Do Republicans Not Understand How Moronic It Is To Blame Obama For Today's Economy Yet Won't Give..

I'm waiting for the OP to blame Bush for the Obamacare disaster.
Its only Moronic if you believe they believe it. It makes perfect sense if you look at it from the point of they will say anything to blame Obama for everything.

See? Now it all makes sense

With Obama's record, I see why you want to keep deflecting to Bush. Voters aren't buying that anymore.

This topic is about Bush and Obama. I cant deflect to the topic of discussion lol

I was referring to you, the discussion and liberals in general. You are deflecting because Obama sucks. It's funny how liberals read words, and you don't really grasp them.

Is there something about a thread about Bush and Obama that is confusing you? Because I cant deflect to something that IS the topic...I'm ON topic fool

OK, I'll type slower because you are stupid. I did not say your post was not on topic of the thread, I said your post, the thread and liberals and general keep bringing up W because Obama has an abysmal record and you want to deflect from that. Beyond that, you need to go back to school and learn to read, I can't comprehend it for you.
Republicans have the hardest time with cognitive dissonance.
Another Billy Zippo troll thread.
Hey, Billy. Fixing to get your ass beaten again so you can run away like a coward?
Obama has been president for 6 years. For the first 2 years he could and did enact any legislation he wanted. If the present economy isn't Obama's fault, whose fault is it? Bush? He's been out of office for 6years. For the last two years of his term he had a solid Democrat majority in Congress.
We have the worst recovery on record. That is simply a fact. We have the fewest people working since the 1970s. That is a fact. The gains in household wealth have accrued at the top. That is a fact. Income inequality is worse now than it was 6 years ago. That is a fact.
And all of thsoe things are directly traceable to Obama's policies.
Oh, sure it was dumb of Obama to extend Bush's awful tax cuts for the wealthy, but that is literally the only thing by Obama that has contributed to the rising inequality. Of course he did help the lower classes by giving the middle class the biggest tax cut since Reagan. Bush was too much of a moron to understand the vitality of the middle class.

How moronic do you think you sound by putting all the blame on the democratic congress. God it's so pathetic and transparent.
What's "moronic", Billy is that you can't grasp that Obama's total lack of an economic strategy to create jobs and grow the economy FOR YEARS NOW has been the thing that's created the "inequality" you liberals are so obsessed by! Compared to the rest of the country, the rich got richer under Barry than under any President in history.

Tell me what Barack Obama's strategy has been to create jobs for the past two years, Billy? Tell me who his chief economic advisers are! I doubt you can...and the REASON for that is the US hasn't HAD any strategy to grow the economy and create jobs since Larry Summers little Keynesian "lab experiment" was such a disaster they had to create a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was!
Its only Moronic if you believe they believe it. It makes perfect sense if you look at it from the point of they will say anything to blame Obama for everything.

See? Now it all makes sense

With Obama's record, I see why you want to keep deflecting to Bush. Voters aren't buying that anymore.

This topic is about Bush and Obama. I cant deflect to the topic of discussion lol

I was referring to you, the discussion and liberals in general. You are deflecting because Obama sucks. It's funny how liberals read words, and you don't really grasp them.

Is there something about a thread about Bush and Obama that is confusing you? Because I cant deflect to something that IS the topic...I'm ON topic fool

