Do those on the left really want to discuss the whole racism issue?

Yes, let's discuss RACISM and the Dems' role in propagating it.

Here are a few unassailable facts to consider:

--While the secession debate was between the North and the South, the slavery debate was between a pro-slavery Democratic Party and an anti-slavery Republican Party.

--Two of the three Democrats that Lincoln identified as the champions of slavery—Stephen Douglas and James Buchanan—were Northerners. Only one, Roger Taney, was a Southerner.

--Even after Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, the Democratic platform in 1864 sought a treaty with the Confederacy that would most likely involve a restoration of slavery.

--After the Civil War, the Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the Thirteenth Amendment freeing the slaves, the Fourteenth Amendment granting equal rights under law, and the Fifteenth Amendment giving blacks the right to vote.

--Jim Crow is entirely a legacy of the Democratic Party. Every segregation law enacted in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials.

--After Republicans shut it down in the late nineteenth century, the Ku Klux Klan was revived in the early twentieth century by a progressive Democratic president, Woodrow Wilson, who screened a pro-KKK movie in the White House.

--For decades the Klan served, in the words of progressive historian Eric Foner, as “the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.” David Duke is an anomaly; virtually every KKK leader for the past 150 years has been a Democrat.

--As historian Ira Katznelson shows, in order to get the New Deal passed, progressive icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt made deals with racist Democrats to block anti-lynching legislation and to exclude African Americans from most New Deal programs.

--More Republicans than Democrats proportionately voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968. The main opposition to the civil rights movement came not from the GOP but from racist Democrats....

Dinesh D'Souza: Colin Kaepernick's big lie

Question, what is a Dixiecrat?

And where did they settle in 2017 politics?

Pathetic diversion.

Is what I would expect from a conservative in denial.

So what happened in the republic party to their members that voted for the 1964 Civil Rights bill?

Which party shed its racist southern influence and which one embraced it as a "southern strategy?

Which party advocated for a poll tax and for voter ID in current day?

And finally which party includes Dave duke?
Why do blacks not care that about 28% of abortions were performed on black babies when black people only account for about 13% of the population?

Black Lives Matter: 28% of Abortions Done on Black Babies But Blacks Just 12% of Population |

Margaret Sanger created Planned Parenthood to help quell the black population because, like all others in her field at the time, she was an ardent racist.

Even men like Charles Darwin was an ardent racist and considered black evolutionarily inferior.
So what are some answers?


Your understanding of what Margaret Sanger actually stood for is lacking. You need to actually post a factual representation of her views before a discussion can occur.

In regard to Darwin...same.

Try to do better
I think we should focus on the economy, unions and promoting more jobs. That is the original goal of the left and it was popular!

Race is a very diversionary issue.

If you think that, how have missed the fact than NO ONE ELSE ON THE LEFT, is doing that?

The far left has always opposed the trade deals like nafta(Reagan and George hw Bushs plan) and TPP. The left hated Obama for that last one.

We believe in strong bargaining rights for the workers and order to take home a good pay check.

The last serious dem to question "Free Trade" was Dukakis, and he was crushed like a bug a long time ago, in the dem primaries.

Since then the Dems and the Republicans have been in consensus on this issue up until Trump upset the apple cart.

If you think t hat a focus on Race is a "diversionary issue", How the hell can you put up with the rest of the Left?
So from what we were told, the whole not standing for the national anthem was suppose to generate meaningful discussions about the ills of society?

If so, let's get it on!

First off, there is racism and there will always be racism. Nothing will change this fact.

Secondly, there are things we can do to reduce racism, but it's not a one way road.

What we have in the US today is a black culture steeped in gang violence, drugs, and poverty. It is a self perpetuating fact. Here we have a small number of blacks that are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the US.

Now put yourself in the shoes of a police officer in that violent community. You will always be on your guard. If you lower your guard, you die, but if you "snap" and make the wrong move you get sued. How would you fair at that job?

It is also true that blacks are profiled. Of course, middle eastern men are also profiled on board planes. Why? Is it because of racism? No, it's because most acts of international terrorism are carried out by such people.

