy as Dick's. No Gun Owner should give either company their money. They completely caved to the Gun Grabber assholes.

Definitely a communist conspiracy. Black helicopters coming..........
Dick's will likely suffer and fade at some point. But Walmart's another story. It just implemented the same policies. But so many people are addicted to Walmart. It'll be a real test to see if Gun Owners are willing to make a sacrifice and stop giving Walmart their money.

I mean if you can't make that kind of sacrifice, what chance do you really have against the Gun Grabbers? The Gun Grabber Agenda has $Billions behind it. If you can't sacrifice buying cheap shitty stuff at Walmart, how are you gonna successfully battle those folks?

It pretty much comes down to just down deeply ingrained the paranoia has drilled into the gun nut.

No, the Communist/Globalist Agenda is clear. Disarming the Citizenry is a big part of it. If Gun Owners choose to give their money to Dick's and Walmart, they are supporting the Gun Grabber Agenda. Are they willing make a sacrifice and stop buying cheap shitty stuff from Walmart? I hope so.

If you can't make that kind of sacrifice, how can you successfully battle the Gun Grabbers? They have $Billions, and numerous very powerful politicians behind their Agenda. It's gonna take a whole lotta bravery and sacrifice to stand up to them.

So, now Walmart is part of the conspiracy to take over the government, take away your guns, and turn us in to a communist country? That must be the reason they have all those tunnels under the Walmarts in El Paso......

Walmart just implemented the same policy as Dick's. No Gun Owner should give either company their money. They completely caved to the Gun Grabber assholes.

Definitely a communist conspiracy. Black helicopters coming..........

Now you're getting it. Check out the doc 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can see it on Amazon Prime. Disarming the Citizenry is big part of the Communist Agenda. So yes, it is a Communist/Democrat conspiracy. They are coming for the guns.
It pretty much comes down to just down deeply ingrained the paranoia has drilled into the gun nut.

No, the Communist/Globalist Agenda is clear. Disarming the Citizenry is a big part of it. If Gun Owners choose to give their money to Dick's and Walmart, they are supporting the Gun Grabber Agenda. Are they willing make a sacrifice and stop buying cheap shitty stuff from Walmart? I hope so.

If you can't make that kind of sacrifice, how can you successfully battle the Gun Grabbers? They have $Billions, and numerous very powerful politicians behind their Agenda. It's gonna take a whole lotta bravery and sacrifice to stand up to them.

So, now Walmart is part of the conspiracy to take over the government, take away your guns, and turn us in to a communist country? That must be the reason they have all those tunnels under the Walmarts in El Paso......

Walmart just implemented the same policy as Dick's. No Gun Owner should give either company their money. They completely caved to the Gun Grabber assholes.

Definitely a communist conspiracy. Black helicopters coming..........

Now you're getting it. Check out the doc 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can see it on Amazon Prime. Disarming the Citizenry is big part of the Communist Agenda. So yes, it is a Communist/Democrat conspiracy. They are coming for the guns.


No, the Communist/Globalist Agenda is clear. Disarming the Citizenry is a big part of it. If Gun Owners choose to give their money to Dick's and Walmart, they are supporting the Gun Grabber Agenda. Are they willing make a sacrifice and stop buying cheap shitty stuff from Walmart? I hope so.

If you can't make that kind of sacrifice, how can you successfully battle the Gun Grabbers? They have $Billions, and numerous very powerful politicians behind their Agenda. It's gonna take a whole lotta bravery and sacrifice to stand up to them.

So, now Walmart is part of the conspiracy to take over the government, take away your guns, and turn us in to a communist country? That must be the reason they have all those tunnels under the Walmarts in El Paso......

Walmart just implemented the same policy as Dick's. No Gun Owner should give either company their money. They completely caved to the Gun Grabber assholes.

Definitely a communist conspiracy. Black helicopters coming..........

Now you're getting it. Check out the doc 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can see it on Amazon Prime. Disarming the Citizenry is big part of the Communist Agenda. So yes, it is a Communist/Democrat conspiracy. They are coming for the guns.



Not a 'Conspiracy Theory', it's a Conspiracy Fact. The Communists/Democrats are coming for the guns.
So, now Walmart is part of the conspiracy to take over the government, take away your guns, and turn us in to a communist country? That must be the reason they have all those tunnels under the Walmarts in El Paso......

Walmart just implemented the same policy as Dick's. No Gun Owner should give either company their money. They completely caved to the Gun Grabber assholes.

Definitely a communist conspiracy. Black helicopters coming..........

Now you're getting it. Check out the doc 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can see it on Amazon Prime. Disarming the Citizenry is big part of the Communist Agenda. So yes, it is a Communist/Democrat conspiracy. They are coming for the guns.



Not a 'Conspiracy Theory', it's a Conspiracy Fact. The Communists/Democrats are coming for the guns.

Any decade now. Mah pappy spent his life standin' on the porch waitiin' for 'em, mah granpappy before that, and mah great granpappy before that. It's only a matter of time.


