Zone1 Do you believe this account of Hell from a 20th century Catholic nun?

Do you believe this account of Hell from a 20th century Catholic nun?

  • yes

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  • I'm not Catholic so... no Hell for me

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  • I'm not Christian of any kind... so no Hell for me, thank you

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  • I wouldn't even want Soros to go to that hideous place

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Why would a loving God who created the loving Mother of our Lord who is now also the Mother of us all...

allow her to be used by Satan for "demonic manifestation" purposes? and to young children?!
You don't get it

Mary is DEAD IN THE GRAVE, like everyone who has ever died, AWAITING THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD at Christ's Return.

I'll try on more time:

Your beliefs do not matter compared to what God is and what God knows and the way God set things up. If people don't like those of us who know there is a Hell, they can take their arguments to God

Good luck with that

Good bye.
The Rosary is what made ME a practicing Christian. I'm sure others can say the same, possibly millions of others.

(objective truth)

Yes, we all know how Satan wants more practicing Christians in the world, eh? Hence it can only be a demonic manifestation that those children at Fatima saw... where Mary told them to pray the rosary often.

There's some logic for ya...

You don't get it

Mary is DEAD IN THE GRAVE, like everyone who has ever died, AWAITING THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD at Christ's Return.

I'll try on more time:

Catholics believe that those who have passed on are still living members of the Body of Christ. Some of us who have prayed for souls in purgatory have been met with astonishing results. Those who have had near death experiences will say there is another life after this one.

I understand these are not your beliefs, but they are the beliefs of many, which is why we say confidently, "It was Mary." This is not to change your belief, because some do take "fallen asleep" as meaning in spirit as well as body, and I see nothing wrong in holding that belief, other than perhaps missing out on praying for those who have passed on.
Catholics believe that those who have passed on are still living members of the Body of Christ. Some of us who have prayed for souls in purgatory have been met with astonishing results. Those who have had near death experiences will say there is another life after this one.

I understand these are not your beliefs, but they are the beliefs of many, which is why we say confidently, "It was Mary." This is not to change your belief, because some do take "fallen asleep" as meaning in spirit as well as body, and I see nothing wrong in holding that belief, other than perhaps missing out on praying for those who have passed on.
You were making sense until you went into that BS from the novus ordo sect...

If that person is not believing TRUTH, that person could be on his/her way to Hell. So you should not be saying "I see nothing wrong in holding that belief...."

More egregious detritus from the Vatican novus ordo (new order) sect/cult
She said, "The fire that will penetrate the soul without destroying it. A terrible suffering since it is a purely spiritual fire, lit by God's anger."

Then she said, "These are the torments of the senses," and "Let the sinner know that he will be tortured throughout all eternity, in those senses which he made use of to sin."

A purely spiritually suffering is experienced through the senses? Is that right?
She said, "The fire that will penetrate the soul without destroying it. A terrible suffering since it is a purely spiritual fire, lit by God's anger."

Then she said, "These are the torments of the senses," and "Let the sinner know that he will be tortured throughout all eternity, in those senses which he made use of to sin."

A purely spiritually suffering is experienced through the senses? Is that right?
Aren't you cavalier about eternity.
You're entitled to your opinion about me.

I'm cavalier about hell and eternal torment. I'm not cavalier about knowing the Father and having eternal life.
Too bad you don't think the Father is into Justice. You think people can murder the unborn.. commit adultery with your spouse or whomever's spouse.. commit any number of violent crimes against people all their lives and still get to Heaven

You're god is a sicko

1. If the nun believed what she said, that is fine.

a. It is not my place to question her.

2. I, however, do not believe her story because I do not believe in "God."

3. The sheer horrors that every human (and every nation) eventually encounters is proof positive to me that "God" does not exist.

4, If I am not mistaken, some people have said that the Holocaust was proof that "God" had passed away.
You're entitled to your opinion about me.

