Do Politicians Even Care That Forced Mask Laws Violate ADA and PAs? Some examples.

The virus has the highest impact in libshit areas and I really don't give a fuck if you die. You cuntlords have all but made war on America and you deserve every last batch of corona you get exposed to.
Another good example of why I'm so adamant about freedom of expression.

People need to know this is out there, and it's not a small group.

Spread it far and wide, I don't give a fuck. There was a time, in all honesty, that I thought the left and right could reconcile as crazy as it might sound. The past few weeks have taught me otherwise. You fuckwads are hell bent on destruction and there is no reasoning with you, so I stopped caring. To hell with you all. If the coronavirus mutated and turned your organs into liquid shit I'd personally host a goddamn parade. That's how much disdain I have for you *****. You aren't worth the dirt our flag waves over.
Haha, so since you lost hope that the left and right reconciling it’s now, fuck everybody let’s spread a deadly virus?!

That’s call True Colors right there folks!!

1) The virus is only deadly to a statistically insignificant fraction of the population. As it stands right now more people are killed by medical malpractice. So fucking spare me, tard.

2) Nobody is stopping you from hiding in your basement and hugging your binky to protect yourself from the big bad virus, you fucking pussy.
Would you care more if one of the 125,000 dead people was someone you loved?
What about one of the fifty thousand that die from the flu every year? What about them? Dumbass.
Um, 125,000 have died not in a YEAR, but in FOUR MONTHS. And that's WITH the shutdown.

Holy crap. Do you wanna take that one back?
Prove they all died of Covid.... You can't, and that's just it. It's an open doorway to agenda without being able to prove the cases one way or the other. Same as that climate bullcrap. You people are something else.
Masks are dangerous. No thanks.
"Masks are dangerous." That's the latest nonsense from the Trump fringe. Surgeons have been wearing masks of one sort or another since the late 19th century, sometimes during operations that last for many hours. In over one hundred years, have you ever heard of a surgeon dropping dead because s/he wore a mask? Can you find ANY evidence for such a thing EVER happening? Go ahead, prove it.

I didn't say someone would drop dead and they are dangerous in regards to suppressing your immune system. I don't wear one.
Well, if masks won't kill you, then how are they dangerous? And I can't believe that I even have to debate this issue with some idiot moron who can barely string together a coherent sentence... And I'm still waiting for you to PROVE that masks are dangerous. How do they suppress your immune system? What's the evidence for that? Cite some scientific evidence. Cite ANY evidence!
How about you give us evidence they protect you. Yes the N95 might help some, but who can wear the damn thing as most have respiratory issues these days ??? Claustrophobia is a huge issue also, where as most people have an issue with that problem as well. No this is just something new you people are trying, because when this thing 1st got started, and the curve was flattened, everything began to subside and get better without this bullcrap mask wearing mandate, but of course that virus Donald Trump is still in office eh, and you all got to make it appear as if you are the smart ones by using everything you can before election time is here against him... You can't convince me otherwise. To much has gone on now.
Look, idiot, wearing a mask is mostly to protect OTHER PEOPLE, not you. You might have the virus but not know it, so a mask may help prevent other people from contracting it from you.

When did YOUR health become MY responsibility?

And don't give me any leftist "well if you were a 'good person' you'd....." bullshit. Tell me where and how I'm required to safeguard anyone's health but my own.
When did MY health become YOUR responsibility? I'll tell you: When you became a member of this society. But clearly, you don't care about anyone but yourself. So fuck you. I hope you get Covid-19 and you die. Assholes like you are the reason that the number of Covid-19 cases are going up in the U.S., unlike in the E.U. where they're going down. So die, fuckhead.

Eat my fucking ass with a spoon, cocksucker. I owe you nothing. I bet $100 you're pro choice. Am I right? Well guess what, motherfucker - MY BODY, MY CHOICE. I will not wear a mask and I don't give a shit about who I might spread COVID to - that's YOU'RE fucking problem, not mine. Deal with it.
Actually, reading your post again, I'd have to say that you're a reprehensible human being. You say that you "don't give a shit about who I might spread COVID to." Is there no one on Earth who you care about? Don't you have parents? Grandparents? Siblings? Anyone? I feel sorry for someone as lost as you are.

