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So, abortion, is akin to saying Jews are not Human?

Wow, not really desperate, and really dumb at all.

thats what I am trying to figure out?

Abortion is so great, all pregnant Jews should have one.
are you really a POS or do you just like to play one behind the safety of a screen?
He's an Eastern Euro. Does that answer the question? :D

I'm an American of Polish heritage, although it's definitely true that I identify more as a Eastern European, rather than American, despite being born in the U.S.A.

Although it's definitely true that you lack the courage of your convictions, and still waste oxygen in a great nation you neither appreciate nor understand.
Sperm are alive and so is the egg. Your cheek cells are alive. Those are living human cells you flush down the toilet every time you take a dump.


Are they human organisms though?

Are they offspring?
Who cares? They aren't human beings and they aren't citizens. Let the Liberals abort themselves. It's a great time and money saver in the long run.

Yeah cuz of course, RWNJs never lose a pregnancy. They always carry to term cuz well, I guess god just favors them.

What you so-called pro-lifers actually want is for sick babies to suffer as long as possible. There's no place for love and compassion in your rabid and utterly thoughtless fight to keep the sickest, saddest, most deformed fetuses alive and suffering be damned.

My bet is you would not torture a dog the way you all say you want to torture the unborn.


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You seem oblivious to all the children who are aborted with nothing wrong with them at all.

There's no such thing.

What you meant is some aborted fetuses could be carried to term and result in a normal birth.

The reason for an abortion is the business of the woman and ONLY her business.

I get that you believe I should have the right force you to reproduce but you're wrong. You own your own body. It's yours to control and that's as it should be.

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If you are pregnant, you already have reproduced.
thats what I am trying to figure out?

Abortion is so great, all pregnant Jews should have one.
are you really a POS or do you just like to play one behind the safety of a screen?
He's an Eastern Euro. Does that answer the question? :D

I'm an American of Polish heritage, although it's definitely true that I identify more as a Eastern European, rather than American, despite being born in the U.S.A.

Although it's definitely true that you lack the courage of your convictions, and still waste oxygen in a great nation you neither appreciate nor understand.

Why should I identify with a nation built on slavery, and plundering Natives, which currently mass murders in far away wars, while it destroys Whites, Native Americans, and others in it's own nation piece by piece by integration.

Dysfunctional isn't even a big enough word for it.
Abortion is so great, all pregnant Jews should have one.
are you really a POS or do you just like to play one behind the safety of a screen?
He's an Eastern Euro. Does that answer the question? :D

I'm an American of Polish heritage, although it's definitely true that I identify more as a Eastern European, rather than American, despite being born in the U.S.A.

Although it's definitely true that you lack the courage of your convictions, and still waste oxygen in a great nation you neither appreciate nor understand.

Why should I identify with a nation built on slavery, and plundering Natives, which currently mass murders in far away wars, while it destroys Whites, Native Americans, and others in it's own nation piece by piece by integration.

Dysfunctional isn't even a big enough word for it.
But when liberals bring these things up were "playing the race card" lol rich.
are you really a POS or do you just like to play one behind the safety of a screen?
He's an Eastern Euro. Does that answer the question? :D

I'm an American of Polish heritage, although it's definitely true that I identify more as a Eastern European, rather than American, despite being born in the U.S.A.

Although it's definitely true that you lack the courage of your convictions, and still waste oxygen in a great nation you neither appreciate nor understand.

Why should I identify with a nation built on slavery, and plundering Natives, which currently mass murders in far away wars, while it destroys Whites, Native Americans, and others in it's own nation piece by piece by integration.

Dysfunctional isn't even a big enough word for it.
But when liberals bring these things up were "playing the race card" lol rich.

I don't identify with either side of it, not the genocide taken out on non-Whites, nor the suicide taken out on Whites today.

Western Europeans are seriously demented, and brutish.

I seriously call into question how White they are anyways.

Many Western Europeans look, and act like they're part African.
Yes, I know. That's what wannabe anti-American Eastern Eurotrash always say. ;)

It's a bit shocking that anyone could change so quickly from killing non-Whites, to having non-Whites killing them.

But, leave it to brutish Western Europeans.....They seem to be easily brainwashed, just Chimping out with their Chimp pack, incapable of constructing greater consciousness.
Not as shocking as the antisemitism still running through all former Soviet satellite Eurotrash nations.

What about all the anti-Eastern European sentiments running through Jews?

Jews tend to hate Poles, and other Eastern Europeans.
Says who?

Uh, look around on this forum where quite a few Jews have made their anti-Polish sentiments known, even unrightfully blaming Poland for the Holocaust.
"Quite a few"? I suspect you were an asshole to one and that person got pissed. Feel free to link the conversation to me....or not.
My mask is not "save the children" - whatever that means.

My goal is only to fight the ignorace and the denials (like yours) and then the cards can fall wherever they may.

