Did you see Trump on Meet the Press?

You gotta admit that Trump ain't going to get softballs like Hillary does. Can you imagine a news geek asking Trump a question and then advising him that he doesn't have to answer if he doesn't want to. That was Matthews and Hillary.

apparently you haven't seen Hannity kiss Trump ass better than a $2 hooker.

Apparently you aren't aware that Hannity will be fired if he discusses with Trump anything to do with Fair Trade.
on the other hand Cruz says that he will deport and that no one is coming back . [I'll get a link to Cruz words] ---------- anyway , its possible that the nominee will be either Trump or Cruz and i can support either with a big smile on my face . Might even turn out to be a Trump / Cruz or vice versa team and thats also good Eaglewings !!
Go Trump , Go Cruz !!

Go Trump...

-------------------------------- sure , Cruz was my original pick but Trump took over . I will be happy with either but Cruz is probably better . One thing that has annoyed me about Trump is that he says that he will build a border wall and thats good . Problem is that Trump also says that the wall will have a DOOR and that after deportation that GOOD illegal aliens can come back Eaglewings .
Go Trump , Go Cruz !!

Go Trump...

-------------------------------- sure , Cruz was my original pick but Trump took over . I will be happy with either but Cruz is probably better . One thing that has annoyed me about Trump is that he says that he will build a border wall and thats good . Problem is that Trump also says that the wall will have a DOOR and that after deportation that GOOD illegal aliens can come back Eaglewings .

I seriously find Cruz to big a big fake, and dangerous
He has many people to pay back for his super pac along with all of them except, Trump
People are angry with the corruption and Trumps polls are showing it.
If he doesn't win the nomination , I will be bummed.
If Cruz wins the nomination , I will start walking precincts against him..lol
on the other hand Cruz says that he will deport and that no one is coming back . [I'll get a link to Cruz words] ---------- anyway , its possible that the nominee will be either Trump or Cruz and i can support either with a big smile on my face . Might even turn out to be a Trump / Cruz or vice versa team and thats also good Eaglewings !!
Go Trump , Go Cruz !!

Go Trump...

-------------------------------- sure , Cruz was my original pick but Trump took over . I will be happy with either but Cruz is probably better . One thing that has annoyed me about Trump is that he says that he will build a border wall and thats good . Problem is that Trump also says that the wall will have a DOOR and that after deportation that GOOD illegal aliens can come back Eaglewings .

Cruz flip flopped ( see what I mean a kiss ass)..........Cruz (R)- "Immigrants can stay!!!" | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Trump said his top issues:

Rebuild the military.

Build a wall on the Southern Border.

Take care of veterans.

Take down Isis.

And he gave us a detailed list of how he was going to pay for all that..........OK, that was a lie. He didn't give us such a list. Republicans always say I lied so I finally decided to give them one.

Republicans call Democrats tax and spend, but have you noticed Republicans, the business party, never gives us ways the country can make money besides cutting taxes a la the failed economic policies of George Bush?

If Trump is the GOP nominee, it will be really interesting. His base are uneducated and struggling white guys between the ages of 35 and 55. Uneducated? Like we didn't see that coming.
Trump is not a serious candidate, he has no understanding of responsible governance or sound public policy.
The 'detailed list' is just a ploy. It is impossible to list every single detail in any plan and his opponents are trying to exploit that fact. Trump can give a thousand page plan on anything and they will still say their are not enough details. It is a bullshit argument in the first place.

BTW, where were the details on Obamacare? Don't you remember the slogan. We have to pass the bill before you can see what is in it. I always thought it was democratic to at least give the people they represent some idea what they are doing so the people have an opportunity to object to anything. That wasn't the case and now we are stuck with Obamacare until it is fully fucking repealed.
Trump said his top issues:

Rebuild the military.

Build a wall on the Southern Border.

Take care of veterans.

Take down Isis.

And he gave us a detailed list of how he was going to pay for all that..........OK, that was a lie. He didn't give us such a list. Republicans always say I lied so I finally decided to give them one.

Republicans call Democrats tax and spend, but have you noticed Republicans, the business party, never gives us ways the country can make money besides cutting taxes a la the failed economic policies of George Bush?

If Trump is the GOP nominee, it will be really interesting. His base are uneducated and struggling white guys between the ages of 35 and 55. Uneducated? Like we didn't see that coming.
Trump is not a serious candidate, he has no understanding of responsible governance or sound public policy.

Do you know who else governs responsibly? Dictators. They know so much about how a government should work and its problems. It would be irresponsible for anyone in power to obey what the people want because they may not understand how government works. The little peons...how dare they think they can govern themselves responsibly. Only the elites can do that. Thank God we have Obama...wait...isn't Obama and God the same person? I get so confused sometimes. I don't know what I should do when I get on my knees. Should I worship him as the person deity that he is or should I just give him head?
on the other hand Cruz says that he will deport and that no one is coming back . [I'll get a link to Cruz words] ---------- anyway , its possible that the nominee will be either Trump or Cruz and i can support either with a big smile on my face . Might even turn out to be a Trump / Cruz or vice versa team and thats also good Eaglewings !!
Go Trump , Go Cruz !!

