do you support reparations for blacks?

Another cop out, white women have NEVER and I mean NEVER had to endure what black folks have in this country. America has NEVER made amends for slavery, Jim Crow or nothing else as far as that goes. If I am in error show me how.
When will blacks make amends for all the crimes blacks commit against us, and for all their illegitimate children that we support on welfare?

The slave trade was the worst mistake European settlers in the Americas and their descendants made. The United States would be a much better country with virtually no Negroes here. The crime rate would be much lower. The cost of our criminal justice and welfare systems would be much lower. The downtown areas of our cities would be centers of civilization. They would not be crime ridden slums.

Southern whites should have grown their own cotton and tobacco.
HTF do you know what the hell I have or haven't endured, please tell me how you know that. That is just more of the typical white arrogance that you can't hide.
American Negroes should count their blessings. They are more prosperous than Negroes in any black majority, black run country in the world.
When will blacks make amends for all the crimes blacks commit against us, and for all their illegitimate children that we support on welfare?
When someone black commits a crime against someone white they do make amends, it's called prison. It's more whites on welfare, so when are you going to make amends?
The slave trade was the worst mistake European settlers in the Americas and their descendants made. The United States would be a much better country with virtually no Negroes here. The crime rate would be much lower. The cost of our criminal justice and welfare systems would be much lower. The downtown areas of our cities would be centers of civilization. They would not be crime ridden slums.
Take your pasty, racist ass to Siberia, there isn't any black folks there. Yea because whites never commit crime, do they?
Southern whites should have grown their own cotton and tobacco.
They couldn't, they were to busy raping black men and women.

No I don't . You want money get a job. California is so broke. They have nothing to give. It will never happen when state is this broke. And if it did it would be like extra tiny welfare payment. Ridiculous. The state will never vote to do this they cant afford it.
Absolutely Not. it will only ignite civil war 2.0
What a racist idiot that probably hasn't ever done shit, the type of ass clown that rides off of the accomplishments of other whites.
My white privilege has been earned collectively. When people look at me they assume that I am reasonably intelligent and safe to be around, because most whites are. Even Jesse Jackson agrees that whites are nearly always safe.

HTF do you know what the hell I have or haven't endured, please tell me how you know that. That is just more of the typical white arrogance that you can't hide.
White arrogance? There is no such thing. So you expect anyone to believe you have suffered anything close to the Holocaust or Japanese internment?
Cop out.

There are many black folks living today who endured Jim Crow.

Another cop out, white women have NEVER and I mean NEVER had to endure what black folks have in this country. America has NEVER made amends for slavery, Jim Crow or nothing else as far as that goes. If I am in error show me how.
Admit it, you just want free money. You want all blacks given reparations, even those who have not endured Jim Crow.
There will be no way to do reparations correctly.
You can't blindly hand out cash, even in monthly or yearly disbursements and expect good financial decisions from everyone. Money doesn't guarantee prosperity.

The selection process of "who" gets and "who" pays. This will never be done right or correct. Can you imagine two black families in the ghetto of equal financial status. Family A is awarded reparations due to lineage. Family B is denied due to lineage. Family A starts receiving payments evident through outward material purchases. Family B is pissed. Family B robs family A. Thus the start of an inner race war based on envy, jealousy, and equity.
Where is the money for reparations coming from? If we are talking about doing this nationally, we are talking trillions of dollars.

Also when does it stop? If someone receives a million dollars in reparations today and has three children later, do they all get another million each when they reach adulthood? Does it go on in perpetuity?
I’ll ask again because in my 3 other askings no lib loon has tried to blubber a response.
What would they be reparated for or about?
I'll support reparation to the goddamn Negroes when they pay us back for all the crime, damage done by rioting and looting and all the welfare they have received for decades.
More racist propaganda, I bet Jesse didn't say that in 1960 while walking down the street in Birmingham AL.
It is racist propaganda from Jesse Jackson.

According to the 2020 census Birmingham, Alabama has a black population of 68.7%.

According to NeighborhoodScout, Birmingham, Alabama has a crime index of 1.

The safest cities get a rating of 100. The most dangerous cities get a rating of 0. Hardly any cities get a rating of 0. Wherever there are a lot of blacks there is a lot of crime. No, white folks do not force Negroes to commit all those crimes. We do not force them to have all those illegitimate children either.

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