I'm cavalier about hell and eternal torment. I'm not cavalier about knowing the Father and having eternal life.
yes, you are because you may not make it to the Father. Jesus said few find the narrow way.

1. If the nun believed what she said, that is fine.

a. It is not my place to question her.

2. I, however, do not believe her story because I do not believe in "God."

3. The sheer horrors that every human (and every nation) eventually encounters is proof positive to me that "God" does not exist.

4, If I am not mistaken, some people have said that the Holocaust was proof that "God" had passed away.
absurd. God made everything. How is the all powerful going t o pass away?

Mankind does evil, then blames God, saying HE is evil. Wow, that's really something.
Mankind does evil, then blames God, saying HE is evil. Wow, that's really something.
But God tolerates it, right? God abides man doing "evil," right? How do you reconcile that with an all powerful and loving creator?

tolerate: allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one does not necessarily like or agree with) without interference.
abide: accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation); Be able to tolerate (someone or something).
I don't get the main point of that last post but maybe that's not surprising considering who wrote it?

In any case, it is true based on my own observations in life and all that I have learned, that people either don't believe in Hell or don't believe their sins are bad enough to send them there. Maybe their neighbor's sins are bad enough, for sure, but not theirs.. Oh No, certainly not!

So maybe this is what Jesus meant or part of what He meant when He said "they know not what they do"

They don't know how hideous Hell is. If St Faustina is correct in her Diary 741--- No one on Earth ever spoke about Hell that way (oh wait, maybe other saints did. There are a lot of saints who warned that few make it to Heaven).

A lot of people joke about Hell, saying dumb stuff like

I'm going to Hell because all my buddies will be there

Well, it doesn't look like you and your buddies will be doing much partying there :oops::eek:
I don't get the main point of that last post but maybe that's not surprising considering who wrote it?

In any case, it is true based on my own observations in life and all that I have learned, that people either don't believe in Hell or don't believe their sins are bad enough to send them there. Maybe their neighbor's sins are bad enough, for sure, but not theirs.. Oh No, certainly not!

So maybe this is what Jesus meant or part of what He meant when He said "they know not what they do"

They don't know how hideous Hell is. If St Faustina is correct in her Diary 741--- No one on Earth ever spoke about Hell that way (oh wait, maybe other saints did. There are a lot of saints who warned that few make it to Heaven).

A lot of people joke about Hell, saying dumb stuff like

I'm going to Hell because all my buddies will be there

Well, it doesn't look like you and your buddies will be doing much partying there :oops::eek:
The main point of the post was to challenge you with the question how can a good and all powerful God allow "evil" to exist?

You do believe God is good, right?
You do believe God is all powerful, right?
You do believe that evil exists, right?
You do believe that good people suffer, right?

So how can a good, all powerful God allow all of this suffering to exist? It's a straightforward question. If you don't know the answer, just say so.
A lot of time those of us who have given up ours most egregious sins and are working on the not so egregious ones wonder WHY God still seems to.. I dunnoo.. "give us a hard time" or whatever.

But Jesus did say His followers would be "hated by all"

no kidding!
Catholic Christians and other Christians are both bewildered by all the evil that happens in the world, whether we speak of human evil or things like earthquakes.

no pun intended but it can be enough to shake your faith completely.

But there's this: How do we know that all the people who die in any given earthquake weren't all ready for death? We don't. God knows all. That seems kind of unlikely because, for one thing, who is ever ready for death?

But the person can think he is not ready and God can think something else.
Catholic Christians and other Christians are both bewildered by all the evil that happens in the world, whether we speak of human evil or things like earthquakes.

no pun intended but it can be enough to shake your faith completely.

But there's this: How do we know that all the people who die in any given earthquake weren't all ready for death? We don't. God knows all. That seems kind of unlikely because, for one thing, who is ever ready for death?

But the person can think he is not ready and God can think something else.
Actually Catholics aren't bewildered by it. It's discussed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

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