Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

If there was no Collusion.....

What were the Trumps meeting with the Russians about?

Oh...I know.......adoptions

Opposition research. Just like the Democrats do. It makes no difference if the foreign national you meet with is British or Russian. That in itself is not a crime, if someone called up the Clinton campaign and said they had dirt on Trump you can bet they would meet with them. That in itself is not any sort of collusion. There has to be some evidence Trump assisted or asked them to do something illegal. It's been all this time now, so if that evidence was out there I think we would have seen it by now. Democrats hate Trump because that Dossier said he hired prostitutes to urinate in the bed Obama slept in, but you know what? that sounds more like a liberals wet dream.
Why in the hell would Trump do that when he used to be a New York Liberal Democrat? I'm sorry, that Dossier was never meant to be evidence... just campaign dirt. It was paid for so no doubt in my opinion it was designed to be shocking. Overt sign of racism by Trump but it all sounds like fantasy to me.
Supposedly here Russia made some youtube adds to desparage Hillary, but why would they even need Trump to do that? It also doesnt make sense because its always been the Democratic party who has cozied up to Dictators in communist countries. Putin would have no fear of a globalist Clinton presidency.
Participation in a crime

They were informed of stolen emails that could help them. They willingly accepted

The question is.....what did they offer in return?
Lifting of sanctions
Support of Putin
Economic support

Mueller is trying to find out

Why would a woman who was anti- Trump and didn't want him to be president agree to meet with him, to assist him in winning? Unless it was all designed to be what we have here now. Was Trump's team told that there were stolen emails? or were they just told there was dirt on Hillary? Sounds like Trumps kid wanted out of that meeting and there was text evidence to support that. Mueller has been trying to find this out for some time now... so why was he wasting his time with things like Stormy Daniels if he had some really solid leads on the Trump tower meeting? Oh yeah, and here's the other thing. Good chance that Mueller doesn't like Trump either because he got rid of his good friend Comey. What is it exactly that is holding up Mueller I cant understand.

How is Trump supporting Putin I don't know when Trump has done nothing but try to make us energy independent more than any other president in a long time.

(sorry bad link)

Basically Russia is trying to invest in Iranian Energy infrastructure and Trump is sanctioning Iran and standing in the way of Russia's plans. So someone please tell me how this makes Trump a stooge of Putin. If Trump is bought and paid for, I'm just not seeing the payoff here.
Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday
BEFORE he had met with the Russians
Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday

He heard a rumor. Rumors aren't illegal.

Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Maybe he heard a rumor too? Rumors aren't illegal.
Heard rumors?

Right before meeting with Russian agents

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?
I did not realize that. They still actually believe it.

Must be the same people that think Kavanaugh sexually assaulted someone.


They think they will both be impeached now.

If there was no Collusion.....

What were the Trumps meeting with the Russians about?

Oh...I know.......adoptions

Opposition research. Just like the Democrats do. It makes no difference if the foreign national you meet with is British or Russian. That in itself is not a crime, if someone called up the Clinton campaign and said they had dirt on Trump you can bet they would meet with them. That in itself is not any sort of collusion. There has to be some evidence Trump assisted or asked them to do something illegal. It's been all this time now, so if that evidence was out there I think we would have seen it by now. Democrats hate Trump because that Dossier said he hired prostitutes to urinate in the bed Obama slept in, but you know what? that sounds more like a liberals wet dream.
Why in the hell would Trump do that when he used to be a New York Liberal Democrat? I'm sorry, that Dossier was never meant to be evidence... just campaign dirt. It was paid for so no doubt in my opinion it was designed to be shocking. Overt sign of racism by Trump but it all sounds like fantasy to me.
Supposedly here Russia made some youtube adds to desparage Hillary, but why would they even need Trump to do that? It also doesnt make sense because its always been the Democratic party who has cozied up to Dictators in communist countries. Putin would have no fear of a globalist Clinton presidency.
Participation in a crime

They were informed of stolen emails that could help them. They willingly accepted

The question is.....what did they offer in return?
Lifting of sanctions
Support of Putin
Economic support

Mueller is trying to find out

Why would a woman who was anti- Trump and didn't want him to be president agree to meet with him, to assist him in winning? Unless it was all designed to be what we have here now. Was Trump's team told that there were stolen emails? or were they just told there was dirt on Hillary? Sounds like Trumps kid wanted out of that meeting and there was text evidence to support that. Mueller has been trying to find this out for some time now... so why was he wasting his time with things like Stormy Daniels if he had some really solid leads on the Trump tower meeting? Oh yeah, and here's the other thing. Good chance that Mueller doesn't like Trump either because he got rid of his good friend Comey. What is it exactly that is holding up Mueller I cant understand.

