Did Durham Read "Last Of The Mohicans"????

Why are you so agitated about what Sussmann's associate did since it happened during Obama's admin?

You said you found the first line false.....I proved it true.

And, no, it happend beyond, into the transition....exactly as we on the Right always said.

Your side surveilled Trump and his associates.....not new, but the indictment is.

Hope it hurts, the way the Mueller let-down hurt you.

There has never been anything but lies......and your believed each and every one of 'em.

“… I would like to call attention to the principle of jurisprudence “Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” (False in one thing, false in all). Although written in Latin, it’s English common law from the early 17th century, stating that “a witness who testifies falsely about one matter is not credible to testify about any matter.”
Durham Reveals Democrats Behaving Like KGB; Is More Coming?

Democrats lie about everything….on what basis would any of their fabricated data be considered valid???
Here the prism through which every Democrat pronouncement should be viewed: First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, “HandsUpDon’tShoot,”Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the Kavanaugh hoax, the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....and “More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son."

Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie. How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?
...and, and that ‘armed insurrection’ that never occurred, and AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol. And, of course the 275 Democrat inspired riots were ‘mostly peaceful.’

And that Biden voters as agents provocateur weren't behind the Capitol Riot.....and that Pelosi knew and refused to allow extra security. They lie about everything.......yet Democrat voters are, ready to swallow the next lie.

And that the Wuhan Red Death did not come from a Chinese Communist lab that got its funding via Dr. Fauci, and its purpose was to remove Trump….

FakeStories: Three years of Russian Collusion stories; altering documents at the DoJ and FBI to railroad political opponents; the state media burying the Hunter Biden Scandal what with Joe getting 10% of the bribes; stories about Kavanaugh rape parties, and Covington Catholic School; Carter Page working for Russia when he was actually working for the CIA….where were those ‘fact checkers’? The great lie that there was an ‘insurrection’ January 6th. The lie that it was Republicans who wanted to defund the police. The lie that Critical Race Theory wasn’t being taught. The lie that 600,000 died from the Wuhan Red Death.
What should you do when they lied to you at least these 30 times already???????????

Democrats claimed it was Republicans who demanded defunding the police, AOC claimed ten people were killed Jan6th, Ilhan Omar blames the police for crime, they claimed that CRT wasn’t being taught in government school, men can become pregnant, and MAGA fans attacked Jussie Smollett,….

  • Brett Kavanaugh — Serial Rapist
  • President Michael Avenatti
  • The Covington KKKids Hoax
  • Hands Up, Don’t Shoot
  • George Zimmerman
  • Mostly Peaceful Black Lives Matter Riots
  • The Russia Collusion Hoax
  • Antifa Stormed the Beaches on D-Day
  • Cuomo (D-NY): King of Coronavirus Competence
  • The Clearing of Lafayette Square Hoax
  • The Lab Leak Theory Has Been Debunked Hoax
  • The Russians Are Behind Hunter’s Laptop Hoax
  • The Russian Bounty Hoax
  • The Capitol Police Officer Killed with a Fire Extinguisher Hoax
  • The Very Fine People Hoax
  • Men Can Magically Transform into Women
  • And on and on and on
…what is the point of watching any corporate media outlet? All they do is lie. Even if you are an NPR wine mom, you do not want to be serially lied to.
The era of corporate media influence is ending thanks to the over the top bias, and that should be good for the future. Americans are rebelling against these exposed frauds, and 2022 should be a turning point."
Mark Simone 710

Yes you did asshole. You specifically mentioned Fox in YOUR post. Now trying to run and hide because you got caught lying. As usual. That diaper you’re wearing is getting pretty full now.
"In other words he says that some media outlets (like Fox News) are full of crap."

No shit. I mentioned Fox. At least you can read the 3 syllable word.
Did the word "statement" throw you off? As in Durham's statement.
So what seems to be your problem?
Wait........you think you proved it? Proved what? Kash Patel, really? How many times must it be shown to you that whatever Sussmann's associate did, it didn't involve the Trump WH. Game over. Thanks for playing.

That's right....I proved it.

You objected to the claim that Hillary paid Sussman.....I provided this:

The defendant's billing records reflect that the defendant repeatedly billed the Clinton Campaign for his work

In you face, boooooooyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
You said you found the first line false.....I proved it true.
How about you take a few minutes and watch this. Maybe it will be more successful in getting you to understand how completely you've been duped.
How about you take a few minutes and read this. Maybe it will be more successful in getting you to understand how completely you've been duped.

PBS.....owned and operated by the Democrat Party.

