DOJ/FBI - They had ONE job. One.

That being the case, the obvious strategy for the DNC/DOJ/FBI would be to indict and get him into court immediately.

So . . .

Why won’t Trump testify in court that he declassified all those documents?

All this would go away
Hillary testified under oath
Will Crooked Donnie do the same?
Suppose the day after she testified under oath to congress, evidence was discovered proving beyond a doubt that she had lied under oath. To whom would congress have to refer her for prosecution?

Save you googling, it would be the DOJ. The same DOJ that later declined to prosecute Attorney General Erick Holder when his case was referred for contempt of congress.

Not to mention that she new someone who had lied under oath and not been convicted of perjury. Washington is a sanctuary city, alright. Not only for illegals but for Crooked Democrats as well.
Why won’t Trump testify in court that he declassified all those documents?

All this would go away
You and the others Dems on here seem confused about this. There's no court where people can just go testify under oath because they want to clear something up. People testify in court when there is a case pending that they are witnesses in, not because they read something in the newspaper that they want to disprove.

Trump won't get to court unless and until the DOJ Get Trump Squad indicts him. Indictments are easy, so why haven't they done that?

"All this would go away?" Trump takes the stand, swears that he declassified the documents and then the DOJ looks at each other, shrugs and moves to dismiss all charges? Then what? The DOJ goes back to prosecuting border jumpers?

Thanks for the morning laugh!
All this would go away?" Trump takes the stand, swears that he declassified the documents and then the DOJ looks at each other, shrugs and moves to dismiss all charges? Then what? The DOJ goes back to prosecuting border jumpers?

Why won’t Trump testify under oath to the same lies he tells his faithful?
Why won’t Trump testify under oath to the same lies he tells his faithful?
I'll explain again: before he can go to court and testify to that, there would have to be a court case against him. People don't just walk into court and say "I'm here to testify under oath to what ah been sayin,. Swear me in, judge!"

Exactly why the DOJ wont indict Trump. Because then he really would have a chance to defend himself.
I'll explain again: before he can go to court and testify to that, there would have to be a court case against him. People don't just walk into court and say "I'm here to testify under oath to what ah been sayin,. Swear me in, judge!"

Exactly why the DOJ wont indict Trump. Because then he really would have a chance to defend himself.
Trumps lawyers are already filing legal claims

Why don’t they include the same lies Trump tells his followers?
Why didn’t Trump include his stolen election lies in any of his legal filings?

Because Trump knows how gullible his followers are and he is too smart to lie to the court
Trumps lawyers are already filing legal claims

Why don’t they include the same lies Trump tells his followers?
Why didn’t Trump include his stolen election lies in any of his legal filings?

Because Trump knows how gullible his followers are and he is too smart to lie to the court
Since the subpoena that supposedly justified the warrant was for "documents with classification markings" not for "classified documents" his declassification wouldn't matter to any obstruction indictment or any move to quash the warrant.

The DOJ could never prove that he did not declassify the documents which is why the dreams of an espionage indictment are just sad.
Since the subpoena that supposedly justified the warrant was for "documents with classification markings" not for "classified documents" his declassification wouldn't matter to any obstruction indictment or any move to quash the warrant.

The DOJ could never prove that he did not declassify the documents which is why the dreams of an espionage indictment are just sad.

Trumps lawyers are refusing to present the lie that Trump declassified those documents.
They know they have no proof

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