Are there people on Earth I care about? You betcha.

Alas, you are not one of them. So, still waiting for you to explain to me why I owe you anything.
Because I'm a fellow human being. But if that's not enough, if you infect me with Covid-19, I might infect someone you care about, and they might die. But I don't understand why it should be that difficult to get you to simply do the right thing and wear a mask. But clearly, you're an idiot, so never mind.

So wear a mask. I mean, clearly that's the solution - right? If you're wearing one what the fuck do you care if I am?
Because the MAIN reason for wearing a mask is to protect OTHER people. If you have Covid-19 (and you might not realize it), a mask may help prevent you from giving it to someone else. But if you don't give a shit about other people, then go ahead and prove that you don't care about anyone but yourself by NOT wearing a mask.
The mask is to protect oneself, ...

That's just simple wrong! And you know it!!! This totally stupid behavior to try to find an effective way not to speak with each other has to be stopped. You waste a maximum of time and energy to help the Corona virus to become wide spreaded all over the USA. That's crazy!

Again, go hide under your bed if you are scared. Otherwise life goes on for the rest of us.
... What about one of the fifty thousand that die from the flu every year? What about them? Dumbass.

If you use masks, keep distance, wash more often your hands and/or disinfect your hands then the number of this infections will also sink. What I am a little worried about in case of the USA: The virus hates sunlight and heat. It loves cold. (That's why virologists use fridges to keep as virus active.) ... And in a best case prognosis we will need up to the next spring to get a reliable, good vaccine. ... That's a good prognosis because such steps need normally 8-10 years. ... But it is also possible to live with the virus and to bring it under control. ... So: Quo vadis USA? What's your choice? ...
Masks are dangerous. No thanks.
"Masks are dangerous." That's the latest nonsense from the Trump fringe. Surgeons have been wearing masks of one sort or another since the late 19th century, sometimes during operations that last for many hours. In over one hundred years, have you ever heard of a surgeon dropping dead because s/he wore a mask? Can you find ANY evidence for such a thing EVER happening? Go ahead, prove it.

I didn't say someone would drop dead and they are dangerous in regards to suppressing your immune system. I don't wear one.
Well, if masks won't kill you, then how are they dangerous? And I can't believe that I even have to debate this issue with some idiot moron who can barely string together a coherent sentence... And I'm still waiting for you to PROVE that masks are dangerous. How do they suppress your immune system? What's the evidence for that? Cite some scientific evidence. Cite ANY evidence!
How about you give us evidence they protect you. Yes the N95 might help some, but who can wear the damn thing as most have respiratory issues these days ??? Claustrophobia is a huge issue also, where as most people have an issue with that problem as well. No this is just something new you people are trying, because when this thing 1st got started, and the curve was flattened, everything began to subside and get better without this bullcrap mask wearing mandate, but of course that virus Donald Trump is still in office eh, and you all got to make it appear as if you are the smart ones by using everything you can before election time is here against him... You can't convince me otherwise. To much has gone on now.
Look, idiot, wearing a mask is mostly to protect OTHER PEOPLE, not you. You might have the virus but not know it, so a mask may help prevent other people from contracting it from you.

When did YOUR health become MY responsibility?

And don't give me any leftist "well if you were a 'good person' you'd....." bullshit. Tell me where and how I'm required to safeguard anyone's health but my own.
When did MY health become YOUR responsibility? I'll tell you: When you became a member of this society. But clearly, you don't care about anyone but yourself. So fuck you. I hope you get Covid-19 and you die. Assholes like you are the reason that the number of Covid-19 cases are going up in the U.S., unlike in the E.U. where they're going down. So die, fuckhead.

