Domestic Destablization-psyops and infiltration of US GOV.

Serious, you are working for the perpetrators interests. Typically sociopaths will use unreasonable fears and distortions to justify their behaviors. You, it seems, don't care and just work to exploit those in others to get them to accept the secret means of murder on 9-11.

Belief is not needed, you provide proof with every post.
LOL wow
you REALLY do believe this crap
please, seek out professional help

Since you have no verified evidence to support your position, all the perpetrators would have you do is attempt more ad hominum. Of course if they kill 3,000 innocent people in 20 seconds, and then work so hard to keep the methods secret, they don't think people are intelligent or informed enough to be able to realize what agents are doing. Which is acting as basic imposters (Hmmmmm im poster) and pretending they are ordinary citizens with the beliefs they supported with distortions and attitude based.

Because there are a number of agents all on the same page, there is a sembalence of social normalcy.
listen dude, the only place these "agents" are is in your HEAD
you are ignoring the evidence and anyone that tries to explain it to you becomes an agent
don't you see there is seriously something wrong with the way your brain is processing data?
LOL wow
you REALLY do believe this crap
please, seek out professional help

Since you have no verified evidence to support your position, all the perpetrators would have you do is attempt more ad hominum. Of course if they kill 3,000 innocent people in 20 seconds, and then work so hard to keep the methods secret, they don't think people are intelligent or informed enough to be able to realize what agents are doing. Which is acting as basic imposters (Hmmmmm im poster) and pretending they are ordinary citizens with the beliefs they supported with distortions and attitude based.

Because there are a number of agents all on the same page, there is a sembalence of social normalcy.
listen dude, the only place these "agents" are is in your HEAD
you are ignoring the evidence and anyone that tries to explain it to you becomes an agent
don't you see there is seriously something wrong with the way your brain is processing data?

No, Dive you are a member of the illuminati. don't try to deny it.
Since you have no verified evidence to support your position, all the perpetrators would have you do is attempt more ad hominum. Of course if they kill 3,000 innocent people in 20 seconds, and then work so hard to keep the methods secret, they don't think people are intelligent or informed enough to be able to realize what agents are doing. Which is acting as basic imposters (Hmmmmm im poster) and pretending they are ordinary citizens with the beliefs they supported with distortions and attitude based.

Because there are a number of agents all on the same page, there is a sembalence of social normalcy.
listen dude, the only place these "agents" are is in your HEAD
you are ignoring the evidence and anyone that tries to explain it to you becomes an agent
don't you see there is seriously something wrong with the way your brain is processing data?

No, Dive you are a member of the illuminati. don't try to deny it.

There is no critical thinking involved. Your communications are all abnormal. All pretense of social fears. Your motives are not stated. Clearly imposters acting as some kind of society of lawless, frivolous, ridicule in the face of mass murder.
listen dude, the only place these "agents" are is in your HEAD
you are ignoring the evidence and anyone that tries to explain it to you becomes an agent
don't you see there is seriously something wrong with the way your brain is processing data?

No, Dive you are a member of the illuminati. don't try to deny it.

There is no critical thinking involved. Your communications are all abnormal. All pretense of social fears. Your motives are not stated. Clearly imposters acting as some kind of society of lawless, frivolous, ridicule in the face of mass murder.
critical thinking is what you are lacking
listen dude, the only place these "agents" are is in your HEAD
you are ignoring the evidence and anyone that tries to explain it to you becomes an agent
don't you see there is seriously something wrong with the way your brain is processing data?

No, Dive you are a member of the illuminati. don't try to deny it.

There is no critical thinking involved. Your communications are all abnormal. All pretense of social fears. Your motives are not stated. Clearly imposters acting as some kind of society of lawless, frivolous, ridicule in the face of mass murder.

You are right. I enjoy ridiculing stupid fuckheads like you. Now go wipe Alex Jones' spunk off your face, ok buttfuck?
No, Dive you are a member of the illuminati. don't try to deny it.

There is no critical thinking involved. Your communications are all abnormal. All pretense of social fears. Your motives are not stated. Clearly imposters acting as some kind of society of lawless, frivolous, ridicule in the face of mass murder.
critical thinking is what you are lacking

Parroting is a common psyops disinfo agent tactic when there is little creativity to begin with and entropy of deception in the face of evidence with reason dominates the dysfunctional position.
There is no critical thinking involved. Your communications are all abnormal. All pretense of social fears. Your motives are not stated. Clearly imposters acting as some kind of society of lawless, frivolous, ridicule in the face of mass murder.
critical thinking is what you are lacking

Parroting is a common psyops disinfo agent tactic when there is little creativity to begin with and entropy of deception in the face of evidence with reason dominates the dysfunctional position.

