Do you support equal rights for all?

Do you support equal rights for all?

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If forcing a business that is open to the general public........privately owned or not... to serve the general public is communism and fascism ....wait, what?

The root of all liberty is economic. The right to private property is the foundation of all rights. If one person may be compelled by force to use their property against their will and against their own interests. then there is no liberty.

To force a baker to make a cake for those they do not wish to serve, is identical to the state forcing you to buy food from a restaurant not of your own choosing. Free people have the right to decide who they will or will not engage in trade with.

You of the left are at war to end all civil rights.

No one is forcing you to put up an open for business sign in your bakery.


If I talk to one person, I can be forced to talk to all?

Free people decide who they will or will not engage in business with.
Coming around to supporting equal rights and personal freedom is one of best choice of my life. I no longer have to hate every second of every day and I smile a lot more....

It is like taking 10 tons off my chest. That is the benefit of accepting all people are deserving of equal rights and love.

I've never felt that weight.
Maybe that says more about you than me.
I was under the impression that Mathew wants to add a few pounds (boobies) to his chest.
So he'd have some friends to play with?
Perhaps....and to be supportive to the trannies.
Coming around to supporting equal rights and personal freedom is one of best choice of my life. I no longer have to hate every second of every day and I smile a lot more....

It is like taking 10 tons off my chest. That is the benefit of accepting all people are deserving of equal rights and love.

I've never felt that weight.
Maybe that says more about you than me.
I was under the impression that Mathew wants to add a few pounds (boobies) to his chest.
So he'd have some friends to play with?
Perhaps....and to be supportive to the trannies.
Well, if he needs friends to play with, let him. :D
If forcing a business that is open to the general public........privately owned or not... to serve the general public is communism and fascism ....wait, what?

The root of all liberty is economic. The right to private property is the foundation of all rights. If one person may be compelled by force to use their property against their will and against their own interests. then there is no liberty.

To force a baker to make a cake for those they do not wish to serve, is identical to the state forcing you to buy food from a restaurant not of your own choosing. Free people have the right to decide who they will or will not engage in trade with.

You of the left are at war to end all civil rights.

No one is forcing you to put up an open for business sign in your bakery.


If I talk to one person, I can be forced to talk to all?

Free people decide who they will or will not engage in business with.
Not anymore apparently.
....I'm an American of Polish heritage, although it's definitely true that I identify more as a Eastern European, rather than American, despite being born in the U.S.A.
Of course you do.

I can't say I identify with Americans, or Western Europeans in their colonial genocide of yesterday, nor their multicultural suicide of today.

Western Europeans seem to be very brutish, they seem to have trouble with abstract thought, morality, and balance.
Yes, I know. That's what wannabe anti-American Eastern Eurotrash always say. ;)
....I'm an American of Polish heritage, although it's definitely true that I identify more as a Eastern European, rather than American, despite being born in the U.S.A.
Of course you do.

I can't say I identify with Americans, or Western Europeans in their colonial genocide of yesterday, nor their multicultural suicide of today.

Western Europeans seem to be very brutish, they seem to have trouble with abstract thought, morality, and balance.
Yes, I know. That's what wannabe anti-American Eastern Eurotrash always say. ;)

It's a bit shocking that anyone could change so quickly from killing non-Whites, to having non-Whites killing them.

But, leave it to brutish Western Europeans.....They seem to be easily brainwashed, just Chimping out with their Chimp pack, incapable of constructing greater consciousness.
....I'm an American of Polish heritage, although it's definitely true that I identify more as a Eastern European, rather than American, despite being born in the U.S.A.
Of course you do.

I can't say I identify with Americans, or Western Europeans in their colonial genocide of yesterday, nor their multicultural suicide of today.

Western Europeans seem to be very brutish, they seem to have trouble with abstract thought, morality, and balance.
Yes, I know. That's what wannabe anti-American Eastern Eurotrash always say. ;)

It's a bit shocking that anyone could change so quickly from killing non-Whites, to having non-Whites killing them.

But, leave it to brutish Western Europeans.....They seem to be easily brainwashed, just Chimping out with their Chimp pack, incapable of constructing greater consciousness.
Not as shocking as the antisemitism still running through all former Soviet satellite Eurotrash nations.
but you're trying to compare people to a collection of developing cells.

apples to oranges, moron.

