Discussing politics with people who don't share your views........

You know, there has been a lot of talk (mostly by comedians) about how people like to live in an echo chamber and only talk with others who think like them. Some have said that discussing politics with someone who doesn't agree with you is a way to mend the divide and learn compromise. Face to face negotiation has been proven to lead to compromise and understanding.

Turns out that ain't the case when it comes to the Internet. Seems that if you are discussing politics with a person different than your group can actually be worse than living in a bubble, because people will dig in even harder in their views. I guess the lack of face to face communication is what causes it to happen.

Caught in a political echo chamber? Listening to the opposition can make partisanship even worse

Dwelling in a political echo chamber — where you only encounter people who agree with you — is hardly conducive to a healthy democracy.

But it turns out that broadening your horizons by perusing opposing points of view on social media may just make the partisan divide worse.

That’s the depressing result of an unusual experiment involving 909 Democrats and 751 Republicans who spend a lot of time on Twitter.

“Attempts to introduce people to a broad range of opposing political views on a social media site such as Twitter might be not only ineffective but counterproductive,” researchers reported this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Political polarization is on the rise in America, and the results aren’t pretty, the study authors explained.

“Americans are deeply divided on controversial issues such as inequality, gun control, and immigration,” they wrote. “Partisan divisions not only impede compromise in the design and implementation of social policies but also have far-reaching consequences for the effective function of democracy more broadly.”

The researchers, led by Duke University sociologist Christopher Bail, set out to do something about this problem by harnessing the power of Twitter.

They already knew people become more inclined to compromise on political issues when they spend time with people who hold opposing views. Face-to-face meetings can override negative stereotypes about our adversaries, paving the way for negotiation.

I see. So you're saying you don't call people racists all the time in real life like you do on message boards?


I don't know what that means
What concerns me is that I'm seeing more and more of this manic behavior in real life. More and more people I talk to and see are walking around, one inch away from completely losing their shit on someone. Screaming, not listening, ever.

And you don't even notice the high correlation with them being leftists, do you?
No, not at all. Sometimes when talking with a new client about taxes, they go off on the same shallow, naive talking points I hear on talk radio and see here daily.

Lefties see more volatile and angry, Righties seem more trained and obedient.

Just my observation, of course.

And when you turn on hearings, it's leftists screaming and disrupting. It's leftists kicking people out of their restaurants. It's leftists to tried to stop Trump supporters physically from getting to his rallies. It's leftists who stopped anyone they disagreed with from speaking at Berkeley.

But you admitted what I said, you're not observant or just flat out biased, you don't see it

What about the Trump tow truck driver that left a disabled Bernie supporter stranded, just because she had a bumper sticker on her car?

Pro-Trump tow truck driver leaves disabled Sanders supporter stranded

On Monday, a Donald Trump-supporting tow truck driver outside Asheville, North Carolina, responded to a call from a driver with disabilities.

When the tow truck driver saw the stranded motorist’s Bernie Sanders sticker, Fox Carolina reported, he aborted the pick-up and left her on the side of the highway.

According to Fox Carolina: “Kenneth Shupe said he was called to pick up a woman stranded on I-26 in Asheville on Monday.

“When he saw ‘a bunch of Bernie Sanders stuff’, he said he told the woman ‘very politely’ that he couldn’t tow her car because she was ‘obviously a socialist’.

Shupe “advised her to ‘call the government’ for a tow”, the report said, adding: “Every business dealing in recent history with a socialist-minded person I have not gotten paid … every time I deal with these people I get ‘Berned’ with an ‘e’ not a ‘u’.’”

That tow truck driver is a badass. He deserves a bonus. What’s the name of the company?

Don't you love the whining from SailorMoon who is in the party openly calling to not serve Republicans at their businesses? I haven't heard anyone on the Republican side do that
You know, there has been a lot of talk (mostly by comedians) about how people like to live in an echo chamber and only talk with others who think like them. Some have said that discussing politics with someone who doesn't agree with you is a way to mend the divide and learn compromise. Face to face negotiation has been proven to lead to compromise and understanding.

Turns out that ain't the case when it comes to the Internet. Seems that if you are discussing politics with a person different than your group can actually be worse than living in a bubble, because people will dig in even harder in their views. I guess the lack of face to face communication is what causes it to happen.

