Do liberals want a parasite tax? It would seem consistent:

Only because your bridges are newer than those in the rust belt. But they will unless we start taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share. Ditto investment in the middle class and the poor, dupe. You just CAN'T STOP being partisan, state vs state, can you? Keep voting for the greedy idiot rich and injustice...

Again you're running to you're strawman of keep voting for the greedy idiot rich, and injustice.

By the way our bridges are so over-engineered due to government mandates they only last 15 years. Pretty much by the time you finish working on one, there's only at tops 5 years till you have to turn around and start working on it again. That's if everything stays on schedule...which it never does. But this isn't a problem for you?

Local governments are now finding it cheaper to tear up existing roads and change back to stone. But this isn't a problem for you? Government knows all and can only do good with taxpayer money. No such thing as a spending problem, it's always a revenue problem, despite record setting tax dollars collected VS record setting exponential debt. It's still obviously a revenue problem right?
When the richest get all the new wealth and are bloated, the nonrich are going to hell, and the country is falling apart, that's injustice, dupe. No strawman.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Yes this is a problem. This is the opposite of capitalism though. The only way the rich get all the new wealth is through a lack of competition. The only way they stamp out competition is with government help. (Look up why America has the worst internet infrastructure in the developed world, it's not because we're following capitalist principles). Yet America still leaves Europe/and the rest of the world in the dust when it comes to Nobel prizes. Why is that? Europe has been dabbling (unsuccessfully I might add) with socialism for the past couple centuries. Now much of Europe is moving right, and not in a good way.

Where are these numbers, and while you're pulling them up, look at switzerlands numbers (country we're based off of, and the oldest government on the planet), and tell me how they compare to the rest of Europe. We have fallen far from the free market, yet we seem
to blame all our problems on the free market.
Socialism works great. Too bad Europe can't bust their way out of GOP depressions with fracking like we can. And too bad all our wealth goes to the rich now...

Oh I see, GOP fracking on one continent, excuses economic policy in another.

And you still want the government to take taxes from the poor, but talk about how bad the rich are...that's about as fake as it gets. You actually don't care about the poor, you want the government to care about the poor in your place, and blame the rich for how many poor are still out there...How about we stop fucking taxing them. Anybody not making 50,000, you're not getting taxed...sounds pretty damn good to me. That more than the average median of America.

No no, you're right, let's keep taxing folks making 30,000 grand a year. That's how we'll stick it to the rich.
You are a brainwashed functional moron. Dems want to tax the bloated rich MORE, and the rest LESS. READ THIS.
At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data.

This entire conversation is the result of a (largely successful) effort to redefine the debate over taxes from "how much in taxes do you pay" to "how much in federal income taxes do you pay?" This is good framing if you want to cut taxes on the rich. It's bad framing if you want to have even a basic understanding of who pays how much in taxes.

There's a reason some would prefer that more limited conversation. For most Americans, payroll and state and local taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. The federal income tax, by contrast, is our most progressive tax -- it's the tax we've designed to place the heaviest burden on the rich while bypassing the poor. And we've done that, again, because the working class is already paying a fairly high tax bill through payroll and state and local taxes.

But most people don't know very much about the tax code. And the federal income tax is still our most famous tax. So when they hear that half of Americans aren't paying federal income taxes, they're outraged -- even if they're among the folks who have a net negative tax burden! After all, they know they're paying taxes, and there's no reason for normal human beings to assume that the taxes getting taken out of their paycheck every week and some of the taxes they pay at the end of the year aren't classified as "federal income taxes."

Confining the discussion to the federal income tax plays another role, too: It makes the tax code look much more progressive than it actually is.

Take someone who makes $4 million dollars a year and someone who makes $40,000 a year. The person making $4 million dollars, assuming he's not doing some Romney-esque planning, is paying a 35 percent tax on most of that money. The person making $40,000 is probably paying no income tax at all. So that makes the system look really unfair to the rich guy.

That's the basic analysis of the 47 percent line. And it's a basic analysis that serves a purpose: It makes further tax cuts for the rich sound more reasonable.

