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Did you vote, or....

Wasnt meant to be a lecture, Mr. P. ITs just that i hear from so many people that havent voted that they didnt vote 3rd party cause it was a waste. If everyone that didnt vote, voted 3rd party, it wouldnt have been a waste thats for sure.

Obviously, you haven't seen Kinky Friedman.:smoke:
Wasnt meant to be a lecture, Mr. P. ITs just that i hear from so many people that havent voted that they didnt vote 3rd party cause it was a waste. If everyone that didnt vote, voted 3rd party, it wouldnt have been a waste thats for sure.

That's true, but there must be a third party first. Libertarians are close but not there yet really. On the other hand, millions voted for Ross Perot and Clinton won. That worked well.;)
I could not vote. I am registered to vote in Michigan, but I could not file for an absentee ballot because I have never voted in person in Michigan. Thus, I was resigned to moral support.
It’s the first time I’ve not voted. Like I said I am fed up.

None Of The Above should be on every ballot.

If there would have been a viable three party they may have gotten my vote, there isn't. Maybe next time.

Overcoming the stigma of "throwing your vote away" is the biggest hurdle the 3rd party has to overcome.

Sure they'll lose, but if they manage to get more votes than they did last election it sends a signle that they're getting closer to being a legitimate option, which means more campaign funds and more people willing to vote for them next time around. Not voting at all only slows the process down.

So next time get out and vote slacker! :whip3:

None Of The Above should be on every ballot.

Overcoming the stigma of "throwing your vote away" is the biggest hurdle the 3rd party has to overcome.

Sure they'll lose, but if they manage to get more votes than they did last election it sends a signle that they're getting closer to being a legitimate option, which means more campaign funds and more people willing to vote for them next time around. Not voting at all only slows the process down.

So next time get out and vote slacker! :whip3:

Yeah, but I am pissed. I've voted since 1968 and only been 'proud' of Reagan. This is page two so I guess I've sent a signal.;)
Don’t lecture me punk! It’s the first time I’ve not voted. Like I said I am fed up. If there would have been a viable three party they may have gotten my vote, there isn't. Maybe next time.

Im sure the new majority leaders thank you
Well it looks like the public that can't even tell you who the Vice President is or who their state Senators are, will get what they think they wish for...... Democrats in control of at least the House and quite possibly the Senate.

You've got to hand it to the Democrats, they realize that you can bullshit an ignorant constituency very easily and it's even easier to attract a bunch of self interest asswipes with a bunch of empty promises that they never fulfill. Look at how well it has worked for them with blacks and dead people. I guess it is confirmed that there are a lot of dumb Americans that believe that even with an economy that is performing incredibly well, unemployment at record lows and a military that is finally back to being well equipped and ready to defend us, our country is going down the tubes....aaa...ok. Balls in your court dimwits, what are you going to do with it?

Oh and YES I did vote....of course, I give a shit!

Get ready folks, these assholes will think they have some power and will screw themselves for 2008, we'll lose a lot of money and probably have all of the advances in our economy wiped out but it will be so much fun to be able to say I told you so when they do exactly what a blind person could predict. What will really be interesting to watch will be how the "progressive party" opens their combined arms to unite the country....yea.... sure, I'll be over hear holding my breath.

At least we Texans kept our Governor and most of our representatives and Senators, you can't blame us. I'll go ahead and say it now....I told you so!
Well it looks like the public that can't even tell you who the Vice President is or who their state Senators are, will get what they think they wish for...... Democrats in control of at least the House and quite possibly the Senate.

You've got to hand it to the Democrats, they realize that you can bullshit an ignorant constituency very easily and it's even easier to attract a bunch of self interest asswipes with a bunch of empty promises that they never fulfill. Look at how well it has worked for them with blacks and dead people. I guess it is confirmed that there are a lot of dumb Americans that believe that even with an economy that is performing incredibly well, unemployment at record lows and a military that is finally back to being well equipped and ready to defend us, our country is going down the tubes....aaa...ok. Balls in your court dimwits, what are you going to do with it?

Oh and YES I did vote....of course, I give a shit!

Get ready folks, these assholes will think they have some power and will screw themselves for 2008, we'll lose a lot of money and probably have all of the advances in our economy wiped out but it will be so much fun to be able to say I told you so when they do exactly what a blind person could predict. What will really be interesting to watch will be how the "progressive party" opens their combined arms to unite the country....yea.... sure, I'll be over hear holding my breath.

At least we Texans kept our Governor and most of our representatives and Senators, you can't blame us. I'll go ahead and say it now....I told you so!

Well it looks like the public that can't even tell you who the Vice President is or who their state Senators are, will get what they think they wish for...... Democrats in control of at least the House and quite possibly the Senate.