Last year, about 250 black men were killed by police officers, and guess what, those police officers were not all white. Now let's consider the violence in Chicago every year. Black on black violence accounts for more than double the number of blacks killed by police officers. Where are the protests about that? There are none to be heard. How is it that police are not suppose to kill blacks when they are killing themselves in such numbers? It is insane.

What we are witnessing is America paying for the sins of the past, but to continually try to blame others for the problem instead of taking accountability for our own short comings is poison.

What say you?

This is what you have?

Is there more coming that actually one can discuss?

Am I missing something?
Yes, let's discuss RACISM and the Dems' role in propagating it.

Here are a few unassailable facts to consider:

--While the secession debate was between the North and the South, the slavery debate was between a pro-slavery Democratic Party and an anti-slavery Republican Party.

--Two of the three Democrats that Lincoln identified as the champions of slavery—Stephen Douglas and James Buchanan—were Northerners. Only one, Roger Taney, was a Southerner.

--Even after Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, the Democratic platform in 1864 sought a treaty with the Confederacy that would most likely involve a restoration of slavery.

--After the Civil War, the Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the Thirteenth Amendment freeing the slaves, the Fourteenth Amendment granting equal rights under law, and the Fifteenth Amendment giving blacks the right to vote.

--Jim Crow is entirely a legacy of the Democratic Party. Every segregation law enacted in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials.

--After Republicans shut it down in the late nineteenth century, the Ku Klux Klan was revived in the early twentieth century by a progressive Democratic president, Woodrow Wilson, who screened a pro-KKK movie in the White House.

--For decades the Klan served, in the words of progressive historian Eric Foner, as “the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.” David Duke is an anomaly; virtually every KKK leader for the past 150 years has been a Democrat.

--As historian Ira Katznelson shows, in order to get the New Deal passed, progressive icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt made deals with racist Democrats to block anti-lynching legislation and to exclude African Americans from most New Deal programs.

--More Republicans than Democrats proportionately voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968. The main opposition to the civil rights movement came not from the GOP but from racist Democrats....

Dinesh D'Souza: Colin Kaepernick's big lie

Question, what is a Dixiecrat?

And where did they settle in 2017 politics?

The dixiecrats were all dead by 2017. they were dems who broke from the party, and then returned, waaayyy back, in the 40s I think.
Yes, let's discuss RACISM and the Dems' role in propagating it.

Here are a few unassailable facts to consider:

--While the secession debate was between the North and the South, the slavery debate was between a pro-slavery Democratic Party and an anti-slavery Republican Party.

--Two of the three Democrats that Lincoln identified as the champions of slavery—Stephen Douglas and James Buchanan—were Northerners. Only one, Roger Taney, was a Southerner.

--Even after Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, the Democratic platform in 1864 sought a treaty with the Confederacy that would most likely involve a restoration of slavery.

--After the Civil War, the Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the Thirteenth Amendment freeing the slaves, the Fourteenth Amendment granting equal rights under law, and the Fifteenth Amendment giving blacks the right to vote.

--Jim Crow is entirely a legacy of the Democratic Party. Every segregation law enacted in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials.

--After Republicans shut it down in the late nineteenth century, the Ku Klux Klan was revived in the early twentieth century by a progressive Democratic president, Woodrow Wilson, who screened a pro-KKK movie in the White House.

--For decades the Klan served, in the words of progressive historian Eric Foner, as “the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.” David Duke is an anomaly; virtually every KKK leader for the past 150 years has been a Democrat.

--As historian Ira Katznelson shows, in order to get the New Deal passed, progressive icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt made deals with racist Democrats to block anti-lynching legislation and to exclude African Americans from most New Deal programs.

--More Republicans than Democrats proportionately voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968. The main opposition to the civil rights movement came not from the GOP but from racist Democrats....

Dinesh D'Souza: Colin Kaepernick's big lie

Question, what is a Dixiecrat?

And where did they settle in 2017 politics?

The dixiecrats were all dead by 2017. they were dems who broke from the party, and then returned, waaayyy back, in the 40s I think.

Post something better, that was awful.

Shows your age.
Yes, let's discuss RACISM and the Dems' role in propagating it.

