do dems believe the censoring of conservative speech by social media giants is ok ?

however, "disagreeing" with Faucis' medical opinions by saying "cut off his head and put it on a pike as a warning to other people whose heads we might want to cut off and put on pikes"

is HATE SPEECH and deserves to be censored

To quote Thomas Jefferson's remarks about the Tree of Liberty and its need to be watered—Is that hate speech? Should that be censored?
however, "disagreeing" with Faucis' medical opinions by saying "cut off his head and put it on a pike as a warning to other people whose heads we might want to cut off and put on pikes"

is HATE SPEECH and deserves to be censored

To quote Thomas Jefferson's remarks about the Tree of Liberty and its need to be watered—Is that hate speech? Should that be censored?

“I’d actually like to go back to the old times of Tudor England. I’d put their heads on pikes, right, I’d put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats, you either get with the program or you’re gone.”

I'm pretty sure that's not a quote of Jefferson.

Same principle. Jefferson was addressing how corrupt public servants should be treated, who abuse their powers to the intent and end of violating the people's Constitutional rights. Fauci is a piece of shit who is willfully and knowingly complicit in a massive hoax which had that exact intent, motive, and effect.

Why should there not be calls to hold him to answer for his malfeasance as Jefferson himself would surely have advocated?
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
If the content of "Conservative " speech is not designed to lie or undermine confidence in democratic institutions, I oppose censorship.
If the democratic institutions are corrupt, they don't deserve people's confidence.
They are deemed corrupt by the Orange man. So it is not necessarily true.
Oh, don't even make the mistake of believing that view of democratic corruption isn't shared by many Americans, and doesn't long predate Trump's presidency.
As it goes presently, it is up to the discretion of the business to decide what content is acceptable on their platform or not. Or in this case, it could be put more simply; they have the discretion to show discretion ;)

As to whether it is "OK" or not, there is no moral hazard if one sides with facts, and suppresses the spread of lies. Lies can never properly be called journalism, after all.

"It is a melancholy truth, that a suppression of the press could not more compleatly deprive the nation of it's benefits, than is done by it's abandoned prostitution to falsehood." -- Thomas Jefferson


The perception of persecution and victimhood is integral to the modern GOP's lone unifying ideology: that everyone is unfair to conservatives.

The pushing of 'alternative facts' as being just as viable and moral as actual facts is a core mechanism of this unifying ideology. In their minds its not 'fact' vs 'fiction', its 'opinion' vs 'opinion'. And thus, any fact checking is the excercise of (in the narrative a 'leftist') opinion to 'censor' their opinion.

Reinforcing their perception of their own victimization and persecution.

In the modern conservative mindset, there's *always* a dick in their ass.

They are very fragile snowflakes indeed. View attachment 418538

That sense of being extra special and unique is probably why they fell for the fallacy of the dead voters so easily:

These are people that swallowed the 'fraud' Kool-aid without a scrap of evidence.

Why would they need evidence for all the *other* conspiracy horseshit they gladly gobble?
You mean like the "Russian collusion" conspiracy horseshit?
As it goes presently, it is up to the discretion of the business to decide what content is acceptable on their platform or not. Or in this case, it could be put more simply; they have the discretion to show discretion ;)

As to whether it is "OK" or not, there is no moral hazard if one sides with facts, and suppresses the spread of lies. Lies can never properly be called journalism, after all.

"It is a melancholy truth, that a suppression of the press could not more compleatly deprive the nation of it's benefits, than is done by it's abandoned prostitution to falsehood." -- Thomas Jefferson


The perception of persecution and victimhood is integral to the modern GOP's lone unifying ideology: that everyone is unfair to conservatives.

The pushing of 'alternative facts' as being just as viable and moral as actual facts is a core mechanism of this unifying ideology. In their minds its not 'fact' vs 'fiction', its 'opinion' vs 'opinion'. And thus, any fact checking is the excercise of (in the narrative a 'leftist') opinion to 'censor' their opinion.

Reinforcing their perception of their own victimization and persecution.

In the modern conservative mindset, there's *always* a dick in their ass.

They are very fragile snowflakes indeed. View attachment 418538

That sense of being extra special and unique is probably why they fell for the fallacy of the dead voters so easily:

These are people that swallowed the 'fraud' Kool-aid without a scrap of evidence.

Why would they need evidence for all the *other* conspiracy horseshit they gladly gobble?
You mean like the "Russian collusion" conspiracy horseshit?

