DOJ to arrest Trump before midterms, spark Civil War

Trump was not arrested back in 2020 and the people chose not to have him back, anyway.

The people? Or was it FBI goons tampering with the election?

We know that the FBI interfered with the 2020 election. I also know that since your candidate won, you're good with that.

So should we even have elections? Our should your party just appoint our rulers? I'm serious - you support election rigging as long as it benefits the Reich, so why bother with elections at all?
The people? Or was it FBI goons tampering with the election?

We know that the FBI interfered with the 2020 election. I also know that since your candidate won, you're good with that.

So should we even have elections? Our should your party just appoint our rulers? I'm serious - you support election rigging as long as it benefits the Reich, so why bother with elections at all?
No. He lost at the polls as more people voted against him, than for him.
Yes. We are keeping free elections, so you are screwed.
As Proud boys and J6 terrorists are the only ones arrested, are you alleging they are running for President in 2024?

Tell me Herr democrat, with all your lies about "terrorists" and shit, how is it that Adolf says 150 million armed Americans are no big deal, he can swat us like a fly with his Luftwaffa. Yet you of the Stasi still demand that unarmed protesters with cellphones were going to overthrow the government?

Have you Nazis thought this through?

I know, you're here to spew hatred and incite violence - you don't need to make sense....
He lost at the polls after the FBI interfered with the election.

And it's your Fuhrer, Adolf Biden who is out arresting the opposition candidate in order the thwart free and fair elections.
Kind of an "over-the-top" characterization there, but I realize it was a very emotional night for you as a Trumper, being called out by the sitting president.
Kind of an "over-the-top" characterization there, but I realize it was a very emotional night for you as a Trumper, being called out by the sitting president.

Oh I think that Adolf had a very effective speech. His calls for violence, division, and hatred no doubt inspired you.

Yes, Biden clearly demonstrated what he, and your Reich stand for as he declared war against those who hold opposing views to the party.

Oh I think that Adolf had a very effective speech. His calls for violence, division, and hatred no doubt inspired you.

Yes, Biden clearly demonstrated what he, and your Reich stand for as he declared war against those who hold opposing views to the party.

There you go again, getting yourself all worked up. Adolf and the Reich were back in World War II, before you and I were born. Emotional as it may be, that rhetoric has no weight with normal people, and makes you look foolish, reactionary and an example of the extremism President Biden was speaking out against. Get hold of yourself man! You are in public.
There you go again, getting yourself all worked up. Adolf and the Reich were back in World War II, before you and I were born.


Emotional as it may be, that rhetoric has no weight with normal people, and makes you look foolish, reactionary and an example of the extremism President Biden was speaking out against. Get hold of yourself man! You are in public.
Apparently you have mistaken me for someone else on this forum that has denied this was a riot?


Look. . . here are other pictures of riots. . .


Perhaps you forgot how the Soros' foundations, and all those corporations and the establishment encouraged the nation to burn everything to the ground when Trump was president? And you are one of those that thought, oh, well that is OK, b/c that riot wasn't in a place where millionaire government elites sit to make law?

So. . . . I guess those riots are just fine. Double standards. Typical. :rolleyes:

Do you have a point?

You were talking, "insurrection!" and I called, BULLSHIT!

Now stop already, you can keep up with this prosecution of rioters, or you can prove, insurrection on Trump. Oh wait, you can't.


LOL! ^^^ what pablum ^^^

it wasn't a riot. it was an attempted coup & donny got his flying monkeys to be the boots - whilst the suits planned it.

tick tock. & soros? did you actually drop THAT name?


donny is dead in the water in so many ways.


splat splat splat!
Do any of these folks have formal or informal ties to President Trump?

yet to be determined - howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr................ some oathkeepers were roger stones' personal security at his very own rally on jan 5.

hmmmmm curious dat. oh & since stone & donny go waaayyyyyyyyyy back AND was pardoned by his long time pal .... me thinx there's a CONnection.

It must really suck to be you, someone who voted for such a mentally ill President called Joe Biden, who will probably be 25th amendment before his term is up. But then again, you have to be mentally ill to vote for Joe in the first place.



i don't have cable ... so i don't watch MSNBC ... & for the record - i can't stand those two. when donny 1st declared his presidency - & for quite some time afterwards - they cuddled up to him 'cause he was ratings gold. most did.

lol ... next?
The people? Or was it FBI goons tampering with the election?

We know that the FBI interfered with the 2020 election. I also know that since your candidate won, you're good with that.

So should we even have elections? Our should your party just appoint our rulers? I'm serious - you support election rigging as long as it benefits the Reich, so why bother with elections at all?



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