does anyone really believe obama coulda been treyvon 30 years ago

The hypocrisy of the scumbag left never ceases to amaze and astound me.

Next to the phrase, "White Privilege" in the dictionary is a picture of the Stuttering Clusterfukk.

His 'father' (not really his father but that's another topic) left before he even knew how to say his name, so let's throw that out the window.

His WHITE mother raised him for short period of time. Then he went to Indonesia where he studied in a Madrassa.

His mother tired of him and sent him back to Hawaii where his WHITE Grandfather raised him and made sure he went to the best WHITE Private Schools.

This punk has no fucking clue what it means to be black, to live on the streets, to walk home from school through gang-infested, drug-soaked, hooker-occupied typical Black Neighborhoods.


This punk-assed motherfucker has been the son of PRIVILEGE his entire life.

What he did, was use his skin color to his advantage. Used it to go places and do things HE WAS NOT ENTITLED TO.

He got into Columbia playing the poor, unfortunate, disadvantaged, but really bright, over-achieving Black kid when nothing could be further from the truth.

This punk-assed bitch has been the son of privilege his ENTIRE Life.

He has GAMED THE SYSTEM since he was a kid.

And all you Black people out there holding him up as an example?

You're stupid. You are really, really stupid to fall for this bullshit.

Really stupid.

Herman Cain is an example that Black People should look up to.

Allen West is an American Success story.

But the Stuttering Clusterfukk?

Phoniest bitch in the Country.

And the left is too stupid to see it.

What else is new??
Obama didnt grow up in AL or MS.

I grew up NY and by the time I was 12 or 13 there was little to no bigotry.

As for his biography, the facts are there. Had he not been black he never would have gotten to attend the schools he did.

Actually, I grew up in Montana, and in my senior year, I saw a girl by the name of Kelly who had a boyfriend by the name of Jimmy.

Both of those people loved each other a lot. Kelly was a cheerleader, and Jimmy was one of the stars of the football team, and lemmie tell ya.............he was a great blocker.

One day, I came into school and saw Kelly crying her ass off, and stopped to ask her what was wrong. She said that her parents knew she was going steady with Jimmy (and yeah.............last names are left off to protect the innocent), and told her she had to break up with him.

Wanna know the reason? It was because Kelly was white, and Jimmy was black.

Sure......................keep trying.......................bigotry existed back in 1981 to 1982 (my senior year) and it still exists today.

you are acting as if bigotry is a one way street

i have had bigotry experiences too and I'm white
The hypocrisy of the scumbag left never ceases to amaze and astound me.

Next to the phrase, "White Privilege" in the dictionary is a picture of the Stuttering Clusterfukk.

His 'father' (not really his father but that's another topic) left before he even knew how to say his name, so let's throw that out the window.

His WHITE mother raised him for short period of time. Then he went to Indonesia where he studied in a Madrassa.

His mother tired of him and sent him back to Hawaii where his WHITE Grandfather raised him and made sure he went to the best WHITE Private Schools.

This punk has no fucking clue what it means to be black, to live on the streets, to walk home from school through gang-infested, drug-soaked, hooker-occupied typical Black Neighborhoods.


This punk-assed motherfucker has been the son of PRIVILEGE his entire life.

What he did, was use his skin color to his advantage. Used it to go places and do things HE WAS NOT ENTITLED TO.

He got into Columbia playing the poor, unfortunate, disadvantaged, but really bright, over-achieving Black kid when nothing could be further from the truth.

This punk-assed bitch has been the son of privilege his ENTIRE Life.

He has GAMED THE SYSTEM since he was a kid.

And all you Black people out there holding him up as an example?

You're stupid. You are really, really stupid to fall for this bullshit.

Really stupid.

Herman Cain is an example that Black People should look up to.

Allen West is an American Success story.

But the Stuttering Clusterfukk?

Phoniest bitch in the Country.

And the left is too stupid to see it.

What else is new??

mostly erased from the internets

back in 07 that was the question

is obama black enough

serious race baiters questioned it
The hypocrisy of the scumbag left never ceases to amaze and astound me.

Next to the phrase, "White Privilege" in the dictionary is a picture of the Stuttering Clusterfukk.

His 'father' (not really his father but that's another topic) left before he even knew how to say his name, so let's throw that out the window.

His WHITE mother raised him for short period of time. Then he went to Indonesia where he studied in a Madrassa.

