DOJ to arrest Trump before midterms, spark Civil War

To yelling "hang Mike Pence?"

NO! NONE OF THEM DID! I looked it UP!

That is where your critical thinking has left your head, and why you should have been suspect of that entire televised clip YOU JUST POSTED!

Proud Boys Member Pleads Guilty to Felony Charge for Offenses Committed During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach​

Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Proud Boys Member Pleads Guilty to Felony Charge for Offenses Committed During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach
It's obvious that the Progressive Fascists are doing everything in their power to start a real live shooting Civil War: they've attempted murder Republican Congressmen, a SCOTUS judge, a Gubernatorial Candidate in NY, sent their Gestapo after parents daring to speak out for their children at local school Boards, conducted a Reichstag Fire event on January 6th and have been on a 6 year Jihad against Donald J Trump.

They drummed up the lamest of "impeachments" against him and now, even after he's left office then continue their Banana Republic tactics; civility died at the Mar a Lago Raid on August 8th.

Therefore, I predict that Reich Marshall Garland will order the arrest of Donald J Trump either toward the end of September or early October. They hope to declare Martial Law and cancel the midterms, because they know they are headed for a landslide defeat dwarfing even the Obama Shellacking.
I'd respond to this thread, but it appears that you have posted this in conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theory is how lefties label and classify their political opponents, it is their political weapon. If you had posted the correct subforum, I'd respond.
It occurs to me, almost instantly, on seeing that graphic, that it needs one more layer at the bottom, labeled “Fact Checking”.
"factchecking," is basically this;


It is attacking the authority of the sources of the writer's topic, without actually attacking the substance of the argument itself. It is really, really lazy, and cowardly.
Sorry, no mention of this;

Did I miss something?


you are missing the part where the potus sent the flying monkeys to the capital ... knowing that some were armed.

' hang mike pence ' & other threats were too generic to pin that charge on anybody.

why were some actually armed? why did many have weapons?

why were 140 police officers hurt? why did some have injuries consisting of crushed disks? why were some stabbed? why did one lose an eye? why was one tazed so many times, he suffered a heart attack? why did 4 commit suicide after that day?
Sorry, no mention of this;

Did I miss something?


this literally just came out:

Ex-NYPD officer gets 10 years in prison for Jan. 6 attack​

Posted September 1, 2022 4:25 p.m. EDT

By MICHAEL KUNZELMAN, Associated Press
WASHINGTON — A retired New York Police Department officer was sentenced on Thursday to 10 years in prison for attacking the U.S. Capitol and using a metal flagpole to assault one of the police officers trying to hold off a mob of Donald Trump supporters.
Ex-NYPD officer gets 10 years in prison for Jan. 6 attack ::
this literally just came out:

Ex-NYPD officer gets 10 years in prison for Jan. 6 attack​

Posted September 1, 2022 4:25 p.m. EDT

By MICHAEL KUNZELMAN, Associated Press
WASHINGTON — A retired New York Police Department officer was sentenced on Thursday to 10 years in prison for attacking the U.S. Capitol and using a metal flagpole to assault one of the police officers trying to hold off a mob of Donald Trump supporters.
Ex-NYPD officer gets 10 years in prison for Jan. 6 attack ::
While murderers in Criminal Reform NYS are walking around free.


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this literally just came out:

Ex-NYPD officer gets 10 years in prison for Jan. 6 attack​

Posted September 1, 2022 4:25 p.m. EDT

By MICHAEL KUNZELMAN, Associated Press
WASHINGTON — A retired New York Police Department officer was sentenced on Thursday to 10 years in prison for attacking the U.S. Capitol and using a metal flagpole to assault one of the police officers trying to hold off a mob of Donald Trump supporters.
Ex-NYPD officer gets 10 years in prison for Jan. 6 attack ::

Apparently you have mistaken me for someone else on this forum that has denied this was a riot?


Look. . . here are other pictures of riots. . .


Perhaps you forgot how the Soros' foundations, and all those corporations and the establishment encouraged the nation to burn everything to the ground when Trump was president? And you are one of those that thought, oh, well that is OK, b/c that riot wasn't in a place where millionaire government elites sit to make law?

So. . . . I guess those riots are just fine. Double standards. Typical. :rolleyes:

Do you have a point?

You were talking, "insurrection!" and I called, BULLSHIT!

Now stop already, you can keep up with this prosecution of rioters, or you can prove, insurrection on Trump. Oh wait, you can't.

That gallows and chants of "HANG MIKE PENCE!!" might tend to make a person disagree with you.
Zzz. Fake stage prop gallows. And some hyperbolic but unserious protestors.

