Do you notice how gun nuts never talk about any limits to gun ownership?

as i have said before , 'bush and reagan' or the other way around were responsible for flooding the USA with third worlders with their amnesty . 'bush' , at least is or was a Progressive 'repub' same as his sons and mexican grandson 'jorge' . Moderate progressive repubs , might as well be liberal dems MrGunControl .
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I think you've lost. You said that if I (or anyone else) becomes a threat to will come and get my guns.
But what do you consider to be a threat to you today? Will it change when some media outlet decides to change your mind?
Is being White a threat to you?
Is being a Christian a threat to you?
Is being an American who loves his country a threat to you?
If not, how easily will the left change your mind and create some fear or rage against me and anyone like me?
You appear to be more afraid of the lawful than the unlawful....for gun laws only effect those who abide by the law.

No, YOU are saying that if anyone becomes a threat to me that I will come and get your guns. You leave out some pretty good qualifiers so that you can lie your way out of it. As always, you say what I think. Wow, that's one pretty good crystal ball you have there. Does it come in Chartrus? You lost in the courts. You lost in the legaslatives, you lost at the ballots. Let's face it, you are one lost puppy. So keep lying and we keep doing our thing as a majority making things safe for us. If you end up being safer in the process then we really don't care. But if you become a danger, we do care and will legally react to you. But you will continue to lose because you are a loser and a liar. And work on those debating skills.
Yeah. Debating skills.
Trying to win a battle of wits with you is like fighting an unarmed man.
You are so transparent it's ridiculous.
You spell out exactly what you plan on doing and when I tell it to you in practical terms what you're saying you tell me I'm a liar.
I'm not living in that fantasy you live in. I live in the real world.
I remember the days when people like you were extremely rare, but unfortunately the left seems to breed them or manufacture them.
Silly, gullible, airheads that want to live like a bunch of sheep.

There are a couple of problems in your "Thesis". I am not a liberal. Never have been. I am actually an old time Eisenhower era Progressive Conservative. My views are from the days that the Republican Party was really Great and did Great things for the Country and didn't play party politics. I am not anti-gun since I own guns and have never advocated gun harvesting. There are a lot of other things you are just plain wrong about or are just making shit up as you go. But that is what you idjits do these days. You cloud the issues with your BS hoping that we will not notice the real issues and pay attention to your BS and accept it as truth. Well, cupcake, that works less and less each day. So go ahead, keep spewing. And keep losing.

Don't be stupid, a "progressive republican" is a liberal.

Progressive wing[edit]
Historically, the Republican Party included a progressive wing that advocated using government to improve the problems of modern society. Before 1932, leading progressive Republicans included Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M. La Follette Sr., Charles Evans Hughes, Hiram Johnson, William Borah, George W. Norris and Fiorello La Guardia.[32] Prominent liberal Republicans from 1936 to the 1970s included Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie, Earl Warren, Thomas Dewey, Prescott Bush, Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., George W. Romney, William Scranton, Charles Mathias, Lowell Weicker and Jacob Javits. Since 1976, liberalism has virtually faded out of the Republican Party, apart from a few Northeastern holdouts.[16] "

Are you saying that President Eisenhower was a Liberal? The whole term for him was Progressive Fiscal Conservative. You seem to have become nutjobs that aren't any of those three terms. You certainly aren't a conservative. I have to just call you a nutjob. You honestly believe that Trump is a Conservative by any stretch of the imagination? He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way; Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. If that is what you want the Republican Party to be then we need to get some changes done as it's not healthy for America. Mussolini would be proud of you except he did it right until the day before he was shot, dragged and then hung upside down.

I have more Conservatism in my little toe than you do. I invite you to show where I've said Trump is a Conservative, you can't. You voted for Hillary, we all know it.

"He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way"

Patently stupid comment. You do this a lot. You are a Progressive in the same way Barry and Hillary are.
and i think that the entire 'bush famillia' full of 'progressive republicans' all or many voted for 'hilary' Mr.Gun Control' .

Actually, the last decent President we had was Bush Sr. I would have to go all the way back to Eisenhower before that. If I get placed in that category, let me thank you. It's a real honor.

Bush Senior? Your education is quite lacking.
The Wild west had stricter gun control laws than we have today.

NRA Stick this where the sun don't shine!!!

In 1840 Alabama court that, in upholding its state ban, ruled it was a state's right to regulate where and how a citizen could carry, and that the state constitution's allowance of personal firearms “is not to bear arms upon all occasions and in all places.”

Gun Control Is as Old as the Old Wild West

Contrary to the popular imagination, bearing arms on the frontier was a heavily regulated business

It's October 26, 1881, in Tombstone, and Arizona is not yet a state. The O.K. Corral is quiet, and it's had an unremarkable existence for the two years it's been standing—although it's about to become famous.

Marshall Virgil Earp, having deputized his brothers Wyatt and Morgan and his pal Doc Holliday, is having a gun control problem. Long-running tensions between the lawmen and a faction of cowboys – represented this morning by Billy Claiborne, the Clanton brothers, and the McLaury brothers – will come to a head over Tombstone's gun law.

The laws of Tombstone at the time required visitors, upon entering town to disarm, either at a hotel or a lawman's office.

The “Old West” conjures up all sorts of imagery– such as Tombstone, Deadwood, Dodge City, or Abilene, to name a few. One other thing these cities had in common: strict gun control laws.