But what if we did the same thing for the payroll tax? Remember, the payroll tax only applies to first $110,100 or so, our rich friends is only paying payroll taxes on 2.7 percent of his income. The guy making $40,000? He's paying payroll taxes on every dollar of his income. Now who's not getting a fair shake?

Which is why, if you want to understand who's paying what in taxes, you don't want to just look at federal income taxes, or federal payroll taxes, or state sales taxes -- you want to look at total taxes. And, luckily, the tax analysis group Citizens for Tax Justice keeps those numbers. So here is total taxes -- which includes corporate taxes, income taxes, payroll taxes, state sales taxes, and more -- paid by different income groups and broken into federal and state and local burdens:


As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.

But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't paying much more, as a percentage of their incomes, then the middle class.
Only because your bridges are newer than those in the rust belt. But they will unless we start taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share. Ditto investment in the middle class and the poor, dupe. You just CAN'T STOP being partisan, state vs state, can you? Keep voting for the greedy idiot rich and injustice...

Again you're running to you're strawman of keep voting for the greedy idiot rich, and injustice.

By the way our bridges are so over-engineered due to government mandates they only last 15 years. Pretty much by the time you finish working on one, there's only at tops 5 years till you have to turn around and start working on it again. That's if everything stays on schedule...which it never does. But this isn't a problem for you?

Local governments are now finding it cheaper to tear up existing roads and change back to stone. But this isn't a problem for you? Government knows all and can only do good with taxpayer money. No such thing as a spending problem, it's always a revenue problem, despite record setting tax dollars collected VS record setting exponential debt. It's still obviously a revenue problem right?
When the richest get all the new wealth and are bloated, the nonrich are going to hell, and the country is falling apart, that's injustice, dupe. No strawman.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Yes this is a problem. This is the opposite of capitalism though. The only way the rich get all the new wealth is through a lack of competition. The only way they stamp out competition is with government help. (Look up why America has the worst internet infrastructure in the developed world, it's not because we're following capitalist principles). Yet America still leaves Europe/and the rest of the world in the dust when it comes to Nobel prizes. Why is that? Europe has been dabbling (unsuccessfully I might add) with socialism for the past couple centuries. Now much of Europe is moving right, and not in a good way.

Where are these numbers, and while you're pulling them up, look at switzerlands numbers (country we're based off of, and the oldest government on the planet), and tell me how they compare to the rest of Europe. We have fallen far from the free market, yet we seem
to blame all our problems on the free market.
Socialism works great. Too bad Europe can't bust their way out of GOP depressions with fracking like we can. And too bad all our wealth goes to the rich now...

Oh I see, GOP fracking on one continent, excuses economic policy in another.

And you still want the government to take taxes from the poor, but talk about how bad the rich are...that's about as fake as it gets. You actually don't care about the poor, you want the government to care about the poor in your place, and blame the rich for how many poor are still out there...How about we stop fucking taxing them. Anybody not making 50,000, you're not getting taxed...sounds pretty damn good to me. That more than the average median of America.

No no, you're right, let's keep taxing folks making 30,000 grand a year. That's how we'll stick it to the rich.
Try a realistic approach. Tax the rich more, the rest less, like Dems want. Invest in the nonrich and the country for a change. ENOUGH New BS GOP policy, like the last 35 years.
The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 60 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 =
1 =
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 –
3 =
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 = Federated Prudent Bear Fund (A): Overview
4 =
5/6 =

Overview =
Hey did you know that most of my friends already left the country because of this "fuck the rich" mentality? Go for it, us wealthy folks have the cash to move anywhere we want. Also, you can rent a house and live in the US practically year round without being a citizen. My buddies visit in 3 month stints and don't even need to get a visa for it (B2 VWP) if they want to stay longer they gotta get a B2.
Hey did you know that most of my friends already left the country because of this "fuck the rich" mentality? Go for it, us wealthy folks have the cash to move anywhere we want. Also, you can rent a house and live in the US practically year round without being a citizen. My buddies visit in 3 month stints and don't even need to get a visa for it (B2 VWP) if they want to stay longer they gotta get a B2.
They're so rich they don't have to work? Sounds horrible. We're trying to talk about why the USA is falling apart, the rich are ridiculously bloated, and the bought off GOP is to blame.
You laugh, but did you know that most of the folks at that level of pay are working for global/semi-global corporations and that, aside from "maybe" the CEO's for PR reasons, the vast majority of their jobs can be done via telecommuting these days. I suppose I should also point out that those same folks are well enough liked/desired by their employees to agree to such terms.