When do "developing cells" become human, Cretin? Are you a promoter of the "magic vagina" theory, the idea that the labia majora confers humanity of the 'lump of cells?"

Ignorance of basic biology underpins the promotion of abortion. You have no grasp how reality functions.

When were they not human? Both the little soldier and home base were, so whats your point?

Again, the average abortion promoter has no idea how biology works. Given that most leftists have IQ's in the mid to low 80's, this is of little surprise.

Abortion is not a big issue for me, but it is a canvas to illustrate just how stupid and uneducated the left are.

What is the definition of "life" by the AMA? You have already admitted that the abortion victims are human, so when does a fetus become "human life?"

Pretty simple really, when there is brain and heart activity. This occurs around 5 to 6 weeks gestation. Abort prior to that and you are not killing a human life, but after you are absolutely and unquestionably killing an independent human life.

There are times that killing a human is justified. A civilized society recognizes this and uses a system of judicial review to protect the rights of the intended victim.

The reality is there is no excuse for abortion. With the morning after pill and plan B, pregnancy is a direct choice.

Your post raises a key question or two.

If it's not a human life before 5 to 6 weeks. What kind of life is it?

Also, if it's not a human being or a child at any time between conception and the magical 5 to 6 week mark.... What then makes the biological parents (especially the father) the child's "biological parents?"

Seems to me, if what you claim is true. . . The only thing the sperm donor is the parent of is a non living, non human clump of cells. Cells that (using your logic) may or may not ever even decide to morph into some undeniable human being at some later date.

I am pointing out the accepted MEDICAL definition of life. When the heart and brain have activity, it is the medical definition of life. I am a moderate on abortion.
....I'm an American of Polish heritage, although it's definitely true that I identify more as a Eastern European, rather than American, despite being born in the U.S.A.
Of course you do.

I can't say I identify with Americans, or Western Europeans in their colonial genocide of yesterday, nor their multicultural suicide of today.

Western Europeans seem to be very brutish, they seem to have trouble with abstract thought, morality, and balance.
Yes, I know. That's what wannabe anti-American Eastern Eurotrash always say. ;)

It's a bit shocking that anyone could change so quickly from killing non-Whites, to having non-Whites killing them.

But, leave it to brutish Western Europeans.....They seem to be easily brainwashed, just Chimping out with their Chimp pack, incapable of constructing greater consciousness.
Not as shocking as the antisemitism still running through all former Soviet satellite Eurotrash nations.

What about all the anti-Eastern European sentiments running through Jews?

Jews tend to hate Poles, and other Eastern Europeans.
Of course you do.

I can't say I identify with Americans, or Western Europeans in their colonial genocide of yesterday, nor their multicultural suicide of today.

Western Europeans seem to be very brutish, they seem to have trouble with abstract thought, morality, and balance.
Yes, I know. That's what wannabe anti-American Eastern Eurotrash always say. ;)

It's a bit shocking that anyone could change so quickly from killing non-Whites, to having non-Whites killing them.

But, leave it to brutish Western Europeans.....They seem to be easily brainwashed, just Chimping out with their Chimp pack, incapable of constructing greater consciousness.
Not as shocking as the antisemitism still running through all former Soviet satellite Eurotrash nations.

What about all the anti-Eastern European sentiments running through Jews?

Jews tend to hate Poles, and other Eastern Europeans.
Says who?

Other people take the view that life begins when the fetus can survive outside the womb.

Technology has made even that at a remarkably early stage, long before most abortions occur.

Again, there is utterly no excuse for abortion in America. Pregnancy is 100% a choice.

Wishful thinking.

I wish you were right but you never are and you're not even close with this.

Not to mention that by the time the problem is known, a morning after be pill isn't possible.

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I can't say I identify with Americans, or Western Europeans in their colonial genocide of yesterday, nor their multicultural suicide of today.

Western Europeans seem to be very brutish, they seem to have trouble with abstract thought, morality, and balance.
Yes, I know. That's what wannabe anti-American Eastern Eurotrash always say. ;)

It's a bit shocking that anyone could change so quickly from killing non-Whites, to having non-Whites killing them.