Laws regulating ownership and carry of firearms, apart from the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment, were passed at a local level rather than by Congress. “Gun control laws were adopted pretty quickly in these places,” says Winkler. “Most were adopted by municipal governments exercising self-control and self-determination.”

Carrying any kind of weapon, guns or knives, was not allowed other than outside town borders and inside the home. When visitors left their weapons with a law officer upon entering town, they'd receive a token, like a coat check, which they'd exchange for their guns when leaving town.

The practice was started in Southern states, which were among the first to enact laws against concealed carry of guns and knives, in the early 1800s. -- The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America, points to an 1840 Alabama court that, in upholding its state ban, ruled it was a state's right to regulate where and how a citizen could carry, and that the state constitution's allowance of personal firearms “is not to bear arms upon all occasions and in all places.”

Dodge City in 1878 (Wikimedia Commons)

It's October 26, 1881, in Tombstone, and Arizona

The laws of Tombstone at the time required visitors, upon entering town to disarm, either at a hotel or a lawman's office. (Residents of many famed cattle towns, such as Dodge City, Abilene, and Deadwood, had similar restrictions.)


"Tombstone had much more restrictive laws on carrying guns in public in the 1880s than it has today,”

Dodge City, Kansas, formed a municipal government in 1878. According to Stephen Aron, a professor of history at UCLA, the first law passed was one prohibiting the carry of guns in town, cultivating a reputation of peace and stability was necessary, even in boisterous towns, if it were to become anything more transient than a one-industry boom town.

Laws regulating ownership and carry of firearms, apart from the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment, were passed at a local level rather than by Congress.

Gun control laws were adopted pretty quickly in these places,” says Winkler. “Most were adopted by municipal governments exercising self-control and self-determination.” Carrying any kind of weapon, guns or knives, was not allowed other than outside town borders and inside the home. When visitors left their weapons with a law officer upon entering town, they'd receive a token, like a coat check, which they'd exchange for their guns when leaving town.

Louisiana, too, upheld an early ban on concealed carry firearms.

Kentucky general assembly was within its rights to, in the future, regulate or prohibit concealed carry.

Still, Winkler says, it was an affirmation that regulation was compatible with the Second Amendment. The federal government of the 1800s largely stayed out of gun-law court battles.

“People were allowed to own guns, and everyone did own guns [in the West], for the most part, but when you came into town, you had to either check your guns if you were a visitor or keep your guns at home if you were a resident.”

Gun Control Is as Old as the Old West | History | Smithsonian

Did the Wild West Have More Gun Control Than We Do Today?

A check? That’s right. When you entered a frontier town, you were legally required to leave your guns at the stables on the outskirts of town or drop them off with the sheriff,

Towns barred anyone but law enforcement from carrying guns in public.

The most common cause of arrest was illegally carrying a firearm. Sheriffs and marshals took gun control seriously.

Did the Wild West Have More Gun Control Than We Do Today? | HuffPost

Today---Illinois town bans assault weapons, will fine those who keep them

The town of Deerfield, Ill., has moved to ban assault weapons, including the AR-15 used in the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, claiming the measure will make the town more safe from mass shootings.

The ordinance was passed unanimously; "the normative value that assault weapons should have no role or purpose in civil society."

It also takes a swing at a popular reading of the Second Amendment, stating the weapons are "not reasonably necessary to protect an individual's right of self-defense" or to preserve a well-regulated militia.

Illinois town bans assault weapons, will fine those who keep them

Chicago suburb bans assault weapons in response to Parkland shooting

Chicago suburb this week took the aggressive step of banning assault weapons within its borders, in what local officials said was a direct response to the mass shooting at a Parkland, Fla., high school earlier this year.

Officials in Deerfield, Ill., unanimously approved the ordinance, which prohibits the possession, manufacture or sale of a range of firearms, as well as large-capacity magazines. Residents of the 19,000-person village have until June 13 to remove the guns from village limits or face up to $1,000 per day in fines.

Seattle will require gun owners to lock up their firearms, after the City Council voted unanimously Monday to pass legislation proposed by Mayor Jenny Durkan.

Starting 180 days after Durkan signs the legislation, it will be a civil infraction to store a gun without the firearm being secured in a locked container.

The legislation will apply only to guns kept somewhere, rather than those carried by or under the control of their owners.

Also under the legislation, it will be a civil infraction when an owner knows or should know that a minor, “at-risk person” or unauthorized user is likely to access a gun and such a person actually does access the weapon.

The legislation allows fines up to $500 when a gun isn’t locked up, up to $1,000 when a prohibited person accesses a firearm and up to $10,000 when a prohibited person uses the weapon to hurt someone or commit a crime.

Gun owners face fines up to $10,000 for not locking up their guns under new Seattle law
Are they cool with the prospect of people open carrying fully automatic wherever they go? After all, it’s the second amendment! Why is this not a thing?! Surely at GOP conventions those tough republican politicians would feel safe with knowing any fucker carrying a weapon around them is allowed to. Republicans’ idea of limiting gun violence is more guns after all. More guns the better!

If they do draw the line at these scenarios, then don’t they see how ridiculous it is to say any from of gun control is unconstitutional? Who are republicans to arbitrarily decide what level of gun laws are acceptable but democrats can’t? Hell, even their St. Scalia said gun control measures were constitutional.

