DOJ to arrest Trump before midterms, spark Civil War

Zzz. Fake stage prop gallows. And some hyperbolic but unserious protestors.

Listen, you stooge. Nobody who engaged in the entry into the Capitol building had so much as even one gun. The mindless chanting aside, there’s not a chance anybody would have gotten to the Vice President.

Try real hard to stop being a total asshole.
All the members of the house and senate hiding in locked rooms don't indicate a lack of danger.
All the members of the house and senate hiding in locked rooms don't indicate a lack of danger.
In riots, and riot-like incidents, people can get injured. Hell, one of the inside the building protestors (an unarmed woman) was shot to death. Of course, it wasn’t by a protestor.
It's obvious that the Progressive Fascists are doing everything in their power to start a real live shooting Civil War: they've attempted murder Republican Congressmen, a SCOTUS judge, a Gubernatorial Candidate in NY, sent their Gestapo after parents daring to speak out for their children at local school Boards, conducted a Reichstag Fire event on January 6th and have been on a 6 year Jihad against Donald J Trump.

They drummed up the lamest of "impeachments" against him and now, even after he's left office then continue their Banana Republic tactics; civility died at the Mar a Lago Raid on August 8th.

Therefore, I predict that Reich Marshall Garland will order the arrest of Donald J Trump either toward the end of September or early October. They hope to declare Martial Law and cancel the midterms, because they know they are headed for a landslide defeat dwarfing even the Obama Shellacking.
I doubt it about the arrest and the big win for the GOP.
In riots, and riot-like incidents, people can get injured. Hell, one of the inside the building protestors (an unarmed woman) was shot to death. Of course, it wasn’t by a protestor.
The country knows what happened. Your continual conspiracy theory spouting just makes you look more stupid than before. You should just LET IT GO
SO, it's not about Herr Leaksensmears using his goons to arrest the 2024 opposition candidate and sparking a civil war, it's just about "DOJ to arrest Trump before midterms, spark Civil War or else Frank would have had a different title."

Fucking brilliant.

Again, if you openly arrest the opposition candidate in full blow Zimbabwe grandeur as you or the Reich appear to be rushing towards, there will be violence. You end a 240 year federal Republic and people can get a bit testy. I know, you heart dictatorship, but there are those that will resist your 4th Reich.

You vermin claim that entirely unarmed protesters at the Reichstag Fire were an "insurrection" and "threatened your duhmobcracy."

5 million armed to the teeth patriots might give you real pause.

Yes, you think you can rule by force, but thus far this government has governed through the consent of the governed.

So what are you going to do? Send troops to kill the political opposition?

You seem to think this is a big fucking joke, but you fools are engaged in brinksmanship.
Grow up. The cute names so nothing. He is not the candidate and deserves whatever befalls him, as brings it on himself. If he had not invited them on Jan 6, there would not have been an attack on the Capital.
They do not give me pause, at all. They won't do shit, except squall like little kids.
I think I'll stay in Tennessee, hike Le Conte, later in year or early next, get in some skiing (probably CO or UT, plan next FL trip (maybe Key West, we haven't been) probably keep doing my own yard work as I enjoy it, and generally go on with life, laughing at the trumper idiots uselessly blustering over Donny. Won't be sending any troops, and you won't be either, as none worth a crap would follow you if you did.
Yes. It is a big fucking joke, the trumpers are playing on themselves. Get medical help, dude.
That's just goofy. Of course there are moles inbedded in all the antigovernment groups. That's their job. If the Proud Boys never intended to disrupt the election certification, why did they attempt to do it, and so many of them plead guilty? If you ever decide to reconnect to reality, Im sure there are professionals who can help you with your mental problems.


One could say, they attempted to do it, because the government agents among them, had the bright idea, to get them to. :dunno:

That is a great way, to justify federal budgets, in the same way, there are former and future administrative personal from BIG PHARMA, and the FDA. It promotes the growth of federal budgets, and the need for more personnel and more programs.

But? Calling me names? Because you don't like the truth and reality of the situation?


Is that the best you can do? Just call folks names when you have nothing better? I am tired of always winning. I don't want to trade names, I have better things to do with my time than to argue with folks that unquestionably believe everything the government and corporations tell them.

