Do you remember when the Democrat party actually had liberals in it?


Oh, definitely. I was a card carrying, Birkenstock wearing, Grateful Dead listening, pot smoking, hardcore liberal when I was young. That was back when liberals were open to anything, believed in individual freedom and were strongly against oppression and conformity. I'm still pretty much that way.

Now, "liberals" have turned into quite the opposite, and they don't even freakin' see it.

The recent thread about them turning into everything that they claimed to hate is instructive, as well as true.

They were against conformity before they were for it.

They were against the establishment until they became it.

They were all for civil liberties before they became primary transgressors against them.

What's most amazing to me is the way they just don't see it.

I'm a better liberal than they've become.


More people were working the last day of Bush's administration than today. Fact.

That's like saying the whole crew of the Titanic hadn't drowned the hour after they hit the iceberg.

But it still hit the iceberg.

No, it's actually nothing like that. Five years and the economy is worse today.

Uh, no, actually, it isn't.

Unemployment is 6.3 right now. It was 7.8 when Bush left office.

The Stock Market had crashed to something like 8000. IT's close to 17,000 now.

No one in his right mind is looking wistfully back and George W. Stupid and totally wanting more of that.
That's like saying the whole crew of the Titanic hadn't drowned the hour after they hit the iceberg.

But it still hit the iceberg.

No, it's actually nothing like that. Five years and the economy is worse today.

Uh, no, actually, it isn't.

Unemployment is 6.3 right now. It was 7.8 when Bush left office.

The Stock Market had crashed to something like 8000. IT's close to 17,000 now.

No one in his right mind is looking wistfully back and George W. Stupid and totally wanting more of that.

Yes if you're a 1 percenter you're happy. The average guy, not so much.
Guess you're wrong again, Joe.
That’s Gotta Hurt: New Poll Shows Americans Believe George W. Bush Is More Competent Than Obama
Mac, buddy, you work on the assumption I give a fuck about your freedom to be a douchebag.

For hte record, I don't. If someone was objecting to your behavior, you were probably doing something you shouldn't have been doing in a polite society, anyway.
Yet you embrace your right to be one with such zeal. :lol:

NO, i just have no tolerance for people trying to impose their religion on others.

At no time do I insist you guys all have to be atheists.

But, man, you will totally try to impose your religion on the rest of us.
No, you are just a bitter, angry, bigoted old cuss, who plays out his issues on a message board.

Maybe you would feel better if you chased some neighbor kids off your lawn.
Yet you embrace your right to be one with such zeal. :lol:

NO, i just have no tolerance for people trying to impose their religion on others.

At no time do I insist you guys all have to be atheists.

But, man, you will totally try to impose your religion on the rest of us.
No, you are just a bitter, angry, bigoted old cuss, who plays out his issues on a message board.

Maybe you would feel better if you chased some neighbor kids off your lawn.

Yes, I am bigoted against superstitions that have led to

Witch Burning
Suppression of Science
Abuse of Children

and I'm fucking proud of it.

Religion hasn't accomplished anything good in the whole of human history, not even by accident. The sooner we put it behind us, the better.

So making a religious loon bake a fucking cake just doesn't seem like a big deal to me.
The Democrat party has been fully infiltrated by Progressives, which is a pretty name for, COMMIES

I can count a couple moderates on one hand and that's a stretch, but they still march in lock stop with anything this President want's to do to us no matter...

If they don't, they get browbeat with the threats of funding being cut for their re-elections or they are offered positions and bribes

this new Commmie party is one nasty one full of thugs, liars and crooks...They don't go in government to "serve the people" they do it to SERVE themselves and their pocketbooks
If someone was objecting to your behavior, you were probably doing something you shouldn't have been doing in a polite society, anyway.

Another naive assumption. I don't want a "polite society" in which people are afraid to say what they're actually thinking.

Freedom is messy and downright stinky, and it's where brilliance happens. You may be happy having your thoughts and words controlled, but I am not.

The problem is that partisan ideologues like you have taken public discourse so far down into the gutter with your hatred and name-calling that it's making freedom of expression look bad.

And, come to think of it, it's deliciously ironic to see YOU, of ALL people, promoting a "polite society". You're only "polite" to those who agree with you, otherwise you turn into the freakin' Tasmanian Devil with a toothache. No one here is more hateful and less "polite" than you.

Helena is right, Joe. I think you're just here to work out your issues.

If someone was objecting to your behavior, you were probably doing something you shouldn't have been doing in a polite society, anyway.

Another naive assumption. I don't want a "polite society" in which people are afraid to say what they're actually thinking.

Freedom is messy and downright stinky, and it's where brilliance happens. You may be happy having your thoughts and words controlled, but I am not.

The problem is that partisan ideologues like you have taken public discourse so far down into the gutter with your hatred and name-calling that it's making freedom of expression look bad.

And, come to think of it, it's deliciously ironic to see YOU, of ALL people, promoting a "polite society". You're only "polite" to those who agree with you, otherwise you turn into the freakin' Tasmanian Devil with a toothache. No one here is more hateful and less "polite" than you.

Helena is right, Joe. I think you're just here to work out your issues.


spot on
Libs wailing about a politic that's hoot
If someone was objecting to your behavior, you were probably doing something you shouldn't have been doing in a polite society, anyway.

Another naive assumption. I don't want a "polite society" in which people are afraid to say what they're actually thinking.

Freedom is messy and downright stinky, and it's where brilliance happens. You may be happy having your thoughts and words controlled, but I am not.

The problem is that partisan ideologues like you have taken public discourse so far down into the gutter with your hatred and name-calling that it's making freedom of expression look bad.

