Do you support equal rights for all?

Do you support equal rights for all?

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Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!


It's critical to a free society.
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!

Every individual among those on your list was once a child in the womb. (as you were too.)

Why don't you have "children in the womb" on your list, Mathew?

The same reason he doesn't have "children who are a twinkle in their father's eye".
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!

Every individual among those on your list was once a child in the womb. (as you were too.)

Why don't you have "children in the womb" on your list, Mathew?

The same reason he doesn't have "children who are a twinkle in their father's eye".

Whoa dude. A twinkle in their father's eye is not yet a biological unit with the potential to become a human being. Not the same thing at all as a human embryo that is alive but not yet born.
I'm not a Nazi, In fact I spent time on Stormfront combating Nazis.
Nationalism versus Race Realism. - Page 59 - Stormfront
The post you cite absolutely IS Nazi!
You ONLY "Don't support Whites killing other whites"!

Further, you spend most your time there trying to claim Polaks/YOU are White/WhitER because many there make you a second class, even non-white/Eastern Euro/non-aryan there.
Poland, about THE most anti-semitic (and famously backwards) country.

You're a pathetic Wannabe Lily-White, defending your Polish 'whiteness' from 'whiter' posters, while fully agreeing with the rest of the Stormfront Agenda.
You Are a Nazi.


The Aryans came from Eastern Europe in the Kurgan Expansion.

Hitler, paleo-Nazis and some dumb neo-Nazis goofed up on who's the most Aryan.

Hitler, paleo-Nazis, and some dumb neo-Nazis goofed up on Dolichocephalic skulls being superior, this feature is a more primal trait, found in Homo Erectus, Neanderthals, Gorillas, Orangutans, and Chimpanzees.

Poland a backward nation?
One which is rated #2 in Europe in software programmers, one of the highest in Europe in literacy, and also high in educational PISA scores?

Western Europeans are backwards, supporting brutes to overtake the masses by immigration, and higher birth rates.

But, most Western Europeans are too dumb to know what they're doing.
I'm not a Nazi, In fact I spent time on Stormfront combating Nazis.
Nationalism versus Race Realism. - Page 59 - Stormfront
You Are a Nazi.

Nazis are those who support Hitler, which I do not.

Nazis are perhaps the worst thing to happen to Whites.

Apart from killing 10's of millions of Whites, apart from destroying lots of European cities, art, statues, manuscripts etc.

Nazis have been used as a tool to create a Liberal backlash against White people, when anyone stands for their heritage, and is racially aware, the anti-Racist Liberals will screech Nazis to dehumanize them, and in that there goes our European heritage to be destroyed piece by piece.
I'm not a Nazi, In fact I spent time on Stormfront combating Nazis.

Nationalism versus Race Realism. - Page 59 - Stormfront
An anti-Semitic sympathizer then. Your hate for the West, Americans and Jews, not to mention Muslims, is your most defining quality.

What about your anti-Eastern European qualities, I suppose that's "Cool" because bashing Eastern Europeans is a victimless occurrence, unlike bashing special protected groups like Jews, Blacks, Gays, Blacks, Hispanics, or Muslims.
I'm not a Nazi, In fact I spent time on Stormfront combating Nazis.
Nationalism versus Race Realism. - Page 59 - Stormfront
The post you cite absolutely IS Nazi!
You ONLY "Don't support Whites killing other whites"!

I didn't say I support the Nazi killings of Jews, because I don't.

I don't support murdering anyone, except in self defense.

But, I don't really care about the Nazi killings of Jews very much, just like many Jews don't care very much of the Nazi killings of Poles.

A lot of Jews would rather make out Poles as Nazi perpetrators, rather than admit that Poles were also victims.

So, I absolutely do care way more about Poles, and other Slavic peoples killed by the Nazis.

But, I also mentioned that Nazis killed Whites, because that's supposed to be a White interest forum, anyone who supports a Nazi regime that killed, and destroyed many Whites, simply shouldn't be considered a friend of Whites.
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Jew saying that Poles built the Concentration camps.