The special counsel wasn't seated by a democrat. But by a republican, confirmed by a republican senate, in a republican administration.

Meanwhile, your ilk have invented elaborate, batshit conspiracy theories backed by they can ignore the election results.
As it goes presently, it is up to the discretion of the business to decide what content is acceptable on their platform or not. Or in this case, it could be put more simply; they have the discretion to show discretion ;)

As to whether it is "OK" or not, there is no moral hazard if one sides with facts, and suppresses the spread of lies. Lies can never properly be called journalism, after all.

"It is a melancholy truth, that a suppression of the press could not more compleatly deprive the nation of it's benefits, than is done by it's abandoned prostitution to falsehood." -- Thomas Jefferson


The perception of persecution and victimhood is integral to the modern GOP's lone unifying ideology: that everyone is unfair to conservatives.

The pushing of 'alternative facts' as being just as viable and moral as actual facts is a core mechanism of this unifying ideology. In their minds its not 'fact' vs 'fiction', its 'opinion' vs 'opinion'. And thus, any fact checking is the excercise of (in the narrative a 'leftist') opinion to 'censor' their opinion.

Reinforcing their perception of their own victimization and persecution.

In the modern conservative mindset, there's *always* a dick in their ass.

They are very fragile snowflakes indeed. View attachment 418538

That sense of being extra special and unique is probably why they fell for the fallacy of the dead voters so easily:

These are people that swallowed the 'fraud' Kool-aid without a scrap of evidence.

Why would they need evidence for all the *other* conspiracy horseshit they gladly gobble?
You mean like the "Russian collusion" conspiracy horseshit?

The special counsel wasn't seated by a democrat. But by a republican, confirmed by a republican senate, in a republican administration.

Meanwhile, your ilk have invented elaborate, batshit conspiracy theories backed by they can ignore the election results.
Yeah, it's gonna take a little more than you yelling HE WON HE WON NEENER NEENER to make me confident the election was fair and honest.

Not that the left gives a shit about what people want.
As it goes presently, it is up to the discretion of the business to decide what content is acceptable on their platform or not. Or in this case, it could be put more simply; they have the discretion to show discretion ;)

As to whether it is "OK" or not, there is no moral hazard if one sides with facts, and suppresses the spread of lies. Lies can never properly be called journalism, after all.

"It is a melancholy truth, that a suppression of the press could not more compleatly deprive the nation of it's benefits, than is done by it's abandoned prostitution to falsehood." -- Thomas Jefferson


The perception of persecution and victimhood is integral to the modern GOP's lone unifying ideology: that everyone is unfair to conservatives.

The pushing of 'alternative facts' as being just as viable and moral as actual facts is a core mechanism of this unifying ideology. In their minds its not 'fact' vs 'fiction', its 'opinion' vs 'opinion'. And thus, any fact checking is the excercise of (in the narrative a 'leftist') opinion to 'censor' their opinion.

Reinforcing their perception of their own victimization and persecution.

In the modern conservative mindset, there's *always* a dick in their ass.

They are very fragile snowflakes indeed. View attachment 418538

That sense of being extra special and unique is probably why they fell for the fallacy of the dead voters so easily:

These are people that swallowed the 'fraud' Kool-aid without a scrap of evidence.

Why would they need evidence for all the *other* conspiracy horseshit they gladly gobble?
You mean like the "Russian collusion" conspiracy horseshit?

The special counsel wasn't seated by a democrat. But by a republican, confirmed by a republican senate, in a republican administration.

Meanwhile, your ilk have invented elaborate, batshit conspiracy theories backed by they can ignore the election results.
Yeah, it's gonna take a little more than you yelling HE WON HE WON NEENER NEENER to make me confident the election was fair and honest.

Not that the left gives a shit about what people want.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with the actual election results as a reasonable indication of the election results.

And you get that Biden shattered the all time popular vote record....with more than 79 million votes, yes?

Clearly, Biden is what the people want.
As it goes presently, it is up to the discretion of the business to decide what content is acceptable on their platform or not. Or in this case, it could be put more simply; they have the discretion to show discretion ;)

As to whether it is "OK" or not, there is no moral hazard if one sides with facts, and suppresses the spread of lies. Lies can never properly be called journalism, after all.

"It is a melancholy truth, that a suppression of the press could not more compleatly deprive the nation of it's benefits, than is done by it's abandoned prostitution to falsehood." -- Thomas Jefferson


The perception of persecution and victimhood is integral to the modern GOP's lone unifying ideology: that everyone is unfair to conservatives.