Most terror plots are initiated by the government. You yourself, admit, that these groups are infiltrated. That Whitmere kidnapping plot was divided into three trials. One, the jury found them not guilty, because the defense PROVED it was the government that hatched the plan to start with. IN the other, the jury was hung, b/c although they agreed that the government hatched the plan, they were disturbed that such folks exist out there. . .

. . . and the last?

Well, let's just say, the folks in charge like to construct plots to entice folks to break the law.


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One could say, they attempted to do it, because the government agents among them, had the bright idea, to get them to. :dunno:

That is a great way, to justify federal budgets, in the same way, there are former and future administrative personal from BIG PHARMA, and the FDA. It promotes the growth of federal budgets, and the need for more personnel and more programs.

But? Calling me names? Because you don't like the truth and reality of the situation?


Is that the best you can do? Just call folks names when you have nothing better? I am tired of always winning. I don't want to trade names, I have better things to do with my time than to argue with folks that unquestionably believe everything the government and corporations tell them.

Most terror plots are initiated by the government. You yourself, admit, that these groups are infiltrated. That Whitmere kidnapping plot was divided into three trials. One, the jury found them not guilty, because the defense PROVED it was the government that hatched the plan to start with. IN the other, the jury was hung, b/c although they agreed that the government hatched the plan, they were disturbed that such folks exist out there. . .

. . . and the last?

Well, let's just say, the folks in charge like to construct plots to entice folks to break the law.

One could say a lot of goofy shit, and you have. Your crap is exactly what rudy was referring to when he said "We have plenty of theories, but no proof."
Come back when you have some credible proof instead of just conspiracy theories.
You bet. Ray Epps single handedly stirred up all those crazies, and led them all in a coup attempt. Damn you're stupid.
There were many others, he was just the most visible.

There was also this guy, who only served a day, that guy was let out after a day. HE WAS INSIDE THE CAPITOL!

He was the guy that shouted for folks to riot, and filmed the killing of Babbit, he is free, while others languish in jail. . . why? :dunno:

Known Capitol riot leader spent one day in jail, while 80 others languish in 'DC Gulag'​



The country knows what happened. Your continual conspiracy theory spouting just makes you look more stupid than before. You should just LET IT GO
No. Obviously not. Many of you befuddled tragic libtards still refer to that shit as an “insurrection.” It obviously was not. Which is interesting because the claim makes you morons the conspiracy theorists. And it does tend to confirm just how stupid you libtards are.

You assholes ought to just let that crap go. But, I’ve noticed the abysmal quality of your putrid posting efforts. So, it’s clear you won’t. Gfy, now.
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One could say a lot of goofy shit, and you have. Your crap is exactly what rudy was referring to when he said "We have plenty of theories, but no proof."
Come back when you have some credible proof instead of just conspiracy theories.
I got about as much proof as you and your TEE VEE pal.
It's obvious that the Progressive Fascists are doing everything in their power to start a real live shooting Civil War: they've attempted murder Republican Congressmen, a SCOTUS judge, a Gubernatorial Candidate in NY, sent their Gestapo after parents daring to speak out for their children at local school Boards, conducted a Reichstag Fire event on January 6th and have been on a 6 year Jihad against Donald J Trump.

They drummed up the lamest of "impeachments" against him and now, even after he's left office then continue their Banana Republic tactics; civility died at the Mar a Lago Raid on August 8th.

Therefore, I predict that Reich Marshall Garland will order the arrest of Donald J Trump either toward the end of September or early October. They hope to declare Martial Law and cancel the midterms, because they know they are headed for a landslide defeat dwarfing even the Obama Shellacking.

IOW "If you dare arrest my Orange Criminal God, there will be violence!"

It's pretty fucking funny that the same people who say they're for the police and chanted "Lock Her Up" think that the laws don't apply to them.
There were many others, he was just the most visible.

There was also this guy, who only served a day, that guy was let out after a day. HE WAS INSIDE THE CAPITOL!

He was the guy that shouted for folks to riot, and filmed the killing of Babbit, he is free, while others languish in jail. . . why? :dunno:
Maybe he was just a shitty student in the “introduction to undercover agents-in-place,” at Quantico?
IOW "If you dare arrest my Orange Criminal God, there will be violence!"

