Do majority of Republicans think Theory of Evolution is a fact ?

Darwin's theory is just that...a theory. He also got gemmules and inherited traits wrong. That and trace fossils which lack apparent sequential transition. That doesn't counteract adapting and overcoming though

Next, ignorant morons like you will argue that GRAVITY is ALSO a leftist theory.....LOL

Who said anything about evolution being a leftist theory you fucking moron..

A theory is just that a theory

And gravity is also a theory ...prove it to be fact?

I will wait
Gravity is not a theory.

Lol yes it is, boy we have a lot of indoctrinated kids here

Prove it to be a fact win a Nobel prize

It has already been proven, I assume you are talking about gravitational force.

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation is used to explain gravitational force. This law states that every massive particle in the universe attracts every other massive particle with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

Newton didn't prove it as a fact, he had to invent a new branch of mathematics that became calculus today ..just so they would buy his "theory" in the day.

Evolution of Evolutionary Theory | EpicOfEvolution
The mass of the Moon is 7.3477 × 1022 kg. In comparison to Earth, mass of moon = 0.0123 Earths. The Moon's mass is 1/81 of Earth's.

200 pounds. Your weight on the Moon would only be 33 pounds.
Next, ignorant morons like you will argue that GRAVITY is ALSO a leftist theory.....LOL

Who said anything about evolution being a leftist theory you fucking moron..

A theory is just that a theory

And gravity is also a theory ...prove it to be fact?

I will wait
Gravity is not a theory.

Lol yes it is, boy we have a lot of indoctrinated kids here

Prove it to be a fact win a Nobel prize

It has already been proven, I assume you are talking about gravitational force.

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation is used to explain gravitational force. This law states that every massive particle in the universe attracts every other massive particle with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

Newton didn't prove it as a fact, he had to invent a new branch of mathematics that became calculus today ..just so they would buy his "theory" in the day.

You got anything to back up that statement?

Who on earth thinks theories are facts?

So you don’t think Gravitational theory and Electromagnetic theory are describing facts?

Theories are not facts, even you admit it as is evident from your subtle yet entirely obvious change of the word to "describing facts".

Theories are also always falsifiable.

Anyway, did the evolution stop at the neck, inquiring minds want to know!

Scientific Theories describe FACTS of how the world worlds.

Objects falling at 9.8m/s acceleration is a fact just like speciation is a fact.
And gravity is also a theory ...prove it to be fact?

Is that why your undies have your gonads are above your belly button???

Why does Saturn have rings and Jupiter does not? Jupiter is bigger gas giant

Again, check your facts:

In fact Saturn is not the only planet in our solar system that has rings, in fact all the giant gas planets have them: Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. However, these other ring systems are extremely thin and almost impossible to see.
Who on earth thinks theories are facts?

So you don’t think Gravitational theory and Electromagnetic theory are describing facts?

Theories are not facts, even you admit it as is evident from your subtle yet entirely obvious change of the word to "describing facts".

Theories are also always falsifiable.

Anyway, did the evolution stop at the neck, inquiring minds want to know!

Scientific Theories describe FACTS of how the world worlds.

Objects falling at 9.8m/s acceleration is a fact just like speciation is a fact.

Are you again going to pretend that you did not insert the word "describe" inbetween the terms?

DESCRIBE facts != are facts. I think this is too difficult for a leftist IQ level.
And gravity is also a theory ...prove it to be fact?

Is that why your undies have your gonads are above your belly button???

Why does Saturn have rings and Jupiter does not? Jupiter is bigger gas giant

Again, check your facts:

In fact Saturn is not the only planet in our solar system that has rings, in fact all the giant gas planets have them: Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. However, these other ring systems are extremely thin and almost impossible to see.

You just proved my point
Who on earth thinks theories are facts?

So you don’t think Gravitational theory and Electromagnetic theory are describing facts?

Theories are not facts, even you admit it as is evident from your subtle yet entirely obvious change of the word to "describing facts".

Theories are also always falsifiable.

Anyway, did the evolution stop at the neck, inquiring minds want to know!

Scientific Theories describe FACTS of how the world worlds.

Objects falling at 9.8m/s acceleration is a fact just like speciation is a fact.

Are you again going to pretend that you did not insert the word "describe" inbetween the terms?

DESCRIBE facts != are facts. I think this is too difficult for a leftist IQ level.

Dummy, Theory of Evolution describes how species evolve. Their evolving is a fact just as objects falling is a fact described by Gravitational theory.
Gravity is just a theory ....

Newton’s law of gravity had united the earthly physics of falling apples with the cosmic dances of planets and stars. But he couldn’t explain how, and he famously refused to try. It took an Einstein to figure out gravity’s true modus operandi. Gravity, Einstein showed, did not just make what goes up always come down. Gravity made the universe go ’round.