Lotsa time.
Walmart just implemented the same policy as Dick's. No Gun Owner should give either company their money. They completely caved to the Gun Grabber assholes.

Definitely a communist conspiracy. Black helicopters coming..........

Now you're getting it. Check out the doc 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can see it on Amazon Prime. Disarming the Citizenry is big part of the Communist Agenda. So yes, it is a Communist/Democrat conspiracy. They are coming for the guns.



Not a 'Conspiracy Theory', it's a Conspiracy Fact. The Communists/Democrats are coming for the guns.

Any decade now. Mah pappy spent his life standin' on the porch waitiin' for 'em, mah granpappy before that, and mah great granpappy before that. It's only a matter of time.


Lotsa time.

No wonder you turned out the way you did.
Walmart just implemented the same policy as Dick's. No Gun Owner should give either company their money. They completely caved to the Gun Grabber assholes.

Definitely a communist conspiracy. Black helicopters coming..........

Now you're getting it. Check out the doc 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can see it on Amazon Prime. Disarming the Citizenry is big part of the Communist Agenda. So yes, it is a Communist/Democrat conspiracy. They are coming for the guns.



Not a 'Conspiracy Theory', it's a Conspiracy Fact. The Communists/Democrats are coming for the guns.

Any decade now. Mah pappy spent his life standin' on the porch waitiin' for 'em, mah granpappy before that, and mah great granpappy before that. It's only a matter of time.


Lotsa time.

Check out the doc 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' Communists are very patient. They've been at it for almost 100yrs in this country. They just keep on pushing. It's a 'Death by a thousand cuts' strategy.

Once they seized control of the US Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. But they aren't done. Disarming the populace is no 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' It is a major part of the Agenda. They will continue to push.
Definitely a communist conspiracy. Black helicopters coming..........

Now you're getting it. Check out the doc 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can see it on Amazon Prime. Disarming the Citizenry is big part of the Communist Agenda. So yes, it is a Communist/Democrat conspiracy. They are coming for the guns.



Not a 'Conspiracy Theory', it's a Conspiracy Fact. The Communists/Democrats are coming for the guns.

Any decade now. Mah pappy spent his life standin' on the porch waitiin' for 'em, mah granpappy before that, and mah great granpappy before that. It's only a matter of time.


Lotsa time.

Check out the doc 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' Communists are very patient. They've been at it for almost 100yrs in this country. They just keep on pushing. It's a 'Death by a thousand cuts' strategy.

Once they seized control of the US Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. But they aren't done. Disarming the populace is no 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' It is a major part of the Agenda. They will continue to push.

Never drink from the eater cooler at Walmart. They chlorinate the water. They are polluting our precious bodily fluids.
Now you're getting it. Check out the doc 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can see it on Amazon Prime. Disarming the Citizenry is big part of the Communist Agenda. So yes, it is a Communist/Democrat conspiracy. They are coming for the guns.



Not a 'Conspiracy Theory', it's a Conspiracy Fact. The Communists/Democrats are coming for the guns.

Any decade now. Mah pappy spent his life standin' on the porch waitiin' for 'em, mah granpappy before that, and mah great granpappy before that. It's only a matter of time.


Lotsa time.

Check out the doc 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' Communists are very patient. They've been at it for almost 100yrs in this country. They just keep on pushing. It's a 'Death by a thousand cuts' strategy.

Once they seized control of the US Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. But they aren't done. Disarming the populace is no 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' It is a major part of the Agenda. They will continue to push.

Never drink from the eater cooler at Walmart. They chlorinate the water. They are polluting our precious bodily fluids.

I don't shop at Walmart. It's douchebag hell. It's all you. ;)
Dick's will likely suffer and fade at some point. But Walmart's another story. It just implemented the same policies. But so many people are addicted to Walmart. It'll be a real test to see if Gun Owners are willing to make a sacrifice and stop giving Walmart their money.

I mean if you can't make that kind of sacrifice, what chance do you really have against the Gun Grabbers? The Gun Grabber Agenda has $Billions behind it. If you can't sacrifice buying cheap shitty stuff at Walmart, how are you gonna successfully battle those folks?

It pretty much comes down to just down deeply ingrained the paranoia has drilled into the gun nut.

No, the Communist/Globalist Agenda is clear. Disarming the Citizenry is a big part of it. If Gun Owners choose to give their money to Dick's and Walmart, they are supporting the Gun Grabber Agenda. Are they willing make a sacrifice and stop buying cheap shitty stuff from Walmart? I hope so.

If you can't make that kind of sacrifice, how can you successfully battle the Gun Grabbers? They have $Billions, and numerous very powerful politicians behind their Agenda. It's gonna take a whole lotta bravery and sacrifice to stand up to them.

So, now Walmart is part of the conspiracy to take over the government, take away your guns, and turn us in to a communist country? That must be the reason they have all those tunnels under the Walmarts in El Paso......

Walmart just implemented the same policy as Dick's. No Gun Owner should give either company their money. They completely caved to the Gun Grabber assholes.

Definitely a communist conspiracy. Black helicopters coming..........
Black helicopters would more deep state than communist...

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