I don't need a mask at all. If you spout the kind of retarded billshit you just did... I will tell you so to your face.
Nice try, but your true face is revealed:
...your fucktarded ignorance and denials instead.
...You remember .., The post where you said liberals aren't human beings and that you want them to die.....
When political partisans are losing a discussion, they often resort to exaggeration or outright lying.....just like you are doing now.

As anyone who is smarter than a 5th grader can see, I was referring to sperm, eggs and embryos with the "They aren't human beings and they aren't citizens" comment. Don't you think Liberals should be allowed to have abortions? Are you flip-flopping like John Kerry?
Other people take the view that life begins when the fetus can survive outside the womb.

And those people are ill informed fucktarded idiots.

You can't begin the life of something that has already been alive and growing for more than half a year by then.
Sperm are alive and so is the egg. Your cheek cells are alive. Those are living human cells you flush down the toilet every time you take a dump.


Are they human organisms though?

Are they offspring?
Who cares? They aren't human beings and they aren't citizens. Let the Liberals abort themselves. It's a great time and money saver in the long run.

Yeah cuz of course, RWNJs never lose a pregnancy. They always carry to term cuz well, I guess god just favors them.

What you so-called pro-lifers actually want is for sick babies to suffer as long as possible. There's no place for love and compassion in your rabid and utterly thoughtless fight to keep the sickest, saddest, most deformed fetuses alive and suffering be damned.

My bet is you would not torture a dog the way you all say you want to torture the unborn.


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Sperm are alive and so is the egg. Your cheek cells are alive. Those are living human cells you flush down the toilet every time you take a dump.


Are they human organisms though?

Are they offspring?
Who cares? They aren't human beings and they aren't citizens. Let the Liberals abort themselves. It's a great time and money saver in the long run.

Yeah cuz of course, RWNJs never lose a pregnancy. They always carry to term cuz well, I guess god just favors them.

What you so-called pro-lifers actually want is for sick babies to suffer as long as possible. There's no place for love and compassion in your rabid and utterly thoughtless fight to keep the sickest, saddest, most deformed fetuses alive and suffering be damned.

My bet is you would not torture a dog the way you all say you want to torture the unborn.


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You seem oblivious to all the children who are aborted with nothing wrong with them at all.

There's no such thing.

What you meant is some aborted fetuses could be carried to term and result in a normal birth.

The reason for an abortion is the business of the woman and ONLY her business.

I get that you believe I should have the right force you to reproduce but you're wrong. You own your own body. It's yours to control and that's as it should be.

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So the women's body is only her business.

But the man's wallet is supposed to somehow not be only his business? In fact, he should be completely in the hook for the decisions a woman makes.

Can you help guide me through the logic here?
It's a bit shocking that anyone could change so quickly from killing non-Whites, to having non-Whites killing them.

But, leave it to brutish Western Europeans.....They seem to be easily brainwashed, just Chimping out with their Chimp pack, incapable of constructing greater consciousness.
Not as shocking as the antisemitism still running through all former Soviet satellite Eurotrash nations.

What about all the anti-Eastern European sentiments running through Jews?

Jews tend to hate Poles, and other Eastern Europeans.
Says who?

Uh, look around on this forum where quite a few Jews have made their anti-Polish sentiments known, even unrightfully blaming Poland for the Holocaust.
"Quite a few"? I suspect you were an asshole to one and that person got pissed. Feel free to link the conversation to me....or not.

Jew saying that Poles built the Concentration camps.

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Jew saying that Poles manned the Concentration camps.

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Jew saying that Polish pigs killed Jewish babies.

Racial Purity By Nation
Not as shocking as the antisemitism still running through all former Soviet satellite Eurotrash nations.

What about all the anti-Eastern European sentiments running through Jews?

Jews tend to hate Poles, and other Eastern Europeans.
Says who?

Uh, look around on this forum where quite a few Jews have made their anti-Polish sentiments known, even unrightfully blaming Poland for the Holocaust.
"Quite a few"? I suspect you were an asshole to one and that person got pissed. Feel free to link the conversation to me....or not.

Jew saying that Poles built the Concentration camps.

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Jew saying that Poles manned the Concentration camps.

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Jew saying that Polish pigs killed Jewish babies.

Racial Purity By Nation
Yes and by scrolling through your previous posts it's easy to tell you were no better than the worst of those pointing out your antisemitism.

Do you really think you'll earn the trust and respect of others by being hateful to any group?
What about all the anti-Eastern European sentiments running through Jews?

Jews tend to hate Poles, and other Eastern Europeans.
Says who?

Uh, look around on this forum where quite a few Jews have made their anti-Polish sentiments known, even unrightfully blaming Poland for the Holocaust.
"Quite a few"? I suspect you were an asshole to one and that person got pissed. Feel free to link the conversation to me....or not.

Jew saying that Poles built the Concentration camps.

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Jew saying that Poles manned the Concentration camps.

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Jew saying that Polish pigs killed Jewish babies.