Caught in a political echo chamber? Listening to the opposition can make partisanship even worse

Dwelling in a political echo chamber — where you only encounter people who agree with you — is hardly conducive to a healthy democracy.

But it turns out that broadening your horizons by perusing opposing points of view on social media may just make the partisan divide worse.

That’s the depressing result of an unusual experiment involving 909 Democrats and 751 Republicans who spend a lot of time on Twitter.

“Attempts to introduce people to a broad range of opposing political views on a social media site such as Twitter might be not only ineffective but counterproductive,” researchers reported this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Political polarization is on the rise in America, and the results aren’t pretty, the study authors explained.

“Americans are deeply divided on controversial issues such as inequality, gun control, and immigration,” they wrote. “Partisan divisions not only impede compromise in the design and implementation of social policies but also have far-reaching consequences for the effective function of democracy more broadly.”

The researchers, led by Duke University sociologist Christopher Bail, set out to do something about this problem by harnessing the power of Twitter.

They already knew people become more inclined to compromise on political issues when they spend time with people who hold opposing views. Face-to-face meetings can override negative stereotypes about our adversaries, paving the way for negotiation.
Likes attract each other. It feels good to have your views validated by the hollow echo of others with similar views.

Politics, religion, sex, and money should absolutely never be discussed with anyone not even your spouse.

Give your spouse a private checking account and an allowance, and budget her/his allowance. Then mind your own business.

Gifts is another thing. I absolutely hate receiving gifts. They normally always go back to the store for returns. And that is a big waste of time.

I like restaurant gift cards though.
You know, there has been a lot of talk (mostly by comedians) about how people like to live in an echo chamber and only talk with others who think like them. Some have said that discussing politics with someone who doesn't agree with you is a way to mend the divide and learn compromise. Face to face negotiation has been proven to lead to compromise and understanding.

Turns out that ain't the case when it comes to the Internet. Seems that if you are discussing politics with a person different than your group can actually be worse than living in a bubble, because people will dig in even harder in their views. I guess the lack of face to face communication is what causes it to happen.

Caught in a political echo chamber? Listening to the opposition can make partisanship even worse

Dwelling in a political echo chamber — where you only encounter people who agree with you — is hardly conducive to a healthy democracy.

But it turns out that broadening your horizons by perusing opposing points of view on social media may just make the partisan divide worse.

That’s the depressing result of an unusual experiment involving 909 Democrats and 751 Republicans who spend a lot of time on Twitter.

“Attempts to introduce people to a broad range of opposing political views on a social media site such as Twitter might be not only ineffective but counterproductive,” researchers reported this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Political polarization is on the rise in America, and the results aren’t pretty, the study authors explained.

“Americans are deeply divided on controversial issues such as inequality, gun control, and immigration,” they wrote. “Partisan divisions not only impede compromise in the design and implementation of social policies but also have far-reaching consequences for the effective function of democracy more broadly.”

The researchers, led by Duke University sociologist Christopher Bail, set out to do something about this problem by harnessing the power of Twitter.

They already knew people become more inclined to compromise on political issues when they spend time with people who hold opposing views. Face-to-face meetings can override negative stereotypes about our adversaries, paving the way for negotiation.

I saw a Teumpkin and a Cruztard get in a fight one time over who was “the real deal”. Honestly, those “men” and people like them are slaves and nothing more.

Our family lives in two separate country’s. It’s intresting to hear them talk politics. But for me I just don’t anymore. Since 2000 politics has become to nasty. Back then you and a friend could disagree and be fine and go on as friends. Now folks really take it personal. Politics today reminds me of a small country’s in Africa where everyone runs around chopping each other up with machetes.
And you don't even notice the high correlation with them being leftists, do you?
No, not at all. Sometimes when talking with a new client about taxes, they go off on the same shallow, naive talking points I hear on talk radio and see here daily.

Lefties see more volatile and angry, Righties seem more trained and obedient.

Just my observation, of course.

And when you turn on hearings, it's leftists screaming and disrupting. It's leftists kicking people out of their restaurants. It's leftists to tried to stop Trump supporters physically from getting to his rallies. It's leftists who stopped anyone they disagreed with from speaking at Berkeley.

But you admitted what I said, you're not observant or just flat out biased, you don't see it

What about the Trump tow truck driver that left a disabled Bernie supporter stranded, just because she had a bumper sticker on her car?