The pushing of 'alternative facts' as being just as viable and moral as actual facts is a core mechanism of this unifying ideology. In their minds its not 'fact' vs 'fiction', its 'opinion' vs 'opinion'. And thus, any fact checking is the excercise of (in the narrative a 'leftist') opinion to 'censor' their opinion.

Reinforcing their perception of their own victimization and persecution.

In the modern conservative mindset, there's *always* a dick in their ass.

They are very fragile snowflakes indeed. View attachment 418538

That sense of being extra special and unique is probably why they fell for the fallacy of the dead voters so easily:

These are people that swallowed the 'fraud' Kool-aid without a scrap of evidence.

Why would they need evidence for all the *other* conspiracy horseshit they gladly gobble?
You mean like the "Russian collusion" conspiracy horseshit?

The special counsel wasn't seated by a democrat. But by a republican, confirmed by a republican senate, in a republican administration.

Meanwhile, your ilk have invented elaborate, batshit conspiracy theories backed by they can ignore the election results.
Yeah, it's gonna take a little more than you yelling HE WON HE WON NEENER NEENER to make me confident the election was fair and honest.

Not that the left gives a shit about what people want.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with the actual election results as a reasonable indication of the election results.

And you get that Biden shattered the all time popular vote record....with more than 79 million votes, yes?

Clearly, Biden is what the people want.
Clearly. Look at the all the people who showed up for his rallies. There must be tens of them.

Same principle. Jefferson was addressing how corrupt public servants should be treated, who abuse their powers to the intent and end of violating the people's Constitutional rights. Fauci is a piece of shit who is willfully and knowingly complicit in a massive hoax which had that exact intent, motive, and effect.

Why should there not be calls to hold him to answer for his malfeasance as Jefferson himself would surely have advocated?

Nope. As the senseless and brutal murders advocated by Bannon aren't to increase liberty. But instead, as a warning to obey the government.

If you believe that brutally and publicly murdering people as a warning of what happens if you don't obey the government is 'liberty'.....then you and I have very different ideas what 'liberty' means.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
The dumbed down groupie statist lefties within our USA would agree with censorship. The more intelligent(able to think for themselves) left leaning folks within our USA would not support censorship. Intelligent folks know that absolute power corrupts absolutely, meaning there is a serious need to have a counter balance system of @ least two separate political parties, hopefully both within the framework of individual Liberty as set by our founding fathers. Then there is the problem of two competing but similar political parties merging into one political party which is an expressway to a Hitlerite/Stalinite death trap.
If it was up to me I would abolish political parties & have a run off between TWO independant candidates for every elected position in our USA. Unfortunately my desire here would not match up to the reality of our current state of affairs in our USA. My second choice would be to have FIVE candidates standing for every elected office right up to a winner is declared. I would want ALL my fellow Americans to have a voice so I would desire the five following political parties to field candidates for our American citizenry in ALL 50 states; Green party, Libertarian party, Democrat party, Republican party & one Independant candidate. This may NOT 100% cure censorship & falsified propaganda but should reduce the problem of censorship hopefully to a minimum.
To quote a leftist icon:

"What difference does it make?"

-- Hillary Clinton
Some of us aren't so casual about the truth. Clearly you are.
But I've decided the Trump/Russia collusion story is misinformation. So it is.

You know, like you do with conservative ideas.

You're a poster on a message board. Like I am.

A report by the US Senate carries a bit more heft.

But if you choose to believe an alternate version of've been doing it for five years. You probably have forgotten what truth is.
Thing is, I used to be a liberal. Never thought much about politics, just always voted Democrat.

Then I started paying attention. And the more I paid attention, the more conservative I found myself becoming.

Can you say that? Have you ever changed your beliefs?

Who was the last Democrat you voted for?

I used to hate the Electoral college. I don’t any more. I used to be firmly in Israel’s camp. Not any more.
Bill Clinton.

Now you're going to tell me I wasn't a real liberal Democrat.

Doubtful since Clinton was not all that liberal himself. So you haven't voted for a Democrat in this century. Cool.

Okay, I'm wasting my time with you.

Oh darn. The truth bothers you
To quote a leftist icon:

"What difference does it make?"

-- Hillary Clinton
Some of us aren't so casual about the truth. Clearly you are.
But I've decided the Trump/Russia collusion story is misinformation. So it is.