How is Trump supporting Putin I don't know when Trump has done nothing but try to make us energy independent more than any other president in a long time.

(sorry bad link)

Basically Russia is trying to invest in Iranian Energy infrastructure and Trump is sanctioning Iran and standing in the way of Russia's plans. So someone please tell me how this makes Trump a stooge of Putin. If Trump is bought and paid for, I'm just not seeing the payoff here.
Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday
BEFORE he had met with the Russians
Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

roger stone is next in mueller's barrel.
If there was no Collusion.....

What were the Trumps meeting with the Russians about?

Oh...I know.......adoptions

Opposition research. Just like the Democrats do. It makes no difference if the foreign national you meet with is British or Russian. That in itself is not a crime, if someone called up the Clinton campaign and said they had dirt on Trump you can bet they would meet with them. That in itself is not any sort of collusion. There has to be some evidence Trump assisted or asked them to do something illegal. It's been all this time now, so if that evidence was out there I think we would have seen it by now. Democrats hate Trump because that Dossier said he hired prostitutes to urinate in the bed Obama slept in, but you know what? that sounds more like a liberals wet dream.
Why in the hell would Trump do that when he used to be a New York Liberal Democrat? I'm sorry, that Dossier was never meant to be evidence... just campaign dirt. It was paid for so no doubt in my opinion it was designed to be shocking. Overt sign of racism by Trump but it all sounds like fantasy to me.
Supposedly here Russia made some youtube adds to desparage Hillary, but why would they even need Trump to do that? It also doesnt make sense because its always been the Democratic party who has cozied up to Dictators in communist countries. Putin would have no fear of a globalist Clinton presidency.
Participation in a crime

They were informed of stolen emails that could help them. They willingly accepted

The question is.....what did they offer in return?
Lifting of sanctions
Support of Putin
Economic support

Mueller is trying to find out

Why would a woman who was anti- Trump and didn't want him to be president agree to meet with him, to assist him in winning? Unless it was all designed to be what we have here now. Was Trump's team told that there were stolen emails? or were they just told there was dirt on Hillary? Sounds like Trumps kid wanted out of that meeting and there was text evidence to support that. Mueller has been trying to find this out for some time now... so why was he wasting his time with things like Stormy Daniels if he had some really solid leads on the Trump tower meeting? Oh yeah, and here's the other thing. Good chance that Mueller doesn't like Trump either because he got rid of his good friend Comey. What is it exactly that is holding up Mueller I cant understand.

How is Trump supporting Putin I don't know when Trump has done nothing but try to make us energy independent more than any other president in a long time.

(sorry bad link)

Basically Russia is trying to invest in Iranian Energy infrastructure and Trump is sanctioning Iran and standing in the way of Russia's plans. So someone please tell me how this makes Trump a stooge of Putin. If Trump is bought and paid for, I'm just not seeing the payoff here.
Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday
BEFORE he had met with the Russians
Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

roger stone is next in mueller's barrel.

Roger Stone is Trumps Roy Cohn
Inside the Secret World of the Mysterious Robert Mueller