Also, look up a B2 Visa.
Communist countries felt every able bodied person should be out working hard to build the communist paradise or to at least contribute to society. To discourage parasites they often had a so called "parasite tax". If someone got a job in a certain time frame the tax would often be refunded as an incentive.
In our society the top 1% for example pay 44% of all income tax and often supply millions of jobs and great innovative products while the bottom 1% pay no taxes and create no jobs or products. It seems that liberals might want a parasite tax on these people to encourage them to pay their fair share??

So you want your own taxes raised?
Communist countries felt every able bodied person should be out working hard to build the communist paradise or to at least contribute to society. To discourage parasites they often had a so called "parasite tax". If someone got a job in a certain time frame the tax would often be refunded as an incentive.
In our society the top 1% for example pay 44% of all income tax and often supply millions of jobs and great innovative products while the bottom 1% pay no taxes and create no jobs or products. It seems that liberals might want a parasite tax on these people to encourage them to pay their fair share??

The US produces a finite amount of wealth each year. You can want the Rich to have it all, or you can want the the not-Rich to have a sizable share of it.

Since you believe in the latter, good luck with that.
can you show me a real life example of a 1% getting gouged by taxes ? Good luck . I think the only person to pay full % of taxes is a lottery winner.

Let's not forget all the little fees n taxes hidden everywhere . In utility , cable , phone bills . Sales taxes , tolls , GAS TAXES!

add all this together see what people's real tax rate are. Bill Gates n I pull up to the gas station. We pay the same taxes when we fill up.
can you show me a real life example of a 1% getting gouged by taxes ? Good luck . I think the only person to pay full % of taxes is a lottery winner.

Let's not forget all the little fees n taxes hidden everywhere . In utility , cable , phone bills . Sales taxes , tolls , GAS TAXES!

add all this together see what people's real tax rate are. Bill Gates n I pull up to the gas station. We pay the same taxes when we fill up.
Quit falling down the well…

Only fucking morons think a progressive tax of any sort is fair… It does nothing for the country as a whole - except divide it.
At least my bridges are not falling down like yours


Nutty my butt I am not a one sided partisan hack like you.


Only because your bridges are newer than those in the rust belt. But they will unless we start taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share. Ditto investment in the middle class and the poor, dupe. You just CAN'T STOP being partisan, state vs state, can you? Keep voting for the greedy idiot rich and injustice...

Again you're running to you're strawman of keep voting for the greedy idiot rich, and injustice.

By the way our bridges are so over-engineered due to government mandates they only last 15 years. Pretty much by the time you finish working on one, there's only at tops 5 years till you have to turn around and start working on it again. That's if everything stays on schedule...which it never does. But this isn't a problem for you?

Local governments are now finding it cheaper to tear up existing roads and change back to stone. But this isn't a problem for you? Government knows all and can only do good with taxpayer money. No such thing as a spending problem, it's always a revenue problem, despite record setting tax dollars collected VS record setting exponential debt. It's still obviously a revenue problem right?
When the richest get all the new wealth and are bloated, the nonrich are going to hell, and the country is falling apart, that's injustice, dupe. No strawman.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Yes this is a problem. This is the opposite of capitalism though. The only way the rich get all the new wealth is through a lack of competition. The only way they stamp out competition is with government help. (Look up why America has the worst internet infrastructure in the developed world, it's not because we're following capitalist principles). Yet America still leaves Europe/and the rest of the world in the dust when it comes to Nobel prizes. Why is that? Europe has been dabbling (unsuccessfully I might add) with socialism for the past couple centuries. Now much of Europe is moving right, and not in a good way.