Do you notice how kids have freedom of speech? You may pretend they don’t because what they choose to say can be punished by an adult in charge, but adults can be punished for what they say as well by adults in charge. After all, you can lose your job if you find yourself catcalling that new hot intern everyday.

All that matters when it comes to the first amendment and kids is that they can’t be charged with a crime for their speech. Now all this being said, are toddlers being denied their bill of rights by not being able to carry a gun?
This is discussed all the time, just not in your echo chamber. Btw this sword cuts both ways, gun ownership has been rising and gun laws on things like ARs have been reduced, yet gun crime drops. The Swiss are issued full autos and can walk around where they please with it on their shoulder, yet they are one of the safest countries on the planet. Those in your echo chamber have no response to this, which is why you never hear about it. You’re bringing up a topic that has been flushed out thousands of times on this message board, welcome to the party, everyone already left, but there might be some cold pizza left for you.

You happen to be grossly misinformed about the gun laws in Switzerland. You might want to check that out.
No I’m pretty damn familiar with them, I’ve done a euro trip about once every 2 years since I was 18. Two times with family, two times with friends, been there twice. I’ve been through this multiple times. Yes there are more restrictions now than there was 20 or so years ago. Restrictions that were basically forced on them by the EU threatening to restrict their boarder travel, and international banking. Still a country with lax gun control restrictions relative to the world, and even before those restrictions it was still among the safest countries. We’re talking about a country that until recently, basically issued full auto ARs to their citizens who were able to freely travel with them. It is the “nightmare” scenario laid out in the OP, and as it turns out, not a nightmare at all.

The point is, if you want to review the efficacy of gun control, we have examples worldwide to look at. The mistake gun control advocates make is they want to compare gun crime country by country, instead of looking at gun crime before and after implementation in those countries (which is the no duh thing to do).
This is discussed all the time, just not in your echo chamber. Btw this sword cuts both ways, gun ownership has been rising and gun laws on things like ARs have been reduced, yet gun crime drops. The Swiss are issued full autos and can walk around where they please with it on their shoulder, yet they are one of the safest countries on the planet. Those in your echo chamber have no response to this, which is why you never hear about it. You’re bringing up a topic that has been flushed out thousands of times on this message board, welcome to the party, everyone already left, but there might be some cold pizza left for you.

The Swiss do NOT allow full autos to be taken home. They only allow semi auto and bolt action to be signed out at the time of separation. And then only if you do the right paperwork. What is happening today, more and more are electing not to apply to take those weapons home with them. But there are abosutely NO full auto weapons allowed in a Civilians hands without some really hairy paperwork and background checks as well as Registrations.
Recent legislation that they were basically forced into by the EU. 2010 I believe it was. It was still the safest country then, nothing changed after. So there goes that argument.

You are talking about the Schengen Agreement signed in 2008. But it actually goes back to 1999 under the Amsterdam Treaty that Switzerland is a signatory. But all of these only have to do with Border Crossings, not gun control.

What you are leaving out is that the first 3 months (the only compulsory time period) all weapons trained on and used in the Swiss Military are all semi auto. No full auto or 3 shot burst weapons are allowed. These are the weapons that the separating Swiss that can qualify can take home AFTER they go through the regulation and background check procedure. These days, most don't bother. The number of guns in the Swiss Homes have been decreasing each year. It's been like this for decades. One of the reasons that gun violence has gone down in Switzerland is that the gun does not have the cult status that it does have in the US.
What you call “gun cult status”, which is just enjoying the sport of shooting, is still alive and well for the Swiss. It’s especially prevalent in the countryside. Sure less prevelant and declining in the cities, which is natural. But for many Swiss, shooting is more of a regular hobby than it is for probably most gun owners in america. Saying there’s no “gun cult”, whatever that is, is just an incorrect mischaracterization, and a silly argument even if there was some truth to it.

Gun crime has been declining worldwide. It’s been declining for the US as well, despite ownership and gun purchases rising. The trick is to look for the correlation BEFORE and AFTER gun control implementation. To which the correlation, if anything, points in the opposite direction. Switzerland was still essientially the safest place on the planet back when they were all issued full auto sigs.

The 2nd amendment is the decentralization of force. Governments, who are consistently the largest perpetrators of murder throughout human history (not to forget the only and consistent vessels of mass oppression), have a much harder time doing that when they do not have a monopoly of force. Things might seem fine and dandy now, but that’s a naive, short term view to hold.

Yet you deny all the other factors that are the real contributors to the decline. Yes, there are more guns but there aren't any more gun owners. Just more guns owned by the same owners. Since that hasn't changed, what else has changed? You never discuss those. You just poke fun and call them lies because it's obviously "More Guns".
Better policing methods and more wealth created raising standard of living. Violence world wide has been on a miraculous decline. There are numerous studies citing this. If you’re going to make the correlation=causation argument, at least do it the right way. Look at crime before and after implementation, and make sure the results deviate from the natural overall decline of crime. Sounds reasonable right?
The Swiss do NOT allow full autos to be taken home. They only allow semi auto and bolt action to be signed out at the time of separation. And then only if you do the right paperwork. What is happening today, more and more are electing not to apply to take those weapons home with them. But there are abosutely NO full auto weapons allowed in a Civilians hands without some really hairy paperwork and background checks as well as Registrations.
Recent legislation that they were basically forced into by the EU. 2010 I believe it was. It was still the safest country then, nothing changed after. So there goes that argument.

