Do you remember when the Democrat party actually had liberals in it?

Religion hasn't accomplished anything good in the whole of human history, not even by accident. The sooner we put it behind us, the better.

So making a religious loon bake a fucking cake just doesn't seem like a big deal to me.

Catholic Charities and other religious organizations have helped millions of people and dispensed billions of dollars in aid around the world. Religious organizations have done tremendous good in many, many ways.

You, on the other hand, are simply showing your own ignorance, bigotry, and hatred.

Catholic Charities gives food out to families that they told not to use birth control, and they ended up with a bunch of kids they couldn't feed.

You don't get credit for half-ass solving a problem you caused to start with.

If you want to look at the most miserable, poor, half-ass countries in the world, it's ones that are dominated by the fucked up Catholic Church.

If you want to look at the most miserable, poor, half-ass countries in the world, it's ones that are governed by Progressives.

There, fixed it for ya, Jake
I can remember clearly when democrats and republicans could talk civilly to each other and not be completely enveloped in partisan politics. At least based on this board, that's gone now. And the loss is to the detriment of the country.

Yep, and it's not just on this board. I also agree that the political media (I call 'em "division pimps") has played and continues to play a significant role in the increasing divisions between the two sides of the spectrum. These people have a vested professional and financial interest in being bombastic and in providing only that side of the story which most angers their end of the spectrum.

There is no more narcissistic element of our society than political partisans right now, and they're causing great damage. It's impossible to know who is being honest and who is just playing political games, neither end of the political spectrum is willing to look in the mirror for even an instant, and any attempt to truly fix our problems and improve this country must begin at its foundation with intellectual honesty and humility.

I don't know where this leads. Do we literally end up with two countries?

Catholic Charities and other religious organizations have helped millions of people and dispensed billions of dollars in aid around the world. Religious organizations have done tremendous good in many, many ways.

You, on the other hand, are simply showing your own ignorance, bigotry, and hatred.

Catholic Charities gives food out to families that they told not to use birth control, and they ended up with a bunch of kids they couldn't feed.

You don't get credit for half-ass solving a problem you caused to start with.

If you want to look at the most miserable, poor, half-ass countries in the world, it's ones that are dominated by the fucked up Catholic Church.

If you want to look at the most miserable, poor, half-ass countries in the world, it's ones that are governed by Progressives.

There, fixed it for ya, Jake

Except you are wrong.
Catholic Charities and other religious organizations have helped millions of people and dispensed billions of dollars in aid around the world. Religious organizations have done tremendous good in many, many ways.

You, on the other hand, are simply showing your own ignorance, bigotry, and hatred.

Catholic Charities gives food out to families that they told not to use birth control, and they ended up with a bunch of kids they couldn't feed.

You don't get credit for half-ass solving a problem you caused to start with.

If you want to look at the most miserable, poor, half-ass countries in the world, it's ones that are dominated by the fucked up Catholic Church.

If you want to look at the most miserable, poor, half-ass countries in the world, it's ones that are governed by Progressives.

There, fixed it for ya, Jake

No, not really.

The poorest countries in the world are places like Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, the Philippines (where they had to stop women from offering themselves as mail order brides), which all listen to the men in dresses and don't use birth control and we wonder why they are overpopulated and miserable.

Meanwhile, the best countries to live in are places like Western Europe and Japan, where progressives have given folks equal wages, solid social services and so on.

And America is going in the wrong direction.
I can remember clearly when democrats and republicans could talk civilly to each other and not be completely enveloped in partisan politics. At least based on this board, that's gone now. And the loss is to the detriment of the country.

Yep, and it's not just on this board. I also agree that the political media (I call 'em "division pimps") has played and continues to play a significant role in the increasing divisions between the two sides of the spectrum. These people have a vested professional and financial interest in being bombastic and in providing only that side of the story which most angers their end of the spectrum.

There is no more narcissistic element of our society than political partisans right now, and they're causing great damage. It's impossible to know who is being honest and who is just playing political games, neither end of the political spectrum is willing to look in the mirror for even an instant, and any attempt to truly fix our problems and improve this country must begin at its foundation with intellectual honesty and humility.

I don't know where this leads. Do we literally end up with two countries?


Naw, we end up with a country where angry old white people eventually die off and we get around to fixing this country.

And then we look back at this time, and someone says, "Great Uncle Joe, there was really a time when people tried to justify being racists and homophobes as 'religious freedom'?"

"Yup, we called those folks 'Rubes'. And sometimes "Republicans". and they were mostly being manipulated by rich jerks who wanted to keep dumb people distracted from the important issues like wealth inequality and the rise of corporatism."
I can remember clearly when democrats and republicans could talk civilly to each other and not be completely enveloped in partisan politics. At least based on this board, that's gone now. And the loss is to the detriment of the country.

