Do you notice how gun nuts never talk about any limits to gun ownership?

Are you saying that President Eisenhower was a Liberal? The whole term for him was Progressive Fiscal Conservative. You seem to have become nutjobs that aren't any of those three terms. You certainly aren't a conservative. I have to just call you a nutjob. You honestly believe that Trump is a Conservative by any stretch of the imagination? He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way; Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. If that is what you want the Republican Party to be then we need to get some changes done as it's not healthy for America. Mussolini would be proud of you except he did it right until the day before he was shot, dragged and then hung upside down.

I have more Conservatism in my little toe than you do. I invite you to show where I've said Trump is a Conservative, you can't. You voted for Hillary, we all know it.

"He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way"

Patently stupid comment. You do this a lot. You are a Progressive in the same way Barry and Hillary are.

Actually, I would vote for Romney but you morons destroyed him. Just like you do every other decent Conservative.

You voted for Hillary son. There is nothing "Conservative" about you.

The Republican Party is no longer Conservative. It's become Fascist. Look at the leader. Mussolini would be proud.

I'm not a Republican, they are not however "fascist"


Fascists are never Republicans but will claim to be anything.If you voted for Trump you contributed to Fascism.
Are they cool with the prospect of people open carrying fully automatic wherever they go? After all, it’s the second amendment! Why is this not a thing?! Surely at GOP conventions those tough republican politicians would feel safe with knowing any fucker carrying a weapon around them is allowed to. Republicans’ idea of limiting gun violence is more guns after all. More guns the better!

If they do draw the line at these scenarios, then don’t they see how ridiculous it is to say any from of gun control is unconstitutional? Who are republicans to arbitrarily decide what level of gun laws are acceptable but democrats can’t? Hell, even their St. Scalia said gun control measures were constitutional.

Do you notice how kids have freedom of speech? You may pretend they don’t because what they choose to say can be punished by an adult in charge, but adults can be punished for what they say as well by adults in charge. After all, you can lose your job if you find yourself catcalling that new hot intern everyday.

All that matters when it comes to the first amendment and kids is that they can’t be charged with a crime for their speech. Now all this being said, are toddlers being denied their bill of rights by not being able to carry a gun?

What's funny is you spew all of this nonsense but have no clue of the actual facts.

In all the years of the NFA. There has been but one use of a legally held machine gun to commit a crime, and it was a cop that did it.

So much for machine guns being a hazard.

Sent from my SM-G892A using mobile app

Ah, but what about the Criminals, the Criminals....... Doesn't exactly work out on this one does it.

What about them? Illegal machine guns are illegal. Guess what, they are illegal in Paris France where four of them were used to murder 130 innocent people. Gun bans just don't seem to work too well. Do they...

There is a Paris Illinois that doesn't seem to be having that problem. America isn't France. But if you want to complain about France I suggest you move there.
There are a couple of problems in your "Thesis". I am not a liberal. Never have been. I am actually an old time Eisenhower era Progressive Conservative. My views are from the days that the Republican Party was really Great and did Great things for the Country and didn't play party politics. I am not anti-gun since I own guns and have never advocated gun harvesting. There are a lot of other things you are just plain wrong about or are just making shit up as you go. But that is what you idjits do these days. You cloud the issues with your BS hoping that we will not notice the real issues and pay attention to your BS and accept it as truth. Well, cupcake, that works less and less each day. So go ahead, keep spewing. And keep losing.

Don't be stupid, a "progressive republican" is a liberal.

Progressive wing[edit]
Historically, the Republican Party included a progressive wing that advocated using government to improve the problems of modern society. Before 1932, leading progressive Republicans included Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M. La Follette Sr., Charles Evans Hughes, Hiram Johnson, William Borah, George W. Norris and Fiorello La Guardia.[32] Prominent liberal Republicans from 1936 to the 1970s included Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie, Earl Warren, Thomas Dewey, Prescott Bush, Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., George W. Romney, William Scranton, Charles Mathias, Lowell Weicker and Jacob Javits. Since 1976, liberalism has virtually faded out of the Republican Party, apart from a few Northeastern holdouts.[16] "

Are you saying that President Eisenhower was a Liberal? The whole term for him was Progressive Fiscal Conservative. You seem to have become nutjobs that aren't any of those three terms. You certainly aren't a conservative. I have to just call you a nutjob. You honestly believe that Trump is a Conservative by any stretch of the imagination? He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way; Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. If that is what you want the Republican Party to be then we need to get some changes done as it's not healthy for America. Mussolini would be proud of you except he did it right until the day before he was shot, dragged and then hung upside down.

