Doctor's Group: Trumpcare Violates Our Oath

The code "first do no harm" is violated every freaking day by Dr. Feelgoods who over prescribe morphine based drugs to the point that Pharm companies have come out with a drug to combat the stomach problems related to such drugs. So far the AMA seems unconcerned. The AMA doesn't seem to mind the harm done in late term abortions where the full term fetus is turned around in the womb to cause a breach birth and it's stabbed in the back of the head while it's brain sucked out with a frankenstein machine. Late term abortions are politically correct and morphine prescriptions are cost effective. Why in the world would the AMA use the cliche "first do no harm" regarding negotiations (that they probably never read) related to a complicated health care bill? To coin another old cliche, "politics makes strange bedfellows".
I would bet 100 bucks you havent read ONE PAGE of it. Not one page.
Hell man, half the time you dont even read what you are responding to..
Your piece of shit party has keep this monstrosity in hiding because they've been too embarrassed to let anyone see it.
It's now available and all the reports are exactly what I said. The AMA read it. Are they lying too?
Of course you don't follow the news.
It's all fake to you.
America is awaiting on the CBO review.
The Congressional Budget Office analysis of the Senate bill is scheduled to be released Monday. The CBO earlier concluded that the House-passed American Health Care Act, which is similar to the Senate measure, would lead to 23 million fewer people having health coverage over the next 10 years.
I would bet 100 bucks you havent read ONE PAGE of it. Not one page.
Hell man, half the time you dont even read what you are responding to..
Your piece of shit party has keep this monstrosity in hiding because they've been too embarrassed to let anyone see it.
It's now available and all the reports are exactly what I said. The AMA read it. Are they lying too?
Of course you don't follow the news.
It's all fake to you.
America is awaiting on the CBO review.
The Congressional Budget Office analysis of the Senate bill is scheduled to be released Monday. The CBO earlier concluded that the House-passed American Health Care Act, which is similar to the Senate measure, would lead to 23 million fewer people having health coverage over the next 10 years.
aint my party. Fuck the duopoly.
Yes, a political junkie doesnt follow the news. GENIUS
23 million fewer people
because they can opt-out?
Another genius remark.
So what was their oath before Obamacare? How about if they work for free or dedicate their weekends to doing house calls in poor neighbourhoods to help those who need it?

Their oath my ass. We have a situation in Ontario where many doctors have been double dipping, over charging and the like and they are fighting like mad to not have their names public to the province. Like most in authority in this country, they feel they are above reproach or accountability EVEN WHEN THE TAXPAYER PAYS FOR THEM! It seems there's very little character left in any profession other than soldiers who risk their lives for so little. It's one of the reasons I try and avoid doctors, too many conmen who push pills in a provincial system of crooks.

If they don't like America or respect the elected government, move to Cuba or Canada then. See how much they like living off of a quarter of what they make now. According to their logic they can at least sleep at night, right?

Everyone has a story or a reason to "resist" as long as they steal from future generations. If industries care so much they can drop their fees by 60% and allow access to so many because of this. They wouldn't in a thousand year. Barring that, someone needs to hand them an abacus and have them figure out how the government entitlement programs are sustainable, especially with a 20 trillion dollar debt already on the books.

On healthcare, Rand Paul has a reasonable though imperfect situation. Let the marketplace and competition dictate prices. Big Government is rarely the answer to such massive issues.
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The code "first do no harm" is violated every freaking day by Dr. Feelgoods who over prescribe morphine based drugs to the point that Pharm companies have come out with a drug to combat the stomach problems related to such drugs. So far the AMA seems unconcerned. The AMA doesn't seem to mind the harm done in late term abortions where the full term fetus is turned around in the womb to cause a breach birth and it's stabbed in the back of the head while it's brain sucked out with a frankenstein machine. Late term abortions are politically correct and morphine prescriptions are cost effective. Why in the world would the AMA use the cliche "first do no harm" in a complicated health care bill? To coin another old cliche, "politics makes strange bedfellows".
Like a true deplorable now you attack the AMA for speaking the truth about the disaster that is Trumpcare.
You're so predictable.
I would bet 100 bucks you havent read ONE PAGE of it. Not one page.
Hell man, half the time you dont even read what you are responding to..
Your piece of shit party has keep this monstrosity in hiding because they've been too embarrassed to let anyone see it.
It's now available and all the reports are exactly what I said. The AMA read it. Are they lying too?
Of course you don't follow the news.
It's all fake to you.
America is awaiting on the CBO review.
The Congressional Budget Office analysis of the Senate bill is scheduled to be released Monday. The CBO earlier concluded that the House-passed American Health Care Act, which is similar to the Senate measure, would lead to 23 million fewer people having health coverage over the next 10 years.
aint my party. Fuck the duopoly.
Yes, a political junkie doesnt follow the news. GENIUS
23 million fewer people
because they can opt-out?
Another genius remark.
" a political junkie doesn't follow the news."
You pull your lies straight from your ass or Alex Jones or Trump's ass.
I would bet 100 bucks you havent read ONE PAGE of it. Not one page.
Hell man, half the time you dont even read what you are responding to..
Your piece of shit party has keep this monstrosity in hiding because they've been too embarrassed to let anyone see it.
It's now available and all the reports are exactly what I said. The AMA read it. Are they lying too?
Of course you don't follow the news.
It's all fake to you.
America is awaiting on the CBO review.
The Congressional Budget Office analysis of the Senate bill is scheduled to be released Monday. The CBO earlier concluded that the House-passed American Health Care Act, which is similar to the Senate measure, would lead to 23 million fewer people having health coverage over the next 10 years.

