Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

Is it human consensus on what is considered moral?

Of course.

Nature, via our understanding, is our only worthy Goddess.

She, to life like us, should be recognized. She has no equal, especially not a genocidal prick.

So it was in the beginning and so will it be in the end.


The closer we get to our own extinction, the more we will turn to protect her, and she will show the fucking male supernatural gods of war what War is.

All through the secular system and peacefully, of course.

I didn't see anyone mentioning Demiurge, the God of the Old Testament that created the physical world.
No one has yet brought up our myths.

We are not literalists and wrote them to create talking points against the way Christians interpreted their myths.

That was great until Christians went to supernatural beliefs and helped create the 1,000 year Dark Ages.

Few know or care to know why Gnostic Christians were said to be the only good Christians.

Even I am more concerned with reducing the harms of the vile mainstream religions than growing Gnostic Christianity.

We offer a lot better in thinking and morals, but no one care about morals when they are all sheeple to laws.

[1]--Yes, and blames all errors on us.

[2]--Christians and their gods have a hard time with taking responsibility for their actions.

[3]--Note how they immorally use Jesus as their scapegoat.

[2]--Yeah, it's either the devil's fault or it's god's will:laugh:. It's like "then why are you claiming to have a free will, you clearly don't?
[3]--Yep. To savagely get a guy butchered so I can get scott free. That's really screwed up when one ponders it long enough.

At this point I am more of Agnostic-reincarnationist than anything else.

Thank you for daring.
Anyway, the rest is your beliefs sound like the antiChrist or not the chosen one and can be ignored.
Thank you.

To be for Christ, his pending Armageddon and end time event, --- where the many in hell are poured into the lake of fire, --- while the few glory in the scent of burning human flesh, --- I would have to be quite evil.

It is evil to want your god to kill when he can cure.

Stop it.


That was great until Christians went to supernatural beliefs and helped create the 1,000 year Dark Ages.

Few know or care to know why Gnostic Christians were said to be the only good Christians.


I even read that the real Apostles tried to tell the crooks who led on who Jesus was and what he taught and everything but they were pushed to the side and the bs took over. And I am guessing Because it was the money maker and that's what they wanted: Money! the hell with the truth.
1/-On one hand they claim Jesus was poor and he told the rich man to sell everything, give it to the poor and come follow him, but on the other hand, they are amasssing those millions:laugh:.
2/-On one hand the bible says the student is not above the teacher and the slave is NOT above the Master, Yet, again, They have no problem placing themselves above the presumed Teacher/Master as far as continuing to fatten their bank accounts, embelish their mansions and palaces (look at the Vatican), etc. I mean when you look at it Up Front, the whole thing is a sham, BS simply abounds.

I am glad you hold Gnostics to a higher esteem. I do too. I have few books of them I need to read.
Thank you.

To be for Christ, his pending Armageddon and end time event, --- where the many in hell are poured into the lake of fire, --- while the few glory in the scent of burning human flesh, --- I would have to be quite evil.

It is evil to want your god to kill when he can cure.

Stop it.

There is NO Hell, and once more The Very Bible says so as I have the exact reference ( and numerous others) if anyone is interested!! These finger wagging morons don't even know what's in the bible which they claim to be the unerring Word of the Lord! But here they aaare telling you and I how we are going to go to heeeell simply because we are not swallowing their garbage. I don't know about them but I value my body and soul and therefore I try to be careful what I put in them.
Most know that sin, crime and evil are synonyms.

How do you define sin and do you not see crimes or evils being done?


The religious definition of sin simply doesn't connect with human beings. It's a total myth.
It is defined as a fabricated religious threat attempting to frighten people into obeying God.

Crimes are not sins. They are breaking the law and dealt with by the law. God has never been involved, ever.
You probably identify any crimes as against your religion or God. Courts have never prosecuted with some silly God in mind.
No one has yet brought up our myths.

We are not literalists and wrote them to create talking points against the way Christians interpreted their myths.

That was great until Christians went to supernatural beliefs and helped create the 1,000 year Dark Ages.

Few know or care to know why Gnostic Christians were said to be the only good Christians.

Even I am more concerned with reducing the harms of the vile mainstream religions than growing Gnostic Christianity.