Eat my fucking ass with a spoon, cocksucker. I owe you nothing. I bet $100 you're pro choice. Am I right? Well guess what, motherfucker - MY BODY, MY CHOICE. I will not wear a mask and I don't give a shit about who I might spread COVID to - that's YOU'RE fucking problem, not mine. Deal with it.
Actually, reading your post again, I'd have to say that you're a reprehensible human being. You say that you "don't give a shit about who I might spread COVID to." Is there no one on Earth who you care about? Don't you have parents? Grandparents? Siblings? Anyone? I feel sorry for someone as lost as you are.

Are there people on Earth I care about? You betcha.

Alas, you are not one of them. So, still waiting for you to explain to me why I owe you anything.
Because I'm a fellow human being. But if that's not enough, if you infect me with Covid-19, I might infect someone you care about, and they might die. But I don't understand why it should be that difficult to get you to simply do the right thing and wear a mask. But clearly, you're an idiot, so never mind.

So wear a mask. I mean, clearly that's the solution - right? If you're wearing one what the fuck do you care if I am?
Because the MAIN reason for wearing a mask is to protect OTHER people. If you have Covid-19 (and you might not realize it), a mask may help prevent you from giving it to someone else. But if you don't give a shit about other people, then go ahead and prove that you don't care about anyone but yourself by NOT wearing a mask.
The mask is to protect oneself, ...

That's just simple wrong! And you know it!!! This totally stupid behavior to try to find an effective way not to speak with each other has to be stopped. You waste a maximum of time and energy to help the Corona virus to become wide spreaded all over the USA. That's crazy!

Again, go hide under your bed if you are scared. Otherwise life goes on for the rest of us.

I do not hide under my wonderful Swedish canopy bed. I'm in the moment in your USA with my thoughts, use the foreign English language, which I never use in my daily life in Germany, and speak with an alien from Beteigeuze IV to stop his criminal attacks against the citizens of the USA, because this damned bloody virus kills not only idiots. And it's a terrible death - alone, with nightmares, while this virus conquers no only the lung, but also organ by organ. No human being has earned to die such a terrible death. Everyone needs medical help, who is in such a disastrous situation. And this means: Keep the number of new infections as low as possible, so there are enough ways to be able to help the victims of Corona in a best possible way.

Last edited:
Masks are dangerous. No thanks.
"Masks are dangerous." That's the latest nonsense from the Trump fringe. Surgeons have been wearing masks of one sort or another since the late 19th century, sometimes during operations that last for many hours. In over one hundred years, have you ever heard of a surgeon dropping dead because s/he wore a mask? Can you find ANY evidence for such a thing EVER happening? Go ahead, prove it.

I didn't say someone would drop dead and they are dangerous in regards to suppressing your immune system. I don't wear one.
Well, if masks won't kill you, then how are they dangerous? And I can't believe that I even have to debate this issue with some idiot moron who can barely string together a coherent sentence... And I'm still waiting for you to PROVE that masks are dangerous. How do they suppress your immune system? What's the evidence for that? Cite some scientific evidence. Cite ANY evidence!
How about you give us evidence they protect you. Yes the N95 might help some, but who can wear the damn thing as most have respiratory issues these days ??? Claustrophobia is a huge issue also, where as most people have an issue with that problem as well. No this is just something new you people are trying, because when this thing 1st got started, and the curve was flattened, everything began to subside and get better without this bullcrap mask wearing mandate, but of course that virus Donald Trump is still in office eh, and you all got to make it appear as if you are the smart ones by using everything you can before election time is here against him... You can't convince me otherwise. To much has gone on now.
Look, idiot, wearing a mask is mostly to protect OTHER PEOPLE, not you. You might have the virus but not know it, so a mask may help prevent other people from contracting it from you.

When did YOUR health become MY responsibility?

