Did ANYONE on this board see a savings from Obamacare?

No, lost my job because of this and then had to pay to get healthcare for a temp job somewhere else. Obama doesn't get it. Not liking this moronic healthcare system or the person that created this debacle. It is clearly failing, companies are abandoning obamacare. I am tired of splitting hairs and playing games
The US can.

The average family of four makes 50 to 75 K per year.

They can afford 34 K ?

Good to know.
What part about the "US" confused you?

Was there something you wanted to point out.

Don't be afraid.
I already pointed out your intellect has vast gaps in regards to your reading comprehension. I said the US could afford to give every citizen free health care and you start asking what family can afford 34k a year. That is a disturbing disconnect you have going on there.

If I look up the word ignorant I'm sure your picture is right there.
Pay your own damn way kid, we don't owe you anything.
When I looked up the word ignorant i saw your avatar.

I pay my way and several others such as yourself. I dont mind either. Everyone should have healthcare. The US government makes enough money to provide everyone free health care. i am with that all the way.
If you are able to lie about your income and get away with it Obamacare could be very good for you...because it's not a healthcare ins program it's a welfare program where the middle class and the wealthy pay for the healthcare of poor people. That's all it is. Everyone else will see their costs continue to rise and their options will be less and less every year until we demand a change. I suggest you start a money losing one man operated business and hide as much income as you can or you will not be able to afford coverage.
Thats pretty much the point. Wealthy people pay for all the money they swindle, con, etc from you. Just think about it this way. If you were dead how much money could they siphon from your pocket and bank account? If youre middle class then most likely you support these wealthy people that dont pay much in taxes anyway due to tax shelters and loop holes in the law. For an example ask Drumpf how he is able to write off the consulting fees he paid to a company that he actually owns.
Did ANYONE on this board see a savings from Obamacare?

No, our premiums and deductibles have gone up significantly and are about to go up even more. But the good news is twofold: As a 57-year-old male, if I need a hysterectomy, I'm now paying for that coverage and finally, FINALLY we've seen the end of that pesky 40-hour work week.
Some people said they did see a savings. Did you just skip over their posts or are you ignoring them?
Mod Edit - No altering people's quotes - please review the rules.
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Health care was the number one cause of bankruptcy under Bush. Democrats tried to fix that. Republicans did everything they possibly could to fuck it it.

Now Republicans are complaining about what they did and assigning that blame to someone else.


No they didn't. obummercare was WRITTEN by the insurance companies you moron. As is always true under progressive administrations, the wealthiest one percent of the population does extremely well (far better than they ever do under repub admins I'm sad to say) while the middle class suffers. It is a pattern that I would think even a braind dead moron, like you, could understand.

The official author of the PPACA is the United States Congress. I'm sure you can find some blogger to "prove" that your cute little parody was written by someone else, but the grownups here are discussing the PPACA. Whatever proof you have about its authorship would be interesting.

(Now here's the part where you say "Look it up yourself.")

Yeah? So? We all know that the "official author" claim is BS. WE. KNOW. THIS. Your argument is specious.
Yep. My deduct is 6500.

Ok, so the $6,000+ deductible is now normal? I never had to a deductible that high until ObamaCare. I hardly even saw a health plan with a deductible that high. Now all of them are that way? .... sigh... only the left-wing can see a train wreck like this, and call it 'progress'.

In once sense it makes sense.....we do pay a lot of money out for healthcare.

The problem is that the ones paying are the ones who can least afford it.

Which is what the subsidies are all about. You know, those subsidies you keep whining about?

Yes, you rob from the middle class to give to the one percenters. GREAT PLAN!

So you believe anyone earning less than 400% of the Federal poverty line is a one-percenter? Fascinating!

No, those are the middle class. You know the people who are getting bent over to pay for your worthless insurance.
Did ANYONE on this board see a savings from Obamacare?