Yep, and it's not just on this board. I also agree that the political media (I call 'em "division pimps") has played and continues to play a significant role in the increasing divisions between the two sides of the spectrum. These people have a vested professional and financial interest in being bombastic and in providing only that side of the story which most angers their end of the spectrum.

There is no more narcissistic element of our society than political partisans right now, and they're causing great damage. It's impossible to know who is being honest and who is just playing political games, neither end of the political spectrum is willing to look in the mirror for even an instant, and any attempt to truly fix our problems and improve this country must begin at its foundation with intellectual honesty and humility.

I don't know where this leads. Do we literally end up with two countries?


Naw, we end up with a country where angry old white people eventually die off and we get around to fixing this country.

And then we look back at this time, and someone says, "Great Uncle Joe, there was really a time when people tried to justify being racists and homophobes as 'religious freedom'?"

"Yup, we called those folks 'Rubes'. And sometimes "Republicans". and they were mostly being manipulated by rich jerks who wanted to keep dumb people distracted from the important issues like wealth inequality and the rise of corporatism."

You once again illustrate my point.

I've lost track of how many times this has happened.

I remember when the Republican Party had sane people in it.

Sadly, now it's the party that nominates people who think they are wearing magic underpants, and thinks the word "Rape" needs an adjective in front of it because they can't stand the thought of women controlling their own lady parts.

This coming from the side that brutally raped their own women at Occupy Wall Street (bowel) movements and then in true muslim-repress-women-style, demanded that the victims not report being raped to protect the (bowel) movement known as OWS.

Once again JoeB blames liberal actions and failures on conservatives.... :eusa_doh:
I can remember clearly when democrats and republicans could talk civilly to each other and not be completely enveloped in partisan politics. At least based on this board, that's gone now. And the loss is to the detriment of the country.

Yep, and it's not just on this board. I also agree that the political media (I call 'em "division pimps") has played and continues to play a significant role in the increasing divisions between the two sides of the spectrum. These people have a vested professional and financial interest in being bombastic and in providing only that side of the story which most angers their end of the spectrum.

There is no more narcissistic element of our society than political partisans right now, and they're causing great damage. It's impossible to know who is being honest and who is just playing political games, neither end of the political spectrum is willing to look in the mirror for even an instant, and any attempt to truly fix our problems and improve this country must begin at its foundation with intellectual honesty and humility.

I don't know where this leads. Do we literally end up with two countries?

Naw, we end up with a country where angry old white people eventually die off and we get around to fixing this country.

And then we look back at this time, and someone says, "Great Uncle Joe, there was really a time when people tried to justify being racists and homophobes as 'religious freedom'?"

"Yup, we called those folks 'Rubes'. And sometimes "Republicans". and they were mostly being manipulated by rich jerks who wanted to keep dumb people distracted from the important issues like wealth inequality and the rise of corporatism."

There is no wealth "inequality". There is only lazy people like Joe who refuse to get up off of their ass and provide jobs.

He cries about being poor, but then cries about the wealthy (which he wants to be). Can you imagine the daily internal conflict in this fuck'n guy? :lol:
I remember when the Republican Party had sane people in it.

Sadly, now it's the party that nominates people who think they are wearing magic underpants, and thinks the word "Rape" needs an adjective in front of it because they can't stand the thought of women controlling their own lady parts.

This coming from the side that brutally raped their own women at Occupy Wall Street (bowel) movements and then in true muslim-repress-women-style, demanded that the victims not report being raped to protect the (bowel) movement known as OWS.

Once again JoeB blames liberal actions and failures on conservatives.... :eusa_doh:


Wasn't talking about Occupy, dude.

I was talking about how your party lost people like me.

You lost me at the word "Mormon".
Yep, and it's not just on this board. I also agree that the political media (I call 'em "division pimps") has played and continues to play a significant role in the increasing divisions between the two sides of the spectrum. These people have a vested professional and financial interest in being bombastic and in providing only that side of the story which most angers their end of the spectrum.

There is no more narcissistic element of our society than political partisans right now, and they're causing great damage. It's impossible to know who is being honest and who is just playing political games, neither end of the political spectrum is willing to look in the mirror for even an instant, and any attempt to truly fix our problems and improve this country must begin at its foundation with intellectual honesty and humility.

I don't know where this leads. Do we literally end up with two countries?

Naw, we end up with a country where angry old white people eventually die off and we get around to fixing this country.

And then we look back at this time, and someone says, "Great Uncle Joe, there was really a time when people tried to justify being racists and homophobes as 'religious freedom'?"

"Yup, we called those folks 'Rubes'. And sometimes "Republicans". and they were mostly being manipulated by rich jerks who wanted to keep dumb people distracted from the important issues like wealth inequality and the rise of corporatism."

