Disinformation is enemy #1.

Ya don’t kiss the ass of dictators who are intent on expanding through invasion.



Some people kiss the ass of dictators.

Trump voters tell NBC Reporter that ‘Russia is not our enemy’​

I, along with I'm sure many others, have made the point our self governance relies on an informed, engaged electorate.

If someone would like to explain to me how these MAGAists came to believe the things they said if not for RWM disinformation I'd like to hear it.

Yes, and Russia and China with their closed media are pushing massive amounts of misinformation in western countries.

Something has to change or the west dies.

Trump voters tell NBC Reporter that ‘Russia is not our enemy’​

I, along with I'm sure many others, have made the point our self governance relies on an informed, engaged electorate.

If someone would like to explain to me how these MAGAists came to believe the things they said if not for RWM disinformation I'd like to hear it.

Stuff like this swings both ways.
I recall years ago when Obamy was first running for POTUS, many an excited young "adult" claiming once he'd was elected he take care of paying off their cars and mortgages for them. Although Biden seems to be helping in that way sort of with his clearing student loan debt repayments. Letting taxpayers and lenders take the loss of the funds they invested in those loans.

Delusions and disinformation run deep on both sides of political divide.

Trump voters tell NBC Reporter that ‘Russia is not our enemy’​

I, along with I'm sure many others, have made the point our self governance relies on an informed, engaged electorate.

If someone would like to explain to me how these MAGAists came to believe the things they said if not for RWM disinformation I'd like to hear it.

I am a trump supporter and I disagree with the two elderly trump voters in the video

You can find democrats that are isolationists and pacifists also

But not on MSNBC, because that far left network only wants to bash me and other trump supporters

Trump voters tell NBC Reporter that ‘Russia is not our enemy’​

I, along with I'm sure many others, have made the point our self governance relies on an informed, engaged electorate.

If someone would like to explain to me how these MAGAists came to believe the things they said if not for RWM disinformation I'd like to hear it.

If the US had not been complicit in the color revolution in Ukraine, and messing around, meddling in Ukrainian internal politics, you might convince me the Russia is some sort of threat to us. . . but it seems to me, we are the threat to Russia, not the reverse.

. . . and most of these folks know this.

You need to find new propaganda, IMO.

Russia is still having elections, Ukraine is not.
We all speak loosely. Even I do it (although less frequently than most on this board).

However - one must learn to discern. Navigate through the piles of manure. Which, is same as it ever was.

Righties and lefties both, suffer from the same filters. Selective attention is a powerful filter.

Righties: you don't like illegal immigrants. And you don't believe they're seeking asylum. "Asylum from what" you say. Well, I've been to Central America and seen it with my own two eyes. Cartels target girls as young as 10 because they might be valuable someday. You're worried about J6 political prisoners? Well, this is the real thing. These girls simply disappear. They don't get a public arrest and aren't told to turn themselves in. No... they go out to lunch with their friends, one of them goes to the bathroom and simply disappears. Is never heard from again.

Righties also: there is not one voting machine anywhere in Los Angeles County, that's connected to the internet. I'll swear to it in a court of law, because I've seen it with my own two eyes.

See... lemme tell you something. Us security guys, speak in terms of "defense in depth". That means there are LAYERS of obfuscation. When you uncover a lie, dont delude yourself into believing you've discovered the truth. There's another lie behind it, and another lie behind that.

For instance - the lefties have us believing it's all about Dominion and electronic manipulation and such - which is easy to digest and kinda-sorta makes sense, until you start thinking about the particulars. The truth, in this case, is a lot less complicated than electronic manipulation. I won't speak to it just yet, but maybe I'll start a thread on it later.

The point being, when we see an article saying "electors certify" our heads should go immediately to click bait. This is not the kind of thing we need to be promoting We're better than that. We get manipulated by the media because we ALLOW ourselves to be manipulated. We stop at the first lie, and it prevents us from digging all the way to the truth.

Yeah, we get illegals. Yeah, we get cheating. Both of those things have been going on forever, they're nothing new. What IS new is our inability or unwillingness to discern. Truth is stubborn, and selective attention is a protection mechanism that keeps the brain from dwelling on unpleasantness (and therefore protects us from anger and stress - although lately its effectiveness is becoming questionable).

Defense in depth. Layers of lies, just like those Russian dolls. The spooks are very good at this kind of stuff, and others are too. Conditions aren't all that great for illegals right now, if anyone told them they couldn't get a job and rent is 2500 a month they'd probably go home. So if you put on your thinking cap, you'll realize conditions back home must be prettty damn bad if they're willing to walk 3000 miles for that. Which some of them do. Especially the ones with little girls. This is America. We don't send people like that packing, we have compassion for children.

Yes, there are terrorists in the mix. Lefties completely ignore that simple fact. They don't want to look at it. Selective attention is a powerful protection mechanism. And current policy deliberately and willfully makes it impossible to discern who's legit and who's not.

THAT, is a failure of government. The WHOLE THING is a failure of government. But the RW media has one set of lies, and the LW media has another. Righties: who's been spreading the BS about electronic manipulation of voting machines? It's the RW media, amirite? Lefties: who's been spreading the BS about "asylum seekers"? It's the LW media, yes?

Please... learn to discern click bait, and start getting pissed off about the stuff that isn't. Congress hasn't balanced a budget in 30 years. (Hell, they haven't even unbalanced one 'cause they haven't even written one! lol) We don't hear that in EITHER media, do we? NO ONE voted to open the borders, the president did it by executive action. Even though it's not his to do. And no one complained. (Till just recently).That oughta tell you something.
If someone would like to explain to me how these MAGAists came to believe the things they said if not for RWM disinformation I'd like to hear it.
I think of it as "mal-information". Malicious intent.

This began with Limbaugh. Not only did he tell them what to think, but how to think. Then he made the world binary, us vs. them. Then he convinced them that any information source that said things they didn't like was lying, 24/7/365, that nothing they said was true, ever. Just listen to me. And they did.

So this is the result. Literal competing realities.

I've been saying all along that these people really are at war. And in war, any lie can become "the truth" if it advances your side of the war.
So some of you realize that we in fact are subject to a lot of gub'mit propaganda
Some see extremism as being worse in the USofA than ever before
This is the very essence of deep statism , which simply is the agenda of the elites ,the monied, the globalists pulling strings behind the scenes
Reveal them, and you're a conspiracy theorists ~S~
I see you aren't in the mood to discuss the mind numbing idiocy, stemming from right wing propaganda, of these MAGAists. Who could blame you?
Every now and then they actually forget the deep fake and say what they really mean. This is one of those threads. They are actually stating that Russia is not our enemy. Its inexplicable and concerning that so many people in MAGA land can be conned for so long they can no longer discern their own bullshit.
How is President Hillary doing now?
Still passing out in a puddle of her own vomit every night?

This excellent article explains in some detail just how spot on Hillary was by describing a good portion of Trump's base as deplorable. You know, folks like you.

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