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Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

Warning Graphic Image


Benghazi Reveals Obama-Islamist Alliance[/CENTER]

By James Lewis

The nature of the Benghazi disaster is now clear. Ambassador Stevens was engaged in smuggling sizable quantities of Libyan arms from the destroyed Gaddafi regime to the Syrian rebels, to help overthrow the Assad regime in Syria. Smuggling arms to the so-called "Free Syrian Army" is itself a huge gamble, but Obama has been a gambler with human lives over the last four years, as shown by the tens of thousands of Arabs who have died in the so-called Arab Spring -- which has brought nothing but disaster to the Arab world.


Read more: Articles: Benghazi Reveals Obama-Islamist Alliance

Some weeks ago a set of USMB radical RWers were absolutely INCENSED at me posting these same exact images.

Today it's A-OK.



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDIaDS9HhMw]Janis Joplin - Cry Baby - YouTube[/ame]

Show me the proof link...

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Every time that I see the picture of our Ambassador Stevens, it sickens me. Any president with a pair of balls, would launch aircraft with laser guided bombs, immediately. The Seals were equipped to laser designate targets.

But, Hussein doesn't have a pair. He is sad excuse for a human being.

God help us, if he is <cough>, re-elected.

If so, he will be impeached, and removed. That is my prediction.

Quick question for you asshole..................if you REALLY served in the military (and didn't just get your service record off the 'net or from Rambo movies), you'd see the flaw in what you'd said.

The attack was 7 hours.

You said that they could launch aircraft with laser guided bombs.

You also said that the SEALs could designate the targets (after you said to launch the fighters with bombs).

You DO realize that a SEAL team has to deploy to the area, set up and start designating the target, and THEN a jet can come by with bombs.

Exactly how quick do you think that happens? 30 min or less? It ain't Domino's delivery boy.

And then again, you've got to think about the collateral damage and whether or not your bombs blow up friendlies. Do you know how much of an outcry would follow if a bomb sent by Obama killed those Americans?

Face it................a helo op is the only one that could have saved them, and it's a lot longer than 200 miles from Sigonella to Benghazi.
From the puffington rag...

Fox News Focuses On Benghazi Attack While Largely Ignoring Hurricane Sandy


Fox News Focuses On Benghazi Attack While Largely Ignoring Hurricane Sandy

Boo Fvcking Hoo, that's because the MSM won't cover it even before the hurricane. They can't stand it, obongo might lose...:D

So...............I guess you care more about what happened overseas than what is currently happening in this country right now?

Way to go patriot. You're gonna politicize something that happened a long ways away, and you don't have all the details yet, but you also think it's okay to ignore your own citizens and fellow countrymen and women who are going through a crisis.

Nice that you're such a political hack.
From the puffington rag...

Fox News Focuses On Benghazi Attack While Largely Ignoring Hurricane Sandy


Fox News Focuses On Benghazi Attack While Largely Ignoring Hurricane Sandy

Boo Fvcking Hoo, that's because the MSM won't cover it even before the hurricane. They can't stand it, obongo might lose...:D

So...............I guess you care more about what happened overseas than what is currently happening in this country right now?

Way to go patriot. You're gonna politicize something that happened a long ways away, and you don't have all the details yet, but you also think it's okay to ignore your own citizens and fellow countrymen and women who are going through a crisis.

Nice that you're such a political hack.

You ignorant piece of progressive/liberal excrement, fox is covering the hurricane and Benghazi, puffington post spinning like typical liberal swill...:D
From the puffington rag...

Fox News Focuses On Benghazi Attack While Largely Ignoring Hurricane Sandy


Fox News Focuses On Benghazi Attack While Largely Ignoring Hurricane Sandy

Boo Fvcking Hoo, that's because the MSM won't cover it even before the hurricane. They can't stand it, obongo might lose...:D

So...............I guess you care more about what happened overseas than what is currently happening in this country right now?

Way to go patriot. You're gonna politicize something that happened a long ways away, and you don't have all the details yet, but you also think it's okay to ignore your own citizens and fellow countrymen and women who are going through a crisis.

Nice that you're such a political hack.

You ignorant piece of progressive/liberal excrement, fox is covering the hurricane and Benghazi, puffington post spinning like typical liberal swill...:D

Got news for you ButtBangingYeeHa...............FAUX Nooze viewers are 40 percent less well informed than any other news source.

That means, they only get it right about 60 percent of the time.