Racial Purity By Nation
Yes and by scrolling through your previous posts it's easy to tell you were no better than the worst of those pointing out your antisemitism.

Do you really think you'll earn the trust and respect of others by being hateful to any group?

Pointing out what anti-Semitism? Saying Poles built, or manned the Concentration camps is downright libel / slander of the Polish nation, which is factually inaccurate.

You've left anti-Eastern European comments, keep in mind.

Are you a Jew by any chance?
Says who?

Uh, look around on this forum where quite a few Jews have made their anti-Polish sentiments known, even unrightfully blaming Poland for the Holocaust.
"Quite a few"? I suspect you were an asshole to one and that person got pissed. Feel free to link the conversation to me....or not.

Jew saying that Poles built the Concentration camps.

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Jew saying that Poles manned the Concentration camps.

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Jew saying that Polish pigs killed Jewish babies.

Racial Purity By Nation
Yes and by scrolling through your previous posts it's easy to tell you were no better than the worst of those pointing out your antisemitism.

Do you really think you'll earn the trust and respect of others by being hateful to any group?

Pointing out what anti-Semitism? Saying Poles built, or manned the Concentration camps is downright libel / slander of the Polish nation, which is factually inaccurate.

You've left anti-Eastern European comments, keep in mind.

Are you a Jew by any chance?
You can try to say "Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain", but that only works on idiots and children. The fact remains you've repeatedly posted anti-Jewish, anti-American and anti-Western posts, while praising the superiority of Eastern Euros. Do you really expect that to engender a spirit of mutual trust and respect?
Uh, look around on this forum where quite a few Jews have made their anti-Polish sentiments known, even unrightfully blaming Poland for the Holocaust.
"Quite a few"? I suspect you were an asshole to one and that person got pissed. Feel free to link the conversation to me....or not.

Jew saying that Poles built the Concentration camps.

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Jew saying that Poles manned the Concentration camps.

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Jew saying that Polish pigs killed Jewish babies.

Racial Purity By Nation
Yes and by scrolling through your previous posts it's easy to tell you were no better than the worst of those pointing out your antisemitism.

Do you really think you'll earn the trust and respect of others by being hateful to any group?

Pointing out what anti-Semitism? Saying Poles built, or manned the Concentration camps is downright libel / slander of the Polish nation, which is factually inaccurate.

You've left anti-Eastern European comments, keep in mind.

Are you a Jew by any chance?
You can try to say "Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain", but that only works on idiots and children. The fact remains you've repeatedly posted anti-Jewish, anti-American and anti-Western posts, while praising the superiority of Eastern Euros. Do you really expect that to engender a spirit of mutual trust and respect?

While, the dumb Jews, and Western Europeans think like you do, in terms of social nonsense, the even dumber Muslims, Blacks, and Hispanics overrun your heritage, and a good deal of them wish for you to be destroyed.

Nothing logical about that.

I'm used to dealing with sub-Humans living in America.

Most people in America are worthless inferior beings, who are incapable of logical thinking.
Keep in mind, there's a big difference in blaming a group for what they've done, as opposed to blaming a group for things they did not do.
Correct, just like you do for Americans, Westerners and Jews.

Uh, blaming Jews, or Western Europeans for things they did, is completely different than blaming Poland for things they didn't do.
While, the dumb Jews, and Western Europeans think like you do, in terms of social nonsense, the even dumber Muslims, Blacks, and Hispanics overrun your heritage, and a good deal of them wish for you to be destroyed.

Nothing logical about that.

I'm used to dealing with sub-Humans living in America.

Most people in America are worthless inferior beings, who are incapable of logical thinking.
Awesome. Thanks for proving my points about you.
While, the dumb Jews, and Western Europeans think like you do, in terms of social nonsense, the even dumber Muslims, Blacks, and Hispanics overrun your heritage, and a good deal of them wish for you to be destroyed.

Nothing logical about that.

I'm used to dealing with sub-Humans living in America.

Most people in America are worthless inferior beings, who are incapable of logical thinking.
Awesome. Thanks for proving my points about you.

You've left quite a few anti-Eastern European comments, but I guess that's "Cool" it's fair game, huh?

Isn't there a term for that?
It's called a hypocrite.
Uh, blaming Jews, or Western Europeans for things they did, is completely different than blaming Poland for things they didn't do.
So, besides spreading hate against others, you're just lying. Figures.

Use the Phrase “Polish Death Camps” in Poland and You May Go to Jail | Smart News | Smithsonian
....The legacy of Poland during the Holocaust is complex. Though the Nazis undeniably were behind the concentration camps that dotted occupied Poland, everyday Poles did participate in the horrors of World War II, participating in pogroms, denouncing and blackmailing Jews, and participating in some death camps. At the same time, Poland organized one of Europe’s biggest resistance movements, and many Poles who were not a part of the organized resistance helped and even saved their Jewish neighbors.....

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