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Do you support equal rights for all?
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The rights in the Constitution or the new safe space snowflake rights? There is a difference.
Uh, blaming Jews, or Western Europeans for things they did, is completely different than blaming Poland for things they didn't do.
So, besides spreading hate against others, you're just lying. Figures.

Use the Phrase “Polish Death Camps” in Poland and You May Go to Jail | Smart News | Smithsonian
....The legacy of Poland during the Holocaust is complex. Though the Nazis undeniably were behind the concentration camps that dotted occupied Poland, everyday Poles did participate in the horrors of World War II, participating in pogroms, denouncing and blackmailing Jews, and participating in some death camps. At the same time, Poland organized one of Europe’s biggest resistance movements, and many Poles who were not a part of the organized resistance helped and even saved their Jewish neighbors.....

Some Jews also collaborated with the Nazis, ever hear of the Jewish Ghetto Police, Judenrat, Group 13, Jewish Kapos, or Jewish Sonderkommandos?

Jews were also involved in Pogrom style attacks against Poles in WW2, like in the Skidel Revolt, or the Massacre of Brzostowica Mała
Uh, blaming Jews, or Western Europeans for things they did, is completely different than blaming Poland for things they didn't do.
So, besides spreading hate against others, you're just lying. Figures.

Use the Phrase “Polish Death Camps” in Poland and You May Go to Jail | Smart News | Smithsonian
....The legacy of Poland during the Holocaust is complex. Though the Nazis undeniably were behind the concentration camps that dotted occupied Poland, everyday Poles did participate in the horrors of World War II, participating in pogroms, denouncing and blackmailing Jews, and participating in some death camps. At the same time, Poland organized one of Europe’s biggest resistance movements, and many Poles who were not a part of the organized resistance helped and even saved their Jewish neighbors.....

Uh, there's a difference between manning the camps, and sparse Nazi collaborators.

So, I'm not lying.

You're just proving you're an idiot.
Uh, blaming Jews, or Western Europeans for things they did, is completely different than blaming Poland for things they didn't do.
So, besides spreading hate against others, you're just lying. Figures.

Use the Phrase “Polish Death Camps” in Poland and You May Go to Jail | Smart News | Smithsonian
....The legacy of Poland during the Holocaust is complex. Though the Nazis undeniably were behind the concentration camps that dotted occupied Poland, everyday Poles did participate in the horrors of World War II, participating in pogroms, denouncing and blackmailing Jews, and participating in some death camps. At the same time, Poland organized one of Europe’s biggest resistance movements, and many Poles who were not a part of the organized resistance helped and even saved their Jewish neighbors.....

So, Poland is trying to Whitewash history by outlawing "Polish Death Camps"

What about the Jews, and Liberals who pushed for outlawing "Holocaust Denial" are they whitewashing history?
but that's ANTI-SEMITISM.

But, it's not Anti-Polonism to say such about Poland?

You wonder why I don't like Jews, and Western Europeans?

You people behave like thoughtless garbage.
Uh, blaming Jews, or Western Europeans for things they did, is completely different than blaming Poland for things they didn't do.
So, besides spreading hate against others, you're just lying. Figures.

Use the Phrase “Polish Death Camps” in Poland and You May Go to Jail | Smart News | Smithsonian
....The legacy of Poland during the Holocaust is complex. Though the Nazis undeniably were behind the concentration camps that dotted occupied Poland, everyday Poles did participate in the horrors of World War II, participating in pogroms, denouncing and blackmailing Jews, and participating in some death camps. At the same time, Poland organized one of Europe’s biggest resistance movements, and many Poles who were not a part of the organized resistance helped and even saved their Jewish neighbors.....

Jews killed far more Poles, multiple thousands of Poles were killed by Jews like Jakub Berman, and Salomon Morel.

Even Pole Witold Pilecki was tortured, and killed by Jews Roman Romkowski, and Jozef Rozanski.