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Jew saying that Poles manned the Concentration camps.

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Jew saying that Polish pigs killed Jewish babies.

Racial Purity By Nation
Yes and by scrolling through your previous posts it's easy to tell you were no better than the worst of those pointing out your antisemitism.

Do you really think you'll earn the trust and respect of others by being hateful to any group?

Pointing out what anti-Semitism? Saying Poles built, or manned the Concentration camps is downright libel / slander of the Polish nation, which is factually inaccurate.

You've left anti-Eastern European comments, keep in mind.

Are you a Jew by any chance?
You can try to say "Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain", but that only works on idiots and children. The fact remains you've repeatedly posted anti-Jewish, anti-American and anti-Western posts, while praising the superiority of Eastern Euros. Do you really expect that to engender a spirit of mutual trust and respect?

While, the dumb Jews, and Western Europeans think like you do, in terms of social nonsense, the even dumber Muslims, Blacks, and Hispanics overrun your heritage, and a good deal of them wish for you to be destroyed.

Nothing logical about that.

I'm used to dealing with sub-Humans living in America.

Most people in America are worthless inferior beings, who are incapable of logical thinking.

Back to stormfront, troll.

I actually debate here, unlike yourself who just mouths off.
Yes and by scrolling through your previous posts it's easy to tell you were no better than the worst of those pointing out your antisemitism.

Do you really think you'll earn the trust and respect of others by being hateful to any group?

Pointing out what anti-Semitism? Saying Poles built, or manned the Concentration camps is downright libel / slander of the Polish nation, which is factually inaccurate.

You've left anti-Eastern European comments, keep in mind.

Are you a Jew by any chance?
You can try to say "Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain", but that only works on idiots and children. The fact remains you've repeatedly posted anti-Jewish, anti-American and anti-Western posts, while praising the superiority of Eastern Euros. Do you really expect that to engender a spirit of mutual trust and respect?

While, the dumb Jews, and Western Europeans think like you do, in terms of social nonsense, the even dumber Muslims, Blacks, and Hispanics overrun your heritage, and a good deal of them wish for you to be destroyed.

Nothing logical about that.

I'm used to dealing with sub-Humans living in America.

Most people in America are worthless inferior beings, who are incapable of logical thinking.

Back to stormfront, troll.

I actually debate here, ...

No, you don't. You make claims based on false premises you read on stormfront then repeat them over and over until the 'discussion' degrades into more crap about Polish Nazis.
Pointing out what anti-Semitism? Saying Poles built, or manned the Concentration camps is downright libel / slander of the Polish nation, which is factually inaccurate.

You've left anti-Eastern European comments, keep in mind.

Are you a Jew by any chance?
You can try to say "Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain", but that only works on idiots and children. The fact remains you've repeatedly posted anti-Jewish, anti-American and anti-Western posts, while praising the superiority of Eastern Euros. Do you really expect that to engender a spirit of mutual trust and respect?

While, the dumb Jews, and Western Europeans think like you do, in terms of social nonsense, the even dumber Muslims, Blacks, and Hispanics overrun your heritage, and a good deal of them wish for you to be destroyed.

Nothing logical about that.

I'm used to dealing with sub-Humans living in America.

Most people in America are worthless inferior beings, who are incapable of logical thinking.

Back to stormfront, troll.

I actually debate here, ...

No, you don't. You make claims based on false premises you read on stormfront then repeat them over and over until the 'discussion' degrades into more crap about Polish Nazis.

You call things false premises, but can't refute anything.

I've actually debated a couple of Blacks who were more capable of standing up to me, than you are.

You actually seem more like a stereotypical Black than those specific Blacks did.

No, I've done lots of research, including from Scientific studies, IQ data, combined with history to make my views.

Nothing to do with Stormfront, which keep in mind lacks race-Realism discussions in the first place.
Pointing out what anti-Semitism? Saying Poles built, or manned the Concentration camps is downright libel / slander of the Polish nation, which is factually inaccurate.