His mother tired of him and sent him back to Hawaii where his WHITE Grandfather raised him and made sure he went to the best WHITE Private Schools.

This punk has no fucking clue what it means to be black, to live on the streets, to walk home from school through gang-infested, drug-soaked, hooker-occupied typical Black Neighborhoods.


This punk-assed motherfucker has been the son of PRIVILEGE his entire life.

What he did, was use his skin color to his advantage. Used it to go places and do things HE WAS NOT ENTITLED TO.

He got into Columbia playing the poor, unfortunate, disadvantaged, but really bright, over-achieving Black kid when nothing could be further from the truth.

This punk-assed bitch has been the son of privilege his ENTIRE Life.

He has GAMED THE SYSTEM since he was a kid.

And all you Black people out there holding him up as an example?

You're stupid. You are really, really stupid to fall for this bullshit.

Really stupid.

Herman Cain is an example that Black People should look up to.

Allen West is an American Success story.

But the Stuttering Clusterfukk?

Phoniest bitch in the Country.

And the left is too stupid to see it.

What else is new??

There are many black success stories, but they go unmentioned pretty much every day. To laud them deprives the victims of a platform.
Obama didnt grow up in AL or MS.

I grew up NY and by the time I was 12 or 13 there was little to no bigotry.

As for his biography, the facts are there. Had he not been black he never would have gotten to attend the schools he did.

Actually, I grew up in Montana, and in my senior year, I saw a girl by the name of Kelly who had a boyfriend by the name of Jimmy.

Both of those people loved each other a lot. Kelly was a cheerleader, and Jimmy was one of the stars of the football team, and lemmie tell ya.............he was a great blocker.

One day, I came into school and saw Kelly crying her ass off, and stopped to ask her what was wrong. She said that her parents knew she was going steady with Jimmy (and yeah.............last names are left off to protect the innocent), and told her she had to break up with him.

Wanna know the reason? It was because Kelly was white, and Jimmy was black.

Sure......................keep trying.......................bigotry existed back in 1981 to 1982 (my senior year) and it still exists today.

you are acting as if bigotry is a one way street

i have had bigotry experiences too and I'm white

Unless you can answer "WHY" people are prejudiced, then you have no business discussing the topic.

If you want to know "WHY" people are prejudiced, maybe you should ask them.

Or has that never occurred to anybody on the left?

That's what I thought.
Actually, I grew up in Montana, and in my senior year, I saw a girl by the name of Kelly who had a boyfriend by the name of Jimmy.

Both of those people loved each other a lot. Kelly was a cheerleader, and Jimmy was one of the stars of the football team, and lemmie tell ya.............he was a great blocker.

One day, I came into school and saw Kelly crying her ass off, and stopped to ask her what was wrong. She said that her parents knew she was going steady with Jimmy (and yeah.............last names are left off to protect the innocent), and told her she had to break up with him.

Wanna know the reason? It was because Kelly was white, and Jimmy was black.

Sure......................keep trying.......................bigotry existed back in 1981 to 1982 (my senior year) and it still exists today.

Actually it was because Jimmy was a drug dealing pimp hustler.
But keep trying.

He must have been if he was Black.
i bet he was a bait fisherman. You don''t bait fish in idaho or montana
Actually, I grew up in Montana, and in my senior year, I saw a girl by the name of Kelly who had a boyfriend by the name of Jimmy.

Both of those people loved each other a lot. Kelly was a cheerleader, and Jimmy was one of the stars of the football team, and lemmie tell ya.............he was a great blocker.

One day, I came into school and saw Kelly crying her ass off, and stopped to ask her what was wrong. She said that her parents knew she was going steady with Jimmy (and yeah.............last names are left off to protect the innocent), and told her she had to break up with him.

Wanna know the reason? It was because Kelly was white, and Jimmy was black.

Sure......................keep trying.......................bigotry existed back in 1981 to 1982 (my senior year) and it still exists today.

you are acting as if bigotry is a one way street

i have had bigotry experiences too and I'm white

Unless you can answer "WHY" people are prejudiced, then you have no business discussing the topic.

If you want to know "WHY" people are prejudiced, maybe you should ask them.

Or has that never occurred to anybody on the left?

That's what I thought.