Where are these numbers, and while you're pulling them up, look at switzerlands numbers (country we're based off of, and the oldest government on the planet), and tell me how they compare to the rest of Europe. We have fallen far from the free market, yet we seem
to blame all our problems on the free market.
Bad internet? Lack of investment by the gov't. Thanks New BS GOP.

Places move right and get chaotic in a corrupt GOP WORLD DEPRESSION. Europe does fine in Nobel prizes. Look at how much money our great universities have. The rich do just GREAT here.

No the internet is not bad BC of lack of investment, that's a ridiculous statement. The internet is bad because big cable got together and used the government to shut everyone else down. They're the only ones allowed to lay lines, and the only ones able to use their lines. Lack of competition. And now we have the worst internet infrastructure in the developed world, only few options to choose from, with high prices. This is what big business does, they get to the top and use the government to pull the ladder up behind them. They lobby for regulation that may hurt them, but in the long run weeds out the smaller competition who can't afford to keep up with the regulations, and they corner their market even further and rake in more in the end.
We ... sort of have a flat tax, the 35% alternative or whatever, but I've never been at that spot personally. I'm paying about 28-30% if I pull anything off the market, which admittedly isn't often as I'm pretty low maintenance...
Look at the graph. Add all taxes- we have a flat tax. With all new wealth going to the richest. That's why the rich love a flat tax.

A flat tax that doesn't begin until 50,000 helps the poor and the middle class FAR more than it helps the rich. Do you know how much more money the lower and middle class would be pocketing? Do you know how much that would stimulate the economy? That's policy that actually helps the lower and middle class. Not filtering tax money through a government that has exponentially increased the nations debt in a mere 8 years, despite record setting tax receipts coming in. Yea that's a great idea.

You're idea of helping the poor is taxing the rich. Government is to act as you're Robin Hood. I got news for you, Robin Hood didn't steal from the rich and give to the poor. Robin Hood stole from a corrupt government over taxing its citizens and gave it back to the citizens.
Only because your bridges are newer than those in the rust belt. But they will unless we start taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share. Ditto investment in the middle class and the poor, dupe. You just CAN'T STOP being partisan, state vs state, can you? Keep voting for the greedy idiot rich and injustice...

Again you're running to you're strawman of keep voting for the greedy idiot rich, and injustice.

By the way our bridges are so over-engineered due to government mandates they only last 15 years. Pretty much by the time you finish working on one, there's only at tops 5 years till you have to turn around and start working on it again. That's if everything stays on schedule...which it never does. But this isn't a problem for you?

Local governments are now finding it cheaper to tear up existing roads and change back to stone. But this isn't a problem for you? Government knows all and can only do good with taxpayer money. No such thing as a spending problem, it's always a revenue problem, despite record setting tax dollars collected VS record setting exponential debt. It's still obviously a revenue problem right?
When the richest get all the new wealth and are bloated, the nonrich are going to hell, and the country is falling apart, that's injustice, dupe. No strawman.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Yes this is a problem. This is the opposite of capitalism though. The only way the rich get all the new wealth is through a lack of competition. The only way they stamp out competition is with government help. (Look up why America has the worst internet infrastructure in the developed world, it's not because we're following capitalist principles). Yet America still leaves Europe/and the rest of the world in the dust when it comes to Nobel prizes. Why is that? Europe has been dabbling (unsuccessfully I might add) with socialism for the past couple centuries. Now much of Europe is moving right, and not in a good way.

Where are these numbers, and while you're pulling them up, look at switzerlands numbers (country we're based off of, and the oldest government on the planet), and tell me how they compare to the rest of Europe. We have fallen far from the free market, yet we seem
to blame all our problems on the free market.
Bad internet? Lack of investment by the gov't. Thanks New BS GOP.

Places move right and get chaotic in a corrupt GOP WORLD DEPRESSION. Europe does fine in Nobel prizes. Look at how much money our great universities have. The rich do just GREAT here.

