Do you support equal rights for all?

Do you support equal rights for all?

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If forcing a business that is open to the general public........privately owned or not... to serve the general public is communism and fascism ....wait, what?

The root of all liberty is economic. The right to private property is the foundation of all rights. If one person may be compelled by force to use their property against their will and against their own interests. then there is no liberty.

To force a baker to make a cake for those they do not wish to serve, is identical to the state forcing you to buy food from a restaurant not of your own choosing. Free people have the right to decide who they will or will not engage in trade with.

You of the left are at war to end all civil rights.
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!

This is a list of those the GOP hates.

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Funny the lists are somewhat similar.

Whether RDean or deanrd, you're a fucking retard, boi....
but you're trying to compare people to a collection of developing cells.

apples to oranges, moron.

When do "developing cells" become human, Cretin? Are you a promoter of the "magic vagina" theory, the idea that the labia majora confers humanity of the 'lump of cells?"

Ignorance of basic biology underpins the promotion of abortion. You have no grasp how reality functions.

When were they not human? Both the little soldier and home base were, so whats your point?

Again, the average abortion promoter has no idea how biology works. Given that most leftists have IQ's in the mid to low 80's, this is of little surprise.

Abortion is not a big issue for me, but it is a canvas to illustrate just how stupid and uneducated the left are.

What is the definition of "life" by the AMA? You have already admitted that the abortion victims are human, so when does a fetus become "human life?"

Pretty simple really, when there is brain and heart activity. This occurs around 5 to 6 weeks gestation. Abort prior to that and you are not killing a human life, but after you are absolutely and unquestionably killing an independent human life.

There are times that killing a human is justified. A civilized society recognizes this and uses a system of judicial review to protect the rights of the intended victim.

The reality is there is no excuse for abortion. With the morning after pill and plan B, pregnancy is a direct choice.
If forcing a business that is open to the general public........privately owned or not... to serve the general public is communism and fascism ....wait, what?

The root of all liberty is economic. The right to private property is the foundation of all rights. If one person may be compelled by force to use their property against their will and against their own interests. then there is no liberty.

To force a baker to make a cake for those they do not wish to serve, is identical to the state forcing you to buy food from a restaurant not of your own choosing. Free people have the right to decide who they will or will not engage in trade with.

You of the left are at war to end all civil rights.

No one is forcing you to put up an open for business sign in your bakery.
but you're trying to compare people to a collection of developing cells.

apples to oranges, moron.

When do "developing cells" become human, Cretin? Are you a promoter of the "magic vagina" theory, the idea that the labia majora confers humanity of the 'lump of cells?"

Ignorance of basic biology underpins the promotion of abortion. You have no grasp how reality functions.

When were they not human? Both the little soldier and home base were, so whats your point?

Again, the average abortion promoter has no idea how biology works. Given that most leftists have IQ's in the mid to low 80's, this is of little surprise.

Abortion is not a big issue for me, but it is a canvas to illustrate just how stupid and uneducated the left are.

What is the definition of "life" by the AMA? You have already admitted that the abortion victims are human, so when does a fetus become "human life?"

Pretty simple really, when there is brain and heart activity. This occurs around 5 to 6 weeks gestation. Abort prior to that and you are not killing a human life, but after you are absolutely and unquestionably killing an independent human life.

There are times that killing a human is justified. A civilized society recognizes this and uses a system of judicial review to protect the rights of the intended victim.

The reality is there is no excuse for abortion. With the morning after pill and plan B, pregnancy is a direct choice.

Other people take the view that life begins when the fetus can survive outside the womb.
If a human being in the fetal stage of their life is not a "baby" (not a person) then you need to explain how a person can be charged with MURDER for killing one in a criminal act. Convicted under any one of our State and Federal fetal homicide laws.

So if an anti-abortionist killed a woman who was going into a clinic for an abortion, should that anti-abortionist be charged with two murders or just one?

What do you think?

No fair, you first!
No. If the fetus was early enough to abort it isn't a baby. One murder charge.

Thank you for your answer. It depends on the state.

Currently, at least 38 states have fetal homicide laws. The states include: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia;and>Wisconsin>. At least 23 states have fetal homicide laws that apply to the earliest stages of pregnancy.