That's Witold Pilecki who volunteered to be imprisoned in Auschwitz to gather information about the Holocaust for the Jews.

It's no wonder why Pole Jan Karski warning the World is so much more well known than Pole Witold Pilecki a hero.

Because the story of Witold Pilecki makes Jews look like trash.
Uh, blaming Jews, or Western Europeans for things they did, is completely different than blaming Poland for things they didn't do.
So, besides spreading hate against others, you're just lying. Figures.

Use the Phrase “Polish Death Camps” in Poland and You May Go to Jail | Smart News | Smithsonian
....The legacy of Poland during the Holocaust is complex. Though the Nazis undeniably were behind the concentration camps that dotted occupied Poland, everyday Poles did participate in the horrors of World War II, participating in pogroms, denouncing and blackmailing Jews, and participating in some death camps. At the same time, Poland organized one of Europe’s biggest resistance movements, and many Poles who were not a part of the organized resistance helped and even saved their Jewish neighbors.....

You'd think the Jewish / American / Western European press would say "Polish Death Camps" is slander, or libel.

Instead they say "Hur hur hur it's Whitewashing Poland's history"

I guess all the rights of savages matter, but Polish rights don't matter, we're to be kicked to the curb, and slandered.

Well, I'm tired of you f*cking brutes in general.

I'm tired of everything about you, your stupid multiculturalism, your stupid slander of Poles, your political correct nonsense, your outsourcing of jobs, and so forth.

Yes, political correctness, which apparently doesn't apply to Poles.

So, why should we frigging appreciate being singled out by your ilk?

No I don't appreciate you, I don't understand you, I don't like you, and I don't want to, either.
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You'd think the Jewish / American / Western European press would say "Polish Death Camps" is slander, or libel.

Instead they say "Hur hur hur it's Whitewashing Poland's history"

I guess all the rights of savages matter, but Polish rights don't matter, we're to be kicked to the curb, and slandered.

Well, I'm tired of you f*cking brutes in general.

I'm tired of everything about you, your stupid multiculturalism, your stupid slander of Poles, your political correct nonsense, your outsourcing of jobs, and so forth.

Yes, political correctness, which apparently doesn't apply to Poles.

So, why should we frigging appreciate being singled out by your ilk?

No I don't appreciate you, I don't understand you, I don't like you, and I don't want to, either.
Go Back to Stormfront Adolph:
SobieskiSavedEurope - Google Search
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My mask is not "save the children" - whatever that means.

My goal is only to fight the ignorace and the denials (like yours) and then the cards can fall wherever they may.

I don't need a mask at all. If you spout the kind of retarded billshit you just did... I will tell you so to your face.
Nice try, but your true face is revealed:
...your fucktarded ignorance and denials instead.

Again I ask.

Our fetal HOMICIDE laws define a "child in the womb" as " a human being in ANY stage of development"

Tell be why I should ignore that fact and adopt your fucktarded ignorance and denials instead.
Abortion is so great, all pregnant Jews should have one.
are you really a POS or do you just like to play one behind the safety of a screen?
He's an Eastern Euro. Does that answer the question? :D

I'm an American of Polish heritage, although it's definitely true that I identify more as a Eastern European, rather than American, despite being born in the U.S.A.

Although it's definitely true that you lack the courage of your convictions, and still waste oxygen in a great nation you neither appreciate nor understand.

Why should I identify with a

No one is asking you to. Just STFU and GTFO already instead of whining about it forever. No one is asking you to stay and no one will miss you.
"Quite a few"? I suspect you were an asshole to one and that person got pissed. Feel free to link the conversation to me....or not.

Jew saying that Poles built the Concentration camps.

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Jew saying that Poles manned the Concentration camps.

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Jew saying that Polish pigs killed Jewish babies.

Racial Purity By Nation
Yes and by scrolling through your previous posts it's easy to tell you were no better than the worst of those pointing out your antisemitism.

Do you really think you'll earn the trust and respect of others by being hateful to any group?

