Do you support equal rights for all?

Do you support equal rights for all?

  • Total voters
Two questions to answer -

Is it alive?

Is it human?

If both answers are yes, then there is only one conclusion.

the one that wants to carry full term gets to decide whether she wants to give birth & not be forced into being an incubating host.

Perhaps by current law, but it doesn't change the fact that it is human life.

the female who is pregnant is too. one that has a past & a history... not just a potential future.

Yes, but it still doesn't change the fact that it is human life.
Two questions to answer -

Is it alive?

Is it human?

If both answers are yes, then there is only one conclusion.

the one that wants to carry full term gets to decide whether she wants to give birth & not be forced into being an incubating host.

Perhaps by current law, but it doesn't change the fact that it is human life.

the female who is pregnant is too. one that has a past & a history... not just a potential future.

Yes, but it still doesn't change the fact that it is human life.

uh-huh. i also don't have a problem with the death penalty. that is also a human life. but at least i am consistent.
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!

You mean these rights?
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen - Wikipedia
Of course I agree :)
I have heard a lot of people say that they would like to limit voters to those who own property only. This would fall somewhere in this portion of your link "Active and passive citizenship". The problem with that would be similar to what we have today when we get a few in control that have gotten there via corrupt policies can become abusive, power can corrupt absolutely. Also "The declaration did not revoke the institution of slavery". So there are some things that must be worked through.
Women clamored for the right to serve in the military, including in combat roles, and they got it, so yes.

Be careful of for what one asks. One may get it.

Equality for Women just made it worse for them, anyways.

Women were actually happier before Women's Liberation.

It's not surprising, they once could be a stay at home mom, now many are working single mothers, who have to work like a man.

Now that Women have more power, Men either become more aggressive, or more submissive accordingly, Men often aren't as polite towards Women as before Women's liberation.

The whole thing stinks, it made everyone's lives more miserable.
It appears you may live in a fantasy land if you think all women were happier prior to getting some equal rights, like the ability to support their families. Women in my grandmothers day stayed with abusive men because people like yourself told them that is what they should do. Females were treated like property, even today some are still.

Women being less happy is a fact.

What's Happening To Women's Happiness? | HuffPost

First, since 1972, women’s overall level of happiness has dropped, both relative to where they were forty years ago, and relative to men. You find this drop in happiness in women regardless of whether they have kids, how many kids they have, how much money they make, how healthy they are, what job they hold, whether they are married, single or divorced, how old they are, or what race they are. (The one and only exception: African-American women are now slightly happier than they were back in 1972, although they remain less happy than African American men.)
Not reading your link. A lot of people are 'unhappy' and many don't even know why, can't even tell you why, or pin down why. Many can't take the time or do not take the time to try to figure it out. Some seek their happiness through outside sources, drugs, entertainment, alcohol, games, whatever but never take time to really examine their own hearts. You claimed your self you were considering moving to Poland in your intro. Why? Apparently you are not totally happy and from what you post you seem to want to lay that off on someone else. What really do you think oppresses you? The dude who couldn't get a baker to deliver them a cake claimed that they were being oppressed. I mean really how ridiculous can people get. The pedo thinks they are being oppressed if they can't have access to other peoples children.The addict believes they are oppressed if you limit the types of drugs they can have access to because it is well known that when their lives go to shit they want other people to foot the bill for what they did to themselves. Their precepts oppress them but they desire to make others guilty for whatever it is in them that they are subjecting themselves to.

Females today getting lots of media coverage that y'all are calling feminist are not feminist. The ones being paid or running a con and using the media to bolster a position where males are given leverage over females. They are obviously willing to be mere useful idiots. I can be a female and do basically whatever my heart desires within reason and physical capabilities as long as equal level playing fields are laid out and everyone is made to play by the same rules. If I am given freedoms and laws that are regulated in a just manner I can kick ass in a lot of male dominated fields and enjoy the heck out of doing it while I am in that mode whatever it may be as long as equality exist in the law. We make the best of whatever situation we are in at the time and do the best with what we have. My mother wouldn't and couldn't exactly do that because she was partly considered chattel by my dad during her early years as that is the way it was because they were raised to believe that in their era. His own pride wouldn't let him treat her like an equal in all aspects. I refuse to let your male pride or any other with that spirit of pride male or otherwise define what I am through your erroneous precepts.

Bottom-line is Women are less happy.

As for me thinking about moving to Poland, I don't think it's fair to raise children in a country that will be majority non-White, and in a country that tells dumb Polak jokes.

So go already, big mouth. You're all talk.
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!