You are talking about the Schengen Agreement signed in 2008. But it actually goes back to 1999 under the Amsterdam Treaty that Switzerland is a signatory. But all of these only have to do with Border Crossings, not gun control.

What you are leaving out is that the first 3 months (the only compulsory time period) all weapons trained on and used in the Swiss Military are all semi auto. No full auto or 3 shot burst weapons are allowed. These are the weapons that the separating Swiss that can qualify can take home AFTER they go through the regulation and background check procedure. These days, most don't bother. The number of guns in the Swiss Homes have been decreasing each year. It's been like this for decades. One of the reasons that gun violence has gone down in Switzerland is that the gun does not have the cult status that it does have in the US.
What you call “gun cult status”, which is just enjoying the sport of shooting, is still alive and well for the Swiss. It’s especially prevalent in the countryside. Sure less prevelant and declining in the cities, which is natural. But for many Swiss, shooting is more of a regular hobby than it is for probably most gun owners in america. Saying there’s no “gun cult”, whatever that is, is just an incorrect mischaracterization, and a silly argument even if there was some truth to it.

Gun crime has been declining worldwide. It’s been declining for the US as well, despite ownership and gun purchases rising. The trick is to look for the correlation BEFORE and AFTER gun control implementation. To which the correlation, if anything, points in the opposite direction. Switzerland was still essientially the safest place on the planet back when they were all issued full auto sigs.

The 2nd amendment is the decentralization of force. Governments, who are consistently the largest perpetrators of murder throughout human history (not to forget the only and consistent vessels of mass oppression), have a much harder time doing that when they do not have a monopoly of force. Things might seem fine and dandy now, but that’s a naive, short term view to hold.

Yet you deny all the other factors that are the real contributors to the decline. Yes, there are more guns but there aren't any more gun owners. Just more guns owned by the same owners. Since that hasn't changed, what else has changed? You never discuss those. You just poke fun and call them lies because it's obviously "More Guns".
Better policing methods and more wealth created raising standard of living. Violence world wide has been on a miraculous decline. There are numerous studies citing this. If you’re going to make the correlation=causation argument, at least do it the right way. Look at crime before and after implementation, and make sure the results deviate from the natural overall decline of crime. Sounds reasonable right?

That doesn't suit his Progressive purposes.
No, YOU are saying that if anyone becomes a threat to me that I will come and get your guns. You leave out some pretty good qualifiers so that you can lie your way out of it. As always, you say what I think. Wow, that's one pretty good crystal ball you have there. Does it come in Chartrus? You lost in the courts. You lost in the legaslatives, you lost at the ballots. Let's face it, you are one lost puppy. So keep lying and we keep doing our thing as a majority making things safe for us. If you end up being safer in the process then we really don't care. But if you become a danger, we do care and will legally react to you. But you will continue to lose because you are a loser and a liar. And work on those debating skills.
Yeah. Debating skills.
Trying to win a battle of wits with you is like fighting an unarmed man.
You are so transparent it's ridiculous.
You spell out exactly what you plan on doing and when I tell it to you in practical terms what you're saying you tell me I'm a liar.
I'm not living in that fantasy you live in. I live in the real world.
I remember the days when people like you were extremely rare, but unfortunately the left seems to breed them or manufacture them.
Silly, gullible, airheads that want to live like a bunch of sheep.

There are a couple of problems in your "Thesis". I am not a liberal. Never have been. I am actually an old time Eisenhower era Progressive Conservative. My views are from the days that the Republican Party was really Great and did Great things for the Country and didn't play party politics. I am not anti-gun since I own guns and have never advocated gun harvesting. There are a lot of other things you are just plain wrong about or are just making shit up as you go. But that is what you idjits do these days. You cloud the issues with your BS hoping that we will not notice the real issues and pay attention to your BS and accept it as truth. Well, cupcake, that works less and less each day. So go ahead, keep spewing. And keep losing.

Don't be stupid, a "progressive republican" is a liberal.

Progressive wing[edit]
Historically, the Republican Party included a progressive wing that advocated using government to improve the problems of modern society. Before 1932, leading progressive Republicans included Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M. La Follette Sr., Charles Evans Hughes, Hiram Johnson, William Borah, George W. Norris and Fiorello La Guardia.[32] Prominent liberal Republicans from 1936 to the 1970s included Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie, Earl Warren, Thomas Dewey, Prescott Bush, Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., George W. Romney, William Scranton, Charles Mathias, Lowell Weicker and Jacob Javits. Since 1976, liberalism has virtually faded out of the Republican Party, apart from a few Northeastern holdouts.[16] "

Are you saying that President Eisenhower was a Liberal? The whole term for him was Progressive Fiscal Conservative. You seem to have become nutjobs that aren't any of those three terms. You certainly aren't a conservative. I have to just call you a nutjob. You honestly believe that Trump is a Conservative by any stretch of the imagination? He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way; Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. If that is what you want the Republican Party to be then we need to get some changes done as it's not healthy for America. Mussolini would be proud of you except he did it right until the day before he was shot, dragged and then hung upside down.