No the internet is not bad BC of lack of investment, that's a ridiculous statement. The internet is bad because big cable got together and used the government to shut everyone else down. They're the only ones allowed to lay lines, and the only ones able to use their lines. Lack of competition. And now we have the worst internet infrastructure in the developed world, only few options to choose from, with high prices. This is what big business does, they get to the top and use the government to pull the ladder up behind them. They lobby for regulation that may hurt them, but in the long run weeds out the smaller competition who can't afford to keep up with the regulations, and they corner their market even further and rake in more in the end.
In every other country it was the gov't that invested in and subsidized the internet service DUH, and here the GOP that blocked, all to save the rich from paying their fair share, Dupus Americanus.
We ... sort of have a flat tax, the 35% alternative or whatever, but I've never been at that spot personally. I'm paying about 28-30% if I pull anything off the market, which admittedly isn't often as I'm pretty low maintenance...
Look at the graph. Add all taxes- we have a flat tax. With all new wealth going to the richest. That's why the rich love a flat tax.

A flat tax that doesn't begin until 50,000 helps the poor and the middle class FAR more than it helps the rich. Do you know how much more money the lower and middle class would be pocketing? Do you know how much that would stimulate the economy? That's policy that actually helps the lower and middle class. Not filtering tax money through a government that has exponentially increased the nations debt in a mere 8 years, despite record setting tax receipts coming in. Yea that's a great idea.

You're idea of helping the poor is taxing the rich. Government is to act as you're Robin Hood. I got news for you, Robin Hood didn't steal from the rich and give to the poor. Robin Hood stole from a corrupt government over taxing its citizens and gave it back to the citizens.
How many times do I have to say tax the rich AND cut them on the nonrich, idiot dupe- the Dem policy blocked for 30 years? Did you hear about the 2008 GOP WORLD DEPRESSION, numbnuts, the reason for all that debt spending? Two trillion in bailouts, up to 800 billion/year in aid to victims, STILL 2-300 billion a year- NONE due to any new policy, superdupe? Flat tax is patently unfair DUHHHH. Proven by history many times Ay caramba....
can you show me a real life example of a 1% getting gouged by taxes ? Good luck . I think the only person to pay full % of taxes is a lottery winner.

Let's not forget all the little fees n taxes hidden everywhere . In utility , cable , phone bills . Sales taxes , tolls , GAS TAXES!

add all this together see what people's real tax rate are. Bill Gates n I pull up to the gas station. We pay the same taxes when we fill up.
Quit falling down the well…

Only fucking morons think a progressive tax of any sort is fair… It does nothing for the country as a whole - except divide it.
If you're a braindead dupe...worked everywhere and every time EXCEPT in the brainwashed America of the last 30 years....
Again you're running to you're strawman of keep voting for the greedy idiot rich, and injustice.

By the way our bridges are so over-engineered due to government mandates they only last 15 years. Pretty much by the time you finish working on one, there's only at tops 5 years till you have to turn around and start working on it again. That's if everything stays on schedule...which it never does. But this isn't a problem for you?

Local governments are now finding it cheaper to tear up existing roads and change back to stone. But this isn't a problem for you? Government knows all and can only do good with taxpayer money. No such thing as a spending problem, it's always a revenue problem, despite record setting tax dollars collected VS record setting exponential debt. It's still obviously a revenue problem right?
When the richest get all the new wealth and are bloated, the nonrich are going to hell, and the country is falling apart, that's injustice, dupe. No strawman.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Yes this is a problem. This is the opposite of capitalism though. The only way the rich get all the new wealth is through a lack of competition. The only way they stamp out competition is with government help. (Look up why America has the worst internet infrastructure in the developed world, it's not because we're following capitalist principles). Yet America still leaves Europe/and the rest of the world in the dust when it comes to Nobel prizes. Why is that? Europe has been dabbling (unsuccessfully I might add) with socialism for the past couple centuries. Now much of Europe is moving right, and not in a good way.

Where are these numbers, and while you're pulling them up, look at switzerlands numbers (country we're based off of, and the oldest government on the planet), and tell me how they compare to the rest of Europe. We have fallen far from the free market, yet we seem
to blame all our problems on the free market.
Bad internet? Lack of investment by the gov't. Thanks New BS GOP.