It's pretty fucking funny that the same people who say they're for the police and chanted "Lock Her Up" think that the laws don't apply to them.
The Irony!
When slum scum shoot their family members and friends at parties we don't hear a peep out of you.
Grow up. The cute names so nothing.
Oh the irony.

He is not the candidate and deserves whatever befalls him, as brings it on himself.

But in July 2019 Joe Biden WAS a candidate - though he had not declared such, and the object of your insanity deserved to be impeached for calling on Ukraine to fulfill their treaty obligation and investigate the blatant corruption by Quid Pro?

Because you know, one law for thee - a very different law for me.

I mean, nothing wrong with using federal troops to assault the home of the man who polls more favorably - it's the Zimbabwe way!

If he had not invited them on Jan 6, there would not have been an attack on the Capital.

That's just fucking stupid.

Invited whom? Oh you mean "peacefully and patriotically make your voice heard?"

Well why didn't you say so? Oh right, you wanted to dishonestly slander the object of your insanity. Fascists gunna be fascists.

They do not give me pause, at all. They won't do shit, except squall like little kids.

Yet unarmed protesters nearly destroyed duhmobcracy.

You fascists can't seem to come up with a cogent story.

Are Americans the biggest threat to existence or are we "little kids"?

I guess it depends on what hate you're spewing at any given second.

I mean, c'mon man, you're a hack, not rational and consistent...

I think I'll stay in Tennessee, hike Le Conte, later in year or early next, get in some skiing (probably CO or UT, plan next FL trip (maybe Key West, we haven't been) probably keep doing my own yard work as I enjoy it, and generally go on with life, laughing at the trumper idiots uselessly blustering over Donny. Won't be sending any troops, and you won't be either, as none worth a crap would follow you if you did.
Yes. It is a big fucking joke, the trumpers are playing on themselves. Get medical help, dude.

As you cheer the assault on our Constitutional Republic.

In my book you have already crossed the line. If Biden pushes further to arrest the opposition candidate - and yes, that's what he is, no matter what lies you tell - there will be violence because NO ONE can pretend the Republic still exists.

There are 340 million people in this land - if 1% rise up, a tiny portion, what will you Nazis do?

The Daughter Diddler in Chief already said he wants to kill anyone who opposes him. Do you support that?
Lock up anyone who breaks the law. I don't give a flying fuck about a criminal's politics.

Unlike you rube cultists.

Especially if they dare run against our GLORIOUS rulers in the Reich - particularly when they poll better.

democrats HAVE to arrest the opposition candidate - how else will you stay in power?
Oh the irony.

But in July 2019 Joe Biden WAS a candidate - though he had not declared such, and the object of your insanity deserved to be impeached for calling on Ukraine to fulfill their treaty obligation and investigate the blatant corruption by Quid Pro?

Because you know, one law for thee - a very different law for me.

I mean, nothing wrong with using federal troops to assault the home of the man who polls more favorably - it's the Zimbabwe way!

That's just fucking stupid.

Invited whom? Oh you mean "peacefully and patriotically make your voice heard?"

Well why didn't you say so? Oh right, you wanted to dishonestly slander the object of your insanity. Fascists gunna be fascists.

Yet unarmed protesters nearly destroyed duhmobcracy.

You fascists can't seem to come up with a cogent story.

Are Americans the biggest threat to existence or are we "little kids"?

I guess it depends on what hate you're spewing at any given second.

I mean, c'mon man, you're a hack, not rational and consistent...

As you cheer the assault on our Constitutional Republic.

In my book you have already crossed the line. If Biden pushes further to arrest the opposition candidate - and yes, that's what he is, no matter what lies you tell - there will be violence because NO ONE can pretend the Republic still exists.

There are 340 million people in this land - if 1% rise up, a tiny portion, what will you Nazis do?

The Daughter Diddler in Chief already said he wants to kill anyone who opposes him. Do you support that?
You so shallow, you think drivel like this is going to get Donny out of the jam he got himself into, by being the asshole he is?
You are just another trump joke, a boring one, at that.:dunno:

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