Go Trump...

-------------------------------- sure , Cruz was my original pick but Trump took over . I will be happy with either but Cruz is probably better . One thing that has annoyed me about Trump is that he says that he will build a border wall and thats good . Problem is that Trump also says that the wall will have a DOOR and that after deportation that GOOD illegal aliens can come back Eaglewings .

Cruz flip flopped ( see what I mean a kiss ass)..........Cruz (R)- "Immigrants can stay!!!" | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
--------------------------------- well , i like TRUMPS deportation force , just like IKES best but i don't like Trumps wall with a doorway . Also , i like Cruz following the law and deporting as they are caught and i think Cruz will build a wall . And like i say , at least both Trump and Cruz have a plan of removing illegal aliens . Main thing is that i can support either because each is good on the things that matter to me . Thats deportation , enforce the laws , they are both good on guns , military and issues that are personal to me . Point is that i can support either and of all the rinos looking for the nomination , who is better than the Trump or Cruz ?? ---------------------- I support both Eaglewings !!
Trump said his top issues:

Rebuild the military.

Build a wall on the Southern Border.

Take care of veterans.

Take down Isis.

And he gave us a detailed list of how he was going to pay for all that..........OK, that was a lie. He didn't give us such a list. Republicans always say I lied so I finally decided to give them one.

Republicans call Democrats tax and spend, but have you noticed Republicans, the business party, never gives us ways the country can make money besides cutting taxes a la the failed economic policies of George Bush?

If Trump is the GOP nominee, it will be really interesting. His base are uneducated and struggling white guys between the ages of 35 and 55. Uneducated? Like we didn't see that coming.
Trump is not a serious candidate, he has no understanding of responsible governance or sound public policy.
But...but...but....Mrs BJ does.

Trump said his top issues:

Rebuild the military.

Build a wall on the Southern Border.

Take care of veterans.

Take down Isis.

And he gave us a detailed list of how he was going to pay for all that..........OK, that was a lie. He didn't give us such a list. Republicans always say I lied so I finally decided to give them one.

Republicans call Democrats tax and spend, but have you noticed Republicans, the business party, never gives us ways the country can make money besides cutting taxes a la the failed economic policies of George Bush?

If Trump is the GOP nominee, it will be really interesting. His base are uneducated and struggling white guys between the ages of 35 and 55. Uneducated? Like we didn't see that coming.
Trump's supporters are far more intelligent than Hillary Clinton's supporters. And Bernie's supporters are mostly kids who've never taken an Economics 101 class, or had any real experience in life.

It's funny to see the old cliché about Trump's supporters being uneducated, etc.

Typical smug arrogance, the same sort of smug, smirking, arrogance for which F. Chuck Todd is known.
Trump said his top issues:

Rebuild the military.

Build a wall on the Southern Border.

Take care of veterans.

Take down Isis.

And he gave us a detailed list of how he was going to pay for all that..........OK, that was a lie. He didn't give us such a list. Republicans always say I lied so I finally decided to give them one.

Republicans call Democrats tax and spend, but have you noticed Republicans, the business party, never gives us ways the country can make money besides cutting taxes a la the failed economic policies of George Bush?

If Trump is the GOP nominee, it will be really interesting. His base are uneducated and struggling white guys between the ages of 35 and 55. Uneducated? Like we didn't see that coming.
Trump is not a serious candidate, he has no understanding of responsible governance or sound public policy.
But...but...but....Mrs BJ does.


oh... so now we blame the wife for her husband cheating.

what losers you are.
I did see him on there. Mr Derp what did you think of his position on Russia getting the Uranium from Iran? You know, our geo political foe getting the nuclear material that we paid a hundred and fifty billion for.

Iran has almost zero uranium.

List of countries by uranium reserves - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He had a position on something that cannot happen? Sounds like a Trump position to me. Will he make Crimea pay for the extraction of the uranium that doesn't exist?
Trump said his top issues:

Rebuild the military.

Build a wall on the Southern Border.

Take care of veterans.

Take down Isis.

And he gave us a detailed list of how he was going to pay for all that..........OK, that was a lie. He didn't give us such a list. Republicans always say I lied so I finally decided to give them one.

Republicans call Democrats tax and spend, but have you noticed Republicans, the business party, never gives us ways the country can make money besides cutting taxes a la the failed economic policies of George Bush?

If Trump is the GOP nominee, it will be really interesting. His base are uneducated and struggling white guys between the ages of 35 and 55. Uneducated? Like we didn't see that coming.
Trump is not a serious candidate, he has no understanding of responsible governance or sound public policy.
But...but...but....Mrs BJ does.


oh... so now we blame the wife for her husband cheating.

what losers you are.
no...no....no....jillie my poor dear.

I suppose you don't know anything about her lies, corruption, and criminal activities. Google it.

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