There is no wealth "inequality". There is only lazy people like Joe who refuse to get up off of their ass and provide jobs.

He cries about being poor, but then cries about the wealthy (which he wants to be). Can you imagine the daily internal conflict in this fuck'n guy? :lol:

1% controls 43% of the wealth.

They are not doing 43% of the labor.

Wealth inequality.

incidently, I have no desire to be 'wealthy", although my own personal wealth probably puts me in the middle 20%. (Properties I own or co-own being worth well over a million dollars.)

I just don't see the value in having people making nine-figure incomes who don't produce anything.
And there it goes again. Morphing definitions.


You just admitted you dont know why self described liberals would be opposed to free speech. So who is morphing definitions?

Beats the fuck out of me dood. I don't even know who or what you're talking about. Or if you're making up a hypothetical. I'm simply saying, free speech is a Liberal tenet. Period.
As long as you are speaking what progressives want you to speak.

Otherwise, all bets are off.
I remember when the Republican Party had sane people in it.

Sadly, now it's the party that nominates people who think they are wearing magic underpants, and thinks the word "Rape" needs an adjective in front of it because they can't stand the thought of women controlling their own lady parts.

This coming from the side that brutally raped their own women at Occupy Wall Street (bowel) movements and then in true muslim-repress-women-style, demanded that the victims not report being raped to protect the (bowel) movement known as OWS.

Once again JoeB blames liberal actions and failures on conservatives.... :eusa_doh:


Wasn't talking about Occupy, dude.

I was talking about how your party lost people like me.

You lost me at the word "Mormon".

Of course you weren't - because it proves how unhinged you are. You're side is made up of the lowest filth of humanity. You people brutally rape women, demand that they not report it like the oppressive little muslims that you are, and then have the absurdity to claim conservatives are "waging a war on women".

And as far as "losing" you - thank God. You're everything that is wrong with the world and an embarrassment to America. You're the last person I want representing what I stand for. I only wish you'd move to Cuba and experience the communism you profess much love for so that this nation could lose you as well.
I remember when the Republican Party had sane people in it.

Sadly, now it's the party that nominates people who think they are wearing magic underpants, and thinks the word "Rape" needs an adjective in front of it because they can't stand the thought of women controlling their own lady parts.

This coming from the side that brutally raped their own women at Occupy Wall Street (bowel) movements and then in true muslim-repress-women-style, demanded that the victims not report being raped to protect the (bowel) movement known as OWS.

Once again JoeB blames liberal actions and failures on conservatives.... :eusa_doh:


Wasn't talking about Occupy, dude.

I was talking about how your party lost people like me.

You lost me at the word "Mormon".
But you were never a republican.

Your disingenuous line of BS is even more transparent than Jake's. That is no mean feat.
You just admitted you dont know why self described liberals would be opposed to free speech. So who is morphing definitions?

Beats the fuck out of me dood. I don't even know who or what you're talking about. Or if you're making up a hypothetical. I'm simply saying, free speech is a Liberal tenet. Period.
As long as you are speaking what progressives want you to speak.

Otherwise, all bets are off.

I think you are a little confused.

Free speech means I can call my boss a douchebag.

It does not mean I am promised a job the next day.

Free speech means you can call someone a vile name.

It does not mean you get to keep your TV show if the people who watch it complain to the sponsors and say they want you gone.

Free Speech says that you can hate gays because your Magic Fairy In the Sky says so.

It does not mean you can discriminate against them in business.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.
But you were never a republican.

Your disingenuous line of BS is even more transparent than Jake's. That is no mean feat.

Uh, yeah, I was.

Now, admittably, being a Republican in IL isn't the same as being one in an inbred Red State where they love them some Jesus!

It means you are for limited but efficient government that lives within its means.

Sadly, that isn't what the GOP has been in some time. Not since George W. Bush, maybe not since Reagan.

The minute you guys nominated the Mormon, though, that was the end of it for me.

Of course you weren't - because it proves how unhinged you are. You're side is made up of the lowest filth of humanity. You people brutally rape women, demand that they not report it like the oppressive little muslims that you are, and then have the absurdity to claim conservatives are "waging a war on women".

And as far as "losing" you - thank God. You're everything that is wrong with the world and an embarrassment to America. You're the last person I want representing what I stand for. I only wish you'd move to Cuba and experience the communism you profess much love for so that this nation could lose you as well.

Guy, you can babble on about "Muslims" and "Communists" all day, but it only exposes your lack of a real argument.

Where did anyone "Demand" a rape not be reported? In fact, quite the contrary, when the occupy camp had incidents of rape, measures were taken to protect the women who were there.

Incidently, not a fan of the Occupy Movement. I think they did more harm than good for the message.

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