You've left anti-Eastern European comments, keep in mind.

Are you a Jew by any chance?
You can try to say "Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain", but that only works on idiots and children. The fact remains you've repeatedly posted anti-Jewish, anti-American and anti-Western posts, while praising the superiority of Eastern Euros. Do you really expect that to engender a spirit of mutual trust and respect?

While, the dumb Jews, and Western Europeans think like you do, in terms of social nonsense, the even dumber Muslims, Blacks, and Hispanics overrun your heritage, and a good deal of them wish for you to be destroyed.

Nothing logical about that.

I'm used to dealing with sub-Humans living in America.

Most people in America are worthless inferior beings, who are incapable of logical thinking.

Back to stormfront, troll.

I actually debate here, ...

No, you don't. You make claims based on false premises you read on stormfront then repeat them over and over until the 'discussion' degrades into more crap about Polish Nazis.

I got into Race realism from reading this paper from Rushton.

Special Review

He cites scientific studies, which show innate differences putting Asians on one spectrum, Blacks on the opposite spectrum, and Whites intermediate.

I might not agree with everything from Rushton.

But, he did a lot of good work.
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!

Every individual among those on your list was once a child in the womb. (as you were too.)

Why don't you have "children in the womb" on your list, Mathew?

The same reason he doesn't have "children who are a twinkle in their father's eye".

Whoa dude. A twinkle in their father's eye is not yet a biological unit with the potential to become a human being. Not the same thing at all as a human embryo that is alive but not yet born.

Just as a human embryo, that is alive but not yet born, isn't the same thing at all as a person with rights.
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!


It's critical to a free society.

The problem lurks in equivocation on the term rights. Some people think of rights as entitlements, rather than inalienable liberty.
Pointing out what anti-Semitism? Saying Poles built, or manned the Concentration camps is downright libel / slander of the Polish nation, which is factually inaccurate.

You've left anti-Eastern European comments, keep in mind.

Are you a Jew by any chance?
You can try to say "Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain", but that only works on idiots and children. The fact remains you've repeatedly posted anti-Jewish, anti-American and anti-Western posts, while praising the superiority of Eastern Euros. Do you really expect that to engender a spirit of mutual trust and respect?

While, the dumb Jews, and Western Europeans think like you do, in terms of social nonsense, the even dumber Muslims, Blacks, and Hispanics overrun your heritage, and a good deal of them wish for you to be destroyed.

Nothing logical about that.

I'm used to dealing with sub-Humans living in America.

Most people in America are worthless inferior beings, who are incapable of logical thinking.

Back to stormfront, troll.

I actually debate here, ...
until the 'discussion' degrades into more crap about Polish Nazis.

You degrade thread after thread.

You're the one who kept insulting, mocking, and bringing nothing to the table, that a Mod had to clean up that specific thread.
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!

Every individual among those on your list was once a child in the womb. (as you were too.)

Why don't you have "children in the womb" on your list, Mathew?

The same reason he doesn't have "children who are a twinkle in their father's eye".

Whoa dude. A twinkle in their father's eye is not yet a biological unit with the potential to become a human being. Not the same thing at all as a human embryo that is alive but not yet born.

Just as a human embryo, that is alive but not yet born, isn't the same thing at all as a person with rights.

That would depend on your definition of the value of all human life. You yourself used the words "human" and "alive".
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!

Every individual among those on your list was once a child in the womb. (as you were too.)

Why don't you have "children in the womb" on your list, Mathew?

The same reason he doesn't have "children who are a twinkle in their father's eye".

Whoa dude. A twinkle in their father's eye is not yet a biological unit with the potential to become a human being. Not the same thing at all as a human embryo that is alive but not yet born.

Just as a human embryo, that is alive but not yet born, isn't the same thing at all as a person with rights.

Unless you kill one in a criminal act and are charged for MURDER for killing it. Right?

Tell me.

What's the definition of MURDER again?

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