OK, I'll type slower because you are stupid. I did not say your post was not on topic of the thread, I said your post, the thread and liberals and general keep bringing up W because Obama has an abysmal record and you want to deflect from that. Beyond that, you need to go back to school and learn to read, I can't comprehend it for you.
You call it abysmal but you can never come up substantial examples of it being abysmal. Instead you say laughable crap like Solyndra was the worst scandal in US history!
Barack Obama "leads from behind" on the economy just as he does in foreign policy. It's another way of saying he doesn't have a plan...
Another Billy Zippo troll thread.
Hey, Billy. Fixing to get your ass beaten again so you can run away like a coward?
Obama has been president for 6 years. For the first 2 years he could and did enact any legislation he wanted. If the present economy isn't Obama's fault, whose fault is it? Bush? He's been out of office for 6years. For the last two years of his term he had a solid Democrat majority in Congress.
We have the worst recovery on record. That is simply a fact. We have the fewest people working since the 1970s. That is a fact. The gains in household wealth have accrued at the top. That is a fact. Income inequality is worse now than it was 6 years ago. That is a fact.
And all of thsoe things are directly traceable to Obama's policies.
Oh, sure it was dumb of Obama to extend Bush's awful tax cuts for the wealthy, but that is literally the only thing by Obama that has contributed to the rising inequality. Of course he did help the lower classes by giving the middle class the biggest tax cut since Reagan. Bush was too much of a moron to understand the vitality of the middle class.

How moronic do you think you sound by putting all the blame on the democratic congress. God it's so pathetic and transparent.
What's "moronic", Billy is that you can't grasp that Obama's total lack of an economic strategy to create jobs and grow the economy FOR YEARS NOW has been the thing that's created the "inequality" you liberals are so obsessed by! Compared to the rest of the country, the rich got richer under Barry than under any President in history.

Tell me what Barack Obama's strategy has been to create jobs for the past two years, Billy? Tell me who his chief economic advisers are! I doubt you can...and the REASON for that is the US hasn't HAD any strategy to grow the economy and create jobs since Larry Summers little Keynesian "lab experiment" was such a disaster they had to create a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was!
Maybe he would put forth more of a strategy if republicans didn't block anything he has ever come up with. Maybe by now we would have another stimulus. Yes, that would mean more debt but so does any stimulus including tax cuts.
Why are you talking about the poor? I made no mention of them you ass clown. Tax cuts for the wealthy are bad because they do very little to stimulate economic growth and the wealthy are responsible for most our country's revenue.
And yet, the Obama forced a Dem-controlled Congress to extend those tax cuts for 2 years.
How was that Bush's fault?
How did that help the economy?
Its only Moronic if you believe they believe it. It makes perfect sense if you look at it from the point of they will say anything to blame Obama for everything.

See? Now it all makes sense

With Obama's record, I see why you want to keep deflecting to Bush. Voters aren't buying that anymore.

This topic is about Bush and Obama. I cant deflect to the topic of discussion lol

I was referring to you, the discussion and liberals in general. You are deflecting because Obama sucks. It's funny how liberals read words, and you don't really grasp them.

Is there something about a thread about Bush and Obama that is confusing you? Because I cant deflect to something that IS the topic...I'm ON topic fool

OK, I'll type slower because you are stupid. I did not say your post was not on topic of the thread, I said your post, the thread and liberals and general keep bringing up W because Obama has an abysmal record and you want to deflect from that. Beyond that, you need to go back to school and learn to read, I can't comprehend it for you.

Or maybe he's brought up because he has a part in it too. Just sayin'...

And you keep ignoring Bush's part in it because it was so great right? See? While you talk about deflecting from Obama you are deflecting from any part Bush had in it.

But we're supposed to listen to you about deflections LMAO
6 years into the Secular Messiah's reign, and everything is still Bush's fault.
Did you even bother reading my thread? Perhaps you just don't possess the reading comprehension skills. That's fine. We all have our limitations.
Why are you talking about the poor? I made no mention of them you ass clown. Tax cuts for the wealthy are bad because they do very little to stimulate economic growth and the wealthy are responsible for most our country's revenue.
And yet, the Obama forced a Dem-controlled Congress to extend those tax cuts for 2 years.
How was that Bush's fault?
How did that help the economy?
Do you even read these posts? I already said it was idiotic for Obama to extend Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy. It was his worse mistake.
It is not Obama's intention to create jobs. To do so would undermine his own strategy to make everyone dependent on government.
OK, I'll type slower because you are stupid. I did not say your post was not on topic of the thread, I said your post, the thread and liberals and general keep bringing up W because Obama has an abysmal record and you want to deflect from that. Beyond that, you need to go back to school and learn to read, I can't comprehend it for you.
You call it abysmal but you can never come up substantial examples of it being abysmal.

