Does America deserve to implode?

I would agree anyone under 28 or so does not really deserve it, but we have fucked them over in the name of partisanship.

Actually, it is the opposite. There is a claim of partisanship, but that is mere illusion. The reality is both "sides" work together to enrich themselves, and ultimately enslave everyone else.
Actually, it is the opposite. There is a claim of partisanship, but that is mere illusion. The reality is both "sides" work together to enrich themselves, and ultimately enslave everyone else.

Well, yes those in power are not partisan, but they have done everything in their power to make the populous hyper-partisan as possible, thus allowing what we are now seeing.

How can we fight them when we are too busy fighting each other over been cans and mermaids?
Well, yes those in power are not partisan, but they have done everything in their power to make the populous hyper-partisan as possible, thus allowing what we are now seeing.

How can we fight them when we are too busy fighting each other over been cans and mermaids?

Of course. Divide and conquer. Idiots enable them by claiming there is a duopoly.
Actually, it is the opposite. There is a claim of partisanship, but that is mere illusion. The reality is both "sides" work together to enrich themselves, and ultimately enslave everyone else.
Odd, I don't feel enslaved, nor do I think I am.

Then again I accumulated the wherewithal in my prime earning years do do pretty much what I want to do, within reason, now.


I like to hunt, fish, and shoot so instead of having to kiss somebody's ass to be able to enjoy those things on their property (and the headaches that go along with leasing and such) I purchased my own place to enjoy them all on and gave up the leases.....It's not all that much when compared to my old leases but it's well located and plenty enough for my needs. ;)
Odd, I don't feel enslaved, nor do I think I am.

Then again I accumulated the wherewithal in my prime earning years do do pretty much what I want to do, within reason, now.


I like to hunt, fish, and shoot so instead of having to kiss somebody's ass to be able to enjoy those things on their property (and the headaches that go along with leasing and such) I purchased my own place to enjoy them all on and gave up the leases.....It's not all that much when compared to my old leases but it's well located and plenty enough for my needs. ;)

That's because you aren't.......yet.
I suspect I'll go to my dirt nap in good enough shape. Those that come after maybe not so much but that is on them. I carry my own water.

Nah, they are speeding everything up. You have three years. Tops.
Voting for any Uber wealthy person to lead is a bad thing for the middle and lower class. Undeniable fact.
"...does America deserve to implode?"
In a word....YES.
It's just a mater of when, not if.

Am sorry to read that the life you constructed for yourself and your family has turned out so unsatisfactory for you.
America is this country of great and plentiful opportunity. Witness the thousands upon thousands who are trekking thousands of dangerous miles
against predatorial criminals along their path.....and they are coming with their children. Coming with their children because they think America
really is a better place, for them, and for the future of their children.
Yet, too many who were born here think America is a terrible place.
I don't.
America has been great for my family and me. Our life is good. Very good. Am sorry about yours.

Are these dystopianists really just Chicken Littles who refuse to recognize they were born on third base?


American's kicked God out of the public square and chose to make their own laws while casting His aside
Which God got kicked out?
There are many of 'em. Thousands of 'em.
And what do you mean that one of 'em
got kick out of the public square? Are there no churches, mosques, synagogues, meeting places for believers
of one or more of those thousands of gods?

Yes, and the aftermath should be two separate countries. I no longer want to live around the left,

OK, we understand you want to split the United States of America.
How you gonna do it?
East vs West?
North vs South?
Net worth qualifier?
Religious qualifier?
Education qualifier?
You say you don't want to live around "the left".
OK, but there are many degrees of "left"...... from radical (however that is defined) to centrist, to barely liberal, to RINO's. Or is it merely just
a subjective definition for folks you are --for myriad reasons --- uncomfortable around?
The decline of the US really started when that jackass Carter opened up immigration to third world Black and Brown assholes that flooded to the US for welfare. Then to add on more destruction the millions of damn Illegals.

The country was much better when the predominate immigrant demographics were White Europeans.

That started the decline. It is only getting worse now.
We do deserve to implode if we keep electing crooked Dems and RINOs.

MAGA and America First folk are the only way to save this country politically.

I agree! but the problem is that nobody is electing crooked Rats and Rinos.

The Rats at least, have been stealing the elections for some time now!

Do decent Americans have a secure plan to stop the 2024 election from being stolen too?

That is the the question.

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