I have more Conservatism in my little toe than you do. I invite you to show where I've said Trump is a Conservative, you can't. You voted for Hillary, we all know it.

"He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way"

Patently stupid comment. You do this a lot. You are a Progressive in the same way Barry and Hillary are.

Actually, I would vote for Romney but you morons destroyed him. Just like you do every other decent Conservative.
Romney destroyed himself.

One would think that Trump did as well but it would have taken the end of the world to stop him as badly as he self destructed. And he's just continued to get worse. Just how much does it take for you to wake up and get your head out of his ass. Even after the gangbuster SOTU speech, he went from 37 approval rating to only 40. It's going down, down down from there now that the middle class has noted that the Federal Government stole from us to pay to the rich for that tax break that was supposed to benefit all of us. Not only that, it's harmed all the Republicans that still claim the tax break was a good thing. Cayman Islands thanks you.
Are they cool with the prospect of people open carrying fully automatic wherever they go? After all, it’s the second amendment! Why is this not a thing?! Surely at GOP conventions those tough republican politicians would feel safe with knowing any fucker carrying a weapon around them is allowed to. Republicans’ idea of limiting gun violence is more guns after all. More guns the better!

If they do draw the line at these scenarios, then don’t they see how ridiculous it is to say any from of gun control is unconstitutional? Who are republicans to arbitrarily decide what level of gun laws are acceptable but democrats can’t? Hell, even their St. Scalia said gun control measures were constitutional.

Do you notice how kids have freedom of speech? You may pretend they don’t because what they choose to say can be punished by an adult in charge, but adults can be punished for what they say as well by adults in charge. After all, you can lose your job if you find yourself catcalling that new hot intern everyday.

All that matters when it comes to the first amendment and kids is that they can’t be charged with a crime for their speech. Now all this being said, are toddlers being denied their bill of rights by not being able to carry a gun?

What's funny is you spew all of this nonsense but have no clue of the actual facts.

In all the years of the NFA. There has been but one use of a legally held machine gun to commit a crime, and it was a cop that did it.

So much for machine guns being a hazard.

Sent from my SM-G892A using mobile app

Ah, but what about the Criminals, the Criminals....... Doesn't exactly work out on this one does it.

What about them? Illegal machine guns are illegal. Guess what, they are illegal in Paris France where four of them were used to murder 130 innocent people. Gun bans just don't seem to work too well. Do they...

There is a Paris Illinois that doesn't seem to be having that problem. America isn't France. But if you want to complain about France I suggest you move there.

I am pointing out to you the stupidity of gun bans, and how they don't seem to work as you people think they will. The only thing that gun bans do is disarm the LAWFUL. Funny enough, the criminal element don't seem to care about laws. Kind of why they are called CRIMINALS!
Don't be stupid, a "progressive republican" is a liberal.

Progressive wing[edit]
Historically, the Republican Party included a progressive wing that advocated using government to improve the problems of modern society. Before 1932, leading progressive Republicans included Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M. La Follette Sr., Charles Evans Hughes, Hiram Johnson, William Borah, George W. Norris and Fiorello La Guardia.[32] Prominent liberal Republicans from 1936 to the 1970s included Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie, Earl Warren, Thomas Dewey, Prescott Bush, Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., George W. Romney, William Scranton, Charles Mathias, Lowell Weicker and Jacob Javits. Since 1976, liberalism has virtually faded out of the Republican Party, apart from a few Northeastern holdouts.[16] "

Are you saying that President Eisenhower was a Liberal? The whole term for him was Progressive Fiscal Conservative. You seem to have become nutjobs that aren't any of those three terms. You certainly aren't a conservative. I have to just call you a nutjob. You honestly believe that Trump is a Conservative by any stretch of the imagination? He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way; Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. If that is what you want the Republican Party to be then we need to get some changes done as it's not healthy for America. Mussolini would be proud of you except he did it right until the day before he was shot, dragged and then hung upside down.