I have more Conservatism in my little toe than you do. I invite you to show where I've said Trump is a Conservative, you can't. You voted for Hillary, we all know it.

"He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way"

Patently stupid comment. You do this a lot. You are a Progressive in the same way Barry and Hillary are.

Actually, I would vote for Romney but you morons destroyed him. Just like you do every other decent Conservative.
and i think that the entire 'bush famillia' full of 'progressive republicans' all or many voted for 'hilary' Mr.Gun Control' .

Actually, the last decent President we had was Bush Sr. I would have to go all the way back to Eisenhower before that. If I get placed in that category, let me thank you. It's a real honor.

Bush Senior? Your education is quite lacking.
Yeah. Debating skills.
Trying to win a battle of wits with you is like fighting an unarmed man.
You are so transparent it's ridiculous.
You spell out exactly what you plan on doing and when I tell it to you in practical terms what you're saying you tell me I'm a liar.
I'm not living in that fantasy you live in. I live in the real world.
I remember the days when people like you were extremely rare, but unfortunately the left seems to breed them or manufacture them.
Silly, gullible, airheads that want to live like a bunch of sheep.

There are a couple of problems in your "Thesis". I am not a liberal. Never have been. I am actually an old time Eisenhower era Progressive Conservative. My views are from the days that the Republican Party was really Great and did Great things for the Country and didn't play party politics. I am not anti-gun since I own guns and have never advocated gun harvesting. There are a lot of other things you are just plain wrong about or are just making shit up as you go. But that is what you idjits do these days. You cloud the issues with your BS hoping that we will not notice the real issues and pay attention to your BS and accept it as truth. Well, cupcake, that works less and less each day. So go ahead, keep spewing. And keep losing.

Don't be stupid, a "progressive republican" is a liberal.

Progressive wing[edit]
Historically, the Republican Party included a progressive wing that advocated using government to improve the problems of modern society. Before 1932, leading progressive Republicans included Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M. La Follette Sr., Charles Evans Hughes, Hiram Johnson, William Borah, George W. Norris and Fiorello La Guardia.[32] Prominent liberal Republicans from 1936 to the 1970s included Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie, Earl Warren, Thomas Dewey, Prescott Bush, Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., George W. Romney, William Scranton, Charles Mathias, Lowell Weicker and Jacob Javits. Since 1976, liberalism has virtually faded out of the Republican Party, apart from a few Northeastern holdouts.[16] "

Are you saying that President Eisenhower was a Liberal? The whole term for him was Progressive Fiscal Conservative. You seem to have become nutjobs that aren't any of those three terms. You certainly aren't a conservative. I have to just call you a nutjob. You honestly believe that Trump is a Conservative by any stretch of the imagination? He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way; Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. If that is what you want the Republican Party to be then we need to get some changes done as it's not healthy for America. Mussolini would be proud of you except he did it right until the day before he was shot, dragged and then hung upside down.

I have more Conservatism in my little toe than you do. I invite you to show where I've said Trump is a Conservative, you can't. You voted for Hillary, we all know it.

"He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way"

Patently stupid comment. You do this a lot. You are a Progressive in the same way Barry and Hillary are.

Actually, I would vote for Romney but you morons destroyed him. Just like you do every other decent Conservative.
------------------------------------------- GOOD to hear !! [chuckle]
Yeah. Debating skills.
Trying to win a battle of wits with you is like fighting an unarmed man.
You are so transparent it's ridiculous.
You spell out exactly what you plan on doing and when I tell it to you in practical terms what you're saying you tell me I'm a liar.
I'm not living in that fantasy you live in. I live in the real world.
I remember the days when people like you were extremely rare, but unfortunately the left seems to breed them or manufacture them.
Silly, gullible, airheads that want to live like a bunch of sheep.

There are a couple of problems in your "Thesis". I am not a liberal. Never have been. I am actually an old time Eisenhower era Progressive Conservative. My views are from the days that the Republican Party was really Great and did Great things for the Country and didn't play party politics. I am not anti-gun since I own guns and have never advocated gun harvesting. There are a lot of other things you are just plain wrong about or are just making shit up as you go. But that is what you idjits do these days. You cloud the issues with your BS hoping that we will not notice the real issues and pay attention to your BS and accept it as truth. Well, cupcake, that works less and less each day. So go ahead, keep spewing. And keep losing.

Don't be stupid, a "progressive republican" is a liberal.

Progressive wing[edit]
Historically, the Republican Party included a progressive wing that advocated using government to improve the problems of modern society. Before 1932, leading progressive Republicans included Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M. La Follette Sr., Charles Evans Hughes, Hiram Johnson, William Borah, George W. Norris and Fiorello La Guardia.[32] Prominent liberal Republicans from 1936 to the 1970s included Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie, Earl Warren, Thomas Dewey, Prescott Bush, Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., George W. Romney, William Scranton, Charles Mathias, Lowell Weicker and Jacob Javits. Since 1976, liberalism has virtually faded out of the Republican Party, apart from a few Northeastern holdouts.[16] "

Are you saying that President Eisenhower was a Liberal? The whole term for him was Progressive Fiscal Conservative. You seem to have become nutjobs that aren't any of those three terms. You certainly aren't a conservative. I have to just call you a nutjob. You honestly believe that Trump is a Conservative by any stretch of the imagination? He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way; Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. If that is what you want the Republican Party to be then we need to get some changes done as it's not healthy for America. Mussolini would be proud of you except he did it right until the day before he was shot, dragged and then hung upside down.

