Does America deserve to implode?

Well yes. For the left and their unwillingness to hear the truth and their increasing blatant flamboyant godlessness.

Mostly cause us conservatives do very little about it other than sing country songs, wave American flags and post on social media. Maybe attend a rally or two, but very little else.

Moat of us aren't willing to do what truly needs to be done and our passivity to their growing insurrection and our willingness to be their punching bag is actually a bigger problem than all of the leftists utter bullshit and that is all they have. Is bullshit, is the reason why this country deserves it and it will and is happening.

Wait till the real red carpet is rolled out the true evil that is on its way. Only suffering that some of have read about in the history books, we will be experiencing.

Count on it. Get ourselves right with God. Pray. Ask, beg for mercy. Ask for a true heart. Let's pray for one another. I am as much to blame for our plight and what's going to happen as much as anyone.

Let's stop kidding ourselves. Talking to us conservatives. Not them. They have zero ability to see or hear. They haven't the eyes or ears to do it. The scary thing is it's been taken from them and they don't know they are judged already.

God help us all. 🙏
To the OP and anyone who agrees with him


America is a great country and if you don’t like it

Spending billions and billions of dollars to support illegal aliens and neo-nazis is 'great' in your eyes? Over 100,000 dead Americans a year due to the illegal drugs flooding across our open borders is 'great'? Watching Democrat controlled hellholes decend into third world status is 'great'? You are the problem here.
that conman was doing better than most of the guy before him,, would have to go back decades to find an america first president,,,
The hell he was. And he was not America first. He was Trump first, Putin seconnd and America maybe third.
Well yes. For the left and their unwillingness to hear the truth and their increasing blatant flamboyant godlessness.

Mostly cause us conservatives do very little about it other than sing country songs, wave American flags and post on social media. Maybe attend a rally or two, but very little else.

Moat of us aren't willing to do what truly needs to be done and our passivity to their growing insurrection and our willingness to be their punching bag is actually a bigger problem than all of the leftists utter bullshit and that is all they have. Is bullshit, is the reason why this country deserves it and it will and is happening.

Wait till the real red carpet is rolled out the true evil that is on its way. Only suffering that some of have read about in the history books, we will be experiencing.

Count on it. Get ourselves right with God. Pray. Ask, beg for mercy. Ask for a true heart. Let's pray for one another. I am as much to blame for our plight and what's going to happen as much as anyone.

Let's stop kidding ourselves. Talking to us conservatives. Not them. They have zero ability to see or hear. They haven't the eyes or ears to do it. The scary thing is it's been taken from them and they don't know they are judged already.

God help us all. 🙏
Shut up pharisee.
Spending billions and billions of dollars to support illegal aliens and neo-nazis is 'great' in your eyes? Over 100,000 dead Americans a year due to the illegal drugs flooding across our open borders is 'great'? Watching Democrat controlled hellholes decend into third world status is 'great'? You are the problem here.
Republican controlled hellholes are even worse since they are entires states. There are no open borrders. More Americans are dying from drugs made here. Alcohol for example.
American's kicked God out of the public square and chose to make their own laws while casting His aside. America deserves what she asked for. Get rid of good and evil fills the void.
America never had God.
To the OP and anyone who agrees with him


America is a great country and if you don’t like it


Denial is not just a river in Egypt

We have serious problems with our government right now and burying your head in the sand isn't going to work
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We voted in someone different and you both saw and are seeing the results...
They faked a investigation into the Russian Collusion hoax for three years, impeached him twice, used the media to smear him, raided his home, and convicted him in a 30 year old civil suit...and those are just the highlights so far.

If ANYTHING tells you how much the powers that be fear an outsider in the White House... the way they've worked to destroy Donald Trump should tell you everything you need to know.

Here's the really bad news.

They'll kill him before they let him win the presidency again...

Trump was no different than any other republican IMO he was a bad choice but when the only 2 choices we get are both bad choices what do you expect but one shitty politician after another?
“They [Locke, Rousseau, and Hobbes] brought the important news that by nature all men are free and equal and that they have rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of property. But the American colonists, having accepted these ideas while at the same time enslaving the Africans and dispossessing the Native Americans, found themselves in a dilemma wherein they wished to continue these ideas, to identify with key ideals, but at the same time to continue to profit from the anti-ideal, which the Lockean belief in self-interest led them to believe in equally. The result was the American ‘trick’: the surrender of morality and higher aspirations to self-interest… By ignoring the equal humanity of its minorities[sic], America began the long process of denying the reality of its history.”