"...the nearly $450 million spent annually on National Public Radio, the Public Broadcasting Network and a number of small regional public radio and TV networks would disappear."
Trump Budget Has Public Broadcasting in a Fight for its Life

Let's let this go to court.
The entire premise of the faux outrage over this is right wing media claiming Durham presented evidence the Clinton campaign spied on the Trump WH. But that is not true. Obama was in the WH when the activity took place. Activity meaning a contractor paid to help maintain internet connection related WH servers. servers...................while Obama was prez!
I sense your palpable fear of truth.......so....how does your claim apply to this?

View attachment 603140

Is it accurate or not????

"If third parties or members of the media have overstated, understated or otherwise misinterpreted facts contained in the government’s motion, that does not in any way undermine the valid reasons for the government’s inclusion of this information."

Also worth noting that Fox is no longer talking about this. This is a clear admission that the story is horseshit. Clearly it is not accurate. Kash Patel is a part of the third partiesz that Durham is talking about. His case even against Sussman is very shaky.

Thank you.

He is referring to the attempt to say lying didn't matter:

"Michael Sussmann’s Lawyers: It’s OK If He Lied To The FBI​

On Feb. 17, attorneys for Michael Sussmann, the former attorney for the Hillary Clinton campaign, filed a motion to dismiss the criminal case pending against him in the D.C. district court. Special Counsel John Durham charged Sussmann in September 2021, in a one-count indictment, with lying to former FBI General Counsel James Baker in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(2).

Specifically, the indictment charged that when Sussmann met with Baker on September 19, 2016, and provided him “white papers” and data files purporting to show the Trump organization had established a secret communications channel with the Russia-connected Alfa Bank, Sussmann falsely claimed he was not acting on behalf of a client. In truth, the indictment alleged, Sussmann was working both for the Clinton campaign and an unnamed “U.S. technology industry executive,” since identified as Rodney Joffe.

... remember that the law on materiality is clear that the falsehood need not actually influence the agency’s decision-making process, but merely needs to be “capable” of doing so."

Michael Sussmann’s Lawyers: It’s OK If He Lied To The FBI

Michael Sussmann’s arguments falter when considered against controlling precedent and the totality of the facts alleged in the indictment.


Thed trouble is that there are no facts in this. Baker has told several different stories on what happened. There is no third party confirmation of what was said. As a matter of fact, Durham wants a later trial date than Sussman. There has to be proof beyond a reasonable doubt for a conviction. That does not seem to be the case.
Wow....you sure are sweatin' about this indictment.

It must be because Hillary paid Sussmann to do the dirty work, huh?

And this:

"The Indictment alleges that the defendant lied in that meeting, falsely stating to the General Counsel that he was not providing the allegations to the FBI on behalf of any client. In fact, the defendant had assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients, including (i) a technology executive ('Tech Executive-1 - identified as Rodney Jeffe) at a U.S.-based Internet company ('Internet Company1'), and (ii) the Clinton Campaign. 3.

The defendant's billing records reflect that the defendant repeatedly billed the Clinton Campaign for his work


Calling it not true is not sweating anything. You are a cool liar.
1. In Durham's indictment we find validation of everything the Right said from the start about Hillary and the Democrat's forming an alliance with the Kremlin to sink the campaign of the man they both feared, Trump.
They lied about Trump, then spent years punishing him for their evil.

2. Brings to mind a passage from James Fenimore Cooper's tome...

"Listen," repeated the Indian, resuming his earnest attitude; "when his English and French fathers dug up the hatchet, Le Renard struck the war-post of the Mohawks, and went out against his own nation. The pale faces have driven the red-skins from their hunting grounds, and now when they fight, a white man leads the way. The old chief at Horican, your father, was the great captain of our war-party. He said to the Mohawks do this, and do that, and he was minded. He made a law, that if an Indian swallowed the fire-water, and came into the cloth wigwams of his warriors, it should not be forgotten. Magua foolishly opened his mouth, and the hot liquor led him into the cabin of Munro. What did the gray-head? let his daughter say."

"He forgot not his words, and did justice, by punishing the offender," said the undaunted daughter.

3. "Justice!" repeated the Indian, casting an oblique glance of the most ferocious expression at her unyielding countenance; "is it justice to make evil and then punish for it? Magua was not himself; it was the fire-water that spoke and acted for him! but Munro did believe it. The Huron chief was tied up before all the pale-faced warriors, and whipped like a dog."

Cora remained silent, for she knew not how to palliate this imprudent severity on the part of her father in a manner to suit the comprehension of an Indian.

"See!" continued Magua, tearing aside the slight calico that very imperfectly concealed his painted breast; "here are scars given by knives and bullets--of these a warrior may boast before his nation; but the gray-head has left marks on the back of the Huron chief that he must hide like a squaw, under this painted cloth of the whites."

4. "I had thought," resumed Cora, "that an Indian warrior was patient, and that his spirit felt not and knew not the pain his body suffered."