Yeah, I can. Slowest recession recovery in a century, making every American dependent on government for their healthcare, harming our economy by harming the financial services industry, keeping America dependent on foreign oil as much as possible by restricting US exploration, expanding the fiasco in Afghanistan and doing nothing to reduce the one in Iraq, then getting us back into Iraq. Then there's bombing Libya, making America look week to our enemies, saber rattling in Syria before embarrassing himself by being outflanked by Putin. Insulting the British, undermining Israel, supporting despotic governments across the middle east, blocking Canadian oil from creating jobs in the United States, increasing taxes on job creators.

Just a few off the top of my head. His successes? Now I'm drawing a blank...

[QUOTE="Billy000, post: 9848945, member: 33739"IInstead you say laughable crap like Solyndra was the worst scandal in US history![/QUOTE]

Liar, I never said that. The next post will not be you backing up your lie because you can't.
It is not Obama's intention to create jobs. To do so would undermine his own strategy to make everyone dependent on government.
I can't believe you people say shit like that. It just blows my mind you could delude yourself to such fallacy manufactured straight from the Fox News propaganda machine. For Christ's sakes. Think for yourself for once. Learn actual facts. They exist.
The topic is Bush and Obama.

Every Repub came in talking about deflections and never once brought up Bush.

Do you see the level of bullshittery that requires?
With Obama's record, I see why you want to keep deflecting to Bush. Voters aren't buying that anymore.

This topic is about Bush and Obama. I cant deflect to the topic of discussion lol

I was referring to you, the discussion and liberals in general. You are deflecting because Obama sucks. It's funny how liberals read words, and you don't really grasp them.

Is there something about a thread about Bush and Obama that is confusing you? Because I cant deflect to something that IS the topic...I'm ON topic fool

OK, I'll type slower because you are stupid. I did not say your post was not on topic of the thread, I said your post, the thread and liberals and general keep bringing up W because Obama has an abysmal record and you want to deflect from that. Beyond that, you need to go back to school and learn to read, I can't comprehend it for you.
You call it abysmal but you can never come up substantial examples of it being abysmal. Instead you say laughable crap like Solyndra was the worst scandal in US history!
Can you quote anyone sayng Solyndra was the worst scandal in US history? Or is this another "Republicans think all govenment is evil" statements you dont expect anyone to take seriously?
OK, I'll type slower because you are stupid. I did not say your post was not on topic of the thread, I said your post, the thread and liberals and general keep bringing up W because Obama has an abysmal record and you want to deflect from that. Beyond that, you need to go back to school and learn to read, I can't comprehend it for you.
You call it abysmal but you can never come up substantial examples of it being abysmal.

Yeah, I can. Slowest recession recovery in a century, making every American dependent on government for their healthcare, harming our economy by harming the financial services industry, keeping America dependent on foreign oil as much as possible by restricting US exploration, expanding the fiasco in Afghanistan and doing nothing to reduce the one in Iraq, then getting us back into Iraq. Then there's bombing Libya, making America look week to our enemies, saber rattling in Syria before embarrassing himself by being outflanked by Putin. Insulting the British, undermining Israel, supporting despotic governments across the middle east, blocking Canadian oil from creating jobs in the United States, increasing taxes on job creators.

Just a few off the top of my head. His successes? Now I'm drawing a blank...

[QUOTE="Billy000, post: 9848945, member: 33739"IInstead you say laughable crap like Solyndra was the worst scandal in US history!

Liar, I never said that. The next post will not be you backing up your lie because you can't.[/QUOTE]
It's simply an example of how you justify calling Obama a failure. You take dated insignificant crap like a gov program failing that was worth a poultry half a billion dollars. You people have no substantial arguments.

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