Pointing out what anti-Semitism? Saying Poles built, or manned the Concentration camps is downright libel / slander of the Polish nation, which is factually inaccurate.

You've left anti-Eastern European comments, keep in mind.

Are you a Jew by any chance?
You can try to say "Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain", but that only works on idiots and children. The fact remains you've repeatedly posted anti-Jewish, anti-American and anti-Western posts, while praising the superiority of Eastern Euros. Do you really expect that to engender a spirit of mutual trust and respect?

While, the dumb Jews, and Western Europeans think like you do, in terms of social nonsense, the even dumber Muslims, Blacks, and Hispanics overrun your heritage, and a good deal of them wish for you to be destroyed.

Nothing logical about that.

I'm used to dealing with sub-Humans living in America.

Most people in America are worthless inferior beings, who are incapable of logical thinking.

Back to stormfront, troll.
Uh, blaming Jews, or Western Europeans for things they did, is completely different than blaming Poland for things they didn't do.
So, besides spreading hate against others, you're just lying. Figures.

Use the Phrase “Polish Death Camps” in Poland and You May Go to Jail | Smart News | Smithsonian
....The legacy of Poland during the Holocaust is complex. Though the Nazis undeniably were behind the concentration camps that dotted occupied Poland, everyday Poles did participate in the horrors of World War II, participating in pogroms, denouncing and blackmailing Jews, and participating in some death camps. At the same time, Poland organized one of Europe’s biggest resistance movements, and many Poles who were not a part of the organized resistance helped and even saved their Jewish neighbors.....

Some Jews also collaborated with the Nazis, ever hear of the Jewish Ghetto Police, Judenrat, Group 13, Jewish Kapos, or Jewish Sonderkommandos?

Jews were also involved in Pogrom style attacks against Poles in WW2, like in the Skidel Revolt, or the Massacre of Brzostowica Mała
Partially correct. So you agree Poles collaborated with the fucking Nazis to build, staff and execute Jews in Death Camps?

The "Skidel Revolt, or the Massacre of Brzostowica Mała" were Communist Poles assisting the Soviet invaders.

Is this the basis of your antisemitism? Is this justification for Poles assisting the Nazis with murdering over 3 million Polish Jews?
You'd think the Jewish / American / Western European press would say "Polish Death Camps" is slander, or libel.

Instead they say "Hur hur hur it's Whitewashing Poland's history"

I guess all the rights of savages matter, but Polish rights don't matter, we're to be kicked to the curb, and slandered.

Well, I'm tired of you f*cking brutes in general.

I'm tired of everything about you, your stupid multiculturalism, your stupid slander of Poles, your political correct nonsense, your outsourcing of jobs, and so forth.

Yes, political correctness, which apparently doesn't apply to Poles.

So, why should we frigging appreciate being singled out by your ilk?

No I don't appreciate you, I don't understand you, I don't like you, and I don't want to, either.
Go Back to Stormfront Adolph:
SobieskiSavedEurope - Google Search
Great find and it's not surprising to know he's a Nazi.
Uh, blaming Jews, or Western Europeans for things they did, is completely different than blaming Poland for things they didn't do.
So, besides spreading hate against others, you're just lying. Figures.

Use the Phrase “Polish Death Camps” in Poland and You May Go to Jail | Smart News | Smithsonian
....The legacy of Poland during the Holocaust is complex. Though the Nazis undeniably were behind the concentration camps that dotted occupied Poland, everyday Poles did participate in the horrors of World War II, participating in pogroms, denouncing and blackmailing Jews, and participating in some death camps. At the same time, Poland organized one of Europe’s biggest resistance movements, and many Poles who were not a part of the organized resistance helped and even saved their Jewish neighbors.....

Some Jews also collaborated with the Nazis, ever hear of the Jewish Ghetto Police, Judenrat, Group 13, Jewish Kapos, or Jewish Sonderkommandos?

