Zone1 Do you believe this account of Hell from a 20th century Catholic nun?

Do you believe this account of Hell from a 20th century Catholic nun?

  • yes

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  • I'm not Catholic so... no Hell for me

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  • I'm not Christian of any kind... so no Hell for me, thank you

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I wouldn't even want Soros to go to that hideous place

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God didn’t do creation in one instant. It’s an ongoing process. We see evidence of new stars still being born. Therefore, it seems very logical to assume that God has more than just human life )on one tiny blue planet on on arm of one galaxy amongst billions of galaxies with trillions of stars and the probability of life all over the immeasurable universe) on His mind.
Correct. Creation is a living entity so to speak. But I wouldn't expect that being that know and create would be materially different than human beings despite what sci-fi movies project. For that matter we don't know that there aren't other creations. All we really know is that the laws of nature were in place before space and time were created in an implausible way and the laws of nature implausibly destine intelligence to arise. And none of that changes the fact that creating beings that know and create is the purpose of creation and that God cares about his creation.
If that is the case then it's not a far leap to recognizing how we are being pruned by God. And if God is pruning us, then God cares about us.
I see that as a far leap.

While it’s true that I cannot imagine a valid argument contrary to the contention that God can create as He pleases and that, therefore, He might very well have made use of the Big Bang and of something akin to Darwinian evolution — I can certainly grasp an argument that says that His having the ability to “prune” doesn’t imply that He has chosen to do so.

Of course, as always? What do I know?
I see that as a far leap.

While it’s true that I cannot imagine a valid argument contrary to the contention that God can create as He pleases and that, therefore, He might very well have made use of the Big Bang and of something akin to Darwinian evolution — I can certainly grasp an argument that says that His having the ability to “prune” doesn’t imply that He has chosen to do so.

Of course, as always? What do I know?
I don't think God designs things. I think it's more like he wills things. But naw, it's not a far leap at all. You are closer to believing it than you think. We learn through experiences. The universe was created to produce beings that know and create to share in God's existence. We do that in this world through experiences which teach us and shape our lives.
I can certainly grasp an argument that says that His having the ability to “prune” doesn’t imply that He has chosen to do so.
He's not pulling any levers or pushing buttons. The laws of nature take care of it on their own. I call it the law of compensation. We are free to behave any way we want but we are not free to escape the consequences of our behaviors. These consequences teach us lessons and shape our lives. That's what it means to be pruned.
I don't think God designs things. I think it's more like he wills things. But naw, it's not a far leap at all. You are closer to believing it than you think. We learn through experiences. The universe was created to produce beings that know and create to share in God's existence. We do that in this world through experiences which teach us and shape our lives.
I wouldn’t mind having a deeper faith. I’m just acknowledging that I don’t.
If the Church created it (which it did not) where does it exist? Or, are you saying hell does not exist?
IMO Hell exists in belief just as God exists in belief. I am not here to question anyone’s belief though. Belief can be real so, be careful what you believe.
IMO Hell exists in belief just as God exists in belief. I am not here to question anyone’s belief though. Belief can be real so, be careful what you believe.
Hell exists in reality, not just in our belief. I'm sure you've heard people say they were "in hell" in some situation or another. Well, if there is hell on Earth (Whoopie Goldberg.. Michael Moore.. Nazi Palousi.. crying Chuckie Schumer....), why wouldn't there be eternal Hell for those who hate God?

oh wait.. you're not one who says there is no Hell (are you?)

IMO Hell exists in belief just as God exists in belief. I am not here to question anyone’s belief though. Belief can be real so, be careful what you believe.
I understand, but I do hope you realize for many, faith is based on both logic and experiences. :)
The Church created Hell.
Well, since the true Church went underground or however one puts it in 1958, it's no wonder we have people saying this. And things are going to get worse. I do have hope that the Sede Churches will keep this world together. God honors true Masses, though they be few and far between. I hear God is getting fed up, though.. Someone said that the Virgin Mary told (him) her that.. that God is not going to do the mercy thing (my words) anymore because it is time for Justice.

I've been thinking that for a long time. so at least I'm on the same page with the Man Upstairs some of the time... :)
since when? But if you answer w/ some novus ordo BS

I won't listen
Yesterday you advised you don't care to interact with me. My posts are easy to skip. If you wish for me to respond, that's one thing. If you wish to tell me what is permitted in my response, then that's a problem. I am either worth your time or I am not. If you are afraid you won't care for my response, don't ask. In the meantime, I am trying to honor your request not be address your posts, since you have made it clear that unless my response is agreeable to you, you don't want to waste your time. And that's fair enough.
Hell exists in reality, not just in our belief. I'm sure you've heard people say they were "in hell" in some situation or another. Well, if there is hell on Earth (Whoopie Goldberg.. Michael Moore.. Nazi Palousi.. crying Chuckie Schumer....), why wouldn't there be eternal Hell for those who hate God?

oh wait.. you're not one who says there is no Hell (are you?)

Hell is real for those who believe it is real, that’s my belief.
I wouldn’t mind having a deeper faith. I’m just acknowledging that I don’t.
I didn't have the knd of faith i have now until I prayed the rosary. It is a very powerful prayer...

but there's a caveat: the devil will attack you more if you start praying the rosary... or that has been my experience anyhow. He hates the rosary because it help you to be close to Jesus (the prayers, not the physical beads)

He knows better than anyone how being close to Jesus is going to help you get to God and he is full of envy that we have a chance and he does not.
I didn't have the knd of faith i have now until I prayed the rosary. It is a very powerful prayer...

but there's a caveat: the devil will attack you more if you start praying the rosary... or that has been my experience anyhow. He hates the rosary because it help you to be close to Jesus (the prayers, not the physical beads)

He knows better than anyone how being close to Jesus is going to help you get to God and he is full of envy that we have a chance and he does not.
Not trying to be dismissive. But I’m not you.
Yesterday you advised you don't care to interact with me. My posts are easy to skip. If you wish for me to respond, that's one thing. If you wish to tell me what is permitted in my response, then that's a problem. I am either worth your time or I am not. If you are afraid you won't care for my response, don't ask. In the meantime, I am trying to honor your request not be address your posts, since you have made it clear that unless my response is agreeable to you, you don't want to waste your time. And that's fair enough.
I didn't say anything of the sort but I understand a person's psychological need to insult others so as to make himself look better.

It usually does the opposite but whatever.

In any case, I'm fed up with novus ordo bs. I do realize , however, that just because someone is in a NO "church" does not mean he cannot ever speak truth.. never said that.

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