-Y.N. Kly, The Anti-Social Contract
Denial is not just a er in Egypt

We have serious problems with our government right now and burying your head in the sand isn't going to work
Biden is far better than trump. We had serious problems with the last government and those like you want to put person who created the problems back in power.
Biden is far better than trump. We had serious problems with the last government and those like you want to put person who created the problems back in power.
Yes a doddering senile old man is the best we can do right?

It's actually pretty sad when you think about it.
Yes a doddering senile old man is the best we can do right?

It's actually pretty sad when you think about it.

More than sad, scary.

That we might be stuck choosing between those two men again is a sure sign that we are in a rapid decline.
John Adams was right over 200 years ago

Moral and righteous? LOL!

These men ccrafted the constitution.

Sixty-four men are credited with the “founding” of America. Out of the 64 so-called founders, 49 owned slaves. The slave owners were: George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, James Monroe, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, John Marshall, Samuel Chase, John Hancock, Benjamin Harrison, John Dickinson, William Floyd, George Mason, Joseph Hewes, John Penn, Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton, William Paca, Thomas Stone, Charles Carroll, George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton, Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, George Taylor, Caesar Rodney, George Read, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris, Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark, Josiah Bartlett, William Hooper, William Whipple, Stephen Hopkins , and Oliver Wolcott.

And don't try that you can't hold the people of the past to todays standards excuse. The record shows how the people of that time assessed “today’s” standards on themselves. Almost every one of them spoke out against slavery. Ben Franklin and Ben Rush formed an abolition organization. John Quincy Adams was called the “hell hound for Abolition.” Don’t believe me, here are their words.

Why keep alive the question of slavery? It is admitted by all to be a great evil.” -Charles Carroll, Signer of the Declaration

“I am glad to hear that the disposition against keeping negroes grows more general in North America. Several pieces have been lately printed here against the practice, and I hope in time it will be taken into consideration and suppressed by the legislature.” -Benjamin Franklin, Signer of the Declaration, Signer of the Constitution, President of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society

"That men should pray and fight for their own freedom and yet keep others in slavery is certainly acting a very inconsistent, as well as unjust and perhaps impious.” -John Jay, President of Continental Congress, Original Chief Justice U. S. Supreme Court

I hope we shall at last, and if it so please God I hope it may be during my life time, see this cursed thing [slavery] taken out. . . . For my part, whether in a public station or a private capacity, I shall always be prompt to contribute my assistance towards effecting so desirable an event.” -William Livingston, Signer of the Constitution; Governor of New Jersey

“The whole commerce between master and slave is a perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions, the most unremitting despotism on the one part, and degrading submissions on the other. . . . And with what execration [curse] should the statesman be loaded, who permitting one half the citizens thus to trample on the rights of the other. . . . And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” -Thomas Jefferson

Moral and righteous? LOL!
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We are under Judgment already, I feel.

God help us. He's the only one who can.
We are under judgement and it has little too nothing to do with the fake concern about Bidens age and more to do with the consistent wickness that made people vote for trump once and who are willing to vote for him again bassed on that same wickedness..
That is like saying that Ryan Leaf was a far better QB than JaMarcus Russell
No, not really. I'm not saying Biden is the greatest, but we can go to sporting evennts, concerts, plays, eat at restaurants ad stuff without wearing masks if we don't want to. Thats better than it was during trump. Biden gets blamed for inflation thats global when the United States is doing better with inflation than most of the countries in the world. Unemployment is lower than it was under trump. Black unemployment is lower than it was under truump. We gotta stop listening to some of these talkig heads.
No, not really. I'm not saying Biden is the greatest, but we can go to sporting evennts, concerts, plays, eat at restaurants ad stuff without wearing masks if we don't want to. Thats better than it was during trump. Biden gets blamed for inflation thats global when the United States is doing better with inflation than most of the countries in the world. Unemployment is lower than it was under trump. Black unemployment is lower than it was under truump. We gotta stop listening to some of these talkig heads.

You are doing the same thing the Trump folks did, giving him all the credit for good things and no blame for bad things.

Biden does not get blame for inflation because it is happening all around the world, yet he gets credit for us going to places without mask, which is all happening all around the world. Why does he get credit for the latter and not part of the blame for the former?
America never had God.
America has a document of freedom with a flaw in it to get it passed. Even so, localities abused the freedoms in it. Still do. The Articles of Confederation was much more of freedoms. Although localities could abuse it. And slavery did exist.
You are doing the same thing the Trump folks did, giving him all the credit for good things and no blame for bad things.

Biden does not get blame for inflation because it is happening all around the world, yet he gets credit for us going to places without mask, which is all happening all around the world. Why does he get credit for the latter and not part of the blame for the former?
Biden got the nation vaccinated.

That was a huge undertaking and a great success
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