Pro-Trump tow truck driver leaves disabled Sanders supporter stranded

On Monday, a Donald Trump-supporting tow truck driver outside Asheville, North Carolina, responded to a call from a driver with disabilities.

When the tow truck driver saw the stranded motorist’s Bernie Sanders sticker, Fox Carolina reported, he aborted the pick-up and left her on the side of the highway.

According to Fox Carolina: “Kenneth Shupe said he was called to pick up a woman stranded on I-26 in Asheville on Monday.

“When he saw ‘a bunch of Bernie Sanders stuff’, he said he told the woman ‘very politely’ that he couldn’t tow her car because she was ‘obviously a socialist’.

Shupe “advised her to ‘call the government’ for a tow”, the report said, adding: “Every business dealing in recent history with a socialist-minded person I have not gotten paid … every time I deal with these people I get ‘Berned’ with an ‘e’ not a ‘u’.’”

That tow truck driver is a badass. He deserves a bonus. What’s the name of the company?

Don't you love the whining from SailorMoon who is in the party openly calling to not serve Republicans at their businesses? I haven't heard anyone on the Republican side do that
@sailormoon ??
No, not at all. Sometimes when talking with a new client about taxes, they go off on the same shallow, naive talking points I hear on talk radio and see here daily.

Lefties see more volatile and angry, Righties seem more trained and obedient.

Just my observation, of course.

And when you turn on hearings, it's leftists screaming and disrupting. It's leftists kicking people out of their restaurants. It's leftists to tried to stop Trump supporters physically from getting to his rallies. It's leftists who stopped anyone they disagreed with from speaking at Berkeley.

But you admitted what I said, you're not observant or just flat out biased, you don't see it

What about the Trump tow truck driver that left a disabled Bernie supporter stranded, just because she had a bumper sticker on her car?

Pro-Trump tow truck driver leaves disabled Sanders supporter stranded

On Monday, a Donald Trump-supporting tow truck driver outside Asheville, North Carolina, responded to a call from a driver with disabilities.

When the tow truck driver saw the stranded motorist’s Bernie Sanders sticker, Fox Carolina reported, he aborted the pick-up and left her on the side of the highway.

According to Fox Carolina: “Kenneth Shupe said he was called to pick up a woman stranded on I-26 in Asheville on Monday.

“When he saw ‘a bunch of Bernie Sanders stuff’, he said he told the woman ‘very politely’ that he couldn’t tow her car because she was ‘obviously a socialist’.

Shupe “advised her to ‘call the government’ for a tow”, the report said, adding: “Every business dealing in recent history with a socialist-minded person I have not gotten paid … every time I deal with these people I get ‘Berned’ with an ‘e’ not a ‘u’.’”

That tow truck driver is a badass. He deserves a bonus. What’s the name of the company?

Don't you love the whining from SailorMoon who is in the party openly calling to not serve Republicans at their businesses? I haven't heard anyone on the Republican side do that
@sailormoon ??

What are you asking me exactly? If you don't know who sailor moon is, you're on the Internet with Google. If you don't know who I'm calling Sailor Moon, you could read the quote and it's pretty obvious both from who's point I responded to and their user name
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.
What concerns me is that I'm seeing more and more of this manic behavior in real life. More and more people I talk to and see are walking around, one inch away from completely losing their shit on someone. Screaming, not listening, ever.

And you don't even notice the high correlation with them being leftists, do you?
No, not at all. Sometimes when talking with a new client about taxes, they go off on the same shallow, naive talking points I hear on talk radio and see here daily.

Lefties see more volatile and angry, Righties seem more trained and obedient.

Just my observation, of course.

An astute observation. Now, would that be Orwellian?
No, I think this is entirely self-inflicted. We have allowed ourselves to become intellectually lazy and narcissistic. And as a result, tribal.
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Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.
What concerns me is that I'm seeing more and more of this manic behavior in real life. More and more people I talk to and see are walking around, one inch away from completely losing their shit on someone. Screaming, not listening, ever.

And you don't even notice the high correlation with them being leftists, do you?
No, not at all. Sometimes when talking with a new client about taxes, they go off on the same shallow, naive talking points I hear on talk radio and see here daily.