I have more Conservatism in my little toe than you do. I invite you to show where I've said Trump is a Conservative, you can't. You voted for Hillary, we all know it.

"He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way"

Patently stupid comment. You do this a lot. You are a Progressive in the same way Barry and Hillary are.

Actually, I would vote for Romney but you morons destroyed him. Just like you do every other decent Conservative.
Romney destroyed himself.

One would think that Trump did as well but it would have taken the end of the world to stop him as badly as he self destructed. And he's just continued to get worse. Just how much does it take for you to wake up and get your head out of his ass. Even after the gangbuster SOTU speech, he went from 37 approval rating to only 40. It's going down, down down from there now that the middle class has noted that the Federal Government stole from us to pay to the rich for that tax break that was supposed to benefit all of us. Not only that, it's harmed all the Republicans that still claim the tax break was a good thing. Cayman Islands thanks you.
All the years the Progressive Socialists talk about the rich and not one!....I repeat, not one massive tax cut for the working class peasants by them. Nothing since Kennedy. And Kennedy would be thrown out of your party. We live with inflation and politically induced false CPI numbers with increases in salaries not keeping up for many workers and those on fixed incomes.
Are they cool with the prospect of people open carrying fully automatic wherever they go? After all, it’s the second amendment! Why is this not a thing?! Surely at GOP conventions those tough republican politicians would feel safe with knowing any fucker carrying a weapon around them is allowed to. Republicans’ idea of limiting gun violence is more guns after all. More guns the better!

If they do draw the line at these scenarios, then don’t they see how ridiculous it is to say any from of gun control is unconstitutional? Who are republicans to arbitrarily decide what level of gun laws are acceptable but democrats can’t? Hell, even their St. Scalia said gun control measures were constitutional.

Do you notice how kids have freedom of speech? You may pretend they don’t because what they choose to say can be punished by an adult in charge, but adults can be punished for what they say as well by adults in charge. After all, you can lose your job if you find yourself catcalling that new hot intern everyday.

All that matters when it comes to the first amendment and kids is that they can’t be charged with a crime for their speech. Now all this being said, are toddlers being denied their bill of rights by not being able to carry a gun?

What's funny is you spew all of this nonsense but have no clue of the actual facts.

In all the years of the NFA. There has been but one use of a legally held machine gun to commit a crime, and it was a cop that did it.

So much for machine guns being a hazard.

Sent from my SM-G892A using mobile app

Ah, but what about the Criminals, the Criminals....... Doesn't exactly work out on this one does it.

What about them? Illegal machine guns are illegal. Guess what, they are illegal in Paris France where four of them were used to murder 130 innocent people. Gun bans just don't seem to work too well. Do they...

There is a Paris Illinois that doesn't seem to be having that problem. America isn't France. But if you want to complain about France I suggest you move there.

I am pointing out to you the stupidity of gun bans, and how they don't seem to work as you people think they will. The only thing that gun bans do is disarm the LAWFUL. Funny enough, the criminal element don't seem to care about laws. Kind of why they are called CRIMINALS!

Yet you commented both ways about full automatic weapons. Sounds like a character from a Batman Flick.
Are you saying that President Eisenhower was a Liberal? The whole term for him was Progressive Fiscal Conservative. You seem to have become nutjobs that aren't any of those three terms. You certainly aren't a conservative. I have to just call you a nutjob. You honestly believe that Trump is a Conservative by any stretch of the imagination? He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way; Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. If that is what you want the Republican Party to be then we need to get some changes done as it's not healthy for America. Mussolini would be proud of you except he did it right until the day before he was shot, dragged and then hung upside down.

I have more Conservatism in my little toe than you do. I invite you to show where I've said Trump is a Conservative, you can't. You voted for Hillary, we all know it.

"He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way"

Patently stupid comment. You do this a lot. You are a Progressive in the same way Barry and Hillary are.

Actually, I would vote for Romney but you morons destroyed him. Just like you do every other decent Conservative.
Romney destroyed himself.

