Do republicans believe tax cuts pay for themselves?

mayhe they just believe anything the GOP tells them. I don’t know.

I mean we already know Trump’s cuts will explode the deficit.
Tax cuts cost exactly $0.00. Since they don't cost anything, it is impossible to pay for them.
mayhe they just believe anything the GOP tells them. I don’t know.

I mean we already know Trump’s cuts will explode the deficit.

Do we?

Lol you crack me up. As if Kennedy’s assessment is somehow relevant to today. For one thing, the National income for most jobs has not increased nearly enough to keep up with rising inflation. It is a complete myth that a cut to taxes for the rich would somehow create an adequate amount of revenue. Why? Because there are very few rich people in the top 1%. Their spending habits don’t do jack shit to significantly raise revenue.

How is his assessment NOT relevant? As you know, neither President Kennedy nor President Trump's tax cuts went only to the rich.

It is impossible to discuss an issue with someone like you because you refuse to acknowledge FACTS. Why is that?

As you know too, the middle-income bracket is shrinking but what you refuse to acknowledge is that those coming out of the middle-income brackets and into the upper brackets.
Oh so you think you’re entitled to drive on highways or be protected by law enforcement without forking over any dough?

As you know, there is a highway transportation fund financed with a tax on gasoline of about forty cents per gallon of gas plus states have additional gas taxes for their roads. Property taxes, which reach everyone in a county, pay for roads, schools, fire, and police.

The more expensive the house or property, the more one pays in taxes. So while I may live in a half-million dollar house with one child of school age who goes to a private school and you live in a hundred thousand dollar house with four kids going to public school, I pay many times what you pay in taxes.

So, as it should be, everyone is forking over, as you say, plenty of dough.
Yes you idiot. The very few rich control ridiculous amounts of wealth. How do you not know that?

When it comes to every day expenses, the rich don’t spend more than the middle class does. Why would they?

So what if the "very few" control ridiculous amounts of wealth. Why does that matter to you? Do they have some of "your" money?

That's foolish to say that the rich don't spend more than the wealthy. The rich spend far more on houses, cars, toys, groceries, booze, and entertainment.
Do republicans believe tax cuts pay for themselves?

makes no difference - they believe in trickle down economics .. to hell with the results
mayhe they just believe anything the GOP tells them. I don’t know.

I mean we already know Trump’s cuts will explode the deficit.

Let me ask you a serious question here, Billy.

How do you think socialism pays for itself? With your money. And before we continue bleating about "exploding the deficit" just remember that a growing number of people in your party believe we should have "Medicare for all". That would cost $33 trillion.

You presumably want Universal Basic Income. How is that going to be funded? You whine about Trump "exploding the deficit" but are for things that would make it go like a Type IA Supernova.

You want to give people free shit. Free this, free that. Problem is, someone somewhere is paying for that free shit out of their own income. Ah, there went income equality, since we're on the subject.

You just don't have the slightest clue how to fund these programs, do you? You don't care about the deficit. An objective individual would see that deficit spending on either end is unacceptable without a way to pay for it and reduce the existing deficit.

Don't make me embarrass you, Billy.
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mayhe they just believe anything the GOP tells them. I don’t know.

I mean we already know Trump’s cuts will explode the deficit.
Uncollected tax money is not the federal governments possession so shut the fuck up

So, Rustic believe's that as soon as you start saying things he does not should 'shut the fuck up'?

Typical Trumpbot cannot handle what you don't want to hear.

Welcome to my ignore list. If you have not got the guts to handle the truth/things you don;t are too weak to waste my time on.

Ta ta.
Do republicans believe tax cuts pay for themselves?

makes no difference - they believe in trickle down economics .. to hell with the results
I don't know any Republicans who believe in trickle down economics.
Do Democrats believe free healthcare and free college tuition is really free?
No one on the left thinks that wouldn’t cost tax revenue. Of course it does. What ultimately matters is closing tax loopholes and deductions for the most wealthy to pay for those services.

That is part of it for sure, but let's also get a hold of frivolous government spending first and foremost.
mayhe they just believe anything the GOP tells them. I don’t know.

I mean we already know Trump’s cuts will explode the deficit.
You want less of something, tax it.
You want more of something, cut taxes on it.
Nobody said cutting taxes to 0 would increase revenues. There is a point of diminishing returns.
Do Democrats believe free healthcare and free college tuition is really free?
No one on the left thinks that wouldn’t cost tax revenue. Of course it does. What ultimately matters is closing tax loopholes and deductions for the most wealthy to pay for those services.
Do you really think that by taxing the rich more through closing loopholes will pay for healthcare and college tuition? Really?
Have you crunched those numbers and still posted what you did? :auiqs.jpg:
Big corps should create their own colleges that teach students what they want them to know in order to be good employees. Invest in the future.
mayhe they just believe anything the GOP tells them. I don’t know.

I mean we already know Trump’s cuts will explode the deficit.
Uncollected tax money is not the federal governments possession so shut the fuck up
Oh so you think you’re entitled to drive on highways or be protected by law enforcement without forking over any dough?
That’s what taxes are for dumb ass
More taxes means more money out of people’s pockets end of story. The federal government does not help the economy whatsoever they are unable to because there a fucked up mess
These tax cuts only benefit the richest among us long term. They don’t spend enough money in the economy to improve it nor enough to raise revenue.
A, not really
mayhe they just believe anything the GOP tells them. I don’t know.

I mean we already know Trump’s cuts will explode the deficit.
Uncollected tax money is not the federal governments possession so shut the fuck up

So, Rustic believe's that as soon as you start saying things he does not should 'shut the fuck up'?

Typical Trumpbot cannot handle what you don't want to hear.

Welcome to my ignore list. If you have not got the guts to handle the truth/things you don;t are too weak to waste my time on.

Ta ta.
Do Democrats believe free healthcare and free college tuition is really free?
No one on the left thinks that wouldn’t cost tax revenue. Of course it does. What ultimately matters is closing tax loopholes and deductions for the most wealthy to pay for those services.
Do you really think that by taxing the rich more through closing loopholes will pay for healthcare and college tuition? Really?
Have you crunched those numbers and still posted what you did? :auiqs.jpg:
Perhaps you aren’t aware of the total money stores overseas by rich people that avoid taxation. You should look it up. It would go a long way in paying for it. College tuition specifically would cost around 80 billion per year. That’s a fraction of what we spend on defense per year. Cutting our defense budget would go a long way. Our current healthcare system is actually more expensive per capita than a theoretical public option.
So you're saying that you haven't crunched the numbers, got it.
Now you want to sacrifice the defense spending? Before it was just closing loopholes on the rich. What's next?
The crazy left is arguing against reality. The tax cuts did result in more revenue.
mayhe they just believe anything the GOP tells them. I don’t know.

I mean we already know Trump’s cuts will explode the deficit.
They do.

We're going to get a financial collapse much like, if not worse, than the one Bush 'n' co caused.

Just sit back and wait for's coming.

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