Gravity’s secrets succumbed to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, unveiled in a series of papers submitted a century ago this November to the Prussian Academy in Berlin. A decade earlier, his special theory of relativity had merged matter with energy while implying the unity of space and time (soon to be christened as spacetime). After years of struggle, Einstein succeeded in showing that matter and spacetime mutually interact to mimic Newton’s naïve idea that masses attract each other. Gravity, said Einstein, actually moved matter along the curving pathways embodied in spacetime — paths imprinted by mass and energy themselves. As expressed decades later by the physicist John Archibald Wheeler, mass grips spacetime, telling it how to curve, and spacetime grips mass, telling it how to move.

Einstein’s theory explained a famous observation that Newtonian gravity could not: a subtlety in the orbit of the planet Mercury. And his equations implied further slight deviations from Newtonian calculations. Over the last century, general relativity’s predictions have been repeatedly verified by modern precision measurements. To physicists today, general relativity and gravity are essentially synonyms
Who on earth thinks theories are facts?

And regardless when is evolution going to be a public policy issue?

You just don't know what means theory in the science, right ?

look at here:

Theory, Sense 1: A scheme or system of ideas or statements held as an explanation or account of a group of facts or phenomena; a hypothesis that has been confirmed or established by observation or experiment, and is propounded or accepted as accounting for the known facts; a statement of what are held to be the general laws, principles, or causes of something known or observed.

Theory, Sense 2: A hypothesis proposed as an explanation; hence, a mere hypothesis, speculation, conjecture; an idea or set of ideas about something; an individual view or notion.

The party line among scientists arguing for evolution is to promote Sense 1.

You guys are really funny, it is not law of evolution because: a law explains us what will happen under certain circumstances, while a theory explains "how" it happens.

I hope that helps.
What are the facts?
Who on earth thinks theories are facts?

So you don’t think Gravitational theory and Electromagnetic theory are describing facts?

Theories are not facts, even you admit it as is evident from your subtle yet entirely obvious change of the word to "describing facts".

Theories are also always falsifiable.

Anyway, did the evolution stop at the neck, inquiring minds want to know!

Scientific Theories describe FACTS of how the world worlds.

Objects falling at 9.8m/s acceleration is a fact just like speciation is a fact.

Are you again going to pretend that you did not insert the word "describe" inbetween the terms?

DESCRIBE facts != are facts. I think this is too difficult for a leftist IQ level.

Dummy, Theory of Evolution describes how species evolve. Their evolving is a fact just as objects falling is a fact described by Gravitational theory.

Yes, now you are repeating exactly what I said. Scientific theories are not facts, but describe facts and make predictions regarding facts. I think, you maybe getting it finally after being corrected. Perhaps you are not that far to the left after-all.
So you don’t think Gravitational theory and Electromagnetic theory are describing facts?

Theories are not facts, even you admit it as is evident from your subtle yet entirely obvious change of the word to "describing facts".

Theories are also always falsifiable.

Anyway, did the evolution stop at the neck, inquiring minds want to know!

Scientific Theories describe FACTS of how the world worlds.

Objects falling at 9.8m/s acceleration is a fact just like speciation is a fact.

Are you again going to pretend that you did not insert the word "describe" inbetween the terms?

DESCRIBE facts != are facts. I think this is too difficult for a leftist IQ level.

Dummy, Theory of Evolution describes how species evolve. Their evolving is a fact just as objects falling is a fact described by Gravitational theory.

Yes, now you are repeating exactly what I said. Scientific theories are not facts, but describe facts and make predictions regarding facts. I think, you maybe getting it finally after being corrected. Perhaps you are not that far to the left after-all.

Dumbass, which part of Scientific Theories describe FACTS of how the world works do you not agree with?

Evolution Theory is subject to change in light of new evidence in terms of exact taxonomy and exact evolutionary mechanisms of how it happens but EVOLUTION IS A FACT.
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The fact that we are still calling it the THEORY of Evolution rather than the LAW of Evolution suggests it cannot be proven withoit doubt.

"The fact that we are still calling it the THEORY of Evolution rather than the LAW of Evolution suggests it cannot be proven withoit doubt."

100"%, completely, ass-backwards wrong. Your comment belies a total and fundamental ignorance of the meaning of those words in science.
I wonder about that question, especially does Donald Trump think evolution is a fact ?

A few days ago I've read that article and I thought it has exaggerated opinions about Republicans but sometimes I agree with that. You can look that article here:


I believe in the idea of evolution. Just like all science, anytime you think you have all of the answers, you find out that you don’t. There are likely to be a lot more things to learn about evolution.
Merely one piece of evidence, there are apes

Well, if we evolved from apes there shouldn’t be apes today!

That is also completely wrong, and your comment shows that you know less than nothing about evolution.
And gravity is also a theory ...prove it to be fact?

Is that why your undies have your gonads are above your belly button???

Why does Saturn have rings and Jupiter does not? Jupiter is bigger gas giant

Again, check your facts:

In fact Saturn is not the only planet in our solar system that has rings, in fact all the giant gas planets have them: Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. However, these other ring systems are extremely thin and almost impossible to see.

You just proved my point

You said something incorrect about planets having rings. Like, 4th grade science class incorrect. Do you plan to admit your error and correct it, moving forward?

Of course you don't. And this little illustration says a lot about you in general and very clearly lays bare the fact that you are not interested in honest discussion of topics, or in learning any new information .

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