No, our premiums and deductibles have gone up significantly and are about to go up even more. But the good news is twofold: As a 57-year-old male, if I need a hysterectomy, I'm now paying for that coverage and finally, FINALLY we've seen the end of that pesky 40-hour work week.
Some people said they did see a savings. Did you just skip over their posts or are you ignoring them?

Not at all. There are indeed a few who do save....but they are only able to do it because others have to pay for it. That's the point. In legal terminology it would be classified as a Ponzi Scheme.
2014 obamacare paid for 3 operations for me..and then replaced both of my husbands knees.....the deduct put me in debt and i am still paying that.....2015 and this year...i have just paid the insurance companies and got nothing....due to the high deducts.....i love hearing people complain about a 500 buck deduct...i would love that...try 5 k...deduct

Replacement of a single knee averages ~$25,000. When you get two of those + three additional operations in a single year, how much do you think you should contribute to those costs?

Not in the US. Average cost is 49,500 as of 2015.
Did ANYONE on this board see a savings from Obamacare?

No, our premiums and deductibles have gone up significantly and are about to go up even more. But the good news is twofold: As a 57-year-old male, if I need a hysterectomy, I'm now paying for that coverage and finally, FINALLY we've seen the end of that pesky 40-hour work week.
Some people said they did see a savings. Did you just skip over their posts or are you ignoring them?

Not at all. There are indeed a few who do save....but they are only able to do it because others have to pay for it. That's the point. In legal terminology it would be classified as a Ponzi Scheme.
the key phrase is "There are indeed a few who save" That passes the requirement of the OP doesnt it?
Health care was the number one cause of bankruptcy under Bush. Democrats tried to fix that. Republicans did everything they possibly could to fuck it it.

Now Republicans are complaining about what they did and assigning that blame to someone else.


Not true. I looked up that "research" and found that they considered every single bankruptcy with over (if I remember right) $5000 worth of medical bills, to be a "medical bankruptcy".

The problem is, they could have $100,000 worth of credit card bills, only one bill for $5001 worth of medical bills, and their report, it would be a "medical bankruptcy". No one files bankruptcy on $5,000 dollars. The cost of actually filing the bankruptcy would be almost that much. The national average total cost of filing Chapter 7 is $3,000. Really? You are going to file bankruptcy on $5,000 and pay $3,000 to do it? And chapter 13 is more expensive.

Additionally, they included bankruptcies where the loss of work due to medical problems, they also considered medical bankruptcies. In other words, if you missed 3 months of work, and had to file bankruptcy because you got cancer and couldn't work, that was a medical bankruptcy.

The problem is, if you are recovering from cancer, even if your medical treatment is covered 100%, and you paid not a single penny in medical bills.... you would still miss work. There is no health care system on the planet, where socialized Gov-care magically makes you able to avoid missing work due to an illness. People in France with cancer, still miss work.

And when you miss work, you still don't get paid.

So, your claim about the 'health care costs are the number one cause of bankruptcy'.... is utter crap. Not true.

So part of the costs don't fit your nitty-picky criteria so you think you have an excuse to toss the whole thing out. Unless, of course, it happens to you or someone you care about.

As for time off work, here's how the U.S. stacks up compared to the rest of the industrialized world:

Does where you live determine how often you call in sick?

Once again, compared to how it views its citizens, the U.S. is a third-world nation. No wonder y'all are so grumpy about taxes.

Nitty-picky? Stop being childish. The research paper, didn't determine how much debt was consumer debt and how much was actually directly related to medical bills.

That's a massive problem. If you buy a $50,000 car, and a $300,000 home, and take out $100,000 in credit card debt, take out $80,000 in student loans to earn a degree in "social work", then you earn $40,000 a year...... and then break your arm, and get a $5,000 medical bill, and you file bankruptcy.... to consider that a "medical bankruptcy" and claim medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy...... is not just wrong, and stupid.... it is intellectually dishonest, which is a nice way of saying you are a scum sucking bold faced lying ignorant fool.