Was it a dysfunctional position when Alex Jones bent you over and nailed you in the ass?
There is no critical thinking involved. Your communications are all abnormal. All pretense of social fears. Your motives are not stated. Clearly imposters acting as some kind of society of lawless, frivolous, ridicule in the face of mass murder.
critical thinking is what you are lacking

Parroting is a common psyops disinfo agent tactic when there is little creativity to begin with and entropy of deception in the face of evidence with reason dominates the dysfunctional position.
so now i'm back to being a disinfo agent
[ame=]YouTube - Psyops agents on 9/11[/ame]
All of this is bogus.

Until THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION lists Usama bin Ladin's responsibility for the September 11, 2001 attacks, then and only then will I BEGIN to consider this evidence.

Why would you believe that only the FBI when assessing responsibility for 9/11? There are many reasons why the FBI would defer to other government agencies

- 9/11 was an act of war, not a crime. Did we call on the FBI when Pearl Harbor was bombed?
- information regarding the attacks will have some level of high intelligence that should not be publicly released in the ongoing war on terror
- information gathered by intelligence agencies is not necessarily submittable in a civil court of law
- Culpability at the top of an organization is difficult to establish higher in a court of law. Its easy to blame guys down the food chain.

Of course, the FBI should be involved in gathering intelligence and the fight against terrorism. However, the fact that 9/11 does not show up on bin Laden's FBI rap sheet, as so many conspiracy theorists like to argue, does not mean that bin Laden is not responsible.

You cannot be serious. Have you ever heard of jurisdiction?

How can war be declared on an entity that is not even a sovereign nation?

Correct me if I am wrong, but a group of individuals did conspire together on American soil and committed mass murder.

What is the difference between a "crime" and an "act of war," with regards to the event occurring on United States soil?

What country does al Quaeda represent?

What does an al Quaeda uniform look like?

At the very least the Federal Bureau of Investigation could list both parties (Usama bin Ladin and Ayman al Zawahiri), are wanted in their CONNECTION with September 11, 2001 attacks...
I would appreciate anyone's responses to these legitimate questions.
critical thinking is what you are lacking

Parroting is a common psyops disinfo agent tactic when there is little creativity to begin with and entropy of deception in the face of evidence with reason dominates the dysfunctional position.
so now i'm back to being a disinfo agent

How can we trust you are a disinfo agent....

if you ARE a disinfo agent and admit to being one....wouldn't that mean that you're really not an agent?

Or maybe that is just what you want us to think.

There are at least 4 agents here that refuse to use reason and won't recognize evidence reasonably.

What are the chances of that? I mean what kind of internet troll would sit on a thread week after week, with no evidence trying to assert a falacy only to becalled a treasonous infiltrator seeking to support secret methods of mass murder?

Really, who would do that? Anyone whacked enough to do that is going to go too far and get banned. The viewer is observing a psychological operation by professionals.

The internet enables this. DARPA, a divsion of the CIA developed the internet.

The internet started as the usenet which was a giant message board with softwaare hosted on university servers. Since university servers are public property, free speech controls them. After 9-11, truth seekers using free speech would have developed a version of what happened that was quite close after 2 years, EVEN with psyops agents trying to mislead them.

With .com, message boards ar private property where free speech can be banned. This is the reason I've been banned from perhaps 15 message boards. A reasonable person can easily see and admit that I'm not an offensive poster. I might use strong imagry to make my points or create motivatoln to examine them, but generally I only give out abuse that initially comes at me. Then when it returns to whoever started that level of exchange, it is basically relevant in more that one way and not crude.

I depend on Americans who understand the Constituton and due process and a modicum of common knowledge. If you are reading, and you happen to be able to understand most of what I post. Speak up!

I wish to thank for its fair and Constitutionally correct policies. So far, ............. in eight years, this is the best I've seen on .com.

All they did was allow me to use a logical definition of my oppositions obvious intention within this excahnge, which is to "keep the methods of mass murder on 9-11 secret."
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LOL wow
you REALLY do believe this crap
please, seek out professional help

Since you have no verified evidence to support your position, all the perpetrators would have you do is attempt more ad hominum. Of course if they kill 3,000 innocent people in 20 seconds, and then work so hard to keep the methods secret, they don't think people are intelligent or informed enough to be able to realize what agents are doing. Which is acting as basic imposters (Hmmmmm im poster) and pretending they are ordinary citizens with the beliefs they supported with distortions and attitude based.

