Do you shop at Walmart?

Do you shop at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 38.1%

  • Total voters
If the store had the lowest price on something that I wanted yes I would. For those who feel victimized by Walmart's practices I suggest they make themselves better equipped for the job market. Opportunities are plentiful for those who possess the best qualifications, market themselves well and have the wherewithal to commit to what the job market demands.
its non union.... first great reason to shop there.

Yeah, when one comes along where i am going ill stop. The closest one is a good 40 miles away. National food brands are national food brands.... and you cant beat their prices.
I wouldn't shop at any store who's employees strike on Black Friday.

Sorry. I get that way whenever I have to waste my time at HuffPo.
My wife's friend (who is an AF Dependent Wife and Japanese) worked at a WalMart for a year or so when her husband was stationed at nearby Andrews AFB. They promoted her real quick and wanted to put her into Management but she turned it down.

She said working for WalMart was ok it's just the workers there are just too lazy and stupid (Well, she used Polite Japanese to describe them but that's basically what she said) . She said that she was called upon to finish up what the workers couldn't do (which was often) and apparently was fast tracked for management because of that.

She was real happy to leave.

I try not to shop at WalMart so we go to Giant and Wegmans instead but we do occasionally stop in for one or two items on the way home from somewhere.

My impression of WalMart is that it's a filthy, Illegal Alien magnet. Whenever I'm in there I just wanna' get the f*ck out as soon as possible.
My wife's friend (who is an AF Dependent Wife and Japanese) worked at a WalMart for a year or so when her husband was stationed at nearby Andrews AFB. They promoted her real quick and wanted to put her into Management but she turned it down.

She said working for WalMart was ok it's just the workers there are just too lazy and stupid (Well, she used Polite Japanese to describe them but that's basically what she said) . She said that she was called upon to finish up what the workers couldn't do (which was often) and apparently was fast tracked for management because of that.

She was real happy to leave.

I try not to shop at WalMart so we go to Giant and Wegmans instead but we do occasionally stop in for one or two items on the way home from somewhere.

My impression of WalMart is that it's a filthy, Illegal Alien magnet. Whenever I'm in there I just wanna' get the f*ck out as soon as possible.

i guess it also depends on what walmart you go to. Ill agree...some of them are just nasty. Others are pretty darn normal....
We don't have a Walmart, so of course I don't shop there. We will probably have one in a few years, though.
We don't have a Walmart, so of course I don't shop there. We will probably have one in a few years, though.

Yes you do every time I go to OZ I wear my Walmart clothes....

I dont have a choice. It is the only store if its kind for hours.

And yes I could get most of what I need stopping and picking up along the way purchasing from mim and pop. But when i need Tp, auto coolant, lipstick and light bulbs gets my cashola.

Here people are happy to work. No anti wal sentiments. In fact during construction I asked around to get a feel if folks were concerned about the impact a big retailer would have on what is basically a local grocer market. The response was intriguing. Consumers wete tired of the spontaneous price gauging practices which the corner stores seemed to align during long weekends and such. Very little sympathy for the little guy was expressed.
If the store had the lowest price on something that I wanted yes I would. For those who feel victimized by Walmart's practices I suggest they make themselves better equipped for the job market. Opportunities are plentiful for those who possess the best qualifications, market themselves well and have the wherewithal to commit to what the job market demands.

Huh, in which reality do you reside? Your self righteous indignation of the 47% is disgusting.
Just reading this at Huffpo and looking at the comments. Made me wonder if people who disapprove of Walmart still shop there.

Walmart's Internal Compensation Documents Reveal Systematic Limit On Advancement
I read your article at Huffington Post, Amelia. They're redistribution agents, and in their article, they solicit former employees to write them (grievances only will be published). They're digging for dirt to destroy a business that employs two million worldwide and 1.4 million stateside.

All businesses are judged by their performance on the stock market to people who invest money in them to keep their doors open. If you frighten the investors enough, they will take their money out and invest in something even more profitable that is less noticable because of size.

The redistributors have raised prices on groceries and shrunk sizes to conceal most of the inflationary issues. It's in the 40 to 80% higher bracket. It's a cancer, a parasite. Huffington Post wants to just make it worse.

Can you imagine if that bitch destroys Walmart, she will be putting 1.4 million people on these shores out of work, and the jobs will just be put into countries like Kiki described "where people are just happy to have a job."

We'll be supporting 1.4 million more Americans, not to mention WalMart's trade partners losing a sure-thing sales outlet.

This is not good.
yes--and for economic reasons, I don't care what anyone thinks about that.

Shopping seems to be my life.

Ace Hardware, Trader Joes, Kroger, Publix--so many places to shop in Atlanta.

Prefer small businesses--but big box has a place here, too.

Guess we 'don't care' that much--'get yours anyway you can' seems to be what most of us are doing?
Walmart pays the same as Target, yet Walmart is always the big bad wolf. Why is that? And since Target's prices are almost always higher, why aren't they paying better wages overall?

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