You mean these rights?
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen - Wikipedia
Of course I agree :)
I have heard a lot of people say that they would like to limit voters to those who own property only. This would fall somewhere in this portion of your link "Active and passive citizenship". The problem with that would be similar to what we have today when we get a few in control that have gotten there via corrupt policies can become abusive, power can corrupt absolutely. Also "The declaration did not revoke the institution of slavery". So there are some things that must be worked through.
Equality for Women just made it worse for them, anyways.

Women were actually happier before Women's Liberation.

It's not surprising, they once could be a stay at home mom, now many are working single mothers, who have to work like a man.

Now that Women have more power, Men either become more aggressive, or more submissive accordingly, Men often aren't as polite towards Women as before Women's liberation.

The whole thing stinks, it made everyone's lives more miserable.
It appears you may live in a fantasy land if you think all women were happier prior to getting some equal rights, like the ability to support their families. Women in my grandmothers day stayed with abusive men because people like yourself told them that is what they should do. Females were treated like property, even today some are still.

Women being less happy is a fact.

What's Happening To Women's Happiness? | HuffPost

First, since 1972, women’s overall level of happiness has dropped, both relative to where they were forty years ago, and relative to men. You find this drop in happiness in women regardless of whether they have kids, how many kids they have, how much money they make, how healthy they are, what job they hold, whether they are married, single or divorced, how old they are, or what race they are. (The one and only exception: African-American women are now slightly happier than they were back in 1972, although they remain less happy than African American men.)
Not reading your link. A lot of people are 'unhappy' and many don't even know why, can't even tell you why, or pin down why. Many can't take the time or do not take the time to try to figure it out. Some seek their happiness through outside sources, drugs, entertainment, alcohol, games, whatever but never take time to really examine their own hearts. You claimed your self you were considering moving to Poland in your intro. Why? Apparently you are not totally happy and from what you post you seem to want to lay that off on someone else. What really do you think oppresses you? The dude who couldn't get a baker to deliver them a cake claimed that they were being oppressed. I mean really how ridiculous can people get. The pedo thinks they are being oppressed if they can't have access to other peoples children.The addict believes they are oppressed if you limit the types of drugs they can have access to because it is well known that when their lives go to shit they want other people to foot the bill for what they did to themselves. Their precepts oppress them but they desire to make others guilty for whatever it is in them that they are subjecting themselves to.

Females today getting lots of media coverage that y'all are calling feminist are not feminist. The ones being paid or running a con and using the media to bolster a position where males are given leverage over females. They are obviously willing to be mere useful idiots. I can be a female and do basically whatever my heart desires within reason and physical capabilities as long as equal level playing fields are laid out and everyone is made to play by the same rules. If I am given freedoms and laws that are regulated in a just manner I can kick ass in a lot of male dominated fields and enjoy the heck out of doing it while I am in that mode whatever it may be as long as equality exist in the law. We make the best of whatever situation we are in at the time and do the best with what we have. My mother wouldn't and couldn't exactly do that because she was partly considered chattel by my dad during her early years as that is the way it was because they were raised to believe that in their era. His own pride wouldn't let him treat her like an equal in all aspects. I refuse to let your male pride or any other with that spirit of pride male or otherwise define what I am through your erroneous precepts.

Bottom-line is Women are less happy.

As for me thinking about moving to Poland, I don't think it's fair to raise children in a country that will be majority non-White, and in a country that tells dumb Polak jokes.

So go already, big mouth. You're all talk.

When are you going to move to Liberia to be with your Black bros?

Two questions to answer -

Is it alive?

Is it human?

If both answers are yes, then there is only one conclusion.

the one that wants to carry full term gets to decide whether she wants to give birth & not be forced into being an incubating host.

Perhaps by current law, but it doesn't change the fact that it is human life.

the female who is pregnant is too. one that has a past & a history... not just a potential future.

Yes, but it still doesn't change the fact that it is human life.

uh-huh. i also don't have a problem with the death penalty. that is also a human life. but at least i am consistent.

I don't either. There is a wide gap between innocence and criminal behavior.
So, abortion, is akin to saying Jews are not Human?

Wow, not really desperate, and really dumb at all.

thats what I am trying to figure out?

Abortion is so great, all pregnant Jews should have one.
are you really a POS or do you just like to play one behind the safety of a screen?

Aha, so now Abortion is wrong , when it applies to all pregnant Jews?

Nazis used abortion on Jews as a weapon.

A fact which Liberals conveniently ignore.
Abortion is a private medical decision between a woman and her doctor. So you and your ilk should keep out of it.
The constant political attacks from the right are ridiculous. When will it end? When you get your way- abortions become illegal- mortality rates in pregnant women skyrocket, the number orphans skyrocket, poverty skyrockets, and we look like a third world country with homeless kids women were forced to carry to full term wander the street picking out of garbages??