We offer a lot better in thinking and morals, but no one care about morals when they are all sheeple to laws.

How many Christians know that the oldest known and confirmed Christian writings is Gnostic?
Wonder how many know that early protestant leaders removed at least 70% of texts in making today's highly-highly-highly edited and redacted King James?
It is evil to want your god to kill when he can cure.
God doesn't want to kill. Humans are the ones who end up killing each other. God wants us to be saved, so we don't have to do that.

Notice I didn't mention sin nor your hell (Lake of Fire). I'm certainly not against higher knowledge, but that's not what Jesus taught. He taught belief in him as the savior is enough. It was God's grace to send his only begotten son to save us.

I don't need a page to expound the grace of God and how Jesus saved us. His offer is for everyone and not just for the gnostic knowledgeable few. Again, I'm not against higher knowledge, but your gnosticism sounds like an interpretation from the antiChrist.

Remember, the antiChrist questioned what God said to Adam and Eve and he told them to reject his words and accept a lie.

You should be the one to stop it.

ETA: The bottom line is sin entered the world through the first humans.
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There is NO Hell, and once more The Very Bible says so as I have the exact reference ( and numerous others) if anyone is interested!! These finger wagging morons don't even know what's in the bible which they claim to be the unerring Word of the Lord! But here they aaare telling you and I how we are going to go to heeeell simply because we are not swallowing their garbage. I don't know about them but I value my body and soul and therefore I try to be careful what I put in them.
It's better to remain agnostic than become gnostic. However, one who doesn't believe in original sin and a lake of fire and wants to provide the biblical references against it puts an abomination against God which he stated with the first commandment. There would be no need for Jesus as savior.

Just because you believe in a lie doesn't make it so.
That's not what he said!
....YET another worthless lecture.
Good, now go out there and try and do that because talk is cheap:shok:.
Lol, it's your talk that belongs to the shit pile of the cheapest, worthless and falsest sin talk. Again, read the first commandment.
God doesn't want to kill.
As in Job 2.3, You let god hide behind, the devil made me do it, with impunity.

His words were more like, Satan moved me to do harm without a just cause.

God killing many is a part of his great plan, goof.

Isn't you looking forward to Armageddon?

St. Hitler is.

ETA: The bottom line is sin entered the world through the first humans.
What sin?

Not reproducing as commanded in Gen 1?

Do you ignore that first infraction and was Satan already there in Eden after sinning in heaven?

Was it a sin for God to watch the serpent tempt Eve without stopping it?

Do try some of those questions.

You need to to make your case.

It's better to remain agnostic than become gnostic. However, one who doesn't believe in original sin and a lake of fire and wants to provide the biblical references against it puts an abomination against God which he stated with the first commandment. There would be no need for Jesus as savior.

Just because you believe in a lie doesn't make it so.
do you suffer of schizophrenia?!?!? you sound like you do.
I never said what what you put in my mouth you foul demon. Shame on you, you put words in other people's mouth (second time in 5 mns frame) so you could turn around an spray them with your diarrea crap. Shame on you foul pig. And you do that because you have no argument, and you have nothing to stand on as far as the truth.
First, I was not talking to you as the talk I had with GreatestLam, as simple as it is was above you pay grade.
Go get loaded up on fentanyl, cock or whatever it is you get high on Since you cannot walk straight. Piece of garbage.
Lol, it's your talk that belongs to the shit pile of the cheapest, worthless and falsest sin talk. Again, read the first commandment.
He did not say that you LYING FRAUDULENT bitch!!! HE DID NOT. You need to be stray jacketed and pomped with Psychotropic drugs til you pass out.
Re-read yourself. What a sick phak.
Your screwed up brain is rotten, so you resort to lying and scumbagily insulting those who's feces you are not worth. BYE BYE. I am not a psychiatrist, so I cannot help you.
You're IGNORED African toilet. ...AT BEST. YIKES!
That's not what he said!
....YET another worthless lecture.
No one expects truth from the right wings of supernatural god religions.

I do not agree with you though.

It has value in that lurkers see just how poorly religious apologists are doing.

They keep shooting themselves in their immoral feet.

Another nail in the god coffins.

Encourage them in their demise my friend.


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