Because there are a number of agents all on the same page, there is a sembalence of social normalcy.
listen dude, the only place these "agents" are is in your HEAD
you are ignoring the evidence and anyone that tries to explain it to you becomes an agent
don't you see there is seriously something wrong with the way your brain is processing data?

Of course the perptrators are tying to control what people think so you will complain about those that use logic to analyse evidence.

If you were using reason and evidence what you are saying might be reasonable, but you are not.

I at least utilize logic in evaluation of evidence and logically attribute your failures in doing so to a logical intention of supporting the secret methods of mass murder on 9-11.
The psyops depends on false social grouping and false social pressures. It depends on the last 20 years of psyops that created a fear of our government within our populations.

After Iran contra, the savings and loan rip off, BCCI, populations intuitively knew that there was an infiltration and therefore assumed what they psyops intended, that Americans should be afraid of their government.

At that time it was not reasonable. If Americans continue to neglect the needed unity behind Consitutional due process it will be a reality. Of course the government they will reasonably be afraid of then will bear no resemblence to the US government that operates under the Constitution. That will be lost.
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Since you have no verified evidence to support your position, all the perpetrators would have you do is attempt more ad hominum. Of course if they kill 3,000 innocent people in 20 seconds, and then work so hard to keep the methods secret, they don't think people are intelligent or informed enough to be able to realize what agents are doing. Which is acting as basic imposters (Hmmmmm im poster) and pretending they are ordinary citizens with the beliefs they supported with distortions and attitude based.

Because there are a number of agents all on the same page, there is a sembalence of social normalcy.
listen dude, the only place these "agents" are is in your HEAD
you are ignoring the evidence and anyone that tries to explain it to you becomes an agent
don't you see there is seriously something wrong with the way your brain is processing data?

Of course the perptrators are tying to control what people think so you will complain about those that use logic to analyse evidence.

If you were using reason and evidence what you are saying might be reasonable, but you are not.

I at least utilize logic in evaluation of evidence and logically attribute your failures in doing so to a logical intention of supporting the secret methods of mass murder on 9-11.
you dont use logic, you use your paranoid delusions
listen dude, the only place these "agents" are is in your HEAD
you are ignoring the evidence and anyone that tries to explain it to you becomes an agent
don't you see there is seriously something wrong with the way your brain is processing data?

Of course the perpetrators are tying to control what people think so you will complain about those that use logic to analyse evidence.

If you were using reason and evidence what you are saying might be reasonable, but you are not.

I at least utilize logic in evaluation of evidence and logically attribute your failures in doing so to a logical intention of supporting the secret methods of mass murder on 9-11.
you dont use logic, you use your paranoid delusions

If you were using evidence your words would be accurate, since you are not they are manipulation.

The perpetrators would want you to misinterpret my analysis of your intention from understanding your act of pretending to be confused and unable to recognize the concrete core.

The refusal to use logic and reason mark your actions as covert.
Of course the perpetrators are tying to control what people think so you will complain about those that use logic to analyse evidence.

If you were using reason and evidence what you are saying might be reasonable, but you are not.

I at least utilize logic in evaluation of evidence and logically attribute your failures in doing so to a logical intention of supporting the secret methods of mass murder on 9-11.
you dont use logic, you use your paranoid delusions

If you were using evidence your words would be accurate, since you are not they are manipulation.

The perpetrators would want you to misinterpret my analysis of your intention from understanding your act of pretending to be confused and unable to recognize the concrete core.

The refusal to use logic and reason mark your actions as covert.
no, you dont get it
i'm MOCKING you you fucking MORON
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you dont use logic, you use your paranoid delusions

If you were using evidence your words would be accurate, since you are not they are manipulation.

The perpetrators would want you to misinterpret my analysis of your intention from understanding your act of pretending to be confused and unable to recognize the concrete core.

The refusal to use logic and reason mark your actions as covert.
no, you dont get it
i'm MOCKING you you fucking MORON

When you call that fucking moron a fucking moron, does the fact that he is a fucking moron get in the way of his grasping that he is a fucking moron?
you dont use logic, you use your paranoid delusions

If you were using evidence your words would be accurate, since you are not they are manipulation.

The perpetrators would want you to misinterpret my analysis of your intention from understanding your act of pretending to be confused and unable to recognize the concrete core.

The refusal to use logic and reason mark your actions as covert.
no, you dont get it
i'm MOCKING you you fucking MORON

Your attempt at ridicule marks your act as a psyops working to to keep the cover on the fact that the official cause of death determination is erroneous in the murder of 3,000 people.

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