The Constitution says that all persons are entitled to the equal protections of our laws. The Supreme Court ruled incorrectly that children in the womb are not persons in much the same way the SCOTUS got it wrong in the Dredd Scott case.

This issue will never go away until *all persons" are afforded the equal protections of our laws.
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Why don't you have "children in the womb" on your list, Mathew?
Why don't you classify every sperm as sacred, Chuz Life?
Two sperms hooking up can't create a life any more than an infertile egg can hook up with another infertile egg and bring forth life. Its a fairly simple common sense thought process if you can use your brain.

Even a fertilized egg has more challenges ahead before it can develop. A significant number of this undeveloped but potential humans are flushed out of the baby factory.
Yah' but the one's that stick are human beings in the process.


Which embryo is human?

Most likely none of those pictures are human.

You tards have tried this trick before.
A woman has the right to kill a baby, a man does not
A fetus is not a baby. But down that evangelical booklet and pick up a science book.
Not one is "allowed to kill babies" without going to jail.

If a human being in the fetal stage of their life is not a "baby" (not a person) then you need to explain how a person can be charged with MURDER for killing one in a criminal act. Convicted under any one of our State and Federal fetal homicide laws.
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!


Equality is a fantasy, and has no barring in the real World.

There's always going to be disparities because we're all different.

We're not equal robots, and therefor equality is stupid.

If you support equal treatment, there will still be inequality among the outcomes as some Humans are superior over others.... Then that's still inequality.

If you support balancing the scale to create equality of outcomes, as we have been doing, then there's still going to be little changes as some Humans are superior over others.... Then you still don't have equality of treatment.

I swear that Humans obsessed with equality have Asperger's or OCD or something, they too like to put things into equal little boxes.
It shouldn't be surprising that Second and Third Worlders don't understand the concept of a Constitutional government that isn't riddled with corruption and actually does seek to protect the rights of its citizens.

There's a difference between legislating that a government treat all of its citizens equally and legislating that all citizens treat each other equally. The former is workable, the latter is an exercise in futility.

The problem we're running into in the US is the effort by bleeding-hearts to right past wrongs by creating "protected classes" of people. To borrow from Animal Farm; "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others". This, of course, is wrong and weakens the entire system.

If I walk in to a business open to the public I expect relatively equal treatment from everyone who works at that business.

On a personal level I agree you can't legislate peoples behavior towards one another.
If it is a privately owned business you are oppressing the owner. Public and private are not one in the same. If the public owns the business then all of the public should be treated on that basis as the same. You are wanting communism and fascism when you claim you have the right to force your personal views and choices onto another person and their personally owned property. Allowing the public onto my personally owned property would not make my property public property.

If forcing a business that is open to the general public........privately owned or not... to serve the general public is communism and fascism ....wait, what?
A woman has the right to kill a baby, a man does not
A fetus is not a baby. But down that evangelical booklet and pick up a science book.
Not one is "allowed to kill babies" without going to jail.

If a human being in the fetal stage of their life is not a "baby" (not a person) then you need to explain how a person can be charged with MURDER for killing one in a criminal act. Convicted under any one of our State and Federal fetal homicide laws.

So if an anti-abortionist killed a woman who was going into a clinic for an abortion, should that anti-abortionist be charged with two murders or just one?
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!


Equality is a fantasy, and has no barring in the real World.

There's always going to be disparities because we're all different.

We're not equal robots, and therefor equality is stupid.

If you support equal treatment, there will still be inequality among the outcomes as some Humans are superior over others.... Then that's still inequality.

If you support balancing the scale to create equality of outcomes, as we have been doing, then there's still going to be little changes as some Humans are superior over others.... Then you still don't have equality of treatment.

I swear that Humans obsessed with equality have Asperger's or OCD or something, they too like to put things into equal little boxes.
It shouldn't be surprising that Second and Third Worlders don't understand the concept of a Constitutional government that isn't riddled with corruption and actually does seek to protect the rights of its citizens.

There's a difference between legislating that a government treat all of its citizens equally and legislating that all citizens treat each other equally. The former is workable, the latter is an exercise in futility.

The problem we're running into in the US is the effort by bleeding-hearts to right past wrongs by creating "protected classes" of people. To borrow from Animal Farm; "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others". This, of course, is wrong and weakens the entire system.

If I walk in to a business open to the public I expect relatively equal treatment from everyone who works at that business.