What should be apparent to anyone following the Russia investigation is that there is, in addition to everything known about Trump already, some X factor, something that is known to members of the intelligence community but has yet to be revealed to the public. John Brennan, the former CIA director, has referred to X repeatedly, tweeting about what might happen when “the full extent” of Trump's wrongdoing “becomes known” and hinting at times that in 2016 he possessed information about contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians, which he passed on to the FBI. As far as those on the outside can tell, X originated in intelligence gathered by Britain and perhaps some other foreign countries. It has passed from Brennan to Comey to Mueller. Senator Warner, who told me he knows “Mueller a bit but not well,” reportedly joked at a dinner in June that “if you think you've seen wild stuff so far, buckle up.” At the end of Mueller's investigation, the fight will commence in Congress over the size and significance of X and whether to terminate this presidency early or allow it to hobble its way to the finish line. All Mueller can do is unearth the X and bring it to light. He can arm the country with facts for these coming battles. But he cannot fight them for us.
Opposition research. Just like the Democrats do. It makes no difference if the foreign national you meet with is British or Russian. That in itself is not a crime, if someone called up the Clinton campaign and said they had dirt on Trump you can bet they would meet with them. That in itself is not any sort of collusion. There has to be some evidence Trump assisted or asked them to do something illegal. It's been all this time now, so if that evidence was out there I think we would have seen it by now. Democrats hate Trump because that Dossier said he hired prostitutes to urinate in the bed Obama slept in, but you know what? that sounds more like a liberals wet dream.
Why in the hell would Trump do that when he used to be a New York Liberal Democrat? I'm sorry, that Dossier was never meant to be evidence... just campaign dirt. It was paid for so no doubt in my opinion it was designed to be shocking. Overt sign of racism by Trump but it all sounds like fantasy to me.
Supposedly here Russia made some youtube adds to desparage Hillary, but why would they even need Trump to do that? It also doesnt make sense because its always been the Democratic party who has cozied up to Dictators in communist countries. Putin would have no fear of a globalist Clinton presidency.
Participation in a crime

They were informed of stolen emails that could help them. They willingly accepted

The question is.....what did they offer in return?
Lifting of sanctions
Support of Putin
Economic support

Mueller is trying to find out

Why would a woman who was anti- Trump and didn't want him to be president agree to meet with him, to assist him in winning? Unless it was all designed to be what we have here now. Was Trump's team told that there were stolen emails? or were they just told there was dirt on Hillary? Sounds like Trumps kid wanted out of that meeting and there was text evidence to support that. Mueller has been trying to find this out for some time now... so why was he wasting his time with things like Stormy Daniels if he had some really solid leads on the Trump tower meeting? Oh yeah, and here's the other thing. Good chance that Mueller doesn't like Trump either because he got rid of his good friend Comey. What is it exactly that is holding up Mueller I cant understand.

How is Trump supporting Putin I don't know when Trump has done nothing but try to make us energy independent more than any other president in a long time.

(sorry bad link)

Basically Russia is trying to invest in Iranian Energy infrastructure and Trump is sanctioning Iran and standing in the way of Russia's plans. So someone please tell me how this makes Trump a stooge of Putin. If Trump is bought and paid for, I'm just not seeing the payoff here.
Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday
BEFORE he had met with the Russians
Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday

He heard a rumor. Rumors aren't illegal.

Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Maybe he heard a rumor too? Rumors aren't illegal.
Heard rumors?

Right before meeting with Russian agents

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

You tell me.
Participation in a crime

They were informed of stolen emails that could help them. They willingly accepted

The question is.....what did they offer in return?
Lifting of sanctions
Support of Putin
Economic support

Mueller is trying to find out

Why would a woman who was anti- Trump and didn't want him to be president agree to meet with him, to assist him in winning? Unless it was all designed to be what we have here now. Was Trump's team told that there were stolen emails? or were they just told there was dirt on Hillary? Sounds like Trumps kid wanted out of that meeting and there was text evidence to support that. Mueller has been trying to find this out for some time now... so why was he wasting his time with things like Stormy Daniels if he had some really solid leads on the Trump tower meeting? Oh yeah, and here's the other thing. Good chance that Mueller doesn't like Trump either because he got rid of his good friend Comey. What is it exactly that is holding up Mueller I cant understand.

How is Trump supporting Putin I don't know when Trump has done nothing but try to make us energy independent more than any other president in a long time.

(sorry bad link)

Basically Russia is trying to invest in Iranian Energy infrastructure and Trump is sanctioning Iran and standing in the way of Russia's plans. So someone please tell me how this makes Trump a stooge of Putin. If Trump is bought and paid for, I'm just not seeing the payoff here.
Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday
BEFORE he had met with the Russians
Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday

He heard a rumor. Rumors aren't illegal.

Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Maybe he heard a rumor too? Rumors aren't illegal.
Heard rumors?

Right before meeting with Russian agents

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

You tell me.

actually it's more like what manafort told mueller.

Why would a woman who was anti- Trump and didn't want him to be president agree to meet with him, to assist him in winning? Unless it was all designed to be what we have here now. Was Trump's team told that there were stolen emails? or were they just told there was dirt on Hillary? Sounds like Trumps kid wanted out of that meeting and there was text evidence to support that. Mueller has been trying to find this out for some time now... so why was he wasting his time with things like Stormy Daniels if he had some really solid leads on the Trump tower meeting? Oh yeah, and here's the other thing. Good chance that Mueller doesn't like Trump either because he got rid of his good friend Comey. What is it exactly that is holding up Mueller I cant understand.