Places move right and get chaotic in a corrupt GOP WORLD DEPRESSION. Europe does fine in Nobel prizes. Look at how much money our great universities have. The rich do just GREAT here.

No the internet is not bad BC of lack of investment, that's a ridiculous statement. The internet is bad because big cable got together and used the government to shut everyone else down. They're the only ones allowed to lay lines, and the only ones able to use their lines. Lack of competition. And now we have the worst internet infrastructure in the developed world, only few options to choose from, with high prices. This is what big business does, they get to the top and use the government to pull the ladder up behind them. They lobby for regulation that may hurt them, but in the long run weeds out the smaller competition who can't afford to keep up with the regulations, and they corner their market even further and rake in more in the end.
In every other country it was the gov't that invested in and subsidized the internet service DUH, and here the GOP that blocked, all to save the rich from paying their fair share, Dupus Americanus.

Do you're own research, you're just making stuff up now.

Why is American internet so slow?

Why the U.S. Has Fallen Behind in Internet Speed and Affordability

America's Internet Speeds Are Embarrassingly Slow

Our sad internet is just one example of what happens when we fall away from competition. The best way these giants in industry root out competition is using the government to pass a regulation bill while marketing it to appeal to the emotional side of all of us. You're being duped by these "marketing" campaigns.
can you show me a real life example of a 1% getting gouged by taxes ? Good luck . I think the only person to pay full % of taxes is a lottery winner.

Let's not forget all the little fees n taxes hidden everywhere . In utility , cable , phone bills . Sales taxes , tolls , GAS TAXES!

add all this together see what people's real tax rate are. Bill Gates n I pull up to the gas station. We pay the same taxes when we fill up.
Quit falling down the well…

Only fucking morons think a progressive tax of any sort is fair… It does nothing for the country as a whole - except divide it.
If you're a braindead dupe...worked everywhere and every time EXCEPT in the brainwashed America of the last 30 years....

Venezuela, Crete, Greece, Spain, Italy... how's that working out for them?
We ... sort of have a flat tax, the 35% alternative or whatever, but I've never been at that spot personally. I'm paying about 28-30% if I pull anything off the market, which admittedly isn't often as I'm pretty low maintenance...
Look at the graph. Add all taxes- we have a flat tax. With all new wealth going to the richest. That's why the rich love a flat tax.

A flat tax that doesn't begin until 50,000 helps the poor and the middle class FAR more than it helps the rich. Do you know how much more money the lower and middle class would be pocketing? Do you know how much that would stimulate the economy? That's policy that actually helps the lower and middle class. Not filtering tax money through a government that has exponentially increased the nations debt in a mere 8 years, despite record setting tax receipts coming in. Yea that's a great idea.

You're idea of helping the poor is taxing the rich. Government is to act as you're Robin Hood. I got news for you, Robin Hood didn't steal from the rich and give to the poor. Robin Hood stole from a corrupt government over taxing its citizens and gave it back to the citizens.
How many times do I have to say tax the rich AND cut them on the nonrich, idiot dupe- the Dem policy blocked for 30 years? Did you hear about the 2008 GOP WORLD DEPRESSION, numbnuts, the reason for all that debt spending? Two trillion in bailouts, up to 800 billion/year in aid to victims, STILL 2-300 billion a year- NONE due to any new policy, superdupe? Flat tax is patently unfair DUHHHH. Proven by history many times Ay caramba....

What history? And how is it patently unfair? EVERYONE PAYS THE SAME RATE PAST 50,000 dollars. Again the poor and lower middle classes taxes drop DRAMTICALLY, and it has the greatest effect on the poor. 51 percent of all working Americans make less than 30,000, and 71 percent make less than 50,000. And you're supposed to be some sort of champion for the poor? No you're a champion for the government. And no new tax policy...what?

Comprehensive List of Obama Tax Increases

Yea obama really took it to the rich there haha. You're just making stuff up and then using ad hominems.

Forum List
