Do you have a backbone?

Do you have the strength of your convictions?

  • Yes, I have a backbone!

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • No, I am a spineless jellyfish.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other, I can't even decide on a poll question.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
It is time to start openly ridiculing and mocking Republicans and Democrats. Not the politicians but our neighbors who claim to be a members of either party. Peer pressure is the only way to affect change, and it must be a grass roots movement. Start at the local level and then move to state level. Forget the federal government for now, they are going to do what they are going to do with or without the will of the people. That much is obvious.

Make fun of them, call them names, laugh at their stupidity, and make them try and defend being a member of either party. Point out that they are traitors to the American dream by siding with the oppressors. Perhaps even start a door to door campaign, a flyer campaign, or an article in the paper. Something, anything. There are many businesses that will lend a financial hand to help achieve complete independance. The goal should try to be an independant community without democrats and republicans.

It is time to identify them, the Republicans and the Democrats, as the enemy that they are. They have obscounded with our independance, they have made a mockery of our democracy, and they have sold our leadership to the higfhest bidder (corporations). Their crimes are too numerous to list, and border on treason.

The question is... do we have a fraction of the backbone our forefathers had?
poor old speculum.. In other words you wish to engage in thuggish behavior.
My friends and I don't much talk about politics, folks are actually held accountable for their mouth around here and not much good ever comes talking about it when there's usually booze involved. Folks into discussing it go to monthly local council meetings where the donnybrooks take place over it.
My friends and I don't much talk about politics, folks are actually held accountable for their mouth around here and not much good ever comes talking about it when there's usually booze involved. Folks into discussing it go to monthly local council meetings where the donnybrooks take place over it.

I was always taught the same thing, don't talk politics or religion, and don't discuss how much you money you make. I've pretty much followed that line of thinking for the majority of my life. Now looking at where we are now I have to wonder if that was such a good idea.
Oh, I have a backbone all right, there are sections of the cervical, thoracic and sacral that constantly remind me of it's existence. :evil:
Oh, I have a backbone all right, there are sections of the cervical, thoracic and sacral that constantly remind me of it's existence. :evil:

Sorry to hear that, but at least you have more of a backbone than 95% of our current politicians.
I have no idea what my neighbors' political convictions are.

Nor do I care.

looking at the state our our great nation perhaps we should start caring about what are neighbors think. Perhaps we should start a dialogue with them. Obviously bitching on a message board isn't achieving anything substantial.
It is time to start openly ridiculing and mocking Republicans and Democrats. Not the politicians but our neighbors who claim to be a members of either party. Peer pressure is the only way to affect change, and it must be a grass roots movement. Start at the local level and then move to state level. Forget the federal government for now, they are going to do what they are going to do with or without the will of the people. That much is obvious.

Make fun of them, call them names, laugh at their stupidity, and make them try and defend being a member of either party. Point out that they are traitors to the American dream by siding with the oppressors. Perhaps even start a door to door campaign, a flyer campaign, or an article in the paper. Something, anything. There are many businesses that will lend a financial hand to help achieve complete independance. The goal should try to be an independant community without democrats and republicans.

It is time to identify them, the Republicans and the Democrats, as the enemy that they are. They have obscounded with our independance, they have made a mockery of our democracy, and they have sold our leadership to the higfhest bidder (corporations). Their crimes are too numerous to list, and border on treason.

The question is... do we have a fraction of the backbone our forefathers had?
Only fanatical thugs act that way. I have a backbone, one of them thugs comes on my property I will consider it a threat!
It is time to start openly ridiculing and mocking Republicans and Democrats. Not the politicians but our neighbors who claim to be a members of either party. Peer pressure is the only way to affect change, and it must be a grass roots movement. Start at the local level and then move to state level. Forget the federal government for now, they are going to do what they are going to do with or without the will of the people. That much is obvious.

Make fun of them, call them names, laugh at their stupidity, and make them try and defend being a member of either party. Point out that they are traitors to the American dream by siding with the oppressors. Perhaps even start a door to door campaign, a flyer campaign, or an article in the paper. Something, anything. There are many businesses that will lend a financial hand to help achieve complete independance. The goal should try to be an independant community without democrats and republicans.

It is time to identify them, the Republicans and the Democrats, as the enemy that they are. They have obscounded with our independance, they have made a mockery of our democracy, and they have sold our leadership to the higfhest bidder (corporations). Their crimes are too numerous to list, and border on treason.

The question is... do we have a fraction of the backbone our forefathers had?

Yes, we do have a backbone. Its not as strong as it used to be, but our reasons to complain are not as strong as they used to be. This country was founded by aristocrats. It was intended to give the illusion of freedom through irrelevant voting process. In the early years of the nation they realized that the way to manage the population was to keep them fighting each other.

However they created the constitution, which gave the people freedom. However in the past this has been marginalized and managed by control of mass media and thus mass communication. Recently the internet has been introduced into the mix, whats going on is the result of free speech on a massive scale. For the first time ever in history the people have the means to communicate and educate themselves like never before.

This is very extremely interesting time to be alive. Throughout American history there has been a struggle for civil rights of the poor. What the fight is now is for the people to have the government that they have been told they had since the beginning.
There are over 300 bones in the human body.

[ame=]Delta Rhythm Boys - Dry Bones - YouTube[/ame]
It is time to start openly ridiculing and mocking Republicans and Democrats. Not the politicians but our neighbors who claim to be a members of either party. Peer pressure is the only way to affect change, and it must be a grass roots movement. Start at the local level and then move to state level. Forget the federal government for now, they are going to do what they are going to do with or without the will of the people. That much is obvious.