"When the Chippewas tied Magua to the stake, and cut this gash," said the other, laying his finger on a deep scar, "the Huron laughed in their faces, and told them, Women struck so light! His spirit was then in the clouds! But when he felt the blows of Munro, his spirit lay under the birch. The spirit of a Huron is never drunk; it remembers forever!"


Took a while.......but Durham appears to have come through.

5. No doubt the Democrats believed that their lies would live forever, and they would not be found out.....
The leader of the party with so very many associations with the Democrats of today, the Nazi Party (the Nazis actually 'credited' the Democrat Party for may of their views) claimed his reich would last a thousand years.
How'd that work out?

View attachment 603135
The Classics Illustrated version might be easier to understand.

"Clinton's indicted campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann files motion to DISMISS charges in the Durham probe: Claims it was an overreach to accuse him of lying to a federal agent as Hillary spying claims​

  • Durham accused Sussmann of lying to then-FBI General Counsel James Baker by saying he wasn't hired by anyone to find the ties
  • Now released evidence Sussmann was paid by Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign
  • DNS data from Trump Tower and Whitehouse servers was exploited in an attempt to document a link between Trump and Russian banks "
The entire premise of the faux outrage over this is right wing media claiming Durham presented evidence the Clinton campaign spied on the Trump WH. But that is not true. Obama was in the WH when the activity took place. Activity meaning a contractor paid to help maintain internet connection related WH servers. servers...................while Obama was prez!
I think you’re referring to the part that spied on the trump campaign. Apparently it continued and spilled over into the trump WH, too.
You said you found the first line false.....I proved it true.

And, no, it happend beyond, into the transition....exactly as we on the Right always said.

Your side surveilled Trump and his associates.....not new, but the indictment is.

Hope it hurts, the way the Mueller let-down hurt you.

There has never been anything but lies......and your believed each and every one of 'em.

“… I would like to call attention to the principle of jurisprudence “Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” (False in one thing, false in all). Although written in Latin, it’s English common law from the early 17th century, stating that “a witness who testifies falsely about one matter is not credible to testify about any matter.”
Durham Reveals Democrats Behaving Like KGB; Is More Coming?

Democrats lie about everything….on what basis would any of their fabricated data be considered valid???
Here the prism through which every Democrat pronouncement should be viewed: First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, “HandsUpDon’tShoot,”Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the Kavanaugh hoax, the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....and “More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son."

Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie. How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?
...and, and that ‘armed insurrection’ that never occurred, and AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol. And, of course the 275 Democrat inspired riots were ‘mostly peaceful.’

And that Biden voters as agents provocateur weren't behind the Capitol Riot.....and that Pelosi knew and refused to allow extra security. They lie about everything.......yet Democrat voters are, ready to swallow the next lie.

And that the Wuhan Red Death did not come from a Chinese Communist lab that got its funding via Dr. Fauci, and its purpose was to remove Trump….

FakeStories: Three years of Russian Collusion stories; altering documents at the DoJ and FBI to railroad political opponents; the state media burying the Hunter Biden Scandal what with Joe getting 10% of the bribes; stories about Kavanaugh rape parties, and Covington Catholic School; Carter Page working for Russia when he was actually working for the CIA….where were those ‘fact checkers’? The great lie that there was an ‘insurrection’ January 6th. The lie that it was Republicans who wanted to defund the police. The lie that Critical Race Theory wasn’t being taught. The lie that 600,000 died from the Wuhan Red Death.
What should you do when they lied to you at least these 30 times already???????????

Democrats claimed it was Republicans who demanded defunding the police, AOC claimed ten people were killed Jan6th, Ilhan Omar blames the police for crime, they claimed that CRT wasn’t being taught in government school, men can become pregnant, and MAGA fans attacked Jussie Smollett,….

  • Brett Kavanaugh — Serial Rapist
  • President Michael Avenatti
  • The Covington KKKids Hoax
  • Hands Up, Don’t Shoot
  • George Zimmerman
  • Mostly Peaceful Black Lives Matter Riots
  • The Russia Collusion Hoax
  • Antifa Stormed the Beaches on D-Day
  • Cuomo (D-NY): King of Coronavirus Competence
  • The Clearing of Lafayette Square Hoax
  • The Lab Leak Theory Has Been Debunked Hoax
  • The Russians Are Behind Hunter’s Laptop Hoax
  • The Russian Bounty Hoax
  • The Capitol Police Officer Killed with a Fire Extinguisher Hoax
  • The Very Fine People Hoax
  • Men Can Magically Transform into Women
  • And on and on and on
…what is the point of watching any corporate media outlet? All they do is lie. Even if you are an NPR wine mom, you do not want to be serially lied to.
The era of corporate media influence is ending thanks to the over the top bias, and that should be good for the future. Americans are rebelling against these exposed frauds, and 2022 should be a turning point."
Mark Simone 710

View attachment 603214

All we have to look at is the lies that Trump and his supporters have told about the supposed frauds that occurred in 2020. Trump supporters lie about everything, and you are proof of this.