Why are you omitting the FEDERAL fetal homicide law which is the basis for all those others in the various States?
but you're trying to compare people to a collection of developing cells.

apples to oranges, moron.

When do "developing cells" become human, Cretin? Are you a promoter of the "magic vagina" theory, the idea that the labia majora confers humanity of the 'lump of cells?"

Ignorance of basic biology underpins the promotion of abortion. You have no grasp how reality functions.

When were they not human? Both the little soldier and home base were, so whats your point?

Again, the average abortion promoter has no idea how biology works. Given that most leftists have IQ's in the mid to low 80's, this is of little surprise.

Abortion is not a big issue for me, but it is a canvas to illustrate just how stupid and uneducated the left are.

What is the definition of "life" by the AMA? You have already admitted that the abortion victims are human, so when does a fetus become "human life?"

Pretty simple really, when there is brain and heart activity. This occurs around 5 to 6 weeks gestation. Abort prior to that and you are not killing a human life, but after you are absolutely and unquestionably killing an independent human life.

There are times that killing a human is justified. A civilized society recognizes this and uses a system of judicial review to protect the rights of the intended victim.

The reality is there is no excuse for abortion. With the morning after pill and plan B, pregnancy is a direct choice.

Other people take the view that life begins when the fetus can survive outside the womb.

And those people are ill informed fucktarded idiots.

You can't begin the life of something that has already been alive and growing for more than half a year by then.
but you're trying to compare people to a collection of developing cells.

apples to oranges, moron.

When do "developing cells" become human, Cretin? Are you a promoter of the "magic vagina" theory, the idea that the labia majora confers humanity of the 'lump of cells?"

Ignorance of basic biology underpins the promotion of abortion. You have no grasp how reality functions.

When were they not human? Both the little soldier and home base were, so whats your point?

Again, the average abortion promoter has no idea how biology works. Given that most leftists have IQ's in the mid to low 80's, this is of little surprise.

Abortion is not a big issue for me, but it is a canvas to illustrate just how stupid and uneducated the left are.

What is the definition of "life" by the AMA? You have already admitted that the abortion victims are human, so when does a fetus become "human life?"

Pretty simple really, when there is brain and heart activity. This occurs around 5 to 6 weeks gestation. Abort prior to that and you are not killing a human life, but after you are absolutely and unquestionably killing an independent human life.

There are times that killing a human is justified. A civilized society recognizes this and uses a system of judicial review to protect the rights of the intended victim.

The reality is there is no excuse for abortion. With the morning after pill and plan B, pregnancy is a direct choice.

Your post raises a key question or two.

If it's not a human life before 5 to 6 weeks. What kind of life is it?

Also, if it's not a human being or a child at any time between conception and the magical 5 to 6 week mark.... What then makes the biological parents (especially the father) the child's "biological parents?"

Seems to me, if what you claim is true. . . The only thing the sperm donor is the parent of is a non living, non human clump of cells. Cells that (using your logic) may or may not ever even decide to morph into some undeniable human being at some later date.
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So if an anti-abortionist killed a woman who was going into a clinic for an abortion, should that anti-abortionist be charged with two murders or just one?

What do you think?

No fair, you first!
No. If the fetus was early enough to abort it isn't a baby. One murder charge.

Our fetal homicide laws make no such distinction. Those laws say that a "child in the womb" is a human being in "any stage of development" and killing them in a criminal act is a crime of murder.
So, the law leaves everything up to the mother. Mother doesn't want it its a fetus, mother does want it it's a baby?

As of right now, today?


That's exactly what the law essentially establishes.

Some people are fine with that contradictive idiocy.

I'm not.
What do you think?

No fair, you first!
No. If the fetus was early enough to abort it isn't a baby. One murder charge.

Our fetal homicide laws make no such distinction. Those laws say that a "child in the womb" is a human being in "any stage of development" and killing them in a criminal act is a crime of murder.
So, the law leaves everything up to the mother. Mother doesn't want it its a fetus, mother does want it it's a baby?

As of right now, today?


That's exactly what the law essentially establishes.

Some people are fine with that contradictive idiocy.