One would think that Trump did as well but it would have taken the end of the world to stop him as badly as he self destructed. And he's just continued to get worse. Just how much does it take for you to wake up and get your head out of his ass. Even after the gangbuster SOTU speech, he went from 37 approval rating to only 40. It's going down, down down from there now that the middle class has noted that the Federal Government stole from us to pay to the rich for that tax break that was supposed to benefit all of us. Not only that, it's harmed all the Republicans that still claim the tax break was a good thing. Cayman Islands thanks you.
All the years the Progressive Socialists talk about the rich and not one!....I repeat, not one massive tax cut for the working class peasants by them. Nothing since Kennedy. And Kennedy would be thrown out of your party. We live with inflation and politically induced false CPI numbers with increases in salaries not keeping up for many workers and those on fixed incomes.

But only you rightwing nutjobs give those tax breaks and outright gifts to the rich even though the nation is in serious financial trouble.
I have more Conservatism in my little toe than you do. I invite you to show where I've said Trump is a Conservative, you can't. You voted for Hillary, we all know it.

"He's a Fascist and the only reason he hasn't ordered the arrest of the Supreme Court and outlaws the Congress is there are two pesky documents that keep getting in his way"

Patently stupid comment. You do this a lot. You are a Progressive in the same way Barry and Hillary are.

Actually, I would vote for Romney but you morons destroyed him. Just like you do every other decent Conservative.
Romney destroyed himself.

One would think that Trump did as well but it would have taken the end of the world to stop him as badly as he self destructed. And he's just continued to get worse. Just how much does it take for you to wake up and get your head out of his ass. Even after the gangbuster SOTU speech, he went from 37 approval rating to only 40. It's going down, down down from there now that the middle class has noted that the Federal Government stole from us to pay to the rich for that tax break that was supposed to benefit all of us. Not only that, it's harmed all the Republicans that still claim the tax break was a good thing. Cayman Islands thanks you.
All the years the Progressive Socialists talk about the rich and not one!....I repeat, not one massive tax cut for the working class peasants by them. Nothing since Kennedy. And Kennedy would be thrown out of your party. We live with inflation and politically induced false CPI numbers with increases in salaries not keeping up for many workers and those on fixed incomes.

But only you rightwing nutjobs give those tax breaks and outright gifts to the rich even though the nation is in serious financial trouble.

Better to give it to productive Americans than to give it to you cretinous nutbags to spend on goofy shit useful only to buy votes from the unproductive.
Actually, I would vote for Romney but you morons destroyed him. Just like you do every other decent Conservative.
Romney destroyed himself.

One would think that Trump did as well but it would have taken the end of the world to stop him as badly as he self destructed. And he's just continued to get worse. Just how much does it take for you to wake up and get your head out of his ass. Even after the gangbuster SOTU speech, he went from 37 approval rating to only 40. It's going down, down down from there now that the middle class has noted that the Federal Government stole from us to pay to the rich for that tax break that was supposed to benefit all of us. Not only that, it's harmed all the Republicans that still claim the tax break was a good thing. Cayman Islands thanks you.
All the years the Progressive Socialists talk about the rich and not one!....I repeat, not one massive tax cut for the working class peasants by them. Nothing since Kennedy. And Kennedy would be thrown out of your party. We live with inflation and politically induced false CPI numbers with increases in salaries not keeping up for many workers and those on fixed incomes.

But only you rightwing nutjobs give those tax breaks and outright gifts to the rich even though the nation is in serious financial trouble.

Better to give it to productive Americans than to give it to you cretinous nutbags to spend on goofy shit useful only to buy votes from the unproductive.
the Poor can resort to the law of large numbers to achieve capital results; we tend to spend most of our income rather than invest it in tax havens.
What's funny is you spew all of this nonsense but have no clue of the actual facts.

In all the years of the NFA. There has been but one use of a legally held machine gun to commit a crime, and it was a cop that did it.

So much for machine guns being a hazard.

Sent from my SM-G892A using mobile app

Ah, but what about the Criminals, the Criminals....... Doesn't exactly work out on this one does it.

What about them? Illegal machine guns are illegal. Guess what, they are illegal in Paris France where four of them were used to murder 130 innocent people. Gun bans just don't seem to work too well. Do they...

There is a Paris Illinois that doesn't seem to be having that problem. America isn't France. But if you want to complain about France I suggest you move there.

I am pointing out to you the stupidity of gun bans, and how they don't seem to work as you people think they will. The only thing that gun bans do is disarm the LAWFUL. Funny enough, the criminal element don't seem to care about laws. Kind of why they are called CRIMINALS!