Here are a few unassailable facts to consider:

--While the secession debate was between the North and the South, the slavery debate was between a pro-slavery Democratic Party and an anti-slavery Republican Party.

--Two of the three Democrats that Lincoln identified as the champions of slavery—Stephen Douglas and James Buchanan—were Northerners. Only one, Roger Taney, was a Southerner.

--Even after Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, the Democratic platform in 1864 sought a treaty with the Confederacy that would most likely involve a restoration of slavery.

--After the Civil War, the Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the Thirteenth Amendment freeing the slaves, the Fourteenth Amendment granting equal rights under law, and the Fifteenth Amendment giving blacks the right to vote.

--Jim Crow is entirely a legacy of the Democratic Party. Every segregation law enacted in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials.

--After Republicans shut it down in the late nineteenth century, the Ku Klux Klan was revived in the early twentieth century by a progressive Democratic president, Woodrow Wilson, who screened a pro-KKK movie in the White House.

--For decades the Klan served, in the words of progressive historian Eric Foner, as “the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.” David Duke is an anomaly; virtually every KKK leader for the past 150 years has been a Democrat.

--As historian Ira Katznelson shows, in order to get the New Deal passed, progressive icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt made deals with racist Democrats to block anti-lynching legislation and to exclude African Americans from most New Deal programs.

--More Republicans than Democrats proportionately voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968. The main opposition to the civil rights movement came not from the GOP but from racist Democrats....

Dinesh D'Souza: Colin Kaepernick's big lie

Question, what is a Dixiecrat?

And where did they settle in 2017 politics?

Pathetic diversion.

Is what I would expect from a conservative in denial.

So what happened in the republic party to their members that voted for the 1964 Civil Rights bill?

Which party shed its racist southern influence and which one embraced it as a "southern strategy?

Which party advocated for a poll tax and for voter ID in current day?

And finally which party includes Dave duke?

And in a thread about having a discussion on race, here we have a leftist making false accusations of racism against the Republicans.

LIke I said, there can be no discussion, because the left is not listening to ANYTHING.
Yes, let's discuss RACISM and the Dems' role in propagating it.

Here are a few unassailable facts to consider:

--While the secession debate was between the North and the South, the slavery debate was between a pro-slavery Democratic Party and an anti-slavery Republican Party.

--Two of the three Democrats that Lincoln identified as the champions of slavery—Stephen Douglas and James Buchanan—were Northerners. Only one, Roger Taney, was a Southerner.

--Even after Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, the Democratic platform in 1864 sought a treaty with the Confederacy that would most likely involve a restoration of slavery.

--After the Civil War, the Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the Thirteenth Amendment freeing the slaves, the Fourteenth Amendment granting equal rights under law, and the Fifteenth Amendment giving blacks the right to vote.

--Jim Crow is entirely a legacy of the Democratic Party. Every segregation law enacted in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials.

--After Republicans shut it down in the late nineteenth century, the Ku Klux Klan was revived in the early twentieth century by a progressive Democratic president, Woodrow Wilson, who screened a pro-KKK movie in the White House.

--For decades the Klan served, in the words of progressive historian Eric Foner, as “the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.” David Duke is an anomaly; virtually every KKK leader for the past 150 years has been a Democrat.

--As historian Ira Katznelson shows, in order to get the New Deal passed, progressive icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt made deals with racist Democrats to block anti-lynching legislation and to exclude African Americans from most New Deal programs.

--More Republicans than Democrats proportionately voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968. The main opposition to the civil rights movement came not from the GOP but from racist Democrats....

Dinesh D'Souza: Colin Kaepernick's big lie

Question, what is a Dixiecrat?

And where did they settle in 2017 politics?

The dixiecrats were all dead by 2017. they were dems who broke from the party, and then returned, waaayyy back, in the 40s I think.

Post something better, that was awful.

Shows your age.

We all noticed that you had nothing to refute my post with. Vague negativity is not an answer, lib.
Yes, let's discuss RACISM and the Dems' role in propagating it.

Here are a few unassailable facts to consider:

--While the secession debate was between the North and the South, the slavery debate was between a pro-slavery Democratic Party and an anti-slavery Republican Party.