On a personal level I agree you can't legislate peoples behavior towards one another.
If it is a privately owned business you are oppressing the owner. Public and private are not one in the same. If the public owns the business then all of the public should be treated on that basis as the same. You are wanting communism and fascism when you claim you have the right to force your personal views and choices onto another person and their personally owned property. Allowing the public onto my personally owned property would not make my property public property.

are they enjoying the benefits of public subsidized tax breaks? do they enjoy the benefits of tax paying dollars that go to their fire protection & public works depts that keep the roads clear so people can drive to do business? do they have to comply with the ADA or do you think that should no longer be in effect because they are a private business?

Commies and fascist man, commies and fascist, oh my!
A fetus is not a baby. But down that evangelical booklet and pick up a science book.
Not one is "allowed to kill babies" without going to jail.

A Jew is not a person? Dayum. you fascist have this all figured out.

So, abortion, is akin to saying Jews are not Human?

Wow, not really desperate, and really dumb at all.

thats what I am trying to figure out?

Abortion is so great, all pregnant Jews should have one.

A little Polish humor?
How is it Democracy

Civics 101. It's not. It's a Republic. The Founders did not like the concept of the Tyranny of Democracy. It's the same way we got our President Grumpster. Furthermore the government didn't force the families or communities to accept these refugees, they did it because they wanted too.
Two questions to answer -

Is it alive?

Is it human?

If both answers are yes, then there is only one conclusion.

the one that wants to carry full term gets to decide whether she wants to give birth & not be forced into being an incubating host.

Perhaps by current law, but it doesn't change the fact that it is human life.

the female who is pregnant is too. one that has a past & a history... not just a potential future.

Yes, but it still doesn't change the fact that it is human life.

Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!

You mean these rights?
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen - Wikipedia
Of course I agree :)
I have heard a lot of people say that they would like to limit voters to those who own property only. This would fall somewhere in this portion of your link "Active and passive citizenship". The problem with that would be similar to what we have today when we get a few in control that have gotten there via corrupt policies can become abusive, power can corrupt absolutely. Also "The declaration did not revoke the institution of slavery". So there are some things that must be worked through.
It appears you may live in a fantasy land if you think all women were happier prior to getting some equal rights, like the ability to support their families. Women in my grandmothers day stayed with abusive men because people like yourself told them that is what they should do. Females were treated like property, even today some are still.

Women being less happy is a fact.

What's Happening To Women's Happiness? | HuffPost

First, since 1972, women’s overall level of happiness has dropped, both relative to where they were forty years ago, and relative to men. You find this drop in happiness in women regardless of whether they have kids, how many kids they have, how much money they make, how healthy they are, what job they hold, whether they are married, single or divorced, how old they are, or what race they are. (The one and only exception: African-American women are now slightly happier than they were back in 1972, although they remain less happy than African American men.)
Not reading your link. A lot of people are 'unhappy' and many don't even know why, can't even tell you why, or pin down why. Many can't take the time or do not take the time to try to figure it out. Some seek their happiness through outside sources, drugs, entertainment, alcohol, games, whatever but never take time to really examine their own hearts. You claimed your self you were considering moving to Poland in your intro. Why? Apparently you are not totally happy and from what you post you seem to want to lay that off on someone else. What really do you think oppresses you? The dude who couldn't get a baker to deliver them a cake claimed that they were being oppressed. I mean really how ridiculous can people get. The pedo thinks they are being oppressed if they can't have access to other peoples children.The addict believes they are oppressed if you limit the types of drugs they can have access to because it is well known that when their lives go to shit they want other people to foot the bill for what they did to themselves. Their precepts oppress them but they desire to make others guilty for whatever it is in them that they are subjecting themselves to.

Females today getting lots of media coverage that y'all are calling feminist are not feminist. The ones being paid or running a con and using the media to bolster a position where males are given leverage over females. They are obviously willing to be mere useful idiots. I can be a female and do basically whatever my heart desires within reason and physical capabilities as long as equal level playing fields are laid out and everyone is made to play by the same rules. If I am given freedoms and laws that are regulated in a just manner I can kick ass in a lot of male dominated fields and enjoy the heck out of doing it while I am in that mode whatever it may be as long as equality exist in the law. We make the best of whatever situation we are in at the time and do the best with what we have. My mother wouldn't and couldn't exactly do that because she was partly considered chattel by my dad during her early years as that is the way it was because they were raised to believe that in their era. His own pride wouldn't let him treat her like an equal in all aspects. I refuse to let your male pride or any other with that spirit of pride male or otherwise define what I am through your erroneous precepts.

Bottom-line is Women are less happy.

As for me thinking about moving to Poland, I don't think it's fair to raise children in a country that will be majority non-White, and in a country that tells dumb Polak jokes.

So go already, big mouth. You're all talk.

When are you going to move to Liberia to be with your Black bros?


You fail logic again.

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