Moreover, if someone does all the same stuff above, but has 100% insurance, and pays ZERO for breaking their arm, but misses 3 months of work and files bankruptcy, to call that a medical bankruptcy is completely bonkers. As if having a socialized system would magically make your bones mend in 25 minutes, so you wouldn't miss a day of work.....

Grow up.

And by the way, it has happened to people I care about. They did something amazing. They got back to work after they recovered, and paid their bills.

In fact, I've done it.

Moreover, out of all the countries in the world, you have a better chance of being diagnosed, treated, and cured, in the US.

View attachment 86530

Every single time they look at 5-year survival rates, we're number one. Top of the list.

So when you argue about "do you want to go bankrupt to get health care".... what you are in fact arguing is "Wouldn't it be better to have a higher chance of dying, to avoid bankruptcy?".

To answer your question: No, I'd rather go bankrupt, and live to earn the money back. No dead person, is better off because at least they didn't get a bill.... oh wait... they did get a bill. It's called funeral expenses. Or is that covered by your socialized gov-care system too?

Are you capable of any fellow feeling for the cancer patient who's just lost his job? Probably not. It's all about the numbers for you.

Of course we feel for them. The problem is you bankrupt EVERYBODY in a ridiculous quest to prevent the one. That's the point. Your emotions are wonderful but the problem is the reality of medical costs are atrocious because the insurance companies are allowed to operate mini cartels, add to that the bottom feeding lawyers who sue for every little thing and thus drive up the insurance that the doctors have to pay and the whole system is going to collapse because emotional cripples, like you, think you can alter reality with legislation.
Did ANYONE on this board see a savings from Obamacare?

No, our premiums and deductibles have gone up significantly and are about to go up even more. But the good news is twofold: As a 57-year-old male, if I need a hysterectomy, I'm now paying for that coverage and finally, FINALLY we've seen the end of that pesky 40-hour work week.
Some people said they did see a savings. Did you just skip over their posts or are you ignoring them?

Not at all. There are indeed a few who do save....but they are only able to do it because others have to pay for it. That's the point. In legal terminology it would be classified as a Ponzi Scheme.
the key phrase is "There are indeed a few who save" That passes the requirement of the OP doesnt it?

Not really. The claim was if you were middle class you would see a drop in your insurance costs. That was a lie. The middle class as a whole has seen a marked increase in their costs.
Did ANYONE on this board see a savings from Obamacare?

No, our premiums and deductibles have gone up significantly and are about to go up even more. But the good news is twofold: As a 57-year-old male, if I need a hysterectomy, I'm now paying for that coverage and finally, FINALLY we've seen the end of that pesky 40-hour work week.
Some people said they did see a savings. Did you just skip over their posts or are you ignoring them?

Not at all. There are indeed a few who do save....but they are only able to do it because others have to pay for it. That's the point. In legal terminology it would be classified as a Ponzi Scheme.
the key phrase is "There are indeed a few who save" That passes the requirement of the OP doesnt it?

Not really. The claim was if you were middle class you would see a drop in your insurance costs. That was a lie. The middle class as a whole has seen a marked increase in their costs.
A drop or an immediate drop? These things take time.
Health care was the number one cause of bankruptcy under Bush. Democrats tried to fix that. Republicans did everything they possibly could to fuck it it.

Now Republicans are complaining about what they did and assigning that blame to someone else.


Not true. I looked up that "research" and found that they considered every single bankruptcy with over (if I remember right) $5000 worth of medical bills, to be a "medical bankruptcy".

The problem is, they could have $100,000 worth of credit card bills, only one bill for $5001 worth of medical bills, and their report, it would be a "medical bankruptcy". No one files bankruptcy on $5,000 dollars. The cost of actually filing the bankruptcy would be almost that much. The national average total cost of filing Chapter 7 is $3,000. Really? You are going to file bankruptcy on $5,000 and pay $3,000 to do it? And chapter 13 is more expensive.

Additionally, they included bankruptcies where the loss of work due to medical problems, they also considered medical bankruptcies. In other words, if you missed 3 months of work, and had to file bankruptcy because you got cancer and couldn't work, that was a medical bankruptcy.