And don't give me any leftist "well if you were a 'good person' you'd....." bullshit. Tell me where and how I'm required to safeguard anyone's health but my own.
When did MY health become YOUR responsibility? I'll tell you: When you became a member of this society. But clearly, you don't care about anyone but yourself. So fuck you. I hope you get Covid-19 and you die. Assholes like you are the reason that the number of Covid-19 cases are going up in the U.S., unlike in the E.U. where they're going down. So die, fuckhead.

Eat my fucking ass with a spoon, cocksucker. I owe you nothing. I bet $100 you're pro choice. Am I right? Well guess what, motherfucker - MY BODY, MY CHOICE. I will not wear a mask and I don't give a shit about who I might spread COVID to - that's YOU'RE fucking problem, not mine. Deal with it.
Well, this is obviously a very well-thought-out argument. Your body, your choice, okay. But what if you have the coronavirus but you don't know it because you're asymptomatic? A mask might prevent you from giving the virus to someone else who might be more vulnerable to a bad reaction. But apparently, you don't care if you infect someone else because you have rights. Yes, you have rights, but don't you also have responsibilities? Do you just get rights given to you? Don't you have to do anything to earn them? How does that work?
He's already said that he doesn't care if he spreads it to others. "I don't give a shit about who I might sprSad COVID to - that's YOU'RE fucking problem, not mine. Deal with it."

Freedom is about only worrying about your little world, and everyone else can fuck off, suffer and die.
With the left pushing Socialism and Marxism, one has to take a stand or just fall to the bullcrap. To many excuses being used to push alternative agenda's.
We have a virus that is not only killing people, but causing significant long term health damage to many of those who survive it. The areas that relaxed the rules are the new hot spots.

Not everything has to devolve into a binary political debate. And it's not asking too much for others to put a little effort into being smart and careful. As much as some refuse to see it, we really are in this together.
Yes it does, because the leftist make it political. Can't escape it, they won't allow it. Now it's the mask bullcrap with them. If they weren't involved in such a way, then we wouldn't be thinking in these ways, but they are up to their necks in their hate Trump agenda's.
Wearing masks is not political. Do you think that people in China, or Italy, or wherever, are wearing masks as an anti-Trump statement? That is ludicrous. Why are Covid-19 cases going down in many places, but in the U.S. they're going up? It's not because of more testing; that's bullshit. Get the facts. Oh, wait, you guys don't care about facts. But you know what? Covid-19 doesn't care about your politics.
Stupidity doesn't recognize borders nor do idiotic politicians willing to pander to an ignorant, unthinking, drooling mob in order to advance their own agendas.
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
So if you know this about your wife why aren't you doing the shopping instead?
The virus has the highest impact in libshit areas and I really don't give a fuck if you die. You cuntlords have all but made war on America and you deserve every last batch of corona you get exposed to.
Another good example of why I'm so adamant about freedom of expression.

People need to know this is out there, and it's not a small group.

Spread it far and wide, I don't give a fuck. There was a time, in all honesty, that I thought the left and right could reconcile as crazy as it might sound. The past few weeks have taught me otherwise. You fuckwads are hell bent on destruction and there is no reasoning with you, so I stopped caring. To hell with you all. If the coronavirus mutated and turned your organs into liquid shit I'd personally host a goddamn parade. That's how much disdain I have for you *****. You aren't worth the dirt our flag waves over.
Haha, so since you lost hope that the left and right reconciling it’s now, fuck everybody let’s spread a deadly virus?!

That’s call True Colors right there folks!!

1) The virus is only deadly to a statistically insignificant fraction of the population. As it stands right now more people are killed by medical malpractice. So fucking spare me, tard.

2) Nobody is stopping you from hiding in your basement and hugging your binky to protect yourself from the big bad virus, you fucking pussy.
Would you care more if one of the 125,000 dead people was someone you loved?
What about one of the fifty thousand that die from the flu every year? What about them? Dumbass.
Not as deadly and not as contagious
Masks are dangerous. No thanks.
"Masks are dangerous." That's the latest nonsense from the Trump fringe. Surgeons have been wearing masks of one sort or another since the late 19th century, sometimes during operations that last for many hours. In over one hundred years, have you ever heard of a surgeon dropping dead because s/he wore a mask? Can you find ANY evidence for such a thing EVER happening? Go ahead, prove it.