--Two of the three Democrats that Lincoln identified as the champions of slavery—Stephen Douglas and James Buchanan—were Northerners. Only one, Roger Taney, was a Southerner.

--Even after Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, the Democratic platform in 1864 sought a treaty with the Confederacy that would most likely involve a restoration of slavery.

--After the Civil War, the Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the Thirteenth Amendment freeing the slaves, the Fourteenth Amendment granting equal rights under law, and the Fifteenth Amendment giving blacks the right to vote.

--Jim Crow is entirely a legacy of the Democratic Party. Every segregation law enacted in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials.

--After Republicans shut it down in the late nineteenth century, the Ku Klux Klan was revived in the early twentieth century by a progressive Democratic president, Woodrow Wilson, who screened a pro-KKK movie in the White House.

--For decades the Klan served, in the words of progressive historian Eric Foner, as “the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.” David Duke is an anomaly; virtually every KKK leader for the past 150 years has been a Democrat.

--As historian Ira Katznelson shows, in order to get the New Deal passed, progressive icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt made deals with racist Democrats to block anti-lynching legislation and to exclude African Americans from most New Deal programs.

--More Republicans than Democrats proportionately voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968. The main opposition to the civil rights movement came not from the GOP but from racist Democrats....

Dinesh D'Souza: Colin Kaepernick's big lie

Question, what is a Dixiecrat?

And where did they settle in 2017 politics?

Pathetic diversion.

Is what I would expect from a conservative in denial.

So what happened in the republic party to their members that voted for the 1964 Civil Rights bill?

Which party shed its racist southern influence and which one embraced it as a "southern strategy?

Which party advocated for a poll tax and for voter ID in current day?

And finally which party includes Dave duke?

And in a thread about having a discussion on race, here we have a leftist making false accusations of racism against the Republicans.

LIke I said, there can be no discussion, because the left is not listening to ANYTHING.

Which one of my assertions was false?

Because anyone can Google.

You want an honest discussion answer the questions.

Until then you're not asking for one.
So what are some answers?


Your understanding of what Margaret Sanger actually stood for is lacking. You need to actually post a factual representation of her views before a discussion can occur.

In regard to Darwin...same.

Try to do better

Here is what Sanger said

Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

And now for Darwin

It was in Philadelphia that I first found myself in prolonged contact with Negroes; all the domestics in my hotel were men of color. I can scarcely express to you the painful impression that I received, especially since the feeling that they inspired in me is contrary to all our ideas about the confraternity of the human type (genre) and the unique origin of our species. But truth before all. Nevertheless, I experienced pity at the sight of this degraded and degenerate race, and their lot inspired compassion in me in thinking that they were really men. Nonetheless, it is impossible for me to repress the feeling that they are not of the same blood as us. In seeing their black faces with their thick lips and grimacing teeth, the wool on their head, their bent knees, their elongated hands, I could not take my eyes off their face in order to tell them to stay far away. And when they advanced that hideous hand towards my plate in order to serve me, I wished I were able to depart in order to eat a piece of bread elsewhere, rather than dine with such service. What unhappiness for the white race ―to have tied their existence so closely with that of Negroes in certain countries! God preserve us from such a contact." ― Louis Agassiz in a letter to his mother (1846), quoted in Gould, Stephen The Mismeasure of Man (1981) p. 44-45
Yes, let's discuss RACISM and the Dems' role in propagating it.

Here are a few unassailable facts to consider:

--While the secession debate was between the North and the South, the slavery debate was between a pro-slavery Democratic Party and an anti-slavery Republican Party.

--Two of the three Democrats that Lincoln identified as the champions of slavery—Stephen Douglas and James Buchanan—were Northerners. Only one, Roger Taney, was a Southerner.

--Even after Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, the Democratic platform in 1864 sought a treaty with the Confederacy that would most likely involve a restoration of slavery.

--After the Civil War, the Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the Thirteenth Amendment freeing the slaves, the Fourteenth Amendment granting equal rights under law, and the Fifteenth Amendment giving blacks the right to vote.

--Jim Crow is entirely a legacy of the Democratic Party. Every segregation law enacted in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials.