Listen, you stooge. Nobody who engaged in the entry into the Capitol building had so much as even one gun. The mindless chanting aside, there’s not a chance anybody would have gotten to the Vice President.

Try real hard to stop being a total asshole.

Leader of North Carolina Chapter of Oath Keepers Pleads Guilty to Seditious Conspiracy and Obstruction of Congress for Efforts to Stop Transfer of Power Following 2020 Presidential Election

Defendant is Third Member of Oath Keepers to Plead Guilty to Seditious Conspiracy Charge

( seditious conspiracy carries a 20 yr sentence )

376 rioters have pleaded guilty for their role in the Capitol insurrection so far. This table is tracking them all.

Madison Hall


Aug 30, 2022, 11:07 AM​


Do any of these folks have formal or informal ties to President Trump?
No it's not. It is about DOJ to arrest Trump before midterms, spark Civil War or else Frank would have had a different title.

SO, it's not about Herr Leaksensmears using his goons to arrest the 2024 opposition candidate and sparking a civil war, it's just about "DOJ to arrest Trump before midterms, spark Civil War or else Frank would have had a different title."

Fucking brilliant.

You reactionary lil dweeb tickle the crap out me, with your little reich pronouncements as if you are saying something but sounding more like 7th graders who recently access to a different library card, but now think everything relates to the new words they've learned.

Again, if you openly arrest the opposition candidate in full blow Zimbabwe grandeur as you or the Reich appear to be rushing towards, there will be violence. You end a 240 year federal Republic and people can get a bit testy. I know, you heart dictatorship, but there are those that will resist your 4th Reich.

You vermin claim that entirely unarmed protesters at the Reichstag Fire were an "insurrection" and "threatened your duhmobcracy."

5 million armed to the teeth patriots might give you real pause.

Yes, you think you can rule by force, but thus far this government has governed through the consent of the governed.

So what are you going to do? Send troops to kill the political opposition?

You seem to think this is a big fucking joke, but you fools are engaged in brinksmanship.
A) There were no "insurrectionists." Only rioters, and those who were induced to riot.

B) I have no doubt of it.

AG Garland refused to answer questions to Garland about such. The very fact that they were involved in the Whitmer case, and the fact that they were aware it was being organized, is all folks need to know, that it is not goofy.

There is no doubt, there were government agents involved.

Of course there were federal agents, and more than likely, leftist agent provocateurs in that crowd.

How are you so incredible uninformed? Is it because you have a world view that you need to closely guard and nurture?

Among Those Who Marched Into the Capitol on Jan. 6: An F.B.I. Informant

A member of the far-right Proud Boys texted his F.B.I. handler during the assault, but maintained the group had no plan in advance to enter the Capitol and disrupt the election certification.
View attachment 690084

That's just goofy. Of course there are moles inbedded in all the antigovernment groups. That's their job. If the Proud Boys never intended to disrupt the election certification, why did they attempt to do it, and so many of them plead guilty? If you ever decide to reconnect to reality, Im sure there are professionals who can help you with your mental problems.
you are missing the part where the potus sent the flying monkeys to the capital ... knowing that some were armed.

' hang mike pence ' & other threats were too generic to pin that charge on anybody.

why were some actually armed? why did many have weapons?

why were 140 police officers hurt? why did some have injuries consisting of crushed disks? why were some stabbed? why did one lose an eye? why was one tazed so many times, he suffered a heart attack? why did 4 commit suicide after that day?
Now you are making specious argument not based on any provable facts. You may be coming to some very spurious conclusions indeed.

It could be true, then again, it might not be.

Many of the folks in that crowd that were armed, very well, might have been Trump fans, but then again? They could have just as well been government agents, we don't have that information.

You don't know if the chants of 'hang Mike Pence,' originated from Trump supporters, dressed up ANTIFA, which we do know of reports that they were there, or if assigned federal agents that were also in the crowd, as reported by the NYT, had started them. We just don't know.

It was a riot. I am sure just as many rioters were hurt as well. When a violent kerfuffle happens, shit happens. Go read Steinbeck's, "In Dubious Battle," on community organizing, if you need a refresher on that.

If agent provocateurs hadn't agitated the protest into a riot? Maybe no one would have gotten hurt, I guess we'll never know, will we?


As to why so many committed suicide? Maybe they didn't, maybe they were, in fact, murdered, to keep them from talking. I find that those who most willingly accept corporate and government narratives, are usually the least skeptical of narratives offered by them, and usually do the least critical thinking. If this one was big psy-op on the US population to make US citizens that the domestic population, into the new public enemy of the government, silencing whistle blowers would be among the highest priorities.

Anyone that does serious research into the JFK or 911 controversies, knows about all the related folks that end up disappearing or getting "Clintoned," around those events.


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