I'm not.
I guess they consider the potential life of a woman who wants to carry to full term.
I for one don't appreciate the contradiction either.
No fair, you first!
No. If the fetus was early enough to abort it isn't a baby. One murder charge.

Our fetal homicide laws make no such distinction. Those laws say that a "child in the womb" is a human being in "any stage of development" and killing them in a criminal act is a crime of murder.
So, the law leaves everything up to the mother. Mother doesn't want it its a fetus, mother does want it it's a baby?

As of right now, today?


That's exactly what the law essentially establishes.

Some people are fine with that contradictive idiocy.

I'm not.
I guess they consider the potential life of a woman who wants to carry to full term.
I for one don't appreciate the contradiction either.

You don't appreciate the contradiction but you marked my post about it as "funny."

Got it.
The Constitution says that all persons are entitled to the equal protections of our laws. The Supreme Court ruled incorrectly that children in the womb are not persons in much the same way the SCOTUS got it wrong in the Dredd Scott case.

This issue will never go away until *all persons" are afforded the equal protections of our laws.
Clearly SCOTUS knows how to read:
14th Amendment
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Why don't you classify every sperm as sacred, Chuz Life?
Two sperms hooking up can't create a life any more than an infertile egg can hook up with another infertile egg and bring forth life. Its a fairly simple common sense thought process if you can use your brain.

Even a fertilized egg has more challenges ahead before it can develop. A significant number of this undeveloped but potential humans are flushed out of the baby factory.
Yah' but the one's that stick are human beings in the process.


Which embryo is human?

Most likely none of those pictures are human.

You tards have tried this trick before.
You don't know? Shouldn't it be easy if your theory is sound? It's the second from the end.
A fetus is not a baby. But down that evangelical booklet and pick up a science book.
Not one is "allowed to kill babies" without going to jail.

A Jew is not a person? Dayum. you fascist have this all figured out.

So, abortion, is akin to saying Jews are not Human?

Wow, not really desperate, and really dumb at all.

thats what I am trying to figure out?

Abortion is so great, all pregnant Jews should have one.
are you really a POS or do you just like to play one behind the safety of a screen?
He's an Eastern Euro. Does that answer the question? :D
Why don't you classify every sperm as sacred, Chuz Life?
Two sperms hooking up can't create a life any more than an infertile egg can hook up with another infertile egg and bring forth life. Its a fairly simple common sense thought process if you can use your brain.

Even a fertilized egg has more challenges ahead before it can develop. A significant number of this undeveloped but potential humans are flushed out of the baby factory.
Yah' but the one's that stick are human beings in the process.


Which embryo is human?

Most likely none of those pictures are human.

You tards have tried this trick before.

lol... you couldn't decipher which one was the human embryo? why not?

btw- it's the 2nd to the last one on the right.

now go home.
A Jew is not a person? Dayum. you fascist have this all figured out.

So, abortion, is akin to saying Jews are not Human?

Wow, not really desperate, and really dumb at all.

thats what I am trying to figure out?

Abortion is so great, all pregnant Jews should have one.
are you really a POS or do you just like to play one behind the safety of a screen?
He's an Eastern Euro. Does that answer the question? :D
Yes lol
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!


Equality is a fantasy, and has no barring in the real World.

There's always going to be disparities because we're all different.

We're not equal robots, and therefor equality is stupid.

If you support equal treatment, there will still be inequality among the outcomes as some Humans are superior over others.... Then that's still inequality.

If you support balancing the scale to create equality of outcomes, as we have been doing, then there's still going to be little changes as some Humans are superior over others.... Then you still don't have equality of treatment.

I swear that Humans obsessed with equality have Asperger's or OCD or something, they too like to put things into equal little boxes.
It shouldn't be surprising that Second and Third Worlders don't understand the concept of a Constitutional government that isn't riddled with corruption and actually does seek to protect the rights of its citizens.

There's a difference between legislating that a government treat all of its citizens equally and legislating that all citizens treat each other equally. The former is workable, the latter is an exercise in futility.

The problem we're running into in the US is the effort by bleeding-hearts to right past wrongs by creating "protected classes" of people. To borrow from Animal Farm; "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others". This, of course, is wrong and weakens the entire system.