Let's talk about hiding monstrosities...
pelosi we have to pass it to know whats in it - - Yahoo Video Search Results

Apparently, she'd "heard" a lot about the ACA but had no clue how damaging it was, or would be. Or perhaps, she DID have a clue and didn't want any sane person finding out about it before it had been passed into law?
I would bet 100 bucks you havent read ONE PAGE of it. Not one page.
Hell man, half the time you dont even read what you are responding to..
Your piece of shit party has keep this monstrosity in hiding because they've been too embarrassed to let anyone see it.
It's now available and all the reports are exactly what I said. The AMA read it. Are they lying too?
Of course you don't follow the news.
It's all fake to you.
America is awaiting on the CBO review.
The Congressional Budget Office analysis of the Senate bill is scheduled to be released Monday. The CBO earlier concluded that the House-passed American Health Care Act, which is similar to the Senate measure, would lead to 23 million fewer people having health coverage over the next 10 years.
aint my party. Fuck the duopoly.
Yes, a political junkie doesnt follow the news. GENIUS
23 million fewer people
because they can opt-out?
Another genius remark.
" a political junkie doesn't follow the news."
You pull your lies straight from your ass or Alex Jones or Trump's ass.
you said i dont follow the news. I am a political junkie. Why would i NOT follow the news? You, sir, are not very bright.
I would bet 100 bucks you havent read ONE PAGE of it. Not one page.
Hell man, half the time you dont even read what you are responding to..
Your piece of shit party has keep this monstrosity in hiding because they've been too embarrassed to let anyone see it.
It's now available and all the reports are exactly what I said. The AMA read it. Are they lying too?
Of course you don't follow the news.
It's all fake to you.
America is awaiting on the CBO review.
The Congressional Budget Office analysis of the Senate bill is scheduled to be released Monday. The CBO earlier concluded that the House-passed American Health Care Act, which is similar to the Senate measure, would lead to 23 million fewer people having health coverage over the next 10 years.

Let's talk about hiding monstrosities...
pelosi we have to pass it to know whats in it - - Yahoo Video Search Results

