Did the USSR or does ISIS threaten our lives more?

"Did the USSR or does ISIS threaten our lives more?"

Stupidest question EVAH!

The USSR was an existential threat to the entire planet.

and ISIS is a bigger threat since they are very crazy, can develop bio/chem weapons, and believe it is their duty to kill or enslave all those on the planet who are not Muslim
The USSR DID develop and stockpile nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, on a massive scale, you incredibly ignorant fuck.

The commies believed it was not only their duty, but a physical fact the entire planet would become communist.

How old are you? You must be very young to be this stupid AND clueless.
1) ISIS because they are happy to die maniacs while USSR was not either and,
2) modern tech. makes WMD's available to many even rabid mad dog Muslim terrorist maniacs.

Amazing revisionist history.

The USSR had the actual means to actually destroy the United States. And during the Cuban missile crisis we were in far more danger of a nuclear attack than we are from ISIS.

Those of us who were alive at the time remember when we did CYA drills- climbing under our desks to protect ourselves from Soviet nuclear weapons- and Americans were building bomb shelters because of the fears.

ISIS is a threat to Americans- not to America. ISIS can kill Americans- it cannot destroy America.
The Soviet Union was a threat to America- and had the ability to destroy America.
The USSR DID develop and stockpile nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, on a massive scale, you incredibly ignorant fuck.

dear stupid, if i said the didn't I'll pay you $10,000. Bet legally or admit to being an idiot
The idiots are getting dumber and dumber with each passing year.

The USSR had the actual means to actually destroy the United States.
The Soviet Union was a threat to America- and had the ability to destroy America.

if anyone denied it show us who or admit to being a strawman fool!!
ISIS has about 30,000 troops. No nukes. No biological weapons. No chemical weapons.

The USSR had two and a half million ground troops. 40,000 nukes, and god knows how many hundreds of tons of bio and chemical weapons.

That's right, dumb fuck. Russia had more nukes than there are ISIS fighters.

The USSR was also eight and a half million square miles, and that's not counting all the countries they controlled.

Goddam, I can't take this kind of stupidity around here any more. I really can't.
The USSR DID develop and stockpile nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, on a massive scale, you incredibly ignorant fuck.

dear stupid, if i said the didn't I'll pay you $10,000. Bet legally or admit to being an idiot
Then why did you ask the stupidest question EVAH?
dear stupid, if there was a stupid question say what it was and why you think it was stupid

I wouldn't call the question stupid- if a 9 year old asked the question.

I would call the question really, really ignorant.

A well educated 12 year old- my 12 year old - would be able to answer the question correctly- the USSR.
The USSR DID develop and stockpile nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, on a massive scale, you incredibly ignorant fuck.

dear stupid, if i said the didn't I'll pay you $10,000. Bet legally or admit to being an idiot
Then why did you ask the stupidest question EVAH?
dear stupid, if there was a stupid question say what it was and why you think it was stupid

I wouldn't call the question stupid- if a 9 year old asked the question.

I would call the question really, really ignorant.

A well educated 12 year old- my 12 year old - would be able to answer the question correctly- the USSR.
dear say why the USSR or admit you are too stupid and liberal for this subject
The USSR DID develop and stockpile nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, on a massive scale, you incredibly ignorant fuck.

dear stupid, if i said the didn't I'll pay you $10,000. Bet legally or admit to being an idiot
Then why did you ask the stupidest question EVAH?
dear stupid, if there was a stupid question say what it was and why you think it was stupid

I wouldn't call the question stupid- if a 9 year old asked the question.

I would call the question really, really ignorant.

A well educated 12 year old- my 12 year old - would be able to answer the question correctly- the USSR.
dear say why the USSR or admit you are too stupid and liberal for this subject

Russia has the nuclear capacity to effectively cause the US to cease to exist. ISIS does not have one one millionth of that capacity.
dear stupid, if i said the didn't I'll pay you $10,000. Bet legally or admit to being an idiot
Then why did you ask the stupidest question EVAH?
dear stupid, if there was a stupid question say what it was and why you think it was stupid

I wouldn't call the question stupid- if a 9 year old asked the question.

I would call the question really, really ignorant.

A well educated 12 year old- my 12 year old - would be able to answer the question correctly- the USSR.
dear say why the USSR or admit you are too stupid and liberal for this subject

Russia has the nuclear capacity to effectively cause the US to cease to exist. ISIS does not have one one millionth of that capacity.

Russia has no plans to kill us so we don't fear them. ISIS does have plans to kill us and does have or soon will have the capacity to kill most of the planet with bio chem weapons.

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