Do you remember when the Democrat party actually had liberals in it?

You do realize that most of the people on this thread are totally laughing ay you, don't you? :lol:

Most of the people on this thread are angry mutants who blame gays and minorities for their vanishing middle class lifestyle.

But you can't cure stupid.
Naw, we end up with a country where angry old white people eventually die off and we get around to fixing this country.

And then we look back at this time, and someone says, "Great Uncle Joe, there was really a time when people tried to justify being racists and homophobes as 'religious freedom'?"

"Yup, we called those folks 'Rubes'. And sometimes "Republicans". and they were mostly being manipulated by rich jerks who wanted to keep dumb people distracted from the important issues like wealth inequality and the rise of corporatism."

There is no wealth "inequality". There is only lazy people like Joe who refuse to get up off of their ass and provide jobs.

He cries about being poor, but then cries about the wealthy (which he wants to be). Can you imagine the daily internal conflict in this fuck'n guy? :lol:

1% controls 43% of the wealth.

They are not doing 43% of the labor.

Wealth inequality.

incidently, I have no desire to be 'wealthy", although my own personal wealth probably puts me in the middle 20%. (Properties I own or co-own being worth well over a million dollars.)

I just don't see the value in having people making nine-figure incomes who don't produce anything.

It's not "wealth inequality" that Bill Gates created a product that changed the world while the janitors at Microsoft only change the toilet paper rolls.

The top 1% puts in 98% of the hours worked in this country. They should have 98% of the wealth. Lucky for greedy people like you they've chosen to give so much back and keep less than half of what they've earned.
You do realize that most of the people on this thread are totally laughing ay you, don't you? :lol:

Most of the people on this thread are angry mutants who blame gays and minorities for their vanishing middle class lifestyle.

No they don't - they rightfully blame Dumbocrats. The party that has been completely and totally hijacked by socialists/communists/marxists/nazi's like you.

But you can't cure stupid.

You are certainly proof of that!
Naw, we end up with a country where angry old white people eventually die off and we get around to fixing this country.

And then we look back at this time, and someone says, "Great Uncle Joe, there was really a time when people tried to justify being racists and homophobes as 'religious freedom'?"

"Yup, we called those folks 'Rubes'. And sometimes "Republicans". and they were mostly being manipulated by rich jerks who wanted to keep dumb people distracted from the important issues like wealth inequality and the rise of corporatism."
There are few on the forum for whom for the title of "Uncle Joe" is more fitting.

Congrats. :lol:

It's not "wealth inequality" that Bill Gates created a product that changed the world while the janitors at Microsoft only change the toilet paper rolls.

The top 1% puts in 98% of the hours worked in this country. They should have 98% of the wealth. Lucky for greedy people like you they've chosen to give so much back and keep less than half of what they've earned.

Except that Bill Gates hasn't "personally" created a product in some time. He has teams of software engineers who do that.

The top 1% is not putting in 98% of the hours worked. I think your math is a little faulty.

Here's the thing. Even if the 1% was working 24-7, they could only put in a maximum of 168 hours a week.

DO you even understand math, Dude?
You do realize that most of the people on this thread are totally laughing ay you, don't you? :lol:

Most of the people on this thread are angry mutants who blame gays and minorities for their vanishing middle class lifestyle.

No they don't - they rightfully blame Dumbocrats. The party that has been completely and totally hijacked by socialists/communists/marxists/nazi's like you.

But you can't cure stupid.

You are certainly proof of that!

Well, here's the thing. I actually stopped voting Republican.

It was right after my Romney-loving boss announced he could totally screw me over after six years of loyal service because "he didn't have to deal with a union".

Yup, he didn't. INstead he lost half the company's business in a year and fired all of his long-term employees because they were making more money than these college kids he just hired who didn't know he was full of shit.

But he did thoroughly cure me of being Republican.

your party is dying, dude. You can get a few more years of life appealling to the racists and homophobes, but you are pretty much done when people figure out that the interests of the 1% arent' the interest of the rest of us.
As usual you espouse amazing ignorance and idiocy.

So, anyone a nanometer to the right of Karl Marx is Atilla the Hun? Ok, got it.

It's not so much that I'm rabidly to the right, it's that you're such a profoundly devout communist-authoritarian, you are disillusioned into to thinking nuts like yourself are mainstream.

Faux News, I agree with you on this one, as they are nothing more than a mouthpiece for the establishment-wing of the Republican Party. However, you clearly are brainwashed by the Democrat/Marxist party's propaganda machines: ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSDNC.

As for right-wing radio, really, they're idiots? Oh, how open-minded and tolerant you are! :lol: I completely disagree with the likes of Rachael Maddow, Mark Lamont Hill, Alan Colmes, and Bob Beckel; the last thing I'd call any of them is idiot. However, I have no reservations in calling you an idiot, because you clearly are one, as well as being an obscenely crass woman completely lacking in civility.

