Do you remember when the Democrat party actually had liberals in it?


There is no more fundamental liberal principle than freedom of expression.

"Liberals" are now 180 degrees opposed to that principle.

Now, it's all about forcing conformity and oppression, a.k.a. JoeB's "polite society".

Go ahead, deny that.

If that's true, it's not the people that changed. It's your definition of "Liberal".

So you're claiming that freedom of expression is not a fundamental principle of liberalism?

To the contrary - that's the way you seem to be leaning. Freedom of expression is absolutely Liberal. That should be firmly fixed.
If that's true, it's not the people that changed. It's your definition of "Liberal".

So you're claiming that freedom of expression is not a fundamental principle of liberalism?

To the contrary - that's the way you seem to be leaning. Freedom of expression is absolutely Liberal. That should be firmly fixed.
So why are self described liberals pushing for hate speech laws and banning campus speakers?
So you're claiming that freedom of expression is not a fundamental principle of liberalism?

To the contrary - that's the way you seem to be leaning. Freedom of expression is absolutely Liberal. That should be firmly fixed.
So why are self described liberals pushing for hate speech laws and banning campus speakers?

How the fuck would I know? You'd have to axe them.
If you're under 30 years old like me, then no.

see, as usual you have it butt backwards.....

what you are... is so far right you can't even gauge the politics of anyone who is to the left of atilla the hun.

if you're under 30 and you're so rabidly to the right, it's likely you've spent your life being brainwashed by idiots on rightwingnut talk radio, the rightwingnut blogosphere and faux news.

There's no doubt about that. It's right in his thread title. Dead giveaway.
No, it's actually nothing like that. Five years and the economy is worse today.

Uh, no, actually, it isn't.

Unemployment is 6.3 right now. It was 7.8 when Bush left office.

The Stock Market had crashed to something like 8000. IT's close to 17,000 now.

No one in his right mind is looking wistfully back and George W. Stupid and totally wanting more of that.

Yes if you're a 1 percenter you're happy. The average guy, not so much.
Guess you're wrong again, Joe.
(url scrubbed)That’s Gotta Hurt: New Poll Shows Americans Believe George W. Bush Is More Competent Than Obama

But the source is Fox News. Do you have any other sources?
Uh, no, actually, it isn't.

Unemployment is 6.3 right now. It was 7.8 when Bush left office.

The Stock Market had crashed to something like 8000. IT's close to 17,000 now.

No one in his right mind is looking wistfully back and George W. Stupid and totally wanting more of that.

Yes if you're a 1 percenter you're happy. The average guy, not so much.
Guess you're wrong again, Joe.
(url scrubbed)That’s Gotta Hurt: New Poll Shows Americans Believe George W. Bush Is More Competent Than Obama

But the source is Fox News. Do you have any other sources?

Please point out why the source is wrong.
There are 43 billionaires that give to the democrat party and 57 that give to the republican party. so both parties cater to the very rich in some way or another.


Oh, definitely. I was a card carrying, Birkenstock wearing, Grateful Dead listening, pot smoking, hardcore liberal when I was young. That was back when liberals were open to anything, believed in individual freedom and were strongly against oppression and conformity. I'm still pretty much that way.

Now, "liberals" have turned into quite the opposite, and they don't even freakin' see it.


I was a card-carrying, white-shirted Young Republican when I was younger.

Then I realized the GOP is all about fucking over working people to make the rich richer.

OH, boo-hoo, I have to bake a cake for a gay couple after I said I baked wedding cakes as a business.

Get over yourself.
If that's true, it's not the people that changed. It's your definition of "Liberal".

So you're claiming that freedom of expression is not a fundamental principle of liberalism?

To the contrary - that's the way you seem to be leaning. Freedom of expression is absolutely Liberal. That should be firmly fixed.

I see.

So why is that liberals practice PC with such passion, why is that "freedom of expression" only counts for liberals, why is it that liberals work so hard at intimidating people from using certain words, why is it that liberals want to issue "consequences" when people use certain words?

You clearly have no idea what "freedom of expression" is. It's not about words you like, it's about words you don't like.

You've become what liberals used to hate.

Because liberals dont believe in free speech. It's obvious.

And there it goes again. Morphing definitions.


You just admitted you dont know why self described liberals would be opposed to free speech. So who is morphing definitions?

Beats the fuck out of me dood. I don't even know who or what you're talking about. Or if you're making up a hypothetical. I'm simply saying, free speech is a Liberal tenet. Period.
So you're claiming that freedom of expression is not a fundamental principle of liberalism?

To the contrary - that's the way you seem to be leaning. Freedom of expression is absolutely Liberal. That should be firmly fixed.

I see.

So why is that liberals practice PC with such passion, why is that "freedom of expression" only counts for liberals, why is it that liberals work so hard at intimidating people from using certain words, why is it that liberals want to issue "consequences" when people use certain words?

You clearly have no idea what "freedom of expression" is. It's not about words you like, it's about words you don't like.

You've become what liberals used to hate.

Have I now. How is that?

Are you guys sharing your mushrooms with that strawman? :cuckoo:
To the contrary - that's the way you seem to be leaning. Freedom of expression is absolutely Liberal. That should be firmly fixed.

I see.

So why is that liberals practice PC with such passion, why is that "freedom of expression" only counts for liberals, why is it that liberals work so hard at intimidating people from using certain words, why is it that liberals want to issue "consequences" when people use certain words?

You clearly have no idea what "freedom of expression" is. It's not about words you like, it's about words you don't like.

You've become what liberals used to hate.

Have I now. How is that?

Are you guys sharing your mushrooms with that strawman? :cuckoo:

Did you not read the rest of my post?

Are you that blinded by your narcissistic partisan ideology?

There are 43 billionaires that give to the democrat party and 57 that give to the republican party. so both parties cater to the very rich in some way or another.

Absolutely. That's why the idea that we have "two" parties is a farce. We have one party, it's an oligarchy, and it likes to dress up in two different colours and pretend it's a split personality. It's like picking out your favourite colour of M&M: once you get inside they're all the same.

"As for a third party we tried that in 1972, the People's Party. Unfortunately we forgot that in order to have a third party you must first have two other parties." -- Gore Vidal (quoted from memory)
I see.

So why is that liberals practice PC with such passion, why is that "freedom of expression" only counts for liberals, why is it that liberals work so hard at intimidating people from using certain words, why is it that liberals want to issue "consequences" when people use certain words?

You clearly have no idea what "freedom of expression" is. It's not about words you like, it's about words you don't like.

You've become what liberals used to hate.

Have I now. How is that?

Are you guys sharing your mushrooms with that strawman? :cuckoo:

Did you not read the rest of my post?

Are you that blinded by your narcissistic partisan ideology?

I read the whole post, and it's incoherent babbling. Answer the question: again, how have I "become what liberals used to hate"? Where did I say freedom of expression "only counts for liberals"?

Kind of ironic that while you're claiming this crapola to me, you're the one who wants to decide not only what you think but what I think. Don't you think?

Got any more shrooms?
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1984 and Mondale was the last of the FDR liberals. After that Democratic Party went socialist.

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