I have more Conservatism in my little toe than you do. I invite you to show where I've said Trump is a Conservative, you can't. You voted for Hillary, we all know it.

"He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way"

Patently stupid comment. You do this a lot. You are a Progressive in the same way Barry and Hillary are.

Actually, I would vote for Romney but you morons destroyed him. Just like you do every other decent Conservative.

You voted for Hillary son. There is nothing "Conservative" about you.
There are a couple of problems in your "Thesis". I am not a liberal. Never have been. I am actually an old time Eisenhower era Progressive Conservative. My views are from the days that the Republican Party was really Great and did Great things for the Country and didn't play party politics. I am not anti-gun since I own guns and have never advocated gun harvesting. There are a lot of other things you are just plain wrong about or are just making shit up as you go. But that is what you idjits do these days. You cloud the issues with your BS hoping that we will not notice the real issues and pay attention to your BS and accept it as truth. Well, cupcake, that works less and less each day. So go ahead, keep spewing. And keep losing.

Don't be stupid, a "progressive republican" is a liberal.

Progressive wing[edit]
Historically, the Republican Party included a progressive wing that advocated using government to improve the problems of modern society. Before 1932, leading progressive Republicans included Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M. La Follette Sr., Charles Evans Hughes, Hiram Johnson, William Borah, George W. Norris and Fiorello La Guardia.[32] Prominent liberal Republicans from 1936 to the 1970s included Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie, Earl Warren, Thomas Dewey, Prescott Bush, Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., George W. Romney, William Scranton, Charles Mathias, Lowell Weicker and Jacob Javits. Since 1976, liberalism has virtually faded out of the Republican Party, apart from a few Northeastern holdouts.[16] "

Are you saying that President Eisenhower was a Liberal? The whole term for him was Progressive Fiscal Conservative. You seem to have become nutjobs that aren't any of those three terms. You certainly aren't a conservative. I have to just call you a nutjob. You honestly believe that Trump is a Conservative by any stretch of the imagination? He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way; Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. If that is what you want the Republican Party to be then we need to get some changes done as it's not healthy for America. Mussolini would be proud of you except he did it right until the day before he was shot, dragged and then hung upside down.

I have more Conservatism in my little toe than you do. I invite you to show where I've said Trump is a Conservative, you can't. You voted for Hillary, we all know it.

"He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way"

Patently stupid comment. You do this a lot. You are a Progressive in the same way Barry and Hillary are.

Actually, I would vote for Romney but you morons destroyed him. Just like you do every other decent Conservative.

You voted for Hillary son. There is nothing "Conservative" about you.

The Republican Party is no longer Conservative. It's become Fascist. Look at the leader. Mussolini would be proud.
Recent legislation that they were basically forced into by the EU. 2010 I believe it was. It was still the safest country then, nothing changed after. So there goes that argument.

You are talking about the Schengen Agreement signed in 2008. But it actually goes back to 1999 under the Amsterdam Treaty that Switzerland is a signatory. But all of these only have to do with Border Crossings, not gun control.

What you are leaving out is that the first 3 months (the only compulsory time period) all weapons trained on and used in the Swiss Military are all semi auto. No full auto or 3 shot burst weapons are allowed. These are the weapons that the separating Swiss that can qualify can take home AFTER they go through the regulation and background check procedure. These days, most don't bother. The number of guns in the Swiss Homes have been decreasing each year. It's been like this for decades. One of the reasons that gun violence has gone down in Switzerland is that the gun does not have the cult status that it does have in the US.
What you call “gun cult status”, which is just enjoying the sport of shooting, is still alive and well for the Swiss. It’s especially prevalent in the countryside. Sure less prevelant and declining in the cities, which is natural. But for many Swiss, shooting is more of a regular hobby than it is for probably most gun owners in america. Saying there’s no “gun cult”, whatever that is, is just an incorrect mischaracterization, and a silly argument even if there was some truth to it.

Gun crime has been declining worldwide. It’s been declining for the US as well, despite ownership and gun purchases rising. The trick is to look for the correlation BEFORE and AFTER gun control implementation. To which the correlation, if anything, points in the opposite direction. Switzerland was still essientially the safest place on the planet back when they were all issued full auto sigs.

The 2nd amendment is the decentralization of force. Governments, who are consistently the largest perpetrators of murder throughout human history (not to forget the only and consistent vessels of mass oppression), have a much harder time doing that when they do not have a monopoly of force. Things might seem fine and dandy now, but that’s a naive, short term view to hold.

Yet you deny all the other factors that are the real contributors to the decline. Yes, there are more guns but there aren't any more gun owners.

No one. I repeat - NO ONE has any clue as to how many guns or people who possess them currently exist in The United States.

Actually, they do. ALL guns are registered at the factory. Until they get into private sales, they are registered. Even when they are used and go through a gun shop, they continue with the registration. The original sale person is not sent to the Feds but it's kept on record locally and can be tracked at a later time. So don't kid yourself, Gun Registration already exists. And the Feds have a pretty good idea on how many households do or do not have guns in them. I just love it when I can confirm your worst fears.

