Do people actually believe Trump's claims?

Trump sees that patriotic Americans are being replaced.
It’s pointless to confront Trump supporters with facts and the truth – they’re willfully ignorant and refuse to accept the fact that Trump is a racist, bigot, and an enemy of democracy; that Trump is a wannabe autocrat and dictator completely unfit to hold any public office.

In fact, Trump supporters are as much a threat to democracy as Trump.

That and the way the spectacle undermines our democratic institutions and hobbles the political process, perceived by Trump supporters as politically beneficial to Trump; Trump and his supporters are agents of chaos and dysfunction.

The ironic thing, of course, is that what brought on their apathy for good, effective and boring governance as well as their hostility for any and all things civilized and decent is the largess that 160 years of domestic tranquility and absence of sacrifice has wrought. Its ironic because they will be the first ones to pretend that they are some sort of alpha class patriots ready to defend the nation immediately; the same nation they spend all day every day trying to tear down.
Do people actually believe Trump's claims? Why does he exaggerate or lie about being a victim. Why does he not talk more about issues.

He (Biden)tried to publicly torture and humiliate me ... BUT HE FAILED.
Definition of torture

the action or practice of inflicting severe pain or suffering on someone as a punishment or in order to force them to do or say something.
"the torture of political prisoners"
No way has Biden tortured Trump by the definition of torture. You could say Trump has tortured Biden

He (Biden) tried to raid my home and take me out with deadly force... BUT HE FAILED.
The FBI used the same instructions on deadly force that they use for most raids. Those same instructions were used for the FBI search of Biden's home.


He tried to publicly torture and humiliate me ... BUT HE FAILED.

He tried to raid my home and take me out with deadly force... BUT HE FAILED.

He tried to bury me with so many witch hunts that I’d be forced to quit... BUT HE FAILED.
34 RIGGED FELONY CONVICTIONS calls for an unprecedented response.

And if our response to his tyrannical regime isn’t MASSIVE, Biden will move onto his next target: YOU!

So I’ve set a goal of raising $34 MILLION by the end of the day to make Biden regret EVER coming after us. Chip in today if you STAND WITH TRUMP! >
Xiden authorized deadly force when he sent the DOJ to raid trumps house. That is true
One can be a felon prior to being convicted.

And one can be a convicted felon without being a felon at all.
Then Crooked Donald has been a felon, his whole working life!!! The convictions part, is just running late! 😁. You know! DELAY! DELAY! DELAY!
Xiden authorized deadly force when he sent the DOJ to raid trumps house. That is true
Biden didn't authorize it, ya liar, liar, pants on fire! It's standard procedure, even during Crooked Donald's reign!

AND Even when the FBI searched Biden's home....did Biden authorize deadly force on himself?

You guys are awful awful awful, lying till your death, human beings!!!!! :eek:
And here’s an example of the problem: the blind partisan right who refuse to accept the fact that Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

They refuse to accept the fact that Trump is a racist, bigot, and an enemy of democracy; that Trump is a wannabe autocrat and dictator completely unfit to hold any public office.
Joe has proven to be what you call Trump. He spews what you want to hear. He has done it for a half century. Saying what kept him in power. Men who promote true socialism have to believe it. And mist all of our ruling class and entertainers and media do not. They live great privileged lives with capitalism giving them easy lives.
Seek help, tds is real.
These fucking libtards are completely obsessed by ONE MAN.

They're so scared of Trump EVERY FUCKING THREAD is about him.

These fucking leftard morons have no.plans, no policies, NOTHING that's good for me or the country.

I'm totally tired of these morons. Their shit got old a long time ago, and now it's plain old senile like their leader.

I'll never vote for these assholes. Never. Ever.
could it be you have Biden on a pedestal, and don't believe the facts that have come out, time and time again?

Keep drinking the Blue Kool-Aid, dragon, and hope it's not carcinogenic.

Don't bother responding.

Your responses make me nauseous.

I don’t put any politician on a pedestal, but I certainly don’t vote for criminal con man who brags about raping women and who has bankrupted seven different corporations.
These fucking libtards are completely obsessed by ONE MAN.

They're so scared of Trump EVERY FUCKING THREAD is about him.

These fucking leftard morons have no.plans, no policies, NOTHING that's good for me or the country.

I'm totally tired of these morons. Their shit got old a long time ago, and now it's plain old senile like their leader.

I'll never vote for these assholes. Never. Ever.

You’re projecting scruffy. It’s Donald Trump, who has no plans for the country other than to end the Constitution and take “retribution” on Democrats.

You’re the one who just can’t quit Donald Trump, even though he nearly destroyed the country the last time he was in office. In reality you want to see your country destroyed.

The Trump cult hates America.
You’re projecting scruffy. It’s Donald Trump, who has no plans for the country other than to end the Constitution and take “retribution” on Democrats.

Democrats deserve retribution.

I'm in favor of slapping them down. HARD.

You’re the one who just can’t quit Donald Trump, even though he nearly destroyed the country the last time he was in office. In reality you want to see your country destroyed.


President Trump had the best numbers in 80 years. You idiot leftards are consumed with his personality, which means ZERO when it comes to running an economy.

I don't give two shits what the man SAYS. I care about gas prices, food prices, and the cost of college for my kids.

The Trump cult hates America.

Oh shut up. It's old and tired bullshit. You have NO IDEA what Trump voters like or dislike. Not being one yourself, how could you? All you know is what CNN chooses to tell you. Which is a load of steaming bullshit.

Donald Trump created jobs. He kept the price of gas low. He kept inflation at 2 percent. Like him or not, the man knows how to run an economy. That's what I care about. The rest is fluff.
Then Crooked Donald has been a felon, his whole working life!!! The convictions part, is just running late! 😁. You know! DELAY! DELAY! DELAY!
Nah. Felon is another one of those word things with actual meaning.

And anyone facing a series of court cases charging such serious things would be wise to demand all the time needed to properly prepare not just for trial but for eventual appeals if needed.

Welcome to the real world.
Democrats deserve retribution.

I'm in favor of slapping them down. HARD.


President Trump had the best numbers in 80 years. You idiot leftards are consumed with his personality, which means ZERO when it comes to running an economy.

I don't give two shits what the man SAYS. I care about gas prices, food prices, and the cost of college for my kids.

Oh shut up. It's old and tired bullshit. You have NO IDEA what Trump voters like or dislike. Not being one yourself, how could you? All you know is what CNN chooses to tell you. Which is a load of steaming bullshit.

Donald Trump created jobs. He kept the price of gas low. He kept inflation at 2 percent. Like him or not, the man knows how to run an economy. That's what I care about. The rest is fluff.
He did nothing to make any of the things on that last paragraph a reality.

He INHERITED low inflation and low gas prices

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