Jews were also involved in Pogrom style attacks against Poles in WW2, like in the Skidel Revolt, or the Massacre of Brzostowica Mała
Partially correct. So you agree Poles collaborated with the fucking Nazis to build, staff and execute Jews in Death Camps?

The "Skidel Revolt, or the Massacre of Brzostowica Mała" were Communist Poles assisting the Soviet invaders.

Is this the basis of your antisemitism? Is this justification for Poles assisting the Nazis with murdering over 3 million Polish Jews?

No, I don't.

If that's true Jews also assisted the Nazis in murdering Jews.

The camps were overwhelmingly manned with German Nazis, Poland just released the most detailed list of Nazi camp guards, from multiple sources, and it was mostly Germans.

The Poles were virtually devoid of Nazi SS units, so of course they had little responsibility in the Camps.

Although there were both Jewish Kapos, and Polish Kapos in the camps though, who were Nazi collaborators.

But, the biggest Polish Nazi collaborator unit the Blue Police was 15,000 strong, as opposed to the 400,000 who fought in Polish Armia Krajowa to fight the Nazis.

According to Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German controlled Warsaw Ghetto specifically outlined how Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators were more brutal than Polish Blue Police Nazi collaborators.

The Terrible Choice

“The Jewish Police had a bad reputation even before the start of the 'resettlements'... Unlike the Polish Police, which did not take part in abductions for the labour camps, the Jewish Police did engage in this dirty work. The police were also notorious for their shocking corruption and lack of morality… But their meanness reached a pinnacle in the course of the deportations... The police became mentally conditioned to doing this dirty work and, therefore, performed it with perfection... There are people who maintain that each society has the police it deserves, that the malaise of helping the occupier slaughter 300,000 Jews infected the entire society and is not limited to the police, who are only a mirror of our society. Other people argue that the police is the haven of the morally weak psychological types, who do everything in their power to survive the difficult times, who believe that the end determines all means, and the end is to survive the war – even if survival is bound up with the taking of other people's lives.”
Uh, there's a difference between manning the camps, and sparse Nazi collaborators.

So, I'm not lying.

You're just proving you're an idiot.
Manning the camps is collaboration just as your posts on Nazi forums confirms your association with Nazis.

Most Polish were not Nazi collaborators, and most Polish Nazi collaborators were not in the camps.

Why are you so stupid?
You'd think the Jewish / American / Western European press would say "Polish Death Camps" is slander, or libel.

Instead they say "Hur hur hur it's Whitewashing Poland's history"

I guess all the rights of savages matter, but Polish rights don't matter, we're to be kicked to the curb, and slandered.

Well, I'm tired of you f*cking brutes in general.

I'm tired of everything about you, your stupid multiculturalism, your stupid slander of Poles, your political correct nonsense, your outsourcing of jobs, and so forth.

Yes, political correctness, which apparently doesn't apply to Poles.

So, why should we frigging appreciate being singled out by your ilk?

No I don't appreciate you, I don't understand you, I don't like you, and I don't want to, either.
Go Back to Stormfront Adolph:
SobieskiSavedEurope - Google Search
Great find and it's not surprising to know he's a Nazi.

I'm not a Nazi, In fact I spent time on Stormfront combating Nazis.

Nationalism versus Race Realism. - Page 59 - Stormfront
I'm not a Nazi, In fact I spent time on Stormfront combating Nazis.
Nationalism versus Race Realism. - Page 59 - Stormfront
The post you cite absolutely IS Nazi!
You ONLY "Don't support Whites killing other whites"!

Further, you spend most your time there trying to claim Polaks/YOU are White/WhitER because many there make you a second class, even non-white/Eastern Euro/non-aryan there.
Poland, about THE most anti-semitic (and famously backwards) country.

You're a pathetic Wannabe Lily-White, defending your Polish 'whiteness' from 'whiter' posters, while fully agreeing with the rest of the Stormfront Agenda.
You Are a Nazi.

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