Zone1 Do you believe this account of Hell from a 20th century Catholic nun?

Do you believe this account of Hell from a 20th century Catholic nun?

  • yes

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  • I'm not Catholic so... no Hell for me

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  • I'm not Christian of any kind... so no Hell for me, thank you

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  • I wouldn't even want Soros to go to that hideous place

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Do you believe this account of Hell from a 20th century Catholic nun?
Question? Doesn't the 3rd item listed by this supposed Catholic nun (there is no hope of change).......contradict the "Popes" edict concerning prayers for the dead? And doesn't the nuns account of God defending her while she was in hell......literally contradict the teachings of Jesus concerning the resting place of the await the final judgment (Hades) found in Luke 16 with the parable of the rich man in Hades? Jesus teaches that there is a great void that separates the 2 different compartments of is for the unrighteous who are to subject to torment, the other for the righteous is described as "paradise"? :deal:

Question? If this nun is did she end up experiencing the compartment of Hades reserved for the unrighteous...with Jesus stating that it is impossible to even pray for those in Hades? :dunno: If this nun's spirit left her (as this is the only way to enter Hades, as death is described as the spirit of men leaving the body (James 2:26)......would not her soul/spirit have been transferred immediately to "paradise" to await the final judgment?

God has no respect of person........even for nuns. (Romans 2:11-16)
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Question? Doesn't the 3rd item listed by the supposed Catholic nun (there is no hope of change).......contradict the "Popes" edict concerning prayers for the dead?

Looks like another misconception about what the Church really teaches

only the souls in Purgatory can be helped by prayer, not those in Hell

hope that clears things up
Looks like another misconception about what the Church really teaches

only the souls in Purgatory can be helped by prayer, not those in Hell

hope that clears things up

That is the point no? I know exactly the Dogma of Roman Catholicism propagated by this false cult.....all of which can be found wanting in Matthew 23.....concerning the replacement of Holy Spirit inspired doctrine with man made "traditions" me the scriptures of the 66 books of the Canon that describes and authorized prayer for the dead...or Purgatory. And do not even attempt to present any scriptures from the "extra" books used by the RCC.....better known as the "Apocrypha" such as ( ll Maccabees 12:46)

If you can show me in the N.T. doctrine of the authorized 27 books .....the authorization for Purgatory, that directly contradicts the teachings of Jesus Christ (Luke 16), concerning praying for the dead (vss. 27-29) revealed by the greatest historical teacher of his day relating to both O.T. law and customs and the N.T doctrine inspired by the Holy Spirit of Truth........that states very clearly, " is appointed unto men ONCE TO DIE, THEN THE JUDGMENT..." -- Hebrews 9:27. I will convert to Roman Catholicism.

Who to believe Saul/Paul, who studied under the highest ranking Jew of his day, (Gamaliel -- Acts 22:3) or the edicts issued by the Pope (who was appointed not by Jesus Christ directly but by a board of men.......who claim they have more authority than the scriptures inspired by the Holy Spirit of Truth)..............I choose Paul, who was commissioned directly by Jesus Christ while on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-19)
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That is the point no? I know exactly the Dogma of Roman Catholicism propagated by this false cult.....

I'm not going to talk to someone who insults my intelligence, integrity... by calling my religion a cult.

It is THE Christian religion Christ founded.

Prove otherwise... You can't.
I'm not going to talk to someone who insults my intelligence, integrity... by calling my religion a cult.

It is THE Christian religion Christ founded.

Prove otherwise... You can't.

Simply because you find yourself "Offended" by the literal word of God as presented by Book, Chapter and Verse does not make you correct.

Can you spell? Spell this...................


Yeah.......of course you are not going to "talk", as you can't present the evidence requested. :deal: I have just proved "otherwise", because there is no authorization for the Catholic Church to be found in the N.T. I presented evidence based upon the Book, Chapter and Verse that contradicts the Catholic Dogma called "purgatory" and prayer for the dead.

There is a shopping list of RCC traditions that can't be found in the Holy Bible. The worshiping of Mary, Original Sin, the need for a priest to approach the throne of Jesus (all Christians are members of a royal priesthood), etc.

Typical of a "cultist" demand that others PROVE your negative (the fact that you can't present "1" sentence of scripture in the New or Old Testament canon that defines "Purgatory".:abgg2q.jpg:
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