I didn't say someone would drop dead and they are dangerous in regards to suppressing your immune system. I don't wear one.
Well, if masks won't kill you, then how are they dangerous? And I can't believe that I even have to debate this issue with some idiot moron who can barely string together a coherent sentence... And I'm still waiting for you to PROVE that masks are dangerous. How do they suppress your immune system? What's the evidence for that? Cite some scientific evidence. Cite ANY evidence!
How about you give us evidence they protect you. Yes the N95 might help some, but who can wear the damn thing as most have respiratory issues these days ??? Claustrophobia is a huge issue also, where as most people have an issue with that problem as well. No this is just something new you people are trying, because when this thing 1st got started, and the curve was flattened, everything began to subside and get better without this bullcrap mask wearing mandate, but of course that virus Donald Trump is still in office eh, and you all got to make it appear as if you are the smart ones by using everything you can before election time is here against him... You can't convince me otherwise. To much has gone on now.
Look, idiot, wearing a mask is mostly to protect OTHER PEOPLE, not you. You might have the virus but not know it, so a mask may help prevent other people from contracting it from you.

When did YOUR health become MY responsibility?

And don't give me any leftist "well if you were a 'good person' you'd....." bullshit. Tell me where and how I'm required to safeguard anyone's health but my own.
When did MY health become YOUR responsibility? I'll tell you: When you became a member of this society. But clearly, you don't care about anyone but yourself. So fuck you. I hope you get Covid-19 and you die. Assholes like you are the reason that the number of Covid-19 cases are going up in the U.S., unlike in the E.U. where they're going down. So die, fuckhead.

Eat my fucking ass with a spoon, cocksucker. I owe you nothing. I bet $100 you're pro choice. Am I right? Well guess what, motherfucker - MY BODY, MY CHOICE. I will not wear a mask and I don't give a shit about who I might spread COVID to - that's YOU'RE fucking problem, not mine. Deal with it.
Actually, reading your post again, I'd have to say that you're a reprehensible human being. You say that you "don't give a shit about who I might spread COVID to." Is there no one on Earth who you care about? Don't you have parents? Grandparents? Siblings? Anyone? I feel sorry for someone as lost as you are.

Are there people on Earth I care about? You betcha.

Alas, you are not one of them. So, still waiting for you to explain to me why I owe you anything.
Because I'm a fellow human being. But if that's not enough, if you infect me with Covid-19, I might infect someone you care about, and they might die. But I don't understand why it should be that difficult to get you to simply do the right thing and wear a mask. But clearly, you're an idiot, so never mind.

So wear a mask. I mean, clearly that's the solution - right? If you're wearing one what the fuck do you care if I am?
Because the MAIN reason for wearing a mask is to protect OTHER people. If you have Covid-19 (and you might not realize it), a mask may help prevent you from giving it to someone else. But if you don't give a shit about other people, then go ahead and prove that you don't care about anyone but yourself by NOT wearing a mask.
The mask is to protect oneself, ...

That's just simple wrong! And you know it!!! This totally stupid behavior to try to find an effective way not to speak with each other has to be stopped. You waste a maximum of time and energy to help the Corona virus to become wide spreaded all over the USA. That's crazy!

Again, go hide under your bed if you are scared. Otherwise life goes on for the rest of us.

The virus has the highest impact in libshit areas and I really don't give a fuck if you die. You cuntlords have all but made war on America and you deserve every last batch of corona you get exposed to.
Another good example of why I'm so adamant about freedom of expression.

People need to know this is out there, and it's not a small group.