You've got to hand it to the Democrats, they realize that you can bullshit an ignorant constituency very easily and it's even easier to attract a bunch of self interest asswipes with a bunch of empty promises that they never fulfill. Look at how well it has worked for them with blacks and dead people. I guess it is confirmed that there are a lot of dumb Americans that believe that even with an economy that is performing incredibly well, unemployment at record lows and a military that is finally back to being well equipped and ready to defend us, our country is going down the tubes....aaa...ok. Balls in your court dimwits, what are you going to do with it?
Ha! And we always hear about how elitist liberals are. Man I'd love to see people's reactions if this post was from someone else talking about election results 2 years ago.
Voted - Joz and I both, early yesterday morning. I'm very disappointed that Republicans lost the House; House Republicans - alone among the slimy creatures who inhabit Washington - displayed courage, and loyalty to the principles of conservatism. This is the thanks they get. Any Republican who doesn't kiss George Bush's ass gets crushed. We're going to get what we deserve.

In this unhappy context, the loss of the Senate, as well, is not the worst of all possible outcomes, IMHO. Bushian arrogance is repudiated, at least to a small degree. We get to sit back and watch Democrats be Democrats for the next two years. This - coupled with a newly-awakened Republican Party - bodes well for '08. Doesn't look like this is going to happen; the Senate may skate by. A bad day for conservatism all the way around.
musicman said:
House Republicans - alone among the slimy creatures who inhabit Washington -


displayed courage, and loyalty to the principles of conservatism. This is the thanks they get.

Might've had something to with all those connections to Abramoff (expect more to be magicly uncovered when the Dems take controll), covering for Mark Foley, out of controll spending, unpopular war in iraq, stem cells, etc etc too.

Might've had something to with all those connections to Abramoff (expect more to be magicly uncovered when the Dems take controll), covering for Mark Foley, out of controll spending, unpopular war in iraq, stem cells, etc etc too.

You...really DON'T understand, do you?

Ah, well - so much the better. Please tell your friends to proceed with the business of being Democrats - doing conservatism's work with all unwitting diligence. I hope they take the Senate, too.
Will you admit you didn’t vote today and why?

The national elections dont concern me much, nothning I can do about them. Some local stuff is important though, like making Prop 87 in california go down in defeat. Another attempt by liberals to steal more of our money to do what they want.
Senate's turning, too.

Voted...for losers. This state sucks. :(

Ya. I bet everybody I voted for lost, this state sucks, too.

I live in a rural area, the north part's conservative, the south's classic Left Coast liberal (although not Speaker liberal). I've gone to this fire station to vote for the last six years.

But, noooooo...they only accept mail-in ballots there now, they informed me. I had to go into the city since I was doing it in person. I asked for directions, and that seemed to really throw them. One of the election officers starts giving them to me, but the other ones keep butting in and arguing on which turn at which light. Finally, they call down there and some one tells me over the phone.

So there's a line, they did NOT ask for photo ID, then hand me a ballot from the century before last. You had to fill it out using a black-ink pen only. No screens, no levers, no holes to punch.

Yo, Speaker Pelosi, you did the impossible. Now do your mandate and impeach Bush, cut and run from Iraq, "end" the WoT, America just voted for just that.
Ha! And we always hear about how elitist liberals are. Man I'd love to see people's reactions if this post was from someone else talking about election results 2 years ago.

Wow, what a great observation twerp, what exactly would you call the incredible amount of garbage that has been piled on the President since before he took office? High school drop out skam artists (rap, hip hop, whatever they're calling that shit this week), television news readers with barely a high school degree, shit for brains posters on message boards(the type that can't even figure out how to wear a simpleton ball cap correctly), and the winos that the Democrat party trolls for in the alley ways..... they all have been harping on what an idiot our President, a graduate of Yale and Harvard Business School(not some shit lawyer school)is. He's also a supersonic jet fighter pilot that didn't kill himself..... what have you done, what have your heroes done?

Al Gore flunked out of Divinity school and somehow turned it around to become a shit head lawyer. John Kerry had an incredible c- average at Yale and somehow made it to become a shit for brains lawyer. Bill Clinton had a scholarship to Oxford because they recognize a good little Socialist from across the ocean, dropped out and went back to Arkansas to screw trailer park trash on the astro turf in the bed of his El Camino. Nancy Pelosi is working on becoming the fist person in office to actually stretch her facial skin until it rippes off of her face...... You kids sure have room to talk..... what was your excuse again Klay for not voting? It wasn't like Charles in Charge was it, didn't know the candidates, didn't know the issues, didn't know where to go vote, didn't register, had a flat tire, cat had kittens, had to go change Bully's diaper?

Oh by the way, liberals have no reason to be elitist, they just are.

Might've had something to with all those connections to Abramoff (expect more to be magicly uncovered when the Dems take controll), covering for Mark Foley, out of controll spending, unpopular war in iraq, stem cells, etc etc too.

Sure Red, the public knows who Abramoff is.... right! Are the Dems going to magically uncover how many of them where sucking off the Abramoff teets?.... doubt it. Mark Foley????? The Dems embrace pedophiles and asslickers, he's probably one of theirs. Out of control spending? What did the brave illiterate twerps in the Dem party do to stop it? Unpopular war...gee I wonder why, the Dems have campaigned harder against a war they advocated, signed on to, and recommended, than they do for office.

The people that did what they did in the voting booth yesterday can stand up and take responcibility for the deaths of our service men and women for emboldening our enemies the last five years and before that. Enjoy yourselves traitors, see you in 2 years.

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