You know, like you do with conservative ideas.

You're a poster on a message board. Like I am.

A report by the US Senate carries a bit more heft.

But if you choose to believe an alternate version of've been doing it for five years. You probably have forgotten what truth is.
Thing is, I used to be a liberal. Never thought much about politics, just always voted Democrat.

Then I started paying attention. And the more I paid attention, the more conservative I found myself becoming.

Can you say that? Have you ever changed your beliefs?

Who was the last Democrat you voted for?

I used to hate the Electoral college. I don’t any more. I used to be firmly in Israel’s camp. Not any more.
Bill Clinton.

Now you're going to tell me I wasn't a real liberal Democrat.

Doubtful since Clinton was not all that liberal himself. So you haven't voted for a Democrat in this century. Cool.

Okay, I'm wasting my time with you.

Oh darn. The truth bothers you
No way of knowing. You haven't presented any.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
The dumbed down groupie statist lefties within our USA would agree with censorship. The more intelligent(able to think for themselves) left leaning folks within our USA would not support censorship. Intelligent folks know that absolute power corrupts absolutely, meaning there is a serious need to have a counter balance system of @ least two separate political parties, hopefully both within the framework of individual Liberty as set by our founding fathers. Then there is the problem of two competing but similar political parties merging into one political party which is an expressway to a Hitlerite/Stalinite death trap.
If it was up to me I would abolish political parties & have a run off between TWO independant candidates for every elected position in our USA. Unfortunately my desire here would not match up to the reality of our current state of affairs in our USA. My second choice would be to have FIVE candidates standing for every elected office right up to a winner is declared. I would want ALL my fellow Americans to have a voice so I would desire the five following political parties to field candidates for our American citizenry in ALL 50 states; Green party, Libertarian party, Democrat party, Republican party & one Independant candidate. This may NOT 100% cure censorship & falsified propaganda but should reduce the problem of censorship hopefully to a minimum.

Yeah, I don't think 'absolute power' is derived from a Twitter fact checking tag.
To quote a leftist icon:

"What difference does it make?"

-- Hillary Clinton
Some of us aren't so casual about the truth. Clearly you are.
But I've decided the Trump/Russia collusion story is misinformation. So it is.

You know, like you do with conservative ideas.

You're a poster on a message board. Like I am.

A report by the US Senate carries a bit more heft.

But if you choose to believe an alternate version of've been doing it for five years. You probably have forgotten what truth is.
Thing is, I used to be a liberal. Never thought much about politics, just always voted Democrat.

Then I started paying attention. And the more I paid attention, the more conservative I found myself becoming.

Can you say that? Have you ever changed your beliefs?

Who was the last Democrat you voted for?

I used to hate the Electoral college. I don’t any more. I used to be firmly in Israel’s camp. Not any more.
Bill Clinton.

Now you're going to tell me I wasn't a real liberal Democrat.

Doubtful since Clinton was not all that liberal himself. So you haven't voted for a Democrat in this century. Cool.

Okay, I'm wasting my time with you.

Oh darn. The truth bothers you
No way of knowing. You haven't presented any.
Look up his actions on welfare and entitlements. I thought it was common knowledge.
To quote a leftist icon:

"What difference does it make?"

-- Hillary Clinton
Some of us aren't so casual about the truth. Clearly you are.
But I've decided the Trump/Russia collusion story is misinformation. So it is.

You know, like you do with conservative ideas.

You're a poster on a message board. Like I am.

A report by the US Senate carries a bit more heft.

But if you choose to believe an alternate version of've been doing it for five years. You probably have forgotten what truth is.
Thing is, I used to be a liberal. Never thought much about politics, just always voted Democrat.

Then I started paying attention. And the more I paid attention, the more conservative I found myself becoming.

Can you say that? Have you ever changed your beliefs?

Who was the last Democrat you voted for?

I used to hate the Electoral college. I don’t any more. I used to be firmly in Israel’s camp. Not any more.
Bill Clinton.

Now you're going to tell me I wasn't a real liberal Democrat.

Doubtful since Clinton was not all that liberal himself. So you haven't voted for a Democrat in this century. Cool.

Okay, I'm wasting my time with you.