--After Republicans shut it down in the late nineteenth century, the Ku Klux Klan was revived in the early twentieth century by a progressive Democratic president, Woodrow Wilson, who screened a pro-KKK movie in the White House.

--For decades the Klan served, in the words of progressive historian Eric Foner, as “the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.” David Duke is an anomaly; virtually every KKK leader for the past 150 years has been a Democrat.

--As historian Ira Katznelson shows, in order to get the New Deal passed, progressive icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt made deals with racist Democrats to block anti-lynching legislation and to exclude African Americans from most New Deal programs.

--More Republicans than Democrats proportionately voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968. The main opposition to the civil rights movement came not from the GOP but from racist Democrats....

Dinesh D'Souza: Colin Kaepernick's big lie

Question, what is a Dixiecrat?

And where did they settle in 2017 politics?

Pathetic diversion.

Is what I would expect from a conservative in denial.

So what happened in the republic party to their members that voted for the 1964 Civil Rights bill?

Which party shed its racist southern influence and which one embraced it as a "southern strategy?

Which party advocated for a poll tax and for voter ID in current day?

And finally which party includes Dave duke?

And in a thread about having a discussion on race, here we have a leftist making false accusations of racism against the Republicans.

LIke I said, there can be no discussion, because the left is not listening to ANYTHING.

Which one of my assertions was false?

Because anyone can Google.

You want an honest discussion answer the questions.

Until then you're not asking for one.

All of them.

Number one.

Nothing "happened" to the gop that voted for the 64 bill. THe GOP had been behind that bill and civil rights in general, WAY before it was "cool".
Yes, let's discuss RACISM and the Dems' role in propagating it.

Here are a few unassailable facts to consider:

--While the secession debate was between the North and the South, the slavery debate was between a pro-slavery Democratic Party and an anti-slavery Republican Party.

--Two of the three Democrats that Lincoln identified as the champions of slavery—Stephen Douglas and James Buchanan—were Northerners. Only one, Roger Taney, was a Southerner.

--Even after Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, the Democratic platform in 1864 sought a treaty with the Confederacy that would most likely involve a restoration of slavery.

--After the Civil War, the Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the Thirteenth Amendment freeing the slaves, the Fourteenth Amendment granting equal rights under law, and the Fifteenth Amendment giving blacks the right to vote.

--Jim Crow is entirely a legacy of the Democratic Party. Every segregation law enacted in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials.

--After Republicans shut it down in the late nineteenth century, the Ku Klux Klan was revived in the early twentieth century by a progressive Democratic president, Woodrow Wilson, who screened a pro-KKK movie in the White House.

--For decades the Klan served, in the words of progressive historian Eric Foner, as “the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.” David Duke is an anomaly; virtually every KKK leader for the past 150 years has been a Democrat.

--As historian Ira Katznelson shows, in order to get the New Deal passed, progressive icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt made deals with racist Democrats to block anti-lynching legislation and to exclude African Americans from most New Deal programs.

--More Republicans than Democrats proportionately voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968. The main opposition to the civil rights movement came not from the GOP but from racist Democrats....

Dinesh D'Souza: Colin Kaepernick's big lie

Question, what is a Dixiecrat?

And where did they settle in 2017 politics?

Pathetic diversion.

Is what I would expect from a conservative in denial.

So what happened in the republic party to their members that voted for the 1964 Civil Rights bill?

Which party shed its racist southern influence and which one embraced it as a "southern strategy?

Which party advocated for a poll tax and for voter ID in current day?

And finally which party includes Dave duke?

And in a thread about having a discussion on race, here we have a leftist making false accusations of racism against the Republicans.

LIke I said, there can be no discussion, because the left is not listening to ANYTHING.

Which one of my assertions was false?

Because anyone can Google.

You want an honest discussion answer the questions.

Until then you're not asking for one.

Do you think that all Republicans/conservatives are racist?
Question, what is a Dixiecrat?

And where did they settle in 2017 politics?

Pathetic diversion.

Is what I would expect from a conservative in denial.

So what happened in the republic party to their members that voted for the 1964 Civil Rights bill?

Which party shed its racist southern influence and which one embraced it as a "southern strategy?

