DOJ to arrest Trump before midterms, spark Civil War

Trumps actions are pretty damning.
I like you Frank, but I seriously think you are being a bit hyperbolic here.

I just don't see the younger generation caring this much, and the older generations, just aren't going to get violent. SO?

There is no reason, lot a legitimate reason in hell, for the WH to invoke Continuity of Government protocols, declare Martial Law, and cancel elections. There was way more civil unrest after George Floyd.

There is no way, you will ever get the right to come out and cause as much chaos as that, not over Trump. The Deep State could take Trump, and his whole family, and hang him, his whole family, on the Washington mall, and I still doubt patriots would lift a finger.

Might be some protests here and there, but there would be no violence, not like we saw with the George Floyd riots.

Who would they shoot at? What would they burn down? Patriots just aren't that way.

You may be right, or it may start at a local school Board, or a confrontation at the border. My sense is that the kindling is stacked so high at this point you can't tell what spark will ignite it.

Moreover, the WEF through their Biden Administration is redoubling their efforts to stack it higher. It doesn't feel like they're resting because they've "won", it feels like they really, really want real Civil unrest
I like you Frank, but I seriously think you are being a bit hyperbolic here.

I just don't see the younger generation caring this much, and the older generations, just aren't going to get violent. SO?

There is no reason, lot a legitimate reason in hell, for the WH to invoke Continuity of Government protocols, declare Martial Law, and cancel elections. There was way more civil unrest after George Floyd.

There is no way, you will ever get the right to come out and cause as much chaos as that, not over Trump. The Deep State could take Trump, and his whole family, and hang him, his whole family, on the Washington mall, and I still doubt patriots would lift a finger.

Might be some protests here and there, but there would be no violence, not like we saw with the George Floyd riots.

Who would they shoot at? What would they burn down? Patriots just aren't that way.
It's obvious that the Progressive Fascists are doing everything in their power to start a real live shooting Civil War: they've attempted murder Republican Congressmen, a SCOTUS judge, a Gubernatorial Candidate in NY, sent their Gestapo after parents daring to speak out for their children at local school Boards, conducted a Reichstag Fire event on January 6th and have been on a 6 year Jihad against Donald J Trump.

They drummed up the lamest of "impeachments" against him and now, even after he's left office then continue their Banana Republic tactics; civility died at the Mar a Lago Raid on August 8th.

Therefore, I predict that Reich Marshall Garland will order the arrest of Donald J Trump either toward the end of September or early October. They hope to declare Martial Law and cancel the midterms, because they know they are headed for a landslide defeat dwarfing even the Obama Shellacking.
Bla,bla,bls get on with it retard. Let's see this civil war.
It's obvious that the Progressive Fascists are doing everything in their power to start a real live shooting Civil War: they've attempted murder Republican Congressmen, a SCOTUS judge, a Gubernatorial Candidate in NY, sent their Gestapo after parents daring to speak out for their children at local school Boards, conducted a Reichstag Fire event on January 6th and have been on a 6 year Jihad against Donald J Trump.

They drummed up the lamest of "impeachments" against him and now, even after he's left office then continue their Banana Republic tactics; civility died at the Mar a Lago Raid on August 8th.

Therefore, I predict that Reich Marshall Garland will order the arrest of Donald J Trump either toward the end of September or early October. They hope to declare Martial Law and cancel the midterms, because they know they are headed for a landslide defeat dwarfing even the Obama Shellacking.
Sure... we'll watch and laugh.
Bla,bla,bls get on with it retard. Let's see this civil war.
there might be a few nutters that will go full tilt cray cray, i seriously doubt that there will be any kinda coordinated backlash. the bottom line is it will either get worse b4 it gets better - or it will just get worse. i say, lance that orange boil & get it over with.
You may be right, or it may start at a local school Board, or a confrontation at the border. My sense is that the kindling is stacked so high at this point you can't tell what spark will ignite it.

Moreover, the WEF through their Biden Administration is redoubling their efforts to stack it higher. It doesn't feel like they're resting because they've "won", it feels like they really, really want real Civil unrest
Take your little gun and start a war, hun.
If your Reich actually arrested the opposition candidate - essentially creating a dictatorship - I wouldn't bet on it.
Who is arrested? Not Trump and he is not the opposition candidate. The trumpers may have picked him, but the Republicans have not. So don't sell me that crap.
there might be a few nutters that will go full tilt cray cray, i seriously doubt that there will be any kinda coordinated backlash. the bottom line is it will either get worse b4 it gets better - or it will just get worse. i say, lance that orange boil & get it over with.
I am with you. Time to fire up sparky and set Trumpy boy on his rightful thrown. Then flick that switch.
there might be a few nutters that will go full tilt cray cray, i seriously doubt that there will be any kinda coordinated backlash. the bottom line is it will either get worse b4 it gets better - or it will just get worse. i say, lance that orange boil & get it over with.
Are you really this stupid?
The fake russian dossier,the piss tapes the list goes on.
And now we have the fake raid.
Dems are the most underhanded scum in America.
You'll do anything to retain power.
I can type up a list too....
  • Cookies
  • Milk
  • Corn Flakes
  • Chicken
  • Steak
  • Spaghetti
  • Broccoli
  • Air Freshener
  • Toilet paper
See? Doesn't mean a damn thing.

What happened w/the dossier, the piss tapes?

What was fake about the "raid?"

Get specific.
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