Shirley, you jest. Private sales with no record keeping was the norm over the last century, and now. There are guns out there that were manufactured without serial numbers, therefore no record exists. Do you think there are records for all the guns ordered through the mail over the decades? Most of those companies are long out of business, and long before the current ATF took responsibility for firearms regulation in 1968.

If confiscation is ever attempted, there will be a rash of hard drive failures in gun shops such as the world has never seen.
You are surprised that people who understand their second amendment rights don’t talk about giving government power to restrict their rights? Really?

Why would any rational person give the government control over their ability to defend themselves? Especially from all powerful governments

Your yard isn't big enough to store all that equipment. Your pockets aren't deep enough to afford all that equipment. You ain't rich enough to train all those people to use that equipment. You can't even afford to feed them. I don't know of any individual or even a state that can pony up trillions off dollars to afford setting up what it would take to take on the Federal Government.
Asymmetric Warfare.
Don't be stupid, a "progressive republican" is a liberal.

Progressive wing[edit]
Historically, the Republican Party included a progressive wing that advocated using government to improve the problems of modern society. Before 1932, leading progressive Republicans included Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M. La Follette Sr., Charles Evans Hughes, Hiram Johnson, William Borah, George W. Norris and Fiorello La Guardia.[32] Prominent liberal Republicans from 1936 to the 1970s included Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie, Earl Warren, Thomas Dewey, Prescott Bush, Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., George W. Romney, William Scranton, Charles Mathias, Lowell Weicker and Jacob Javits. Since 1976, liberalism has virtually faded out of the Republican Party, apart from a few Northeastern holdouts.[16] "

Are you saying that President Eisenhower was a Liberal? The whole term for him was Progressive Fiscal Conservative. You seem to have become nutjobs that aren't any of those three terms. You certainly aren't a conservative. I have to just call you a nutjob. You honestly believe that Trump is a Conservative by any stretch of the imagination? He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way; Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. If that is what you want the Republican Party to be then we need to get some changes done as it's not healthy for America. Mussolini would be proud of you except he did it right until the day before he was shot, dragged and then hung upside down.

I have more Conservatism in my little toe than you do. I invite you to show where I've said Trump is a Conservative, you can't. You voted for Hillary, we all know it.

"He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way"

Patently stupid comment. You do this a lot. You are a Progressive in the same way Barry and Hillary are.

Actually, I would vote for Romney but you morons destroyed him. Just like you do every other decent Conservative.

You voted for Hillary son. There is nothing "Conservative" about you.

The Republican Party is no longer Conservative. It's become Fascist. Look at the leader. Mussolini would be proud.
I have to wonder what both of my Grandfathers, who fought actual fascist, would think about the free use of the word. I'm thinking it would be a toss up between laughing incessantly or slapping the shit out of someone.
You are surprised that people who understand their second amendment rights don’t talk about giving government power to restrict their rights? Really?

Why would any rational person give the government control over their ability to defend themselves? Especially from all powerful governments

Your yard isn't big enough to store all that equipment. Your pockets aren't deep enough to afford all that equipment. You ain't rich enough to train all those people to use that equipment. You can't even afford to feed them. I don't know of any individual or even a state that can pony up trillions off dollars to afford setting up what it would take to take on the Federal Government.
Asymmetric Warfare.

My question is - what makes him think the federal government would take HIS side?

That said, he really should read up on the nature of insurgencies. Lots of studies out there these days.
Don't be stupid, a "progressive republican" is a liberal.

Progressive wing[edit]
Historically, the Republican Party included a progressive wing that advocated using government to improve the problems of modern society. Before 1932, leading progressive Republicans included Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M. La Follette Sr., Charles Evans Hughes, Hiram Johnson, William Borah, George W. Norris and Fiorello La Guardia.[32] Prominent liberal Republicans from 1936 to the 1970s included Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie, Earl Warren, Thomas Dewey, Prescott Bush, Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., George W. Romney, William Scranton, Charles Mathias, Lowell Weicker and Jacob Javits. Since 1976, liberalism has virtually faded out of the Republican Party, apart from a few Northeastern holdouts.[16] "

Are you saying that President Eisenhower was a Liberal? The whole term for him was Progressive Fiscal Conservative. You seem to have become nutjobs that aren't any of those three terms. You certainly aren't a conservative. I have to just call you a nutjob. You honestly believe that Trump is a Conservative by any stretch of the imagination? He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way; Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. If that is what you want the Republican Party to be then we need to get some changes done as it's not healthy for America. Mussolini would be proud of you except he did it right until the day before he was shot, dragged and then hung upside down.

I have more Conservatism in my little toe than you do. I invite you to show where I've said Trump is a Conservative, you can't. You voted for Hillary, we all know it.

"He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way"

Patently stupid comment. You do this a lot. You are a Progressive in the same way Barry and Hillary are.

Actually, I would vote for Romney but you morons destroyed him. Just like you do every other decent Conservative.

You voted for Hillary son. There is nothing "Conservative" about you.

The Republican Party is no longer Conservative. It's become Fascist. Look at the leader. Mussolini would be proud.

I'm not a Republican, they are not however "fascist"

Are they cool with the prospect of people open carrying fully automatic wherever they go? After all, it’s the second amendment! Why is this not a thing?! Surely at GOP conventions those tough republican politicians would feel safe with knowing any fucker carrying a weapon around them is allowed to. Republicans’ idea of limiting gun violence is more guns after all. More guns the better!