Well jillian, as I conclude this, how about I make you feel right at home:

National Anthem of USSR - YouTube

You realize you just made no point at all, right? That's just a stream of gainsaying and name-calling.

Your own thread title tells me Jillian was right about your sources -- because there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party". That's Lush Rimjob's malaprop, and you bought it. Dead giveaway.

So says the Comrade Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Rachael Maddow, MSDNC disciple.

What in the blue fuck does that even mean? :dunno:

You attack me for name-calling, yet you clearly used name-calling towards a person you don't like.

Where did either of these take place? Where? :confused:

Wow, just wow, thanks for your reply, couldn't have asked for a better reply. You wouldn't know a point if you sat on sword. Next time, try talking when your mouth isn't full of oatmeal.

"Oatmeal" ?

Wtf does that mean? I don't even like oatmeal. :puke:

Weird post, dood.
You just admitted you dont know why self described liberals would be opposed to free speech. So who is morphing definitions?

Beats the fuck out of me dood. I don't even know who or what you're talking about. Or if you're making up a hypothetical. I'm simply saying, free speech is a Liberal tenet. Period.
As long as you are speaking what progressives want you to speak.

Otherwise, all bets are off.

Another post reaffirming the Empty. No answer, no examples, no definition, no nuttin'.
I can remember clearly when democrats and republicans could talk civilly to each other and not be completely enveloped in partisan politics. At least based on this board, that's gone now. And the loss is to the detriment of the country.

Yep, and it's not just on this board. I also agree that the political media (I call 'em "division pimps") has played and continues to play a significant role in the increasing divisions between the two sides of the spectrum. These people have a vested professional and financial interest in being bombastic and in providing only that side of the story which most angers their end of the spectrum.

There is no more narcissistic element of our society than political partisans right now, and they're causing great damage. It's impossible to know who is being honest and who is just playing political games, neither end of the political spectrum is willing to look in the mirror for even an instant, and any attempt to truly fix our problems and improve this country must begin at its foundation with intellectual honesty and humility.

I don't know where this leads. Do we literally end up with two countries?

This is the problem, the extremism and end of the spectrum partisanships. Two extremes screaming insults at each other, taking only the extreme partisan viewpoint from each end of the spectrum, basing their attitude and beliefs on television and radio talk shows, drawing a deep, dark line between 'them' and 'us,' etc.

I have never listened to or even seen on television the people mentioned above, never. If you showed me a picture of any one of them, I couldn't identify who it is. Whatever viewpoint I have is my own, love it or hate it: it is mine. But I am constantly being told I parrot the party line and the people mentioned above. It's ludicrous. I suspect the lack of civility in discussing these issues is down to watching or listening to these media people, mentioned above, and copying the way they approach the subject.

I can remember clearly when democrats and republicans could talk civilly to each other and not be completely enveloped in partisan politics. At least based on this board, that's gone now. And the loss is to the detriment of the country.

Both excellent and astute points. And if you dare try to protest being blanket-statemented into a pulp, they start trotting out some book by some radical from the past -- Marx and Hitler aren't enough, now they're pulling out obscurities named Paul Jolinsky and declare we're reading the manual of some clown we never even heard of, simply to come up with a newer and fresher ad hominem. It's the argument of intellectual cowards.

I've been called communist, Marxist, fascist, anarchist, Obamadrone, Democrat, baby killer, authoritarian, parasite, Alinskyist, racist, and now the most egregious name of all -- oatmeal eater! :ack-1:

Not one of which is remotely accurate, but that's not what they want to hear. There is literally nothing they want to hear, because that would require listening. That is not gonna happen.

What they want is to paint any view that might challenge their own into a monster that must be crushed in order to have a total monopoly on thought. These are not conservatives or liberals or Republicans or Democrats; these are the Eliminationists. Mindless drones parroting the Eliminationist bullshit line going :lalala: at any threat of the free market of ideas.

Then when they get their fantasy of lockstep thought there will never be disagreement again as long as everybody stays in line with Doctrine.

Yeah good luck with that new idea. :rolleyes:
If you're under 30 years old like me, then no.

Well kid, just who the hell do you think you are to define what a liberal is? And, Mr. Under 30, perhaps you should do a little real research and see what liberals have done for this nation.

Ohh, ohh, ok, so because I'm just a "kid", you come off as all superior, and think you know everything. Well, just because you need a pair of dentures, and when you wake up in the morning and hear snap, crackle and pop; and know it's not Rice Krispies doesn't mean you're intelligent. However, for someone with the I.Q. of a grapefruit, I commend your ability to figure out how to log in and stink up this forum with your flatulence.

Do you even know the difference between a liberal and a leftist? I doubt you do. Don't ever confuse yourself with a liberal, because you are not one.

Just keep one thing in mind. You are a fossil. You will never be as young as me. And I will be here long after your America-hating butt doing everything I can to destroy your, and your kinds attempts to turn the USA into the USSA.

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