But, leave it to brutish Western Europeans.....They seem to be easily brainwashed, just Chimping out with their Chimp pack, incapable of constructing greater consciousness.
Not as shocking as the antisemitism still running through all former Soviet satellite Eurotrash nations.

What about all the anti-Eastern European sentiments running through Jews?

Jews tend to hate Poles, and other Eastern Europeans.
Says who?

Uh, look around on this forum where quite a few Jews have made their anti-Polish sentiments known, even unrightfully blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

Other people take the view that life begins when the fetus can survive outside the womb.

Technology has made even that at a remarkably early stage, long before most abortions occur.

Again, there is utterly no excuse for abortion in America. Pregnancy is 100% a choice.

Wishful thinking.

I wish you were right but you never are and you're not even close with this.

Not to mention that by the time the problem is known, a morning after be pill isn't possible.

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As always, you are lying.

Born at 22 weeks, youngest premature baby to survive in Israel leaves hospital

I realize that you mourn every live birth, but technology is ensuring that ever greater numbers are indeed living.
And those people are ill informed fucktarded idiots.

You can't begin the life of something that has already been alive and growing for more than half a year by then.
Sperm are alive and so is the egg. Your cheek cells are alive. Those are living human cells you flush down the toilet every time you take a dump.


Are they human organisms though?

Are they offspring?
Who cares? They aren't human beings and they aren't citizens. Let the Liberals abort themselves. It's a great time and money saver in the long run.

Yeah cuz of course, RWNJs never lose a pregnancy. They always carry to term cuz well, I guess god just favors them.

What you so-called pro-lifers actually want is for sick babies to suffer as long as possible. There's no place for love and compassion in your rabid and utterly thoughtless fight to keep the sickest, saddest, most deformed fetuses alive and suffering be damned.

My bet is you would not torture a dog the way you all say you want to torture the unborn.


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You seem oblivious to all the children who are aborted with nothing wrong with them at all.

There's no such thing.

What you meant is some aborted fetuses could be carried to term and result in a normal birth.

The reason for an abortion is the business of the woman and ONLY her business.

I get that you believe I should have the right force you to reproduce but you're wrong. You own your own body. It's yours to control and that's as it should be.

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Sperm are alive and so is the egg. Your cheek cells are alive. Those are living human cells you flush down the toilet every time you take a dump.


Are they human organisms though?

Are they offspring?
Who cares? They aren't human beings and they aren't citizens. Let the Liberals abort themselves. It's a great time and money saver in the long run.

Yeah cuz of course, RWNJs never lose a pregnancy. They always carry to term cuz well, I guess god just favors them.

What you so-called pro-lifers actually want is for sick babies to suffer as long as possible. There's no place for love and compassion in your rabid and utterly thoughtless fight to keep the sickest, saddest, most deformed fetuses alive and suffering be damned.

My bet is you would not torture a dog the way you all say you want to torture the unborn.


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You seem oblivious to all the children who are aborted with nothing wrong with them at all.

There's no such thing.

What you meant is some aborted fetuses could be carried to term and result in a normal birth.

The reason for an abortion is the business of the woman and ONLY her business.

I get that you believe I should have the right force you to reproduce but you're wrong. You own your own body. It's yours to control and that's as it should be.

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Leftism is ultimately the hatred of human life. Leftist such as you seek the near total extinction of the human race to appease your god Gaia.

If you could slaughter 6 billion people with the press of a button, you wouldn't even hesitate. You'd do it in the name of "protecting the environment" as part of your savage global warming religion.

Leftism is ultimately the hatred of life. Abortion is just one manifestation of that evil.

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The emojis tell the tale of your real feelings for your fellow human beings.

You conveniently forgot to include your post that I was answering.

You remember .., The post where you said liberals aren't human beings and that you want them to die.

Those little piles of [emoji90][emoji90][emoji90][emoji90] were just for you. And, here's some more -


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...your fucktarded ignorance and denials instead.
Thanks for the personal attack. It reveals the true evil you hide behind your mask of "save the children".

My mask is not "save the children" - whatever that means.

My goal is only to fight the ignorace and the denials (like yours) and then the cards can fall wherever they may.

I don't need a mask at all. If you spout the kind of retarded billshit you just did... I will tell you so to your face.
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