Which party advocated for a poll tax and for voter ID in current day?

And finally which party includes Dave duke?

And in a thread about having a discussion on race, here we have a leftist making false accusations of racism against the Republicans.

LIke I said, there can be no discussion, because the left is not listening to ANYTHING.

Which one of my assertions was false?

Because anyone can Google.

You want an honest discussion answer the questions.

Until then you're not asking for one.

Do you think that all Republicans/conservatives are racist?

He doesn't think. He "knows" what he is told.
Do those on the left really want to discuss the whole racism issue?
No. They just want to bitch and make excuses. Or, they have another agenda....usher in the communist utopia (more likely).

I believe that there is an element that wishes for a police state.

Now if you wanted a police state, what would you do?

If I wanted a police state, I would first attack the morality of the people. An amoral people would use their freedom to abuse others, so promoting amorality would be the key to having the state step in and impose morality for those who are incapable of doing it themselves.

Violence is the key for people begging for such a police state. In order to maintain a civil society, men need to regulate their own morality via their own free will, or the state will be required to do it for them as their freedoms are taken from them

I see race baiting in a similar fashion. Why is it that Obama will not say the words "Islamic terrorist"? It is because he does not want to incite violence upon the Muslim community. However, he has no problem implying that law enforcement and the legal system is racist, as white police officers are gunned down in the streets.
Yes, let's discuss RACISM and the Dems' role in propagating it.

Here are a few unassailable facts to consider:

--While the secession debate was between the North and the South, the slavery debate was between a pro-slavery Democratic Party and an anti-slavery Republican Party.

--Two of the three Democrats that Lincoln identified as the champions of slavery—Stephen Douglas and James Buchanan—were Northerners. Only one, Roger Taney, was a Southerner.

--Even after Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, the Democratic platform in 1864 sought a treaty with the Confederacy that would most likely involve a restoration of slavery.

--After the Civil War, the Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the Thirteenth Amendment freeing the slaves, the Fourteenth Amendment granting equal rights under law, and the Fifteenth Amendment giving blacks the right to vote.

--Jim Crow is entirely a legacy of the Democratic Party. Every segregation law enacted in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials.

--After Republicans shut it down in the late nineteenth century, the Ku Klux Klan was revived in the early twentieth century by a progressive Democratic president, Woodrow Wilson, who screened a pro-KKK movie in the White House.

--For decades the Klan served, in the words of progressive historian Eric Foner, as “the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.” David Duke is an anomaly; virtually every KKK leader for the past 150 years has been a Democrat.

--As historian Ira Katznelson shows, in order to get the New Deal passed, progressive icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt made deals with racist Democrats to block anti-lynching legislation and to exclude African Americans from most New Deal programs.

--More Republicans than Democrats proportionately voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968. The main opposition to the civil rights movement came not from the GOP but from racist Democrats....

Dinesh D'Souza: Colin Kaepernick's big lie

Question, what is a Dixiecrat?

And where did they settle in 2017 politics?

The dixiecrats were all dead by 2017. they were dems who broke from the party, and then returned, waaayyy back, in the 40s I think.

Post something better, that was awful.

Shows your age.

We all noticed that you had nothing to refute my post with. Vague negativity is not an answer, lib.

Your post is a past rehash of a convicted piece of shit.

Again, your in denial of what your present day party embraces and represents.

What political party does dave duke call home?
Pathetic diversion.

Is what I would expect from a conservative in denial.

So what happened in the republic party to their members that voted for the 1964 Civil Rights bill?

Which party shed its racist southern influence and which one embraced it as a "southern strategy?

Which party advocated for a poll tax and for voter ID in current day?

And finally which party includes Dave duke?

And in a thread about having a discussion on race, here we have a leftist making false accusations of racism against the Republicans.

LIke I said, there can be no discussion, because the left is not listening to ANYTHING.

Which one of my assertions was false?

Because anyone can Google.

You want an honest discussion answer the questions.

Until then you're not asking for one.

Do you think that all Republicans/conservatives are racist?

He doesn't think. He "knows" what he is told.

The NAACP labeled the entire Tea Party movement as a racist movement.


Can anyone explain this to me?

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