And, come to think of it, it's deliciously ironic to see YOU, of ALL people, promoting a "polite society". You're only "polite" to those who agree with you, otherwise you turn into the freakin' Tasmanian Devil with a toothache. No one here is more hateful and less "polite" than you.

Helena is right, Joe. I think you're just here to work out your issues.


if people are "afraid" of what they are thinking, it's probably because on some level, they know it's wrong.

Essentially, your side has lost the gay marriage argument, so now you are going for the "religious freedom" argument. "Oh, please, please don't make me bake a cake for those fagg--- I mean gay dudes!" Translation- Please let me have my one last little bastion of bigotry that I can enjoy.

Sorry, man, after decades of what the Christians have done to gays, up to and including murder, making you bake a cake just doesn't strike me as that much of an imposition.
If someone was objecting to your behavior, you were probably doing something you shouldn't have been doing in a polite society, anyway.

Another naive assumption. I don't want a "polite society" in which people are afraid to say what they're actually thinking.

Freedom is messy and downright stinky, and it's where brilliance happens. You may be happy having your thoughts and words controlled, but I am not.

The problem is that partisan ideologues like you have taken public discourse so far down into the gutter with your hatred and name-calling that it's making freedom of expression look bad.

And, come to think of it, it's deliciously ironic to see YOU, of ALL people, promoting a "polite society". You're only "polite" to those who agree with you, otherwise you turn into the freakin' Tasmanian Devil with a toothache. No one here is more hateful and less "polite" than you.

Helena is right, Joe. I think you're just here to work out your issues.


if people are "afraid" of what they are thinking, it's probably because on some level, they know it's wrong.

Essentially, your side has lost the gay marriage argument, so now you are going for the "religious freedom" argument. "Oh, please, please don't make me bake a cake for those fagg--- I mean gay dudes!" Translation- Please let me have my one last little bastion of bigotry that I can enjoy.

Sorry, man, after decades of what the Christians have done to gays, up to and including murder, making you bake a cake just doesn't strike me as that much of an imposition.

Well, I'm pro-gay rights, a comfy agnostic and not a conservative, Joe, but other than that you really nailed it.

And wow, "they know it's wrong." You sound like Cheney.


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I remember when the Republican Party had sane people in it.

Sadly, now it's the party that nominates people who think they are wearing magic underpants, and thinks the word "Rape" needs an adjective in front of it because they can't stand the thought of women controlling their own lady parts.

Josef B: never even visited the USA, loves and admires Stalin for his ability to murder tens of millions of his people. Joe nobody gives a fuck what you say

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Oh, definitely. I was a card carrying, Birkenstock wearing, Grateful Dead listening, pot smoking, hardcore liberal when I was young. That was back when liberals were open to anything, believed in individual freedom and were strongly against oppression and conformity. I'm still pretty much that way.

Now, "liberals" have turned into quite the opposite, and they don't even freakin' see it.


I was a card-carrying, white-shirted Young Republican when I was younger.

Then I realized the GOP is all about fucking over working people to make the rich richer.

OH, boo-hoo, I have to bake a cake for a gay couple after I said I baked wedding cakes as a business.

Get over yourself.


You're like Jake Starkey on steroids

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Mac, buddy, you work on the assumption I give a fuck about your freedom to be a douchebag.

For hte record, I don't. If someone was objecting to your behavior, you were probably doing something you shouldn't have been doing in a polite society, anyway.

We also weren't as angry and hateful back then.

Maybe decaf, huh?


Yeah, guy, I'm angry that the GOP wrecked the economy and destroyed the American middle class.

That's a little more important than whether some inbred, bible-thumping baker has to put two plastic dudes on the top of a cake.

Boy, you are one stupid motherfucker.
The Democrats went from Don't Trust the Government to I need a new set of kneepads

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

More people were working the last day of Bush's administration than today. Fact.

That's like saying the whole crew of the Titanic hadn't drowned the hour after they hit the iceberg.

But it still hit the iceberg.

The iceberg was put there by the Democrats. You really are ignorant when it comes to what caused the Democrat recession/depression.
I remember when the Republican Party had sane people in it.

Sadly, now it's the party that nominates people who think they are wearing magic underpants, and thinks the word "Rape" needs an adjective in front of it because they can't stand the thought of women controlling their own lady parts.

:clap2: Priceless!

When I was growing up, my mom was a democrat and dad was a republican. It never caused any problems: they both believed in the country and our government and respected it. They would go to vote, even though it meant they often canceled out each others' votes. They respected that they were lucky to live in a democracy and have the right to vote. They both lived through the depression and WWII. Maybe that made some difference.

Well, I'm pro-gay rights, a comfy agnostic and not a conservative, Joe, but other than that you really nailed it.

And wow, "they know it's wrong." You sound like Cheney.



Dude, I'm not even keeping track of what you "claim" to be anymore.

Making businesses do what they promise is not an affront to freedom.

Well, I'm pro-gay rights, a comfy agnostic and not a conservative, Joe, but other than that you really nailed it.

And wow, "they know it's wrong." You sound like Cheney.



Dude, I'm not even keeping track of what you "claim" to be anymore.

Making businesses do what they promise is not an affront to freedom.

I know, partisan ideologues and nuance are like oil and water.


More people were working the last day of Bush's administration than today. Fact.

That's like saying the whole crew of the Titanic hadn't drowned the hour after they hit the iceberg.

But it still hit the iceberg.

The iceberg was put there by the Democrats. You really are ignorant when it comes to what caused the Democrat recession/depression.

Um, no, I know exactly what caused it.

1) Bush running up irresponsible debts cutting taxes and fighting wars and diverting billions to his cronies.
2) Bush not regulating the banking and housing industries and investment houses, allowing them to set up the kind of system that failed.
3) Bush continuing to think that Free Trade was just a nifty idea.

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