If I walk in to a business open to the public I expect relatively equal treatment from everyone who works at that business.

On a personal level I agree you can't legislate peoples behavior towards one another.
If it is a privately owned business you are oppressing the owner. Public and private are not one in the same. If the public owns the business then all of the public should be treated on that basis as the same. You are wanting communism and fascism when you claim you have the right to force your personal views and choices onto another person and their personally owned property. Allowing the public onto my personally owned property would not make my property public property.

If forcing a business that is open to the general public........privately owned or not... to serve the general public is communism and fascism ....wait, what?
Are you sticking with the "open to the general public" meme? So if I open a business that says "Asians only", you're okay with that because it's not "open to the general public"?

Secondly, when should big government dictate morals to private business owners? Are you really sure you want government legislating morals? In a Christian nation. Is that what you want?
but you're trying to compare people to a collection of developing cells.

apples to oranges, moron.

When do "developing cells" become human, Cretin? Are you a promoter of the "magic vagina" theory, the idea that the labia majora confers humanity of the 'lump of cells?"

Ignorance of basic biology underpins the promotion of abortion. You have no grasp how reality functions.

When were they not human? Both the little soldier and home base were, so whats your point?

Again, the average abortion promoter has no idea how biology works. Given that most leftists have IQ's in the mid to low 80's, this is of little surprise.

Abortion is not a big issue for me, but it is a canvas to illustrate just how stupid and uneducated the left are.

What is the definition of "life" by the AMA? You have already admitted that the abortion victims are human, so when does a fetus become "human life?"

Pretty simple really, when there is brain and heart activity. This occurs around 5 to 6 weeks gestation. Abort prior to that and you are not killing a human life, but after you are absolutely and unquestionably killing an independent human life.

There are times that killing a human is justified. A civilized society recognizes this and uses a system of judicial review to protect the rights of the intended victim.

The reality is there is no excuse for abortion. With the morning after pill and plan B, pregnancy is a direct choice.

Other people take the view that life begins when the fetus can survive outside the womb.

And those people are ill informed fucktarded idiots.

You can't begin the life of something that has already been alive and growing for more than half a year by then.
Sperm are alive and so is the egg. Your cheek cells are alive. Those are living human cells you flush down the toilet every time you take a dump.
If forcing a business that is open to the general public........privately owned or not... to serve the general public is communism and fascism ....wait, what?

The root of all liberty is economic. The right to private property is the foundation of all rights. If one person may be compelled by force to use their property against their will and against their own interests. then there is no liberty.

To force a baker to make a cake for those they do not wish to serve, is identical to the state forcing you to buy food from a restaurant not of your own choosing. Free people have the right to decide who they will or will not engage in trade with.

You of the left are at war to end all civil rights.

No one is forcing you to put up an open for business sign in your bakery.
Correct. You're just forcing your morals down their throats if they want to open their own business.
but you're trying to compare people to a collection of developing cells.

apples to oranges, moron.

When do "developing cells" become human, Cretin? Are you a promoter of the "magic vagina" theory, the idea that the labia majora confers humanity of the 'lump of cells?"

Ignorance of basic biology underpins the promotion of abortion. You have no grasp how reality functions.

When were they not human? Both the little soldier and home base were, so whats your point?

Again, the average abortion promoter has no idea how biology works. Given that most leftists have IQ's in the mid to low 80's, this is of little surprise.

Abortion is not a big issue for me, but it is a canvas to illustrate just how stupid and uneducated the left are.

What is the definition of "life" by the AMA? You have already admitted that the abortion victims are human, so when does a fetus become "human life?"

Pretty simple really, when there is brain and heart activity. This occurs around 5 to 6 weeks gestation. Abort prior to that and you are not killing a human life, but after you are absolutely and unquestionably killing an independent human life.

There are times that killing a human is justified. A civilized society recognizes this and uses a system of judicial review to protect the rights of the intended victim.

The reality is there is no excuse for abortion. With the morning after pill and plan B, pregnancy is a direct choice.
I fully support inexpensive, easy access abortion. It's the best method of reducing the number of liberals. Reducing the number of Liberals posts-birth is messy, but if they want to do it for society, I say "Let'em".

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