Lefties see more volatile and angry, Righties seem more trained and obedient.

Just my observation, of course.

An astute observation. Now, would that be Orwellian?
No, I think this is entirely self-inflicted. We have allowed ourselves to become intellectually lazy and narcissistic.

If Trump supporters are saying things like that to you then you're encouraging them to talk. I always give people who ping me with a political statement who I am not personally close to a generic answer such as I like to hear both sides or I'm not big on either side or how bout that weather. The Trump supporters always drop it. It's only leftists that will persist.

I only talk politics with people I'm close to and on message boards. It's not something I want my personal life consumed by
The discourse on the internet is a good gauge for what people are thinking.

It’s obvious the most liberals are obsessed with Social Justice and it’s obvious most conservatives are obsessed with small government and the rule of law.
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.
What concerns me is that I'm seeing more and more of this manic behavior in real life. More and more people I talk to and see are walking around, one inch away from completely losing their shit on someone. Screaming, not listening, ever.
All Democrats.
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.
What concerns me is that I'm seeing more and more of this manic behavior in real life. More and more people I talk to and see are walking around, one inch away from completely losing their shit on someone. Screaming, not listening, ever.

And you don't even notice the high correlation with them being leftists, do you?
No, not at all. Sometimes when talking with a new client about taxes, they go off on the same shallow, naive talking points I hear on talk radio and see here daily.

Lefties see more volatile and angry, Righties seem more trained and obedient.

Just my observation, of course.

An astute observation. Now, would that be Orwellian?
No, I think this is entirely self-inflicted. We have allowed ourselves to become intellectually lazy and narcissistic.

Sounds good. I think I will ban all news in my house and rent an RV for a bit. Stuff like that is defiantly part of the problem. Hell, what do you do when you get up? Look at your phone, then the TV, maybe the radio and your 24 hour news cycle there to wind you up. Meh, to lazy to know better and to lazy to interrupt the pattern.
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.

The problem with compromising with you is that every compromise that I give you limits my freedom while every compromise you give me expands yours
How is that so? Freedom is not a zero sum game. By extending the same freedoms to those with whom you disagree does nothing to erode your own freedoms.

When marriage equality became the law of the land, were your freedoms threatened? When the Civil Rights and Voter's Rights bills were signed, did you lose civil rights or voter's rights?

The only 'freedom' many Conservatives actually lost was the 'freedom' to be openly bigoted and proud of that bigotry. But those 'freedoms' were rescinded by society, not the state.
When are “progressives” going to lose the freedom to be openly bigoted and proud of that bigotry?
  • Thanks
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We talk past each other.

There is no discussing anything with Trumpers and really not much chance of a real discussion with Republicans in general.

No matter what evidence is presented to them...the response is always

Hillary!!!....or Obama!!!!...

The only reason I bother is to counter their bullshit for any open minded people out there
That is why your ilk are afraid to debate people like me.

I don’t just bring up Hillary or Obama. I bring up people you probably have never even heard of and make you idiots look stupid in front of your even dumber group of friends.
You know, there has been a lot of talk (mostly by comedians) about how people like to live in an echo chamber and only talk with others who think like them. Some have said that discussing politics with someone who doesn't agree with you is a way to mend the divide and learn compromise. Face to face negotiation has been proven to lead to compromise and understanding.

Turns out that ain't the case when it comes to the Internet. Seems that if you are discussing politics with a person different than your group can actually be worse than living in a bubble, because people will dig in even harder in their views. I guess the lack of face to face communication is what causes it to happen.

Caught in a political echo chamber? Listening to the opposition can make partisanship even worse

Dwelling in a political echo chamber — where you only encounter people who agree with you — is hardly conducive to a healthy democracy.

But it turns out that broadening your horizons by perusing opposing points of view on social media may just make the partisan divide worse.

That’s the depressing result of an unusual experiment involving 909 Democrats and 751 Republicans who spend a lot of time on Twitter.

“Attempts to introduce people to a broad range of opposing political views on a social media site such as Twitter might be not only ineffective but counterproductive,” researchers reported this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Political polarization is on the rise in America, and the results aren’t pretty, the study authors explained.

“Americans are deeply divided on controversial issues such as inequality, gun control, and immigration,” they wrote. “Partisan divisions not only impede compromise in the design and implementation of social policies but also have far-reaching consequences for the effective function of democracy more broadly.”