Make fun of them, call them names, laugh at their stupidity, and make them try and defend being a member of either party. Point out that they are traitors to the American dream by siding with the oppressors. Perhaps even start a door to door campaign, a flyer campaign, or an article in the paper. Something, anything. There are many businesses that will lend a financial hand to help achieve complete independance. The goal should try to be an independant community without democrats and republicans.

It is time to identify them, the Republicans and the Democrats, as the enemy that they are. They have obscounded with our independance, they have made a mockery of our democracy, and they have sold our leadership to the higfhest bidder (corporations). Their crimes are too numerous to list, and border on treason.

The question is... do we have a fraction of the backbone our forefathers had?

Complain about our 2 party system all you like..but that's what we have. And the sainthood ascribed to our "forefathers" is laughable. They were as petulant and greedy as politicians are now. The difference might be is they were more aware of it. Which is why the United States Constitution was crafted so well.

Right now our political system allows us to peacefully change our representatives, senators and president by voting. And we keep voting wealthy people into congress. What exactly do you think the motivations of wealthy people are going to be?
It is time to start openly ridiculing and mocking Republicans and Democrats. Not the politicians but our neighbors who claim to be a members of either party. Peer pressure is the only way to affect change, and it must be a grass roots movement. Start at the local level and then move to state level. Forget the federal government for now, they are going to do what they are going to do with or without the will of the people. That much is obvious.

Make fun of them, call them names, laugh at their stupidity, and make them try and defend being a member of either party. Point out that they are traitors to the American dream by siding with the oppressors. Perhaps even start a door to door campaign, a flyer campaign, or an article in the paper. Something, anything. There are many businesses that will lend a financial hand to help achieve complete independance. The goal should try to be an independant community without democrats and republicans.

It is time to identify them, the Republicans and the Democrats, as the enemy that they are. They have obscounded with our independance, they have made a mockery of our democracy, and they have sold our leadership to the higfhest bidder (corporations). Their crimes are too numerous to list, and border on treason.

The question is... do we have a fraction of the backbone our forefathers had?

The only problem with it is that type of behavior led to duels where people were legally shot and killed. Is that what you want to go back to?
It is time to start openly ridiculing and mocking Republicans and Democrats. Not the politicians but our neighbors who claim to be a members of either party. Peer pressure is the only way to affect change, and it must be a grass roots movement. Start at the local level and then move to state level. Forget the federal government for now, they are going to do what they are going to do with or without the will of the people. That much is obvious.

Make fun of them, call them names, laugh at their stupidity, and make them try and defend being a member of either party. Point out that they are traitors to the American dream by siding with the oppressors. Perhaps even start a door to door campaign, a flyer campaign, or an article in the paper. Something, anything. There are many businesses that will lend a financial hand to help achieve complete independance. The goal should try to be an independant community without democrats and republicans.

It is time to identify them, the Republicans and the Democrats, as the enemy that they are. They have obscounded with our independance, they have made a mockery of our democracy, and they have sold our leadership to the higfhest bidder (corporations). Their crimes are too numerous to list, and border on treason.

The question is... do we have a fraction of the backbone our forefathers had?

Complain about our 2 party system all you like..but that's what we have. And the sainthood ascribed to our "forefathers" is laughable. They were as petulant and greedy as politicians are now. The difference might be is they were more aware of it. Which is why the United States Constitution was crafted so well.

Right now our political system allows us to peacefully change our representatives, senators and president by voting. And we keep voting wealthy people into congress. What exactly do you think the motivations of wealthy people are going to be?

Thats the point, we know what the motivations of the wealthy people are. We expierienced it for years and years, and continue it today. The federal government is a lost cause for now. I'm talking about local city government. We need to go one city at a time until we can claim the state. Your right about the two party system, and we can't change that either right now. To just throw our hands up and say their is nothing we can do about it is defeatist.
da goose...did i mention burr is my hero......i have visited many of the sites of his history....where he shot hamilton etc....where he hid out in alabama......dont even get me only regret ...he didnt kill jefferson.....
It is time to start openly ridiculing and mocking Republicans and Democrats. Not the politicians but our neighbors who claim to be a members of either party. Peer pressure is the only way to affect change, and it must be a grass roots movement. Start at the local level and then move to state level. Forget the federal government for now, they are going to do what they are going to do with or without the will of the people. That much is obvious.

Make fun of them, call them names, laugh at their stupidity, and make them try and defend being a member of either party. Point out that they are traitors to the American dream by siding with the oppressors. Perhaps even start a door to door campaign, a flyer campaign, or an article in the paper. Something, anything. There are many businesses that will lend a financial hand to help achieve complete independance. The goal should try to be an independant community without democrats and republicans.

It is time to identify them, the Republicans and the Democrats, as the enemy that they are. They have obscounded with our independance, they have made a mockery of our democracy, and they have sold our leadership to the higfhest bidder (corporations). Their crimes are too numerous to list, and border on treason.

The question is... do we have a fraction of the backbone our forefathers had?

The only problem with it is that type of behavior led to duels where people were legally shot and killed. Is that what you want to go back to?

Not particularly, but dueling might be a way to shock the public into action one way or another. I'm sure most of the tough talking people on this board would be all in favor of dueling. They could finally get a chance to do away with who they think is wrong for this country. As most 2nd ammendment enthusiasts point out, it would make for a more civil community. Maybe just maybe if Mitch Mcconnell and Nancy Pelosi knew that they could be legally challenged in a duel they might actually put America first instead of themselves.

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