Good to know that you're a brain dead conservative.
Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

To be fair

Papa Obama was, no doubt, packing for Vegas and his fundraiser
Hey TD, are you the sock puppet for Slutty Cum Slinger (LadyGunSlinger)? The reason I ask is that because you've responded to 2 posts that I'd asked her, but you made it sound like you were pissed as well.

You DO realize that drones are just telling people what is going on (unless of course, they're Predator drones and have guns) and you also realize that IT TAKES TIME TO GET ASSETS TO THE TARGET??? Have you ever been in Benghazi? Do you realize where it is in relation to where American assets were? And do you also realize that it takes time to get those assets that can save them from where they are to where they're needed?

But then again.................civilian retards such as yourself who have never served think that the military is able to respond instantly. Remember...............it takes time to get from point A to point B.

Oh yeah.................you have yet to provide a video that shows the attack being seen by the White House in real time. All you posted was a FAUX Nooze video (with Sean Hannity) telling us why Obama fucked up.

Still waiting for the video link you meat lipped twat with a sperm burping vagina.

Exactly what was sent from point "A" to point "B" (Benghazi) in the way of help?

Seven hours the attack went on and no help was sent. NONE.

Who would have given the order to send help?

Was an order for help even given?

? ? ? ? ?????

Obama and the MSM's 'mums the word' silence on it all speaks volumes.

Quick question............do you know all of the assets that could have possibly in range (remember, helos generally work within a 200 mile range), or were there assets even available to be pulled off station and sent there?

I don't know if there was a Marine Amphibious Landing craft or even if there was a carrier there. And remember, they would have to send in helos, because all a jet would do is blow everything up and then you'd be screaming about Obama bombing Americans.

Same thing if there was a Predator drone in the area that could have been available. Anything short of a helo would be useless.

So tell me............were there assets in the area that could have been used?

Do you even know?

An F-16 out of NAS Sigonella could have been there in 30 minutes with laser guided munitions. The CIA had a laser designator to spot the target or two F-16's, one with a laser designator would have done the job. I seem to remember the F-16 has a speed of 2.4 Mach, but need to check that out.
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So...............I guess you care more about what happened overseas than what is currently happening in this country right now?

Way to go patriot. You're gonna politicize something that happened a long ways away, and you don't have all the details yet, but you also think it's okay to ignore your own citizens and fellow countrymen and women who are going through a crisis.

Nice that you're such a political hack.

You ignorant piece of progressive/liberal excrement, fox is covering the hurricane and Benghazi, puffington post spinning like typical liberal swill...:D

Got news for you ButtBangingYeeHa...............FAUX Nooze viewers are 40 percent less well informed than any other news source.

That means, they only get it right about 60 percent of the time.

Good to know that you're a brain dead conservative.

BikerSailor are you retired from the village people? Hey cock bite, buttbanging is a lgbt liberal thing, I'M straight...I watch more msnbc than any other news channel, I like to watch rabid hate news. It would be comedy if they get rid of the hate. MSNBC is also the media wing of the obongo administration, some of their wives also work in the W/H...

Good to know that you're a cum drunk progressive/liberal...:D

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Why Obama Chose to Let Them Die in Benghazi

By Karin McQuillan


We know it was not the CIA on its own that made the decision to abandon Ambassador Stevens and the eight others with him in the consulate. The CIA say they did not advise anyone in the administration to deny help to the Americans in Benghazi. A CIA spokesman on October 27 issued this statement:

No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate.

General Carter F. Ham, the combatant commander of Africa Command (AFRICOM), says he was never asked to send help.

Congressman Jason Chaffetz, Utah Republican, said that General Ham told him during a visit to Libya that he had never been asked to provide military support for the Americans under attack in Benghazi.

On October 18, General Ham resigned.

Panetta explained why no help was sent on October 26, the same day Obama was telling the Denver reporter he had ordered the military to do "whatever we need to."

Panetta admitted we did nothing. He says the military had the readiness and capability to help. He says the military responded quickly and deployed forces close to Benghazi, ready and capable of responding "to any contingency."

We quickly responded, as General Dempsey said, in terms of deploying forces to the region. We had FAST platoons in the region. We had ships that we had deployed off of Libya. We were prepared to respond to any contingency and certainly had forces in place to do that.

Panetta then tells us why the forces were never deployed. He says the top leadership of our military didn't want to send reinforcements, even air support, into harm's way. It was too risky. Panetta does not indicate that he knew of Obama's supposed directives to do "whatever we need to" to save the Americans trapped in the 9/11 attack.