The researchers, led by Duke University sociologist Christopher Bail, set out to do something about this problem by harnessing the power of Twitter.

They already knew people become more inclined to compromise on political issues when they spend time with people who hold opposing views. Face-to-face meetings can override negative stereotypes about our adversaries, paving the way for negotiation.

One thing I learned at a very early age was, "don't talk politics or religion with strangers." It will only get you into trouble and they won't change their minds any more than you will change yours.
Well Mac, you can see it here on these boards everyday. I think that the anonymous nature of message boards makes people less likely to compromise.

The problem with compromising with you is that every compromise that I give you limits my freedom while every compromise you give me expands yours
How is that so? Freedom is not a zero sum game. By extending the same freedoms to those with whom you disagree does nothing to erode your own freedoms.

When marriage equality became the law of the land, were your freedoms threatened? When the Civil Rights and Voter's Rights bills were signed, did you lose civil rights or voter's rights?

The only 'freedom' many Conservatives actually lost was the 'freedom' to be openly bigoted and proud of that bigotry. But those 'freedoms' were rescinded by society, not the state.
When are “progressives” going to lose the freedom to be openly bigoted and proud of that bigotry?

According to their definition, when “Whites” are not the majority ethnicity in America, they can be racist and the other ethnicities cannot be racist.

We know it’s bullshit, but that’s what they are selling.

The minority can say racist things about the majority and it’s not racist.
You know, there has been a lot of talk (mostly by comedians) about how people like to live in an echo chamber and only talk with others who think like them. Some have said that discussing politics with someone who doesn't agree with you is a way to mend the divide and learn compromise. Face to face negotiation has been proven to lead to compromise and understanding.

Turns out that ain't the case when it comes to the Internet. Seems that if you are discussing politics with a person different than your group can actually be worse than living in a bubble, because people will dig in even harder in their views. I guess the lack of face to face communication is what causes it to happen.

Caught in a political echo chamber? Listening to the opposition can make partisanship even worse

Dwelling in a political echo chamber — where you only encounter people who agree with you — is hardly conducive to a healthy democracy.

But it turns out that broadening your horizons by perusing opposing points of view on social media may just make the partisan divide worse.

That’s the depressing result of an unusual experiment involving 909 Democrats and 751 Republicans who spend a lot of time on Twitter.

“Attempts to introduce people to a broad range of opposing political views on a social media site such as Twitter might be not only ineffective but counterproductive,” researchers reported this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Political polarization is on the rise in America, and the results aren’t pretty, the study authors explained.

“Americans are deeply divided on controversial issues such as inequality, gun control, and immigration,” they wrote. “Partisan divisions not only impede compromise in the design and implementation of social policies but also have far-reaching consequences for the effective function of democracy more broadly.”

The researchers, led by Duke University sociologist Christopher Bail, set out to do something about this problem by harnessing the power of Twitter.

They already knew people become more inclined to compromise on political issues when they spend time with people who hold opposing views. Face-to-face meetings can override negative stereotypes about our adversaries, paving the way for negotiation.

The more you discuss politics with people who hold different views on politics, the more you find most people don't have the slightest clue what the heck they are talking about. They have the tendency to go from general policy into rabid rage that involves snips of the continuous garbage they encounter in media and discussion among their piers. A lot of what they think involves surface reactions to issues where they aren't really as concerned about comprehensive legislation as much as fighting the other side.

They also don't have the ability to understand that because they want ,or would like something, doesn't necessarily make it the best idea, nor does it necessarily grant the government the power to be the arbiter, or ignore existing law for the purpose of politics.
LOL I'll just put this here....leftists, smh

My nephew tried to school me on cultural appropriation. It didn't end well.

My nephew tried to school me on cultural appropriation. It didn't end well.
Ya, that was likey the result of all attempts to educate you!

What? There isn't a leftist alive that will ever "educate" me.
There is not any one alive that can!

Not true, many people have taught me a wealth of information. I use it to mock leftists like you

There is nothing so flimsy and stupid as cultural appropriation. It's yet another division point for the left to create chaos and avoid the real issues that plague this nation. It's so easy to debunk also...as the article does but because you're a leftist you don't see that the man schooled his nephew. Now who can't be taught? Hmmm?

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