Does America deserve to implode?

Am sorry to read that the life you constructed for yourself and your family has turned out so unsatisfactory for you.
My life is quite satisfactory. That doesn't mean I turn a blind eye to the potential problems of loose fiscal policy and internal division that we are experiencing.
. That doesn't mean I turn a blind eye to the potential problems of loose fiscal policy and internal division that we are experiencing.
It's just a mater of when, not if.

Well, it is heartening to know you haven't faced the dire circumstances and disappointments that others here seemingly have.
But, of more interest to me and my family is------is when is the "when" you speak of. The time when the inevitability of America's demise.....happens.
When will that be?
Specifically ----- or at least within a 30-day window.

We'd like to hole-up at our lake place during this collapse-thingy.
We'll wait it out playing euchre and bridge with neighbors.
I've got a small Kubota tractor there so can stay busy cutting wood and doing stuff.

Thanks, in advance.
Am sorry to read that the life you constructed for yourself and your family has turned out so unsatisfactory for you.
America is this country of great and plentiful opportunity. Witness the thousands upon thousands who are trekking thousands of dangerous miles

My life has gone far better than I ever expected. Between the wife and I we make more money than I ever dreamed of and both my childern are doing great. My wife and I will retire in 6 year both young enough to still enjoy our post working lives.

America is a great country full of plentiful opportunities and we are wasting it and driving it into the dirt due to petty partisan squabbles.

We are on the road to be forced to choose between two totally unqualified men for POTUS next year.

I will add this, when the wife and I retire, it will not be in this country
. That doesn't mean I turn a blind eye to the potential problems of loose fiscal policy and internal division that we are experiencing.
It's just a mater of when, not if.

Well, it is heartening to know you haven't faced the dire circumstances and disappointments that others here seemingly have.
But, of more interest to me and my family is------is when is the "when" you speak of. The time when the inevitability of America's demise.....happens.
When will that be?
Specifically, or at least within a 30-day window.

We'd like to go up to our lake place and wait it out.

Thanks in advance.
The time when the inevitability of America's demise.....happens.
When will that be?
Specifically, or at least within a 30-day window.

It has already begun.

If we default on our debt it will just speed up.
Well, it is heartening to know you haven't faced the dire circumstances and disappointments that others here seemingly have.
I've faced many dire circumstances in my life. And disappointments. Gotta roll with the punches.
But, of more interest to me and my family is------is when is the "when" you speak of. The time when the inevitability of America's demise.....happens.
That's a conditional "when", depending on whether or not we fix our overspending problem and internal divisions caused by focusing on class warfare and racial division.
When will that be?
Specifically ----- or at least within a 30-day window.
Are you pretending to be stupid?
I agree! but the problem is that nobody is electing crooked Rats and Rinos.

The Rats at least, have been stealing the elections for some time now!

Do decent Americans have a secure plan to stop the 2024 election from being stolen too?

That is the the question.

So you're not voting next year?
To the OP and anyone who agrees with him


America is a great country and if you don’t like it

I would agree anyone under 28 or so does not really deserve it, but we have fucked them over in the name of partisanship.
NEGATIVE….You globalists have fucked them over in the name of diversity / multiculturalism and ‘PROGRESS’.
You have manufactured a citizenry that does not vote our Constitution, our moral order, our values, our traditions and the American Way.

To the OP and anyone who agrees with him


America is a great country and if you don’t like it

REAL America where real Americans reside is still great.
Diverse / foreign America, immoral America, taxpayer dependent America, lawless America….basically ALL disgusting, dangerous blue shitholes are far from “great”.
To the OP and anyone who agrees with him


America is a great country and if you don’t like it


You first asshole. YOU are the dipshit that wants to "fundamentally change America" not us, shit for brains....YOU!
John Adams was right over 200 years ago

He should know. Isn't he the one who got his wife to buy up US government scrip to pay soldiers of the revolutionary war from them at a discount while he was in London - because the US had no money to pay the soldiers - then supported the implementation of the Constitution and its ability to raise debt so he'd be paid off?

Why, yes, I do believe he is that one. Very American...
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