Cavanaugh did assault a woman
Avenetti wax never going to be President
Republicans support police killings
Most protests were peaceful. Right wing agitators played a role in inciting violence and the police mishandled others
Trump's campaign turned over internal polling data and other campaign information to a Russian
NY was hit hard early because it was a hub for international flights. Texas is number 2 and Florida is no 3. NY is 4th.
Peaceful protestors were gassed so Trump could perform a photo-op.
The lab leak theory has not been debunked.
The Russians are behind the Hunter Biden laptop story. That is fact.
There is no evidence the Russian bounty story is a hoax.
A capitol police officer died as a result of the protests 140 or so were injured.
Trump did say that racists in Charlottesville were fine people.
Someone can all themselves whatever they want.
Every election claim Trump and his supporters have made.
The list is endless.
That's right....I proved it.

You objected to the claim that Hillary paid Sussman.....I provided this:

The defendant's billing records reflect that the defendant repeatedly billed the Clinton Campaign for his work

In you face, boooooooyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

Doing legal work for Hillary Clinton is illegal?

"Clinton's indicted campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann files motion to DISMISS charges in the Durham probe: Claims it was an overreach to accuse him of lying to a federal agent as Hillary spying claims​

  • Durham accused Sussmann of lying to then-FBI General Counsel James Baker by saying he wasn't hired by anyone to find the ties
  • Now released evidence Sussmann was paid by Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign
  • DNS data from Trump Tower and Whitehouse servers was exploited in an attempt to document a link between Trump and Russian banks "
View attachment 603512

Durham denies this.
Here is a quote from Durham...

“If third parties or members of the media have overstated, understated or otherwise misinterpreted facts contained in the government’s motion, that does not in any way undermine the valid reasons for the government’s inclusion of this information,” he wrote.

In other words he says that some media outlets (like Fox News) are full of crap.
And fox has stopped pumping this story
1. In Durham's indictment we find validation of everything the Right said from the start about Hillary and the Democrat's forming an alliance with the Kremlin to sink the campaign of the man they both feared, Trump.
They lied about Trump, then spent years punishing him for their evil.

2. Brings to mind a passage from James Fenimore Cooper's tome...

"Listen," repeated the Indian, resuming his earnest attitude; "when his English and French fathers dug up the hatchet, Le Renard struck the war-post of the Mohawks, and went out against his own nation. The pale faces have driven the red-skins from their hunting grounds, and now when they fight, a white man leads the way. The old chief at Horican, your father, was the great captain of our war-party. He said to the Mohawks do this, and do that, and he was minded. He made a law, that if an Indian swallowed the fire-water, and came into the cloth wigwams of his warriors, it should not be forgotten. Magua foolishly opened his mouth, and the hot liquor led him into the cabin of Munro. What did the gray-head? let his daughter say."

"He forgot not his words, and did justice, by punishing the offender," said the undaunted daughter.

3. "Justice!" repeated the Indian, casting an oblique glance of the most ferocious expression at her unyielding countenance; "is it justice to make evil and then punish for it? Magua was not himself; it was the fire-water that spoke and acted for him! but Munro did believe it. The Huron chief was tied up before all the pale-faced warriors, and whipped like a dog."

Cora remained silent, for she knew not how to palliate this imprudent severity on the part of her father in a manner to suit the comprehension of an Indian.

"See!" continued Magua, tearing aside the slight calico that very imperfectly concealed his painted breast; "here are scars given by knives and bullets--of these a warrior may boast before his nation; but the gray-head has left marks on the back of the Huron chief that he must hide like a squaw, under this painted cloth of the whites."

4. "I had thought," resumed Cora, "that an Indian warrior was patient, and that his spirit felt not and knew not the pain his body suffered."

"When the Chippewas tied Magua to the stake, and cut this gash," said the other, laying his finger on a deep scar, "the Huron laughed in their faces, and told them, Women struck so light! His spirit was then in the clouds! But when he felt the blows of Munro, his spirit lay under the birch. The spirit of a Huron is never drunk; it remembers forever!"


Took a while.......but Durham appears to have come through.

5. No doubt the Democrats believed that their lies would live forever, and they would not be found out.....
The leader of the party with so very many associations with the Democrats of today, the Nazi Party (the Nazis actually 'credited' the Democrat Party for may of their views) claimed his reich would last a thousand years.
How'd that work out?

View attachment 603135

The current doj isn't going to take this up, PC. I don't even think the Rs would take this up if they were in power. This is where we are now. They bowed down to an independent investigation by the dems, the same dems that actually were spying on trump and the white house.

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