If they do draw the line at these scenarios, then don’t they see how ridiculous it is to say any from of gun control is unconstitutional? Who are republicans to arbitrarily decide what level of gun laws are acceptable but democrats can’t? Hell, even their St. Scalia said gun control measures were constitutional.

Do you notice how kids have freedom of speech? You may pretend they don’t because what they choose to say can be punished by an adult in charge, but adults can be punished for what they say as well by adults in charge. After all, you can lose your job if you find yourself catcalling that new hot intern everyday.

All that matters when it comes to the first amendment and kids is that they can’t be charged with a crime for their speech. Now all this being said, are toddlers being denied their bill of rights by not being able to carry a gun?

What's funny is you spew all of this nonsense but have no clue of the actual facts.

In all the years of the NFA. There has been but one use of a legally held machine gun to commit a crime, and it was a cop that did it.

So much for machine guns being a hazard.

Sent from my SM-G892A using mobile app

Ah, but what about the Criminals, the Criminals....... Doesn't exactly work out on this one does it.

What about them? Illegal machine guns are illegal. Guess what, they are illegal in Paris France where four of them were used to murder 130 innocent people. Gun bans just don't seem to work too well. Do they...
Ever notice how 1st amendment nuts never talk about limits to freedom of the press?

Ever notice how 5th amendment nuts never talk about limits to double jeopardy?

Ever notice how 13th amendment nuts never talk about limits to the abolition of slavery?

So weird...
Yeah. Debating skills.
Trying to win a battle of wits with you is like fighting an unarmed man.
You are so transparent it's ridiculous.
You spell out exactly what you plan on doing and when I tell it to you in practical terms what you're saying you tell me I'm a liar.
I'm not living in that fantasy you live in. I live in the real world.
I remember the days when people like you were extremely rare, but unfortunately the left seems to breed them or manufacture them.
Silly, gullible, airheads that want to live like a bunch of sheep.

There are a couple of problems in your "Thesis". I am not a liberal. Never have been. I am actually an old time Eisenhower era Progressive Conservative. My views are from the days that the Republican Party was really Great and did Great things for the Country and didn't play party politics. I am not anti-gun since I own guns and have never advocated gun harvesting. There are a lot of other things you are just plain wrong about or are just making shit up as you go. But that is what you idjits do these days. You cloud the issues with your BS hoping that we will not notice the real issues and pay attention to your BS and accept it as truth. Well, cupcake, that works less and less each day. So go ahead, keep spewing. And keep losing.

Don't be stupid, a "progressive republican" is a liberal.

Progressive wing[edit]
Historically, the Republican Party included a progressive wing that advocated using government to improve the problems of modern society. Before 1932, leading progressive Republicans included Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M. La Follette Sr., Charles Evans Hughes, Hiram Johnson, William Borah, George W. Norris and Fiorello La Guardia.[32] Prominent liberal Republicans from 1936 to the 1970s included Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie, Earl Warren, Thomas Dewey, Prescott Bush, Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., George W. Romney, William Scranton, Charles Mathias, Lowell Weicker and Jacob Javits. Since 1976, liberalism has virtually faded out of the Republican Party, apart from a few Northeastern holdouts.[16] "

Are you saying that President Eisenhower was a Liberal? The whole term for him was Progressive Fiscal Conservative. You seem to have become nutjobs that aren't any of those three terms. You certainly aren't a conservative. I have to just call you a nutjob. You honestly believe that Trump is a Conservative by any stretch of the imagination? He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way; Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. If that is what you want the Republican Party to be then we need to get some changes done as it's not healthy for America. Mussolini would be proud of you except he did it right until the day before he was shot, dragged and then hung upside down.

I have more Conservatism in my little toe than you do. I invite you to show where I've said Trump is a Conservative, you can't. You voted for Hillary, we all know it.

"He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way"

Patently stupid comment. You do this a lot. You are a Progressive in the same way Barry and Hillary are.

Actually, I would vote for Romney but you morons destroyed him. Just like you do every other decent Conservative.
Romney destroyed himself.
Are they cool with the prospect of people open carrying fully automatic wherever they go? After all, it’s the second amendment! Why is this not a thing?! Surely at GOP conventions those tough republican politicians would feel safe with knowing any fucker carrying a weapon around them is allowed to. Republicans’ idea of limiting gun violence is more guns after all. More guns the better!

If they do draw the line at these scenarios, then don’t they see how ridiculous it is to say any from of gun control is unconstitutional? Who are republicans to arbitrarily decide what level of gun laws are acceptable but democrats can’t? Hell, even their St. Scalia said gun control measures were constitutional.

Do you notice how kids have freedom of speech? You may pretend they don’t because what they choose to say can be punished by an adult in charge, but adults can be punished for what they say as well by adults in charge. After all, you can lose your job if you find yourself catcalling that new hot intern everyday.

All that matters when it comes to the first amendment and kids is that they can’t be charged with a crime for their speech. Now all this being said, are toddlers being denied their bill of rights by not being able to carry a gun?

Did you ever notice how the "gun grabbers" never talk about the fact that there are already limits on gun ownership? Did you ever notice how the "gun grabbers" always seem to stretch the beliefs of most gun owners and second amendment advocates to the ludicrous? Did you ever notice how the "gun grabbers" tend to compare apples to bullshit when they attempt to argue?

Didn't think so...

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