Yet you commented both ways about full automatic weapons. Sounds like a character from a Batman Flick.

I did? How, prey tell. I merely stated that machine guns that are owned legally here in the good 'ole USA are not a problem. The only recorded illegal use of one, EVER, was by a cop. I then went on to show that criminals don't abide by laws that interfere with their commission of crime. Hence why they are called criminals.

Try addressing the issue instead of flailing about trying to deflect from your unsubstantiated opinion.
The Constitution put NO limits on the number of guns you may owm. Why should anyone be afraid of someone owning more than one gun, you can only shoot one at a time. More guns means more fun at the range.
Ah, but what about the Criminals, the Criminals....... Doesn't exactly work out on this one does it.

What about them? Illegal machine guns are illegal. Guess what, they are illegal in Paris France where four of them were used to murder 130 innocent people. Gun bans just don't seem to work too well. Do they...

There is a Paris Illinois that doesn't seem to be having that problem. America isn't France. But if you want to complain about France I suggest you move there.

I am pointing out to you the stupidity of gun bans, and how they don't seem to work as you people think they will. The only thing that gun bans do is disarm the LAWFUL. Funny enough, the criminal element don't seem to care about laws. Kind of why they are called CRIMINALS!

Yet you commented both ways about full automatic weapons. Sounds like a character from a Batman Flick.

I did? How, prey tell. I merely stated that machine guns that are owned legally here in the good 'ole USA are not a problem. The only recorded illegal use of one, EVER, was by a cop. I then went on to show that criminals don't abide by laws that interfere with their commission of crime. Hence why they are called criminals.

Try addressing the issue instead of flailing about trying to deflect from your unsubstantiated opinion.

It took everyone about 10 years to get the full autos (the thompsons) off the streets and out of the criminals hands through.....wait for it......gun control. Gun control or Gun Regulations are a fact. What we should be discussing isn't whether we should have them or not but what degrees they should be. If you don't want any gun controls, I hear Yemen will accept any and all application for citizenship and you don't even have to bring your own gun since there are already tons there just for picking them up off the ground and there is NO gun regulations at all. It's the only place on Earth without Gun Regulations. And how as that worked out for them.
why would an American care if criminals uses Thompsons to kill other gang land Criminals 'MrGC' ??
Yeah , what was it , the St. Valentines Day massacre of criminal ganglanders using Thompson to massacre other Gang lander criminals . Sounds like a good deal to me 'Mr.GC' .
It’s the First Amendment that safeguards our rights and protected liberties, not the Second.

Really? You won any political battles on social media lately? You think the MEDIA are champions of Civil Liberties? It's a lonely feeling watching justice fade away in America when people are savagely brutalized on social media and the networks and press without ANY hint of lawful investigations..

You don't even like it when citizens pool their 1st Amend rights to have an organization the focuses their speech. Pooled thru the NRA -- you villify the ORGANIZATION and forget that's the people's voice speaking.

I suggested that obtuse, rambling threads like these are counter-productive to your fervent quest to disarm America. And that LYING -- ala Bloomberg's monied organizations -- is NOT effective. That's 1st amendment also, but tainted by the dishonesty and LYING that it passes to a complicit media. One that pushes HS school to the press as weapons as your side tossed "women as hand grenades" at the Kavanaugh hearings.

Y'all should "pool your voices" into some RESPONSIBLE and coherent organization that UNDERSTANDS the Constitution and Bill of Rights and self-defense and let THEM do the "free speech" thing. Because funnying posts with Di Fi's finger on the trigger of an "assault weapon" she has no concept of --- is really not winning anything thru 1st Amendment.

Do you really have a law degree? I was entirely skeptical until I found out that Ocasio-Cortez has an economics degree. And that explains a lot here...

The 2nd Amendment is there in part to backstop Civil Liberties over tyranny when the 1st Amendment fails. And by the looks of things -- we're almost there..
Last edited:
It’s the First Amendment that safeguards our rights and protected liberties, not the Second.

If a government with guns were to repress your right to speak, and you and the citizenry are disarmed, what would be your plan to exercise your right?

And that's not a trick question or red herring. Because SHADES of that happening are more possible NOW than ever in my lifetime...

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