Did you see Trump on Meet the Press?

I didn't realize anyone still watched Meet the Press??

Rdean you really need to get a hobby or something. ...... :cool:
You mean other than masturbating to pics of dear leader.

He doesn't have time for anything else.
Trump's supporters are far more intelligent than Hillary Clinton's supporters. And Bernie's supporters are mostly kids who've never taken an Economics 101 class, or had any real experience in life.

It's funny to see the old cliché about Trump's supporters being uneducated, etc.

Typical smug arrogance, the same sort of smug, smirking, arrogance for which F. Chuck Todd is known.

Trump's supporters are generally low-income and uneducated. 60% of them are birfers.
I did see him on there. Mr Derp what did you think of his position on Russia getting the Uranium from Iran? You know, our geo political foe getting the nuclear material that we paid a hundred and fifty billion for.
Umm, actually, we didn't "give" them 150 billion. That money was seized when 500 Iranian students took our embassy personnel hostage decades ago.
Russia was one of the other countries Iran made the nuclear deal with. If we trust Russia with atomic and hydrogen bombs, so what if they have a little extra low grade uranium. They're the ones that will have to dispose of it, not us. Where would you want to store it? In fucking Texas????

Don't you guys know anything? You never actually look at a situation, just come up with ignorant bullshit. I would say shame on you, but you have no shame.
We did give them the money dumbass. We HAD control of it and they will/have received it.

As to your what if scenario I would have preferred destroying it in Iran and not transported it anywhere.

Derp derp
Destroying it how fuckhead. Once again, you don't even know what you are talking about. If we could "destroy" nuclear material, we wouldn't need nuclear dumps.
I swear, you anti science anti education right wingers are pathetic.
Trump said his top issues:

Rebuild the military.

Build a wall on the Southern Border.

Take care of veterans.

Take down Isis.

And he gave us a detailed list of how he was going to pay for all that..........OK, that was a lie. He didn't give us such a list. Republicans always say I lied so I finally decided to give them one.

Republicans call Democrats tax and spend, but have you noticed Republicans, the business party, never gives us ways the country can make money besides cutting taxes a la the failed economic policies of George Bush?

If Trump is the GOP nominee, it will be really interesting. His base are uneducated and struggling white guys between the ages of 35 and 55. Uneducated? Like we didn't see that coming.
Trump is not a serious candidate, he has no understanding of responsible governance or sound public policy.
But...but...but....Mrs BJ does.


oh... so now we blame the wife for her husband cheating.

what losers you are.

No, we blame the wife for being the chief enabler of her sexual predator husband. Hillary Clinton viciously attacked the women that her husband abused. Hillary Clinton did this because she wanted her husband to have power, as she would need that same power to forward her own ambitions for power. Totally amoral and criminal.

You need to become better informed.
Trump said his top issues:

Rebuild the military.

Build a wall on the Southern Border.

Take care of veterans.

Take down Isis.

And he gave us a detailed list of how he was going to pay for all that..........OK, that was a lie. He didn't give us such a list. Republicans always say I lied so I finally decided to give them one.

Republicans call Democrats tax and spend, but have you noticed Republicans, the business party, never gives us ways the country can make money besides cutting taxes a la the failed economic policies of George Bush?

If Trump is the GOP nominee, it will be really interesting. His base are uneducated and struggling white guys between the ages of 35 and 55. Uneducated? Like we didn't see that coming.

All those things are really expensive .

How do we pay for them?
Trump is not a serious candidate, he has no understanding of responsible governance or sound public policy.

Trump has been leading the Republican primaries for months.

And he could very well win.

He's a serious candidate.

Trump has been leading in opinion polls – the primaries don't start until February.

And during those primaries – actual elections where voters cast a ballot, not respond to a pollster who knows the respondent's name, political affiliation, and living address – average, everyday, rank and file republicans will decide who will be the nominee, and that won't be Trump.

Those sober, common sense, everyday republicans know who Trump really is, know that what he advocates is ridiculous idiocy, because they know he's not a serious candidate.
Derp, derp, derp. Another meaningless thread on Trump.
You see, kids...in RubeWorld, a thread on Trump is meaningless if it doesn't suck his cock.

Talking about Trump's plans with a critical eye? That's nuts!

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