Does anyone think Bolton actually wrote this book?

He is not like Trump who needs a ghost writer to tell his life story
I doubt it,, and he’s probably like W.T.F. did you democrats put in there lol

Have you read it?
Huh? Can you answer my question before you come trolling

How can you make a determination who wrote the book if you have not read the book?
Why? Because people that know him are saying he would never spew private conversation.. I’m thinking this was a big mistake
Why? Because people that know him are saying he would never spew private conversation.. I’m thinking this was a big mistake


John Kelly says he believes John Bolton's reported claim about Ukraine aid

Nothing coming from the Deep State and they lackey media happens by accident. Everything, every leak, every imagined outrage at something President Trump said or did, every fabrication and lie, has been carefully calculated and orchestrated for maximum effect to denigrate or implicate this President.

That's what you do when you attempt a soft coup of a duly-elected sitting President in this country.

Where do you imagine this 'Deep State" is headquartered? This is really some amazing conspiracy you imagine- everything carefully calculated and orchestrated- yet through all of that somehow they didn't think to leak that the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign before the election?

Where do you imagine this 'Deep State" is headquartered?

In a secure facility under a DC pizza parlor of course. :spinner:
I doubt it,, and he’s probably like W.T.F. did you democrats put in there lol

Have you read it?
Huh? Can you answer my question before you come trolling

How can you make a determination who wrote the book if you have not read the book?
Why? Because people that know him are saying he would never spew private conversation.. I’m thinking this was a big mistake
Why? Because people that know him are saying he would never spew private conversation.. I’m thinking this was a big mistake


John Kelly says he believes John Bolton's reported claim about Ukraine aid
John Kelly is a Democrat he’s a loser a snake pissed off that Trump didn’t listen to his coward ass
Bolton probably does the same thing every other politician and media commentator does...
He had someone compile any story he discussed and turned it into a book.
Have you read it?
Huh? Can you answer my question before you come trolling

How can you make a determination who wrote the book if you have not read the book?
Why? Because people that know him are saying he would never spew private conversation.. I’m thinking this was a big mistake
Why? Because people that know him are saying he would never spew private conversation.. I’m thinking this was a big mistake


John Kelly says he believes John Bolton's reported claim about Ukraine aid
John Kelly is a Democrat he’s a loser a snake pissed off that Trump didn’t listen to his coward ass

And.....Trump's former chief of staff.

Bbbut......" It's all hearsay"...." No first hand witnesses" :laugh2:
Huh? Can you answer my question before you come trolling

How can you make a determination who wrote the book if you have not read the book?
Why? Because people that know him are saying he would never spew private conversation.. I’m thinking this was a big mistake
Why? Because people that know him are saying he would never spew private conversation.. I’m thinking this was a big mistake


John Kelly says he believes John Bolton's reported claim about Ukraine aid
John Kelly is a Democrat he’s a loser a snake pissed off that Trump didn’t listen to his coward ass

And.....Trump's former chief of staff.

Bbbut......" It's all hearsay"...." No first hand witnesses" :laugh2:
Who trump didn’t listen and fired him lol I’d be pissed to lol

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