Apparently, she'd "heard" a lot about the ACA but had no clue how damaging it was, or would be. Or perhaps, she DID have a clue and didn't want any sane person finding out about it before it had been passed into law?
Oh look a squirrel.
I would bet 100 bucks you havent read ONE PAGE of it. Not one page.
Hell man, half the time you dont even read what you are responding to..
Your piece of shit party has keep this monstrosity in hiding because they've been too embarrassed to let anyone see it.
It's now available and all the reports are exactly what I said. The AMA read it. Are they lying too?
Of course you don't follow the news.
It's all fake to you.
America is awaiting on the CBO review.
The Congressional Budget Office analysis of the Senate bill is scheduled to be released Monday. The CBO earlier concluded that the House-passed American Health Care Act, which is similar to the Senate measure, would lead to 23 million fewer people having health coverage over the next 10 years.
aint my party. Fuck the duopoly.
Yes, a political junkie doesnt follow the news. GENIUS
23 million fewer people
because they can opt-out?
Another genius remark.
" a political junkie doesn't follow the news."
You pull your lies straight from your ass or Alex Jones or Trump's ass.
you said i dont follow the news. I am a political junkie. Why would i NOT follow the news? You, sir, are not very bright.
You're so bright you haven't followed the news how the Senate bill is just as " mean" as the House bill.
A political junkie my ass.
Doctors are under no obligation to charge for their services. They can easily bypass their role in the Republican bill and treat those who may lose their coverage free of charge.
I would bet 100 bucks you havent read ONE PAGE of it. Not one page.
Hell man, half the time you dont even read what you are responding to..
Your piece of shit party has keep this monstrosity in hiding because they've been too embarrassed to let anyone see it.
It's now available and all the reports are exactly what I said. The AMA read it. Are they lying too?
Of course you don't follow the news.
It's all fake to you.
America is awaiting on the CBO review.
The Congressional Budget Office analysis of the Senate bill is scheduled to be released Monday. The CBO earlier concluded that the House-passed American Health Care Act, which is similar to the Senate measure, would lead to 23 million fewer people having health coverage over the next 10 years.
aint my party. Fuck the duopoly.
Yes, a political junkie doesnt follow the news. GENIUS
23 million fewer people
because they can opt-out?
Another genius remark.
" a political junkie doesn't follow the news."
You pull your lies straight from your ass or Alex Jones or Trump's ass.
you said i dont follow the news. I am a political junkie. Why would i NOT follow the news? You, sir, are not very bright.
You're so bright you haven't followed the news how the Senate bill is just as " mean" as the House bill.
A political junkie my ass.
I didnt say anything about it you dumbfuck.
Good gawd almighty
The code "first do no harm" is violated every freaking day by Dr. Feelgoods who over prescribe morphine based drugs to the point that Pharm companies have come out with a drug to combat the stomach problems related to such drugs. So far the AMA seems unconcerned. The AMA doesn't seem to mind the harm done in late term abortions where the full term fetus is turned around in the womb to cause a breach birth and it's stabbed in the back of the head while it's brain sucked out with a frankenstein machine. Late term abortions are politically correct and morphine prescriptions are cost effective. Why in the world would the AMA use the cliche "first do no harm" in a complicated health care bill? To coin another old cliche, "politics makes strange bedfellows".
Like a true deplorable now you attack the AMA for speaking the truth about the disaster that is Trumpcare.
You're so predictable.
Anyone who disagrees or criticizes trump or the cult of trump must be demonized and attacked. Honesty and truthfulness count for nothing. Only the thoughts and commands of the leader count. The leader is always right and can never be questioned.
Doctors are under no obligation to charge for their services. They can easily bypass their role in the Republican bill and treat those who may lose their coverage free of charge.
Funniest post of the week.
So THAT's your defense for the monstrosity known as Trumpcare.
The code "first do no harm" is violated every freaking day by Dr. Feelgoods who over prescribe morphine based drugs to the point that Pharm companies have come out with a drug to combat the stomach problems related to such drugs. So far the AMA seems unconcerned. The AMA doesn't seem to mind the harm done in late term abortions where the full term fetus is turned around in the womb to cause a breach birth and it's stabbed in the back of the head while it's brain sucked out with a frankenstein machine. Late term abortions are politically correct and morphine prescriptions are cost effective. Why in the world would the AMA use the cliche "first do no harm" in a complicated health care bill? To coin another old cliche, "politics makes strange bedfellows".
Like a true deplorable now you attack the AMA for speaking the truth about the disaster that is Trumpcare.
You're so predictable.
Anyone who disagrees or criticizes trump or the cult of trump must be demonized and attacked. Honesty and truthfulness count for nothing. Only the thoughts and commands of the leader count. The leader is always right and can never be questioned.
They follow their supreme leader to a T.
He's on record as saying," Don't believe anything you hear or read unless you hear it from me. "
Those are the words of dictators all around the world.
i can understand why most of the DEPLORABLES have been avoiding talking about the replacement for Obamacare.
It's horrendous and nowhere near as good as Obamacare.

The rich get richer and 23 million people lose their insurance..

Another lie by Trump: "I'm going replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."

American Medical Association Slams Senate GOP Health Care Bill | HuffPost

From the link:

“Medicine has long operated under the precept of Primum non nocere, or ‘first, do no harm.’

This reduces the OP's argument / declaration that doctors oppose the ACHA...yet, I suppose he is trying to say, those same doctors simultaneously love the ACA.

The ACA was such a mis-represented fabrication that it is collapsing, stripping millions of healthcare. Premiums have gone up so much people can no longer afford it...when / if their providers do not shut their doors and pull out.

Harry Reid openly declared not long after passage of the ACA that it was designed to fail. Let that sink in for a minute: Obama and Democrats intentionally destroyed the existing health care system - health care and patients' health be damned - so they could push a temp program that would eventually cause the embrace of a system that would give them more control of people's lives and health care. For them, it was never about making health care better for PATIENTS / CONSUMERS.

So this thread and its premise is a JOKE.

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