Oh darn. The truth bothers you
No way of knowing. You haven't presented any.
Look up his actions on welfare and entitlements. I thought it was common knowledge.
Ahhh, I see the problem. You believe you can think.
As it goes presently, it is up to the discretion of the business to decide what content is acceptable on their platform or not. Or in this case, it could be put more simply; they have the discretion to show discretion ;)

As to whether it is "OK" or not, there is no moral hazard if one sides with facts, and suppresses the spread of lies. Lies can never properly be called journalism, after all.

"It is a melancholy truth, that a suppression of the press could not more compleatly deprive the nation of it's benefits, than is done by it's abandoned prostitution to falsehood." -- Thomas Jefferson


The perception of persecution and victimhood is integral to the modern GOP's lone unifying ideology: that everyone is unfair to conservatives.

The pushing of 'alternative facts' as being just as viable and moral as actual facts is a core mechanism of this unifying ideology. In their minds its not 'fact' vs 'fiction', its 'opinion' vs 'opinion'. And thus, any fact checking is the excercise of (in the narrative a 'leftist') opinion to 'censor' their opinion.

Reinforcing their perception of their own victimization and persecution.

In the modern conservative mindset, there's *always* a dick in their ass.

They are very fragile snowflakes indeed. View attachment 418538

That sense of being extra special and unique is probably why they fell for the fallacy of the dead voters so easily:

These are people that swallowed the 'fraud' Kool-aid without a scrap of evidence.

Why would they need evidence for all the *other* conspiracy horseshit they gladly gobble?
You mean like the "Russian collusion" conspiracy horseshit?

The special counsel wasn't seated by a democrat. But by a republican, confirmed by a republican senate, in a republican administration.

Meanwhile, your ilk have invented elaborate, batshit conspiracy theories backed by they can ignore the election results.
Yeah, it's gonna take a little more than you yelling HE WON HE WON NEENER NEENER to make me confident the election was fair and honest.

Not that the left gives a shit about what people want.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with the actual election results as a reasonable indication of the election results.

And you get that Biden shattered the all time popular vote record....with more than 79 million votes, yes?

Clearly, Biden is what the people want.
Clearly. Look at the all the people who showed up for his rallies. There must be tens of them.
The rest of us were being grateful for modern broadband times.
As it goes presently, it is up to the discretion of the business to decide what content is acceptable on their platform or not. Or in this case, it could be put more simply; they have the discretion to show discretion ;)

As to whether it is "OK" or not, there is no moral hazard if one sides with facts, and suppresses the spread of lies. Lies can never properly be called journalism, after all.

"It is a melancholy truth, that a suppression of the press could not more compleatly deprive the nation of it's benefits, than is done by it's abandoned prostitution to falsehood." -- Thomas Jefferson


The perception of persecution and victimhood is integral to the modern GOP's lone unifying ideology: that everyone is unfair to conservatives.

The pushing of 'alternative facts' as being just as viable and moral as actual facts is a core mechanism of this unifying ideology. In their minds its not 'fact' vs 'fiction', its 'opinion' vs 'opinion'. And thus, any fact checking is the excercise of (in the narrative a 'leftist') opinion to 'censor' their opinion.

Reinforcing their perception of their own victimization and persecution.

In the modern conservative mindset, there's *always* a dick in their ass.

They are very fragile snowflakes indeed. View attachment 418538

That sense of being extra special and unique is probably why they fell for the fallacy of the dead voters so easily:

These are people that swallowed the 'fraud' Kool-aid without a scrap of evidence.

Why would they need evidence for all the *other* conspiracy horseshit they gladly gobble?
You mean like the "Russian collusion" conspiracy horseshit?

The special counsel wasn't seated by a democrat. But by a republican, confirmed by a republican senate, in a republican administration.

Meanwhile, your ilk have invented elaborate, batshit conspiracy theories backed by they can ignore the election results.
Yeah, it's gonna take a little more than you yelling HE WON HE WON NEENER NEENER to make me confident the election was fair and honest.

Not that the left gives a shit about what people want.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with the actual election results as a reasonable indication of the election results.

And you get that Biden shattered the all time popular vote record....with more than 79 million votes, yes?

Clearly, Biden is what the people want.
Clearly. Look at the all the people who showed up for his rallies. There must be tens of them.
The rest of us were being grateful for modern broadband times.
Face it, kid -- you got the most pathetic candidate the Dems ever fielded. And you voted for him because you were told to.
As it goes presently, it is up to the discretion of the business to decide what content is acceptable on their platform or not. Or in this case, it could be put more simply; they have the discretion to show discretion ;)

As to whether it is "OK" or not, there is no moral hazard if one sides with facts, and suppresses the spread of lies. Lies can never properly be called journalism, after all.