Spread it far and wide, I don't give a fuck. There was a time, in all honesty, that I thought the left and right could reconcile as crazy as it might sound. The past few weeks have taught me otherwise. You fuckwads are hell bent on destruction and there is no reasoning with you, so I stopped caring. To hell with you all. If the coronavirus mutated and turned your organs into liquid shit I'd personally host a goddamn parade. That's how much disdain I have for you *****. You aren't worth the dirt our flag waves over.
Haha, so since you lost hope that the left and right reconciling it’s now, fuck everybody let’s spread a deadly virus?!

That’s call True Colors right there folks!!

1) The virus is only deadly to a statistically insignificant fraction of the population. As it stands right now more people are killed by medical malpractice. So fucking spare me, tard.

2) Nobody is stopping you from hiding in your basement and hugging your binky to protect yourself from the big bad virus, you fucking pussy.
Would you care more if one of the 125,000 dead people was someone you loved?
What about one of the fifty thousand that die from the flu every year? What about them? Dumbass.
Not as deadly and not as contagious
You know this personally ?? No you don't, other than what you've been told.
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
So if you know this about your wife why aren't you doing the shopping instead?
Why do you think I am so pissed?

The point is that the people who are most at risk should be the people to stay home or quarantine. It's their lives at risk. Not ours. Not my wife's. Who should bear the burden?

How long are we going to mandate this shit?

Do you REALLY think this will stop with COVID-19?
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
So if you know this about your wife why aren't you doing the shopping instead?
Why do you think I am so pissed?

The point is that the people who are most at risk should be the people to stay home or quarantine. It's their lives at risk. Not ours. Not my wife's. Who should bear the burden?

How long are we going to mandate this shit?

Do you REALLY think this will stop with COVID-19?
Yeah that policy is a real winner. We are doing great.
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
So if you know this about your wife why aren't you doing the shopping instead?
Why do you think I am so pissed?

The point is that the people who are most at risk should be the people to stay home or quarantine. It's their lives at risk. Not ours. Not my wife's. Who should bear the burden?

How long are we going to mandate this shit?

Do you REALLY think this will stop with COVID-19?
Yeah that policy is a real winner. We are doing great.
What? Permanent mask mandates in perpetuity?

Holy Sharia, Batman!!!

Do you really think it will stop with COVID-19?
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
So if you know this about your wife why aren't you doing the shopping instead?
Why do you think I am so pissed?

The point is that the people who are most at risk should be the people to stay home or quarantine. It's their lives at risk. Not ours. Not my wife's. Who should bear the burden?

How long are we going to mandate this shit?

Do you REALLY think this will stop with COVID-19?
Yeah that policy is a real winner. We are doing great.
What? Permanent mask mandates in perpetuity?

Holy Sharia, Batman!!!

Do you really think it will stop with COVID-19?
Sure ain’t going to hurt. Now big political rally’s that will hurt. What policy.
I don't really get it. I don't think masks have really been required when out doors and when people can socially distance. As I recall, my kid in Philly had to wear a mask outside for a short time when walking her dog, but she and her friends were having socially distancing brown bag get togethers in parks. NYC went pretty much Italian style lockdown, but that was the exception rather than the rule.
I don't really get it. I don't think masks have really been required when out doors and when people can socially distance. As I recall, my kid in Philly had to wear a mask outside for a short time when walking her dog, but she and her friends were having socially distancing brown bag get togethers in parks. NYC went pretty much Italian style lockdown, but that was the exception rather than the rule.
Repubs are against anything that isn’t stupid.
Only righties would choose shutting down the country over masks. Epic stupidity.
Thank you for expropriating Democrat talking points and depositing them here. /stiffling rip-roaring laughter.
I’m an independent. Don’t need to be a dem to see the disaster. Country in horrible state.
Thank you. It took an independent good-ole-boy to take out a WWII hero first-term President and handing it over to a sick sexually abusive addict whose wife screwed America good, since he was too busy turning the Oval Office into his private brothel by screwing his interns on the Oval Office Presidential desk, dearie. Independents show loyalty to nothing, and it shows. And that's what I know because it always works out that-a-way.

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