"[The] basic principle is that you don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on; without having some real-time information about what's taking place," Panetta told Pentagon reporters. "And as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, Gen. Ham, Gen. Dempsey and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation.

Note that General Ham had already told Congressman Chaffetz he was never asked to provide military support.

Panetta's statement that we didn't have enough intelligence to risk sending air or combat support is not credible. We had real-time information by video, radio, and e-mail. We had laser targets painted on their mortar nest. When else do you send reinforcements, if not into dangerous situations?

Max Boot writes in Commentary:

Special Operations Forces and other military forces are used to acting on incomplete information, especially in a situation where Americans are under fire and in danger of being overrun. At that point, caution is normally thrown to the wind, and Quick Reaction Forces are launched.


Obama's ideology blinded him to the need to defend American lives under al-Qaeda attack on 9/11/12. He put his ideology and his politics ahead of Americans lives. He let four brave men serving our country fight without help and die.

This decision will doom Obama's chances of re-election if widely known. That is why our politically corrupt media is censoring this news as hard as it can. They do not want the majority of Americans to know. But they cannot keep the lid on. It is too big, and too awful. The only question is one of time before Election Day.

Read more: Articles: Why Obama Chose to Let Them Die in Benghazi
Dying and lying, for crying out loud.

We're living the un-American dream.
They admit they let them die.

I just want answers from Panetta you know the guy who is completely unqualified for his job, before he was unqualified for his other job a bean counter' [ CIA]and a pencil pusher How the hell on earth did he get this gig when Gates bailed?
This whole thing isn't even "yesterday's news".

It's "no news".

And in the Obama admin, no news is good news.
There is nothing in that AP 'REPORT" that differs from what's been reported. No 'breakthroughs" from the CIA, nothing. It's just more stretch my NY Times, WaPo, and Reuters, put together in one HuffPost, to 'change the narrative' for a few more days.

Here's the real kicker, should Obama squeak through, he'll likely face impeachment over Benghazi and we'll end up with Biden.


Thanks, media. Mass, social, and otherwise...
There is nothing in that AP 'REPORT" that differs from what's been reported. No 'breakthroughs" from the CIA, nothing. It's just more stretch my NY Times, WaPo, and Reuters, put together in one HuffPost, to 'change the narrative' for a few more days.

Here's the real kicker, should Obama squeak through, he'll likely face impeachment over Benghazi and we'll end up with Biden.

Exactly what was sent from point "A" to point "B" (Benghazi) in the way of help?

Seven hours the attack went on and no help was sent. NONE.

Who would have given the order to send help?

Was an order for help even given?

? ? ? ? ?????

Obama and the MSM's 'mums the word' silence on it all speaks volumes.

Quick question............do you know all of the assets that could have possibly in range (remember, helos generally work within a 200 mile range), or were there assets even available to be pulled off station and sent there?

I don't know if there was a Marine Amphibious Landing craft or even if there was a carrier there. And remember, they would have to send in helos, because all a jet would do is blow everything up and then you'd be screaming about Obama bombing Americans.

Same thing if there was a Predator drone in the area that could have been available. Anything short of a helo would be useless.

So tell me............were there assets in the area that could have been used?

Do you even know?

An F-16 out of NAS Sigonella could have been there in 30 minutes with laser guided munitions. The CIA had a laser designator to spot the target or two F-16's, one with a laser designator would have done the job. I seem to remember the F-16 has a speed of 2.4 Mach, but need to check that out.

You're right......................they could have bombed the shit out of the place.

However..........................that would have gotten the embassy staff to safety HOW?

The only way it could have been done is with a helo rescue.
Watch Chris Mathews, The Ed, and Mad Cow! You will get the truth, and no spin. If you don't like the truth, watch MSNbc.

That lying, Muslim, Kenyan will be impeached, and removed.
I have NEVER met a smart liberal. Red necks are angry, and frustrated, because they don't have a clue. Liberals are even more clueless, frustrated, and angry.

I don't even pray for them.
Watch Chris Mathews, The Ed, and Mad Cow! You will get the truth, and no spin. If you don't like the truth, watch MSNbc.

That lying, Muslim, Kenyan will be impeached, and removed.

You said that if a person was to watch some of the highest rated shows on MSNBC, you'd get the truth and no spin.

However..................you also stated that if you don't like the truth, watch MSNBC (implying that MSNBC lies to the public).

Which is it? Does MSNBC lie to the public, or do they tell the truth?

My guess is that you're spreading lies because you're desperate.

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