I see a lot of generalities on this thread but nothing relating to obama

obama was closer to zimmerman than trayvon.

there's no way sotorio coulda been martin
No. 30 years ago Obama was 22 years old and a student at Colombia University. His records are sealed, but I doubt he spent his time in a hoodie casing out lower middle clases condo complexes.
Of coarse he could!

There were racist, right-wing assholes back then to.

Almost as many as there are today. Except now they use guns instead of rope to keep 'em under control.

Bi-racials, or mulattoes as they are known in the deep red South, suffered even more disdain by whites because they were born of parents who could not "keep to their own".
No. 30 years ago Obama was 22 years old and a student at Colombia University. His records are sealed, but I doubt he spent his time in a hoodie casing out lower middle clases condo complexes.

Excuse me, 35 years ago he, I know it's hard because you have to be able to listen and then use some math skills....he was 17.

Obama: "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago"

Obama: "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago" - CBS News
Absolutely- pothead, single mother- course I haven't been listening to the RW hate brigades...

Lived in a Muslim country, raised by WHITE MIDDLE CLASS grandparents. Was a kid who was taught to at least get good grades in school. Wasn't trouble maker.

See if Obama was in Martin's situation (granted Martin wasn't casing the neighborhood - which was a possibility), Obama would have started out like Martin, "Why are you following me." Then Zimmerman would have replied as he did,"What are you doing here?" Obama as a respectable person would have stated, "It's raining, I am just passing through, I live over right of there." He would have walked home no issues no confrontation.

See when Martin got away from Zimmerman he got MAD. He thought, "why was I running from the tiny creepy ass cracker." That is when he came back, confronted and beat the snot out of Zimmerman! Obama wouldn't have gone back and wouldn't have attacked Zimmerman!
Absolutely- pothead, single mother- course I haven't been listening to the RW hate brigades...

Upper middle class with nannies and private school. Yeah you've been listening to something alright. Maybe strange voices.

Upper middle class with nannies?
He/She was Indonesian. I could afford an Indonesian nanny. Lol
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Barack high on Purple Drank, smoking blunts, beating up a guy he suspects of being a fag, yeah I can see it.

Nearly identical.
No. 30 years ago Obama was 22 years old and a student at Colombia University. His records are sealed, but I doubt he spent his time in a hoodie casing out lower middle clases condo complexes.

Excuse me, 35 years ago he, I know it's hard because you have to be able to listen and then use some math skills....he was 17.

Obama: "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago"

Obama: "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago" - CBS News

Read the OP
Vacations, fantasies about a son he never has that if he had one would resemble a heathen, traveling across the world on multimillion dollar vacations. You know, things you 99 percenters hate. Rich people leading a charmed life.

First off 35 years ago, which is what the OP is referring to, Obama didn't lead a charmed life. Is it because he lived in Indonesia and had a nanny/housekeeper? Move to Indonesia, see how fun it is. As for the housekeeper, I took care of a couple who were missionaries in Indonesia, they even had a housekeeper. I think some forget what the average pay is in Indonesia.
Obama didn't lead a horrible life, but 35 years ago it wasn't charmed. And would I hate? When I was a teenager my life was a cake walked compared to Obama's.

Haha, you actually believed that. No further comment is necessary. Obama was pampered.

First the far-right-wingnuts try to tell us there's no record of Obama prior to his enrollment at Columbia and even those transcripts are fake. Now they want to switch and make him out to be Little Lord Fauntelroy, which implies there is documentation of his early life.

Make your simple, myopic, one-celled mind up.
No. 30 years ago Obama was 22 years old and a student at Colombia University. His records are sealed, but I doubt he spent his time in a hoodie casing out lower middle clases condo complexes.

Excuse me, 35 years ago he, I know it's hard because you have to be able to listen and then use some math skills....he was 17.

Obama: "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago"

Obama: "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago" - CBS News

Read the OP

I did. It's a b.s. lie that of course the right is eating up as truth.

And I read this, too:

Barry Soetoro Columbia I.D. Card Barack Obama's Columbia University Student ID
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Excuse me, 35 years ago he, I know it's hard because you have to be able to listen and then use some math skills....he was 17.

Obama: "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago"

Obama: "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago" - CBS News

Read the OP

I did. It's a b.s. lie that of course the right is eating up as truth.

And I read this, too:

Barry Soetoro Columbia I.D. Card Barack Obama's Columbia University Student ID

I am saying the dumb ass OP didn't get it right, and I think Bod was playing on that

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