How is Trump supporting Putin I don't know when Trump has done nothing but try to make us energy independent more than any other president in a long time.

(sorry bad link)

Basically Russia is trying to invest in Iranian Energy infrastructure and Trump is sanctioning Iran and standing in the way of Russia's plans. So someone please tell me how this makes Trump a stooge of Putin. If Trump is bought and paid for, I'm just not seeing the payoff here.
Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday
BEFORE he had met with the Russians
Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday

He heard a rumor. Rumors aren't illegal.

Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Maybe he heard a rumor too? Rumors aren't illegal.
Heard rumors?

Right before meeting with Russian agents

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

You tell me.

actually it's more like what manafort told mueller.


What was that?
Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday
BEFORE he had met with the Russians
Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday

He heard a rumor. Rumors aren't illegal.

Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Maybe he heard a rumor too? Rumors aren't illegal.
Heard rumors?

Right before meeting with Russian agents

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

You tell me.

actually it's more like what manafort told mueller.


What was that?

you'll haft wait & see. but given the fact that manafort was there & is fully cooperating with mueller & steve bannon, who was also there & was interviewed by mueller more than once.... there are at least 2 first person eye witness' as to what was discussed.

it's not looking good :itsok:
Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday

He heard a rumor. Rumors aren't illegal.

Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Maybe he heard a rumor too? Rumors aren't illegal.
Heard rumors?

Right before meeting with Russian agents

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

You tell me.

actually it's more like what manafort told mueller.


What was that?

you'll haft wait & see. but given the fact that manafort was there & is fully cooperating with mueller & steve bannon, who was also there & was interviewed by mueller more than once.... there are at least 2 first person eye witness' as to what was discussed.

it's not looking good :itsok:

Not looking good for what?
Participation in a crime

They were informed of stolen emails that could help them. They willingly accepted

The question is.....what did they offer in return?
Lifting of sanctions
Support of Putin
Economic support

Mueller is trying to find out

Why would a woman who was anti- Trump and didn't want him to be president agree to meet with him, to assist him in winning? Unless it was all designed to be what we have here now. Was Trump's team told that there were stolen emails? or were they just told there was dirt on Hillary? Sounds like Trumps kid wanted out of that meeting and there was text evidence to support that. Mueller has been trying to find this out for some time now... so why was he wasting his time with things like Stormy Daniels if he had some really solid leads on the Trump tower meeting? Oh yeah, and here's the other thing. Good chance that Mueller doesn't like Trump either because he got rid of his good friend Comey. What is it exactly that is holding up Mueller I cant understand.

How is Trump supporting Putin I don't know when Trump has done nothing but try to make us energy independent more than any other president in a long time.

(sorry bad link)

Basically Russia is trying to invest in Iranian Energy infrastructure and Trump is sanctioning Iran and standing in the way of Russia's plans. So someone please tell me how this makes Trump a stooge of Putin. If Trump is bought and paid for, I'm just not seeing the payoff here.
Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday
BEFORE he had met with the Russians
Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday

He heard a rumor. Rumors aren't illegal.

Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Maybe he heard a rumor too? Rumors aren't illegal.
Heard rumors?

Right before meeting with Russian agents

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

You tell me.
Trump claims no collusion but after over two years has not provided transcripts of what was discussed with the Russians
Why would a woman who was anti- Trump and didn't want him to be president agree to meet with him, to assist him in winning? Unless it was all designed to be what we have here now. Was Trump's team told that there were stolen emails? or were they just told there was dirt on Hillary? Sounds like Trumps kid wanted out of that meeting and there was text evidence to support that. Mueller has been trying to find this out for some time now... so why was he wasting his time with things like Stormy Daniels if he had some really solid leads on the Trump tower meeting? Oh yeah, and here's the other thing. Good chance that Mueller doesn't like Trump either because he got rid of his good friend Comey. What is it exactly that is holding up Mueller I cant understand.

How is Trump supporting Putin I don't know when Trump has done nothing but try to make us energy independent more than any other president in a long time.

(sorry bad link)

Basically Russia is trying to invest in Iranian Energy infrastructure and Trump is sanctioning Iran and standing in the way of Russia's plans. So someone please tell me how this makes Trump a stooge of Putin. If Trump is bought and paid for, I'm just not seeing the payoff here.
Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday
BEFORE he had met with the Russians
Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday

He heard a rumor. Rumors aren't illegal.

Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Maybe he heard a rumor too? Rumors aren't illegal.
Heard rumors?

Right before meeting with Russian agents

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

You tell me.
Trump claims no collusion but after over two years has not provided transcripts of what was discussed with the Russians

Discussions with which Russians? Where?
Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday
BEFORE he had met with the Russians
Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday

He heard a rumor. Rumors aren't illegal.

Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Maybe he heard a rumor too? Rumors aren't illegal.
Heard rumors?

Right before meeting with Russian agents

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

You tell me.
Trump claims no collusion but after over two years has not provided transcripts of what was discussed with the Russians

Discussions with which Russians? Where?

need a life preserver?....cause it looks like you're sinking..... :popcorn:
A discussion with Russians = changing Americas votes in over 3000 counties yet the retards on the left brag that their kuuuunt won popular the vote?


Unfortunately, that is very type of irrational bullshit contradictory logic the left uses with ALL of their positions.

They, to this second, not only see the rationality behind that, they will still argue that Bruce Jenner is a woman, even though he is in FACT not.
Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday

He heard a rumor. Rumors aren't illegal.

Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Maybe he heard a rumor too? Rumors aren't illegal.
Heard rumors?

Right before meeting with Russian agents

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

You tell me.
Trump claims no collusion but after over two years has not provided transcripts of what was discussed with the Russians

Discussions with which Russians? Where?

need a life preserver?....cause it looks like you're sinking..... :popcorn:

You mean laughing.
Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday
BEFORE he had met with the Russians
Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday

He heard a rumor. Rumors aren't illegal.

Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Maybe he heard a rumor too? Rumors aren't illegal.
Heard rumors?

Right before meeting with Russian agents

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

You tell me.
Trump claims no collusion but after over two years has not provided transcripts of what was discussed with the Russians

Discussions with which Russians? Where?
Trump Tower
Why would Trump tell the press....Something big is coming on the Clintons, we will release information on Monday

He heard a rumor. Rumors aren't illegal.

Why did Roger Stone profess knowledge of the emails before WikiLeaks released them

Maybe he heard a rumor too? Rumors aren't illegal.
Heard rumors?

Right before meeting with Russian agents

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

You tell me.
Trump claims no collusion but after over two years has not provided transcripts of what was discussed with the Russians

Discussions with which Russians? Where?
Trump Tower

Are you waiting for a transcript?
Heard rumors?

Right before meeting with Russian agents

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

You tell me.
Trump claims no collusion but after over two years has not provided transcripts of what was discussed with the Russians

Discussions with which Russians? Where?
Trump Tower

Are you waiting for a transcript?

Who would have a meeting with representatives of another country and not document what was said?
No notes, no recordings, no emails summarizing the meeting

Sounds like they are hiding something
Liberals think?

I've seen no evidence of that for some time. They certainly aren't thinking about growing the economy or creating more jobs for Americans or bringing manufacturing jobs back to the US or of repatriating foreign profits of US corporations so they can be invested in the US economy instead of overseas or of border security or of getting the deadbeat NATO members to live up to their treaty obligations or of trying to repair the mess Obama made of the ME or of trying to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, so what are they thinking about?

Of, I know, they're thinking about the President's tax returns.
Kinda hard to think about all those things when you have a carnival barker and idiot that is a puppet for the Kremlin as a POTUS. No one wants to be forced to address each other as comrade.
And so you present more evidence that Democrats don't think.
I'm pretty sure Dems think. Matter of fact I have heard them say some great things. They may not think like I do at all times but they are definitely smarter than repubs. :rolleyes:
And you present still more evidence that Democrats don't think.
My evidence shows that Dems think more way more than repubs. For example its obvious you dont think because I just pointed out I agree with Dems on many things while repubs cant get right even on accident.

If you continually tell everyone that you're smarter than them, you're probably not.
What was discussed at that meeting? Adoption?

You tell me.
Trump claims no collusion but after over two years has not provided transcripts of what was discussed with the Russians

Discussions with which Russians? Where?
Trump Tower

Are you waiting for a transcript?

Who would have a meeting with representatives of another country and not document what was said?
No notes, no recordings, no emails summarizing the meeting

Sounds like they are hiding something

They must be hiding the dirt they got on Hillary.

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