"It is a melancholy truth, that a suppression of the press could not more compleatly deprive the nation of it's benefits, than is done by it's abandoned prostitution to falsehood." -- Thomas Jefferson


The perception of persecution and victimhood is integral to the modern GOP's lone unifying ideology: that everyone is unfair to conservatives.

The pushing of 'alternative facts' as being just as viable and moral as actual facts is a core mechanism of this unifying ideology. In their minds its not 'fact' vs 'fiction', its 'opinion' vs 'opinion'. And thus, any fact checking is the excercise of (in the narrative a 'leftist') opinion to 'censor' their opinion.

Reinforcing their perception of their own victimization and persecution.

In the modern conservative mindset, there's *always* a dick in their ass.

They are very fragile snowflakes indeed. View attachment 418538

That sense of being extra special and unique is probably why they fell for the fallacy of the dead voters so easily:

These are people that swallowed the 'fraud' Kool-aid without a scrap of evidence.

Why would they need evidence for all the *other* conspiracy horseshit they gladly gobble?
You mean like the "Russian collusion" conspiracy horseshit?

The special counsel wasn't seated by a democrat. But by a republican, confirmed by a republican senate, in a republican administration.

Meanwhile, your ilk have invented elaborate, batshit conspiracy theories backed by they can ignore the election results.
Yeah, it's gonna take a little more than you yelling HE WON HE WON NEENER NEENER to make me confident the election was fair and honest.

Not that the left gives a shit about what people want.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with the actual election results as a reasonable indication of the election results.

And you get that Biden shattered the all time popular vote record....with more than 79 million votes, yes?

Clearly, Biden is what the people want.
Clearly. Look at the all the people who showed up for his rallies. There must be tens of them.
The rest of us were being grateful for modern broadband times.
Face it, kid -- you got the most pathetic candidate the Dems ever fielded. And you voted for him because you were told to.
Right wingers could not get a republican and went for a reality tv guy. Just for fun and alleged morals.
As it goes presently, it is up to the discretion of the business to decide what content is acceptable on their platform or not. Or in this case, it could be put more simply; they have the discretion to show discretion ;)

As to whether it is "OK" or not, there is no moral hazard if one sides with facts, and suppresses the spread of lies. Lies can never properly be called journalism, after all.

"It is a melancholy truth, that a suppression of the press could not more compleatly deprive the nation of it's benefits, than is done by it's abandoned prostitution to falsehood." -- Thomas Jefferson


The perception of persecution and victimhood is integral to the modern GOP's lone unifying ideology: that everyone is unfair to conservatives.

The pushing of 'alternative facts' as being just as viable and moral as actual facts is a core mechanism of this unifying ideology. In their minds its not 'fact' vs 'fiction', its 'opinion' vs 'opinion'. And thus, any fact checking is the excercise of (in the narrative a 'leftist') opinion to 'censor' their opinion.

Reinforcing their perception of their own victimization and persecution.

In the modern conservative mindset, there's *always* a dick in their ass.

They are very fragile snowflakes indeed. View attachment 418538

That sense of being extra special and unique is probably why they fell for the fallacy of the dead voters so easily:

These are people that swallowed the 'fraud' Kool-aid without a scrap of evidence.

Why would they need evidence for all the *other* conspiracy horseshit they gladly gobble?
You mean like the "Russian collusion" conspiracy horseshit?

The special counsel wasn't seated by a democrat. But by a republican, confirmed by a republican senate, in a republican administration.

Meanwhile, your ilk have invented elaborate, batshit conspiracy theories backed by they can ignore the election results.
Yeah, it's gonna take a little more than you yelling HE WON HE WON NEENER NEENER to make me confident the election was fair and honest.

Not that the left gives a shit about what people want.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with the actual election results as a reasonable indication of the election results.

And you get that Biden shattered the all time popular vote record....with more than 79 million votes, yes?

Clearly, Biden is what the people want.
Clearly. Look at the all the people who showed up for his rallies. There must be tens of them.
The rest of us were being grateful for modern broadband times.
Face it, kid -- you got the most pathetic candidate the Dems ever fielded. And you voted for him because you were told to.
Right wingers could not get a republican and went for a reality tv guy. Just for fun and alleged morals.
He delivered results that were good for the nation. Your acknowledgement is not required, and it damn sure isn't expected.

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