The problem is, if you are recovering from cancer, even if your medical treatment is covered 100%, and you paid not a single penny in medical bills.... you would still miss work. There is no health care system on the planet, where socialized Gov-care magically makes you able to avoid missing work due to an illness. People in France with cancer, still miss work.

And when you miss work, you still don't get paid.

So, your claim about the 'health care costs are the number one cause of bankruptcy'.... is utter crap. Not true.

So part of the costs don't fit your nitty-picky criteria so you think you have an excuse to toss the whole thing out. Unless, of course, it happens to you or someone you care about.

As for time off work, here's how the U.S. stacks up compared to the rest of the industrialized world:

Does where you live determine how often you call in sick?

Once again, compared to how it views its citizens, the U.S. is a third-world nation. No wonder y'all are so grumpy about taxes.

Nitty-picky? Stop being childish. The research paper, didn't determine how much debt was consumer debt and how much was actually directly related to medical bills.

That's a massive problem. If you buy a $50,000 car, and a $300,000 home, and take out $100,000 in credit card debt, take out $80,000 in student loans to earn a degree in "social work", then you earn $40,000 a year...... and then break your arm, and get a $5,000 medical bill, and you file bankruptcy.... to consider that a "medical bankruptcy" and claim medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy...... is not just wrong, and stupid.... it is intellectually dishonest, which is a nice way of saying you are a scum sucking bold faced lying ignorant fool.

Moreover, if someone does all the same stuff above, but has 100% insurance, and pays ZERO for breaking their arm, but misses 3 months of work and files bankruptcy, to call that a medical bankruptcy is completely bonkers. As if having a socialized system would magically make your bones mend in 25 minutes, so you wouldn't miss a day of work.....

Grow up.

And by the way, it has happened to people I care about. They did something amazing. They got back to work after they recovered, and paid their bills.

In fact, I've done it.

Moreover, out of all the countries in the world, you have a better chance of being diagnosed, treated, and cured, in the US.

View attachment 86530

Every single time they look at 5-year survival rates, we're number one. Top of the list.

So when you argue about "do you want to go bankrupt to get health care".... what you are in fact arguing is "Wouldn't it be better to have a higher chance of dying, to avoid bankruptcy?".

To answer your question: No, I'd rather go bankrupt, and live to earn the money back. No dead person, is better off because at least they didn't get a bill.... oh wait... they did get a bill. It's called funeral expenses. Or is that covered by your socialized gov-care system too?

Are you capable of any fellow feeling for the cancer patient who's just lost his job? Probably not. It's all about the numbers for you.

Of course we feel for them. The problem is you bankrupt EVERYBODY in a ridiculous quest to prevent the one. That's the point. Your emotions are wonderful but the problem is the reality of medical costs are atrocious because the insurance companies are allowed to operate mini cartels, add to that the bottom feeding lawyers who sue for every little thing and thus drive up the insurance that the doctors have to pay and the whole system is going to collapse because emotional cripples, like you, think you can alter reality with legislation.

Well, those of us with smarts said "single payer" from the beginning, but the lobbyists shouted louder, so they won. And the rest of you were whining "I don' wanna, I don' wanna, I don' WANNA!!!!!" so we got drowned out.

For now.
Thats pretty much the point. Wealthy people pay for all the money they swindle, con, etc from you
Even swindled money runs out when millions of non productive people tap into it for cures to their illnesses and life saving drugs and procedures...you need to start looking at the BIG picture and relate it to your own future.
Thats pretty much the point. Wealthy people pay for all the money they swindle, con, etc from you
Even swindled money runs out when millions of non productive people tap into it for cures to their illnesses and life saving drugs and procedures...you need to start looking at the BIG picture and relate it to your own future.
My future is fine. My grand children will still be getting paid